HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1909-07-30, Page 2Are You UsiDg An Oily Liniment ? Beware of Any Thick, Greasy Liniment That Contains Acids and Strong Ammonia. No doctor would think of prescribing i greasy, thick, amnioma liniment—they sant penetrate and in consequence are Suable to reach the source of pain. The best liniment for general household use $ `Nerviline," which is sold under posi-" live guarantee to cure pain. Nerviline is sure to cure pain because it is immensely stronger than other lini- ments, because it is more penetrating, tecause it relieves the congested condi- tion that excites pains because it . re- itores circulation of the part. Now you eraderstana why one person in three throughout the Dominion of Canada uses Nerviline. These people have test - id it, They 'know how good it is, be - tame in the :hundred and one minor Silo -dents that afflict us at odd. times they found 2*Ierviliieniways cured. Ner- •iline .is an absolute antidote to • pain,. rowerfuI, soothing, and certain in its action. • Nerviline is, inestimably the finest remedy for pain" found in , the world. it of an ache or pain anywhere that Ner- rilin.e does not cure. Try Nerviline for neuralgia, headache, sciatica, lumbago, stiffness, rheumatism -wherever there is soreness or pain, tub an Nerviline and you'II be cured. Refuse anything offered you instead of rerviline, large 25e. bottles, five for $1. ill dealers, or Tlie Catarrhozone Com- pany, Kingston, Ont. -O Gifts of Healing. Peter's shadow had healing power in t. The sick upon whom it rested even or a moment, as he passed by, became ;taxing and well, and rose up cured and sappy. There are those in every eom- aunity who carry Vile them, wherever they go, a like influence of healing and Messing. They bear into a sick room a lelicate sympathy which not only enters tato the experience of the suffering, but puts new cheer and hope into the wart of the sufferer. They speak en- :enraging and inspiring words. Their face has in it a message of cheer wher- wer it appears. They bring some pro- nise of God, some word of hope and encouragement. The discouraged man they meet is made to feel not only that tie has found a friend who is truly Interested in him, but also that, after ill, his ease is not so hopeless as he Imagined it to be, and that he need. not Iespair. He is read again. It Is a blessed thine - cheer tad sympathy t rts.— loi•vtesd. 0 ness an gi the 11 id • ones wn Table s, o in a -few hours d may be beyond. cure. These will prevent summer complaint n ocoasionaly to the well child, and will promptly cure these troubles 1f they come unexpectedly. For :this reason Baby's Own Tablets should al- ways be kept in every home where there ire .young children. Mrs. P. Laroche, Les Fonds, Que., says: "Last summer my baby suffered severely from stoxu- tteh and bowel troubles, but the prompt administration of Baby's Own Tablets brought him through splendidly.' Sold by medicine dealers or by- mail at 25 cents a box from the Dr. Williams' Med- icine Co., Brockville, Ont. ADMIRAL BERESFORD Hero of Alexandria Will Open Canadian National Exhibition at Toronto. Admiral Lord Chides Beresford, who has accepted en invitation to visit Cenada to open the Canadian National 1paaitio>i ' at Toronto, is known to fame as ,the great leader in time national defence naovemeut now agitating the whole ,empire. Lord Charles, who is the second son of the Marquis of Waterford, first be.:. known to fame at the bombard- meat of Alexandria, when he sailed the little Condor into water too shallow for the big battleships and silenced a battery that was doing great damage to tihe'British fleets. "Well done, Condor," WWI the signal that floated from the flagship after the Wattle, and the young Lord was known as "Condor Charlie" till more dignified titles crowded the name into comparative obscurity. . Acl- miral Beresford can do, other thins be sides fight. He has three medals for life- saving, has written a Life of Nelson and several treatises on naval matters, is an: all-round sporting man, and is known all over Britain as a warm-heart- ed Irishman. Every Time. ' Teacher—Willie, can you tell me what comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb? Willie—Our landlord; when he comes for the rent and gets it. Little Kindnesses. rot gave on the way a pleasant smile And thought no more about it, It cheered a life that was sad the while That might have been wrecked without It;, And so for the smile and its fruitage fair You'll reap a, crown some time—some- where. You spoke one day a cheering word,. And passed to other duties; It warmed a heart, new promise stirred, And painted a life with beauties. And so far the word and its silent prayer Town reap a palm some time—somewhere. Fon lifttin kinddneess g fallen one, it saved a soul when help was none, And won a heart for heaven; And so fdr the help you proffereG there You'll reap a joy some Dtime—somewhere, .13IOItBRS• Minard'e Liniment Cures Diphtheria. a+a CONCRETE DWELLING HOUSES. (Toronto Star.) It is said that Mr. Edison's plans for Inexpensive concrete houses are now completed. For $1,200 the great inven- tor promises to build a house measur- ing 25 by 30 feet, with six rooms and bath, with a cellar under the entire building, provided with boiler, wash bub, and coal bin, and with an eight - toot porch. The roof, as well as the walls, will be of reinforced concreat. There will be nothing of wood except doors and -windows. The house can be finished in a fortnight. L. This 1s a concentrated extract of spices that flavors and preserves catsup. It does not darken the tomatoes like spices, but leavesd them their natural red color. Catsup e with Parkes' Catsup Flavor never sours, looks better and tastes better than that made by the old fashioned way. A trial will con- vince you. Sold at fisc by your grocer or sent Dost paid for 30e. Catsup Nevar Sours when Parkes' Catsup Flavor and Preserver Is Used Parke St arke Druggists HAMILTON, . - CANADA HOW HAVE YOU DECIDED, MY BOY ? Ewe -O l'trii 'uu' +, M"let 074.0 'TMriti.y march with the piTial or ing in fear. You may find the world cold, or be warmed inr In fear.• You may wisely create or destroy; You may dawdle along through. the glor- ious a3.vs. You may stray with the lazy in profitless ' ways, Or bravely set forth to be worthy of praise; How have you decided, my boy? Are you going to face without fear what sou must? Hams you hoisted your banner, by boy? Have you made up your mind to be 'worthy of true,. To stand for your rights and to dare to be prod? In the stress and the strife and the joy. You may hide 1n dismay at the end of the year You may feel that the earth is all barren; and drear, - Or the world may be fair and the skies may alearI How have you decided, any boy? - know. $llx means a *v'o time .And cieaukng. Whether; water, no off li juryso asq 'auns as fresh tight as u i7- 14.411414. ,y>ac r. , 6 CONST.el.BL One 'church made demands hibiting the tra striding the sal ing for severe against the mora well and it xray was a timewhe uaake men better tgYnes th lay ]rigs. n declar-` o reach a e nor drink. of meat, work e by . artificial light,. s little about making ever allow ambition to ;London GIobe. ,mow i aaz,e.tr$ as' W%tetei ree ii.ecaaev ;g ai Caesar, but wit.,..., . e Word. It as no also la • with the cries for lie res,rtin men in what many thin llarmless'.enjoy- ments, come con a of• a "decline in the spiritual Life • the community. May not the two ings slave; a,.etih- nection? If the constable is to keep people in the right path, where.is the. preacher's usefulness • What the:Editor •Cannot Do, • Don't think becesese the reporter. sees you getting onthe train that he ought, to know who you are :.rid where you are going, or if he si=ns you greet some friend that he know:, who theAltie anti where they are frons. We aim to get dile the news, but you a 'iy be the one we don't happen to !:now. We try to become familiar with manes es and faces, if possi- ble. Bat during the ;Fears past we have been to church and failed to see you there; we have 3i):' around the town u weren't there; street; we've been xi on back streets ut you weren't all anged if -we know So if you are gn- anybod cutting know.-- l pump, but some we have loafed on risked. our repute on a dark night there. And we'll where to find yon lug or coming, or • queer capers, 1 o ad,. on z r- , SRI; sgs• ,'(j36fi SORESr8lkeKt• �a 74.4*IMPLL1S.SCr,3FtA ',So"' s assu117A"fs$.aC;xiICA 15a0 L:GS.Ig' 48.28E stens a BONS csM'r£s 55305;jr, YAi rL:lttliaa C,lCKETEP.S, A 'C"CbMTS, OCYWt6, FGA} ER$ 1 f$ S:. eo C;rNEIZA Ly iY Wheys troubled with sun,- Il�r 9 bltstors, insect snags, Sore feet, or heat n° hes, apply am-Buk ! ,- Surprising hove quickly it eases the6nssrtin, and sti ttg! Cures sores on young b nes ;isle : to chafing. `:ani-;3uk is made, frofl pare herbal essences. No anima fats-- no ats-na mineral poisons. Finest ?realer earet4isis and Stores carry 'here. • MR. TIFFIN AND THE G (Toronto Saturday Mr. E. Tiffin, the'G'r.'T. R. ent atAllandale, has a divi -grades. One Sunday being 'get home, he was going ro o e ora a fa sz _lit t WIRE WOUNDS. My mare, a very valuable one, was badly bruised and cut by being caught in a wire fence. 'Some of the wounds would not heal,. although I tried many different medicines. Dr. Bell advised me to use MINARD'S LINIMENT, di- luted at first, then stronger as the sores began tom look better, until after three weeks, the sores .have healed and best of all the hair is growing well, and is NOT WHITE as is' most always the case in horse wounds. F. M. DOUCET Weymouth. COUNTS DEFEAT. (Woodstock Sentinel -Review.) There are some things the church might do—put an end to war, stop race -track gambling, discourage fishing on Sunday and the like; but when the church undertakes to dictate fashions to women it assumes a task which can bring it nothing but defeat and humil- iation. @"P Mlnard's Liniment Cures Colds, etc. Tale WAR srucur ION. (Ottawa Citizen.) Here is the strategical situation in Europe in tabloid form: Backer (to J. Bull, heavyweight champion of the world) : That big ,Ger- ream round the corner has gone into training to lick you. R' 3. Bull (suspiciously) : '.!;hat's a war satire I Backer: Not on your life! it's the goods. He says he -will be ready to look you next year. Bull: You tell .him that ifhe doesn't stop training right now, lick him NEXT. WEEK. see FULLEI, . PARTICULARS ,> DESIRED, "Mildred, it must have been late when that young man went away last night." "Why, mamma, just as soon as the clock struck 11 he rose to go." "I .don't doubt that, .child; but When did he get away?" 01 ONTARIO. ARTS EDUCATION THEOLOGY METII"CNE SCIENCE (Inducting Engineering) Students registering for the first time before October 21st, 1909, may con- plete the Arts course withbut attendance, For Calendars, write the Registrar, GEO. T. CROWN, Kingston, Ontario: Too Good to Be True. "Why, I declare!" exclaims the trusting ,wife. ''T won't have to buy any new dresses or hats. • at an this spring!". "You won't?" a•ks the erafte hus- band. "Surely y ' , wilt need ,some- thing ' "libf a.••throng.. thronfil' :'thp rno zine t1iS1t°�'you br akin of x1p.that ; `,ir'l age itt Ant1 •the eraf gloating oye; t'seht3mb •J. -pas en. St last `Year' in his chair a and smokes, NOTIOE--A11 'De ach and Bowel Tro and certain hbrne address to •Pre i Howard Medicine Co. a. t'ocltviile, one Ink - Ink for. M king Oases. see is. prepared.by f extract of log- -v ater, adding . two. ate of 'potassium. •ve. been - loosing 's faehions•inaga- it ) onse., for• :me,- isn'tt'th -slight- cont last'sprarxg,, band,, j.nwarcily uCCess. of . ;llii3 tis year's cover ,ine, leans bats' es and smokes ffering from $tom- may have a quick y gontiing nitrate and tenon, Inept.," -Dro '0„ .1O�' 1.9()9. 'NT$ WA!'NTL--p`. 'WA r D-NasIicxrliZTY Ql�' al required.: " liberal induce nente, Tyler, wbolosale tea importer ^sudor, Looden, Out, HELI' WANTED. A Good` General Servant who, can clo cooking. Small Family.. HIGHEST WAGES MRS. JOHN M. EAS'TWOOD,,. `Hamilton, Ont. 'J IIE LAST TT.FUUiE DAYS. Senator Tillman was condemning the, divorce haws of the North. • "Your Southerner has just one glory" he said; "and when he gets rich _ he sticks to her. He lets her share en her old days in the fortune that she helped. to pile up. That, it seems to me, is, more equable than -the Northern idea, of discarding the faded wife, - when.. success is attained, for a beautiful chor- us birl of 18 or 19 summers." Senator Tillman frowned. "The way Northern marriages so oft en end," he said, "you'd think matri- mony was a dreadful thing. You'd be, inclined to look at it as a little boy in. Boston did. "Pa,' he said one June day, `II. hear Uncle Joe is going to be married on the Sth." Yes,' said the father. 'Uncle Joe - dos only three days more.'' theyg"The little boy sighed." "'The last three days,' he said, 'they- give ive them eeveything to eat they lisle for, don't they, pa?'"—St. Louis (lobe Democrat. - Ambidextrous Vol.' Player. A correspondent at Sydney, Australia,. writes that a bogey competition was re- cently won at Hunter's Hill out ', there- by Robert Smith, "whose game iso, tieularly interesting' from the fact he is an ambidextrous player.". He carries' around about a number of "left" and right" clubs, and it is a matter of suer difference to him which he f:' f a match wore to be ight'handed against tided" no one caul would be safer o£'nig toro�", - dale, and Mr. Tiffin from the t caboose was impatiently . view puffing locomotive laboriously the ascent. "Where's the top of this grade, An son?" the Superintendent askedtlie' ductor. "That pine, sir," said the "con.," point- ing to a tree on the crest ahead "P11 have it moved down this wxay" announced the lord of the d'i'vision, with' decision. But it's there yet. oils • Quite a Shock. Bridegroom (expectantly)—Now, my dear father -iii -law, I with to say just a word about my debts Father-in-law (slapping him on the back)—Did you say debts? Why, day boy, P11 bet my debts exceed yours tliree to one!"—Fliegende Blaetter, Ink for marks dissolving ten p wood in 500 parts parts of yellow e The formation of •the' sediment does not - harm, as it is only necessary to stir it up with the marking brush. W1ten, necessary, water may be added. Another ink is obtainedby dlsselving some gluni den= in oil of tu'rni xttahe; ,whish ie quiekl, effected' by the application of a ' little hat. In this weak -varnish, tt black color' in stirred, which", nuast be ' very finely ground. After use, the oil of tur- pentine is volatilized and the gum 'se- cures the colon to the, wood.; This mark- ing ink should be kept in well -closed bottl 's, and will then. remain good for years. If the color has bgeome too thick it eau be rednneed with oil of turpentine. .ve'Is Minard's Liniment Cures I-istcfi per: o A Carefftl Driver. First Chauffeur " io'ybu'find out who you have rain ov - Second Chesil ways read the Of course, I al - A WINDSOR LADY'S APPEAL, To All Women: 1 will send free with full instructions. any home -treatment whirlh Festively cures Leucorrhoea, Ulceration, Displacements, Falling of the Womb, Pain- ful or Irregular periods, Uterine and Ovar- ian Tumors or Growths, also Hot Flushes, Nervousness. Melancholy, Pains in the Bead, Back or Bowels, Kidney and Bladder troubles, where caused by weakness peculiar to our sex. You can continue treatment at home at ."Woman s Own Me12 dical Adviser " alsn free on request. Write to -day. Address, (firs. M. Summers. Box H. 8, Windsor, ,Ont, o A Turkish Lawyer. Things are moving in Turkey, and it seems as if the advocate will no longer be looked upon as one possessing no calling nor even profession. The Young Thrice have accomplished a veritable re- volution. Henceforth the advocate will be pefreetted to have his note paper "heeded';" bearing his name, profession, address nd even the number of his tele- .plione. The advocate, it is true, is not yet permitted to place on the paper the hours at which he can be consulted, nor Thus ,;; n she les dumber to was iving him scolding he s, rred uneasily, In has eyes, 'and sang out in a E voices ' s" fih ce este blows! The blo-o-o-o-ws!"—C. W. T. o.♦ Red, Weak, Weary, Watery Relieved by Murine Eye Remedy pounded by experienced physician rine doesn't smart; soothes eye Write Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago,. for illustrated Eye Book. At druggists.. Cross Movement of Stars. The Scientifie American contains the following in a recent issue: One of the, most surprising results of the cross mo tion of the fixed stars, as projected on the background of the sky, s the grad- ual falling to pieces of the familiar eon- stellations. The stars aro moving in all' sorts of directions, some faster and some slower, and. the inevitable conse- quence must be that in a few centuries. the whole face of the heavens will 'he - se changed that, if we could come back again to our earthly life, we should not recognize them. Of course, a very long period of time will be required to - produce a very great transformation. o - Minard's Liniment Cures target it>r Cows. waso, IN FOUR LINES. (Pittsburg Gazette Times.)- Edward imes.)Edward Everett Hale's whole biog- raphy might well be written in the four - lines that occur in his story, "Ten Times. One Is Ten:" To look up and not down, To look forward and not back, can he havi+•a tariff of honorariums;— To look out and not in -and .London Globes 10'I To lend n handl THE BEST WOODEN PML Can't Help But Lose Its Hoops and Fall to Pieces. You Want Some- thing Better ome-thing.Better Don't You? Then Ask. for Pails and Tubs Made of DY'S each Ono el Solid, Rfaeetciard;, Lasting MMI (� , +pp�j Without atloopor Seam Just ea Gare „es Ir ll,� M� 'Y �;