HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1909-07-30, Page 5.44 4 ges tisk Lire or all . ped. ere' `he the • )ur ost 8G 55 be )'S :10 �h. • Now for [Bracelets, Brooch- es ail �Eobs. Clif Links, Ladies and Gentlemen. The Latest in Every Line, Net Stook of 9tiou.thgrgafs Single (incl Double ,Keys. . kioilnier?s Best Makes Wat h, • Clock and "jewellery • Repairing 4"YOU' BET" F. W. HESS, JEWE1 1 ER 14. Dmimpar mzeoDatloa6onsobDaweDasaocoaimaD®alp Dress Goods.. consisting of—"taw Prints. Ginghai<ns, 1Viuslirs s Etc. 1 We have opened up our New Stock of Spring and Summer Ha'Al$44LL 'rod Sixiallticombo h,as t#i trip to the West, M:r, and- Mrs John Wr Toronto, are yi'sitirigu frieni;d this'seetion, Misses Irmaadd Ruth, Bax are visiting; then mutt, Mrs L„ at Clarksburg Mrs Billings and family -left week for Forest, their future 1)1a of. residence,. • Mrs Benkolt of Berlin, is ; V )Sitin her parents, Mtn Mrs "J. W. Ortwein. Oliver Geiger: .ot the Mbls ns Bank staff.' is home for his laolictbys. Charlie , MoDonell and. -wife left last week to visit the =Fair at Seattle, 4' R. ()arlisle's'+flew residence is going ahead very rapidly. Zurich ich ng in the ' ys ago Lord B the British o have no ;t Field Mars enthusiast and would ie army, developed,'into ting maohine with the nation ;laboring to. 'ortunately.. he cannot r as there are others in Who ; believe there are glory better worth IIew yttle sense on seine things year's ago when he expressed ere was in )en Space, vamps, to n of a con- halo WNW! Come and inspect before buying elsewhere. Our prices as usual are .RIGHT If hest Prices Farm Produce ®'gin riUGLAS ' Merchant, BLAKE. 473D(®IDODD91AaDGIDIDODIrYNDOD gamagEntMla SOF 2 •� CH EAT MARKET WE keep in stock a 7T full lice o fresh meats, hams, etc. etc Our cuts are noted for their tenderness and wholesomeness. Our aim is to keep nothing but the best. We make our own sau&Iges. Give us a call. YUN IBLUT DEIC aERT SW ra 1JS There is no need .of anyone:, sneer- ing long with this► disease, gr to effect a quick cure i' is only i ces- sary to take a few it of Odle, Releraind' Diarrhea edy n tact, in most cases one dose is sufficient; It never fails and cart be relied upon in the most severe'and dangerous cases, It is equau.Ir 'val- uable for children aria is t'he.Yrteans of saving the lives, of many children each year. • In the world's�history no medicine has evert net with greater succetift. PRICE THIRTINIVE r C $T .$i Pain , own beeasily and quickly stopped. Pink Pistil Tablets.-4he. pn sic • 'N quli teas the ci fropt .. Drug,is Shoop's—stop Reathie ie •womanly Coiigl� 'Ri pains, any pilin,, anywhere, in 20. so theronE, minutes sure. Forint -Oa on the• 256• 'ere ;lye it w box. Ask your druggist or doctor, ethe yonri e about this formula—it's fine. Sold 'leaves Of a Simi by J J Merner, cough is tickling ial.Oough s' Perhaps :hryn to rDnor Shioop's esides, it is b.tt t moth-, fe ty even he tender in shrub,. give to Dr. Shoo .. • li ,Iietuedy �-� +■ •� its remarkable oo.It is DROWNINGS: truly a most' oer sues ,trust. ---- a illy prescril)tf Sold by J J The body of a young man. bareter -, thought to be Arthur Irarie, of An exchange su unexizs Richardson, who has been mussing is a disease lap ,'n: rime Clnn for over a week, was fo't`tudfloating of these' 4 ayfe.:•.Ab J all tvillbe. on the surface of the water in the sumnianed„ insttsl: policemen' outer Louise Basin, Que. when eenneen drnnl , s' are f6 and Ralph Gambol], an Englishman by the waysides It tatters riot. about 30 years old, 'employed on how the unfortune man became Capt. Janes Delaney's farm, lost diseased;—whether' " !' his own. his life while bathing in the waste wilfulness or by in t?ritance••-the weir at lock 7, on the Welland conditions are the sal ,e Who stops; Canal. to inquire. hoax an‘''' nnfortunate Bruno Hobbs, Field Secretary of person gets into the water beyond the International Committee of the his depth. and ,cannot1 swim? The Y. M. C A A. was drowned by the first and foremost impulse is .to upsetting of a canoe at Silver Bay, save them -make the • nepessary N. Y. inquires afterwards. `A common The son and .'d aughtt'r of John drunkard' • cannotsave himself. Marlatt, of Vienna, Ont., aged 14 He needs sued ical j attention at a nd 12, were druwiued while playing hospital. Some Swett day the same ti raft at Big Otter Creek. Christian charity tat will go to on Meson, formely of Tor- .the rescue of dr ning persons -v:a.s found drowned zn the will spread its ngs over the r vel. aoaiamon drunkard nd save' Mm benison, aged 65 years, and his fanialy. i in Lake Simcoe, near , -- -� -.le fishing. THE ADV ANC1v OTIC.E . t son of ` Rev. G. M., 1 rence, was drowned A v clonic might a collected of izxloeent but barba,;, perversions tf' lan ,_ .. The FAIR N .c EXHIBITIONS. Atwood Sept, 28 29 Srigden Oot 5 Brussels ...Sept, 30 Oat. 1 Elyth . , . , Oct. 5 6 lilnzlra . , Sept. 28 29 5inbro', Act, 7 Forests. ,;A .Sept. 29 30 Gerrie,..7,;•••,„., _ .. Oct. 2 "Qocleriol r k Sept. 28 29 30 Kincardine .. Sept. 22 23 Kirlrton . kiept. 30 :Oct. 1 Lucknow .. .. Sept, 23 24 Listowel .Sept. 21 22 London,, , „Sept. 10-4-18 NewIlltiibuz 17 Parkhill„ , . g SvOot�G5 6 Rodney , , Oet. ;4 5 y , . Sept. 22 23 Stratford,,. ,.Sept. 228 29 Strathroy .. Sept. 20 21 22 Thedford Sept. 29 Tavistook Sept. 20 21. Tillsonburg.. , ...... Sept. 28 29 Teeswater Dot, 5 6 Toronto .Aug, 20 to Sept. 13 Wellesley . , Set, 14 15 "Warton .Sep . 23 24 Walkerton. Sept. 16717 Watford..... . ..... . . , Oct. 8 Zurich Sept. 22 23 Lget iillmediate relief frail, s Dr. Shoop's Magic Ointment. Edison RPhonograph A PULL LINE IN STOCK Prices $1,6.50 Up Edison Standard and Em- berol Records for sale- A large Stock on hand, Come and hear them. For close prices on Singer Sewing ma- chines and High Grade pianos and organs .AL, 011 WRITE Hr WELL, 1uriuh Ord, �• .,cup coccus n.axxa* u ec2sc¢edcae si. Open to the World 1 London r n®nm=1O212„ Ontario's Athletic Popular Day- Pilo/Ida ayi o/Ida y ExhibWWlo, Increased Prize List Speed Events Daily Dog Sho1.1 Cat Show The Great Live Stock Exhibition Music 91st Highlanders 7th Fusiliers tt.racticans Program Twice Daily The Best Ever Fireworks . Takea Holiday Each Evening . I and visit. London's Fair ists; #itr'v Forms, Prrtgr*rev J.. RBI D, President. , .. log at the :Parsoloage` ohed morning and Evangelical Church, t: 1 Moyer and his sister S:nechtel of Berlin, 5 at the home of Mr. iebert. aulu. Steinhagen is visiting ale, at Exeter. r. John Preeter' and family of urich, spent Sunday wish friends in this place Mrs..Johneen of 'Blake, is visiting Mrs. George 7i`ellerman, Mr, Jelin Wein is being congrat- ulated over.the birth Of a little sbn into his 'fiin�ly,,; which ` occurred on the twentieth. • Miss Tillie' 'Kibler of LiStowel, is visiting Mr. atid;,Mrs. J; Kellerman. Rev. L. K. Eidt aid family, acoompaived by Rev. W. Basey, spent Tuesday til; the Grand Bend summer resort. The misses Lloy p,bd Olive Fenn of Parkhill, are the guests of Miss 'Ethel lelle;l jnian, Mr.. C1are+'nce Kellerman lost a valuable cow through death. Wedded—In Dashwood, at high noon on Wednesday; Miss rlorence Rhode of this village, to `Mr. Henderson. of London. They will make their future home in London'. We extend congratulations. JOS. SMITH'S SALVE ISA SURE CURB .POB Guts, Bruises, Burns, Scalds, Chapped• Hands, Cold Sores, Chilblains, Boils, Ulcers, Pimples, Running Sores, Poisoned Wounds, Sore:,, Ringworm, Strain, Swot• len knees, inflamed andall diseased, in lured and irritated conditions of theskin, Mr. Matthias Warm of Zurich Oat, says "I was bothered for some time with a run ning sore on my jaw, nobody •knows how painful it was. I doctored for some time bill I tried asalnple of Joseph Smith's Salve, and the result w is so pleasing that, I secured a good supply, Joseph Smith's Salve eased the pain for the first time. I am oared. I am thankful' indeed for niy euro and gladly give you permission to publish my case." Mrs. Andrew Thiel of 'Zurich, says:— "For six months l suffered acutely from sore breasts and doetoredall that time, I tried a sample of Joseph ,Smith's Salve. It was different to everything else I bad tried and it cured me. I aim grateful . for the. euro, as I have never been trended with it shier)." Price 50 cents per box, 3 boxes for $1,50 Obtained Froin W..1CC, Btlrrnssn Zurich, `Ont 11e o :'r •f Engi we .tett , .e latest. Writ in perft ' tly style and most earliest. Doa murder git commit, we hear of:s tl tell it. Do a.migbty chief die, e publish it, and in borders of .sombre. Staff has each one been eKlege, and• writ like Kipling and thDiokens. We circle every town and extortionate not for advertisements...Buy it. Buy it. Tell: each of you its great- ness for good. Ready on Friday. VOTERS' UST 1909 N[UNxUIP LITY OF TRE TOWN- 'strIP OF HAY COUNTY OF HURON. RON NOTICE is,berelay g vett that l•; have transmitted or• delivered to the persons mentioned in tho eighth and ninth ,section of the 'Voters' Ilet Act, tb& copies required ntted.dr tleliv- nt to •,tlift. said <liy' 411e last be,said munThi vers of 1110 ,I4 nioipul • ele4 si posted np. 26t1;i dax''of r inspection, e tush 6 tie r allyother ae immediate yrs corrected by said section: to be tra eyed of the WO inside pty- Ace of all persont%ppeu revised assessmaent;roll' pality at dtep:tib(}s for gislatite t,0seitibly and tionn,a,nd that said lis in thy! ,;ice in71/Mich July 1909 and remains Eleett5rs are called: said list and if any errors are fund there proceedings to have st according to law. E ll Zurich July °28th, 1009 R., CIerlr, e.t 2,:rs CURSkID.4WT6 Tb a r. Manitoba, Saskatchewan,. Alberta S,ec,al Trains leave Toronto 2;00 p.m, on. AP 1, 6, 20 11101Y 416 JUNE 1,18, 29 .ill t3 27 (if t*+1Qv2a 5EPT'r7, 21 "Scutal GID"el ttaketitt in Ontario stations to principal • i4,141twcet points at LOW f'd 9tto-1t 11 RATES Winnipeg and return 532.00; Edmonton and return $42.50.' and to other points, ,n proportion, Tickets 1,,g cpod to return within 60 days from iniac data jt -muni a•'i SLEEPING CARS on nil excursions. Comfortable berths, fully ettitipped with bedding, can be secured sat moderato rates through local agent. Early application must be mad° ASK FOR HOMCOsEKtRV''. PAMFHL%9` containingvitt:840W ulf ittfair* tion. Apply to naares1 C.P,f2. Asent o to Pit.. ntosapamat, Dist. Pass. Act, r onto, way DIRECT LINE NANGE OF GARP Special Rates over all Railroas 11 infoi nlaelon, fru A. M. tiurct Soar IF YOU USE, Royal Household Ave Roses or other Brands of Flour from Rannie's Flour and Feed Store. The best in Groceries at close • Prices, All kinds of Feed on hand. e RANNIE, =ZURICH Highest.price in Cash paid for Butter and Eggs W. J. OA BUNG, O itari for Ontarioo es aint VO> T are not asked to try"a new discovery" nor to make an experiment when you paint with I CIBERTSI S! JR I r Iffi PAIN' It has benn_. ince, sold and used in Ontario for many, many Starr, a'tid•frnm the beginning has -led the mar- • `'ket as an absolutely `dependable product. It is made especially 'to ineef and withstand the par ticular (climatic conditions of this Province --not made to be sold on the Pacific Slope, the Middle Western States oi% the Atlantic Seaboard, but for Ontario —an Ontarit7 Paint for Onts'trio Homes. This is une of the reasons It gives such good service. 'It will pay you to come in for . color card and special prices,,