The Herald, 1909-08-06, Page 1VOL. Xs
Misses Nettie and Mary Demuth
of Ashlattd, Wisconsin, are visiting
relatives here.
MissAnita Bell McDonald of
Blake is visiting with her aunt,
Mrs. F. W. Hess,
• Dr, Sellery of Homan is taking a
trip to Ottawa and will •not make
his usual visit to Zurioh on Mon-
day.. " •
Rev. A. D. Gisohler and family,
and Rev. S. M,• Haugh and family
of , Stratford, pieniced at Grand
Bend, on Wednesday.
A very large orowd gathered in
town on Saturday evening, and the
various pieces rendered by the
Band were greatly appreciated,
Mr. George Xibles of Guelph, a
native of. Zurioh 43. in town this
week and is. staying with his aunt,
Mrs. C. Fritz.
Mrs. (Rev.) S. M.Hauch of Strat-
ford gave an .address at the meet.
ing of the Ladies Aid of the
Evangelical church, on Tuesday
Two rinks of Dashwood bowlers
a visited town oh Tuesday. One rink
-sbelat Zurich by 6-23;while the other
' was also up one at the 18th end,
when play was stopped.
Mr. Henry Reieb.eit •of the Parr
Line, is offering his 1•39 -acre farm
for sale, The farm is a, splendid
one and. is nicely situated. Easy
terms will be given.
. Mr. Daniel Smith of the Bauble
• Line, left a tame raspberry cane at
our office this week -Which meases 6 feet and 4 inches in lengtlf.
Dan is going strongly into the
small fruit and his land seems just
right for this business.
Mr. N. M. Gamin has issued a
handsome bookie in connection
with the St ' Joseph
elect it ist
. fist
the e nt, s ook treat
principally with the varlets pro-
ducts raised and marketed along
the projected railway.
Hay Obuncil met here on Wednes.
day afternoon with all members
present. The rates were struck for
this year which are the same to
last, except the P. Village rates
will be one mill lower. A number
of accounts were passed, part lilars
of which will appear in our next
The Official Organ of urich and Hay Township:3
IDAY MbRNIN(I AUG. 6, 1909.
Mr. Bernhardt of,,Preatou is a Mr; Rennie of Hassan, was
,visitnr at the Lutheran Parsonage, in town te.visit Pr -:it.
Mrs. Shaere of Rooliester4 N. Y., me, Sohnettler has a double
is ifsitting hee brother, Mr. V. Fritz- gang of hien einpleYedi, at the
Miss Ma %loser of *Merle°, is cement "cvslke•
visiting ,relatives and friends in The Sunday 0,01601 Of', the Evart -
town. geliaIehu'reh has decited to par -
Mr. Menne •Itipfer of the Parr new English song books.
Line, has erected a barn anti has it my, sanitise Raine who tor the
nearly oompleted. past few months bad been in poor
Two flax gangs are out daily health, has taken a. turn for the
pulling ffax. The crop is not up to -worse and is laid up in bed„',.
the •average. • .a,
arnuers are very buss this week
Mr. Fred Hess of Berlin is home with the fall wheat harvest. Some
for a visit with his parents, Mn, yields along the Lake Road will
anti Mrs F. Hess run from 40 to 50 bushels to the
Miss Idella Fisher of Toronto and acre.
Mrs. Haas of Berlin, are visiting. mr. Addison Koehler who is sin.
their -parents, Mr. and Mrs. Oswald ployed in a bank, in Gt.,atna,
Fieber. , toba.,, is home for a short. visit with
F. W. Hess .and family will leave his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter
on Monday the 9th, for a few days Koehler,
vacation in the Pinery.
of business will be closed till Sat.
Els Pia°45 Mr. Francis Duggan' Field See.
Dominion Alliance, TPrento, will
Mr. Francis Duggan have charge Of the everiag service
deliver an address in the
Dominion Alliance, Toronto, will
Field See. in the Evaugelieal Church, on un
Zurich friends.
day evening. Come and -bring your
Town Hall on Sunday afternoon at •
2.30 o'clock. The address will be in Dr, Oven's Surgeon, Oculist
the interest of the Local Option specialist will be at Royal Hotel,
campaign. Mr. Duggan is one iff Hensel', on Monday,. Aug. 2nd
the formost temperance speakers Hours 2 to 6 p m. Glasses pro-
of Province.. Come and hear him. perly fitted, Catarrh, deafness, fail -
All most cordially invited. ing eyesight and throat troubles
An important deal in the news-
paper business of Parkhill, was The Ladies Aid of the Evangelioal
consummated recently when Mr. church realized nearly' $50.00 at
Wm.. Dawson of the Parkhill their lawn s oda,' heldqn Mr. Jao.
"Gazette Review" purchased the Qrt's lawn and orchardailing list, business and good will day evening. This 1 v,considered '
naast Thurs
. 4
of the Parkhill "Post" from W. E. exceptionally good lizing the 0
ZWASINIW11.11•010•11A•01.1=1111011- ISNI0.01111•11MCSKIMISIS
Prints, iluslins and Ginghams
Prints, good fast color, 30 Maslins regular 15 and 12 1-2
now for
ILOC a yd. : 10c a yd.
• Gingbams regular 15 and. 12 1-2
now for
inches wide for
10 cents.
These are new goods
This is where you get your money's worth.
All Farm Produce taken in Exchange.
Clothier, who has conducted the inclement weather en small ails
latter business there with a eon- mission fee charged,V
siderable degree of success for the •••
past four years. • BOW:LINQ A
Pin tired. of all the sordid cares . . ._
that mark the eity life; the- noise, Two rinks of ..,hie bowlers ()
the pitfalls, and the - snares, the carneto town en rn !ay evening ;le
stratagems and strife; so back to for a friendly game %,+,' 0: '1, the leeal q ;Z4
B ' it Nroll. a very A
Nature let me fly, and, by t 1 -
he ,,,,
woodland streams with star repor- even gFin9, but .4tt
t standing by, I'll weave my was 10 pcApPi *
harad, I fain would. go Zurich
.1 Merrier
Ferd kThss
o. ell, beneath the lordly. oaks
to roam. and in the sylvan dell'
where birds' songs float upon the
breeze, and blooms the -woodland
rose, the kodak men, among the
trees, might catch my every'Pose,.
How sweet to breaths. tlie' Imrer
air, that blows o'er fragrantla-wns,
to sleep at night *without a* care,
and wake in golden dawn?; To leave
these building•s grim and tall. and
541) • 1,./A
Iezuphfll ;.
• • IN a den
P,Rau , Cantelon
W Kibler slr-20 H D Cooke sk-17
HensalI-200000301 020111010200-17
Zurich -023211010201000101014-20 ?
Hensall './.
rang . . Grassiok • ,.
IV •Rowen-Legg Cook ' , . , • ' • .
Dr4am.pbell Arnold •:
Any kind, of shoe you set
out, for, in all the latest
styles. , We are showing
some very fine lines in Wo-
men's And Men's Tan and
Ox Blood Oxfords this season.
and the stock is winning
friends every day. The more
you see of
0.1,75 ,
. . ..
•t lie better yeti willlikethem..
they give genaiae serve
betusa they are made right
...I are fittd right.. The
of style, shows for itself.
They rppresent qual-
refinernent and individuality Nits::::Ikr::::' • '".'
ny and. sre -such shoes p;
we, like to 'sell: • 4.114,0
P.Lenient. sk--10
Brandt sk-23 1.."* F if 7- z
wander off alone, where oity"editors , Zurich -21000200011000i 200000-10 ,
01 10112001210012222 --23
might call me upbytelephone. ensa
!4tt-''fr-1-11" tC:284,Z*;
0° 0
7.71qo entire page would. not be •sufficilentto contain the great. lists of spethils - A
0 t'l faliZ illvt1.5 GI flahrigs for summerw.ear ‘vitich vh,' have :arrayed. for your choos-
.,. • J
i,". '' ..-!-:,,' - 17,t:•.1,,q ':-::•,-?,'It &a 0 better thatiby Malf.,-firia selectiOn from our Stocks of summer `'! ,:iP. '•-::,;..
IF,....,-..r,..::..-H.',;(,!•r) :,•„Sliks, Ready=to.WearGarni
e . HosCore.Und
ntsiery, sts,. erwear,
..) , I
'.•-.'arrnsols, .etc. . • ..
g "
fnk:hionaMe lines. We cordtally invite the
V il ladies to call and look th,roug.h. out 'bins-
' lins Linens, Voiles, Silks, etc, You can
1 o ,
2 :•lave dollars by making your purchase
14 '
1,,,,;ress Goods.• • ,U•MTIER SUITS
sto4q: of summer Drvss
the talk of town, and
leetion -still comprises some of th
:4. .
V. .
our se- , ), Ili ' We 'cle5ire to call the attention of 1 .
Ender . I wine . the men to our Slimmer Suits. Why not t..)
e most * r,,,,,, , ,,.
keep cool •during the Lot weather by I et
wearing suitable Clothes, We have a 1 A
large stock to select from at prices rang- i V
.• ing from $5'.00 to $15,00. They are made 1
up in the' latest styles and cloths. •Call i
We are sole agents!, for the Fa -
1/101118 Plymouth- Twine.
Best by Test.
in and look over them. 6
aby Carriages Etc
• Gold Medal, 650 f0 to pound.
Silver Sheaf, 600 . ti‘
We are offering some Special values Plymouth. Speeial, 5,to ”
.We also carry %. large stock of boys.'
in baby carriages, go-carts, exprem and youth's suits. See our stock of men's
•wagons etc. .A11. hew goods. and strong -' Prices right, Qudlity the Best shirts, newest and coolest; belts, collars.
eamilodortirmtv .77 ties, socks, etc,
ly built, NINITA/{
See us about your eavetroughing,'roofing, or any:iron work, our work is
3 gliaranteed first class.. Al kinds produce wanted.
0 •
%al ',ZZW,i,..--SiaEL,V41.1g- "Sr.„,eaillak =4Alaite.ezies,.11.1
423eCtift0001:3St;isairSiCKenteXa112SUCANC3SCSIS • ,T SClitat44fatMMOVtai="91=341.17;C