HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1909-07-30, Page 101# '' . •, , ' * L , 1,--i- NEV); ' ,.,- • . - ;,) 3--,-'''S- , -,41`"-•,---ei-i:l..?•-.,•,tr.---,-4•••••ct-1.,,,:41,?,"Vat'4"VA-Nk4"1?4°V,- 11-449.0,0/ .1r, Flula-ottel',%Plolikiroan pf Galt '''1(**414,1 is in town visiting his paf,ents, ' Mr',•Pet • ' datko'b, erg, Mr,„ 1 Api)el and, son Roy, are ,P . .., , Attnur n. o vor, visitingfimlatives 'in New nap top.rg, , •-,,,„ •.: #,# totd, vtointty. , 0.; Mi (v) i,,,,, Mr. s.nd MrS. Q. 'Fritz 'left for, , „ Detroit on Stan-rd.:dr moromg to visit friendg and to sco the City n.O! Hay Township.] • • . LY 30, I909 el 'to. D. S. ts:, mus - installed 's store, enience of tertaining . shoe' as taken y gentle. The Zurich IntSehtql, team is at Clinton today (.F/•;i,d'ity) to take the 7110.a§111f6' of th6 tht A few screen tloo s,;t,screeno.'•win. (low's, lawn tnowerf-1, , etc. :,`C; left ivhio)t`w•ll'i clear out at • greatly reduced prices., J. Pree'ter. ••'Rt'. M. Platten, and family of Stratfiad, M,..0 spending their (It.1•Ye -with 'Mr;. and Mrs. Philip Picture /ranting done on shortest noticemoderate. All kinds ,Rt fit,r,m' produce taken in ex- . 'Cliang8; At Rart,leil);ss. ••\,•• Mr .A1 +.11.1 tr Kellerman of Dash, ••weod. 8. /%.retl ari excellent Eats- , stryna,„*.v -dress in the Y. P. A. of sit..-,:i.p.••;cal churc. on Thesday- rendered: in the ••nquest., relating, to the death of -1Ite; late Mrs. $ of Buyfleld. 'as that •seta was atturdered' ort • r etiar liVe 'weeks' visit at Berlin, • ,” . Thi h1 Ind t1514.1S614.03.401* 7,',1,..6e6iv to •4've:•••:41111il,•il'Ag (.i:11) proiniffiPoPt ef•rOP,4' assured;';', " -',•'.; '.1''•• • ' - Gilt Bine IwiPe,,_, • oP.I., g Witlfgyi!etit 0004: T „ttja;- i•ity-elio h giVen, It NI' .1114,: al, ‘-re- por't it the•'hest'.. tiylai7 ;I -to try! 0,r.n.(.1 ,,bEt, ebrivinecd. At Harl9klys, . • !kite eveningseryi, e in S • t r s Lutlietsn Ohureh, rill b6,'cbridneteci In Eneifgli;:' the Sermbn'will. be op the, • sea.'N. Mpresenting •lac as a. voyage' ove'f-attrbulen.t Sea to '0.1.0 desired haven.. All are terclially invited to attend.' • .-; Mr. AllanEsiertas7:,purchasedi Destructiviaer 'his Dr • 1. n $ - t 11 tt k accrairea. tvv1,1 sedions in ,the sante i•V. 11: ban. rhe . to- Wetaskiwin province. raey tile lOcated. about waS: .1,it ' ...wipi;t1 Mit by a, It gixty .tmles fro-ni a ,. 1.1 ay 47 hurrican , prcl,ti• afternoon, present, alth.o,agli the 0. 1".k.f..t, has • tr9:, ny beinteeft standing. line, Suryed within a short , rrinb,er 6rsettl ''.: shacks were ' 110 • 1 be v .".P.oyttI nt1.17", Aug. oak a trip day. One the other Zurich Preeter earner pple sk-32 c/ighoffe!: lek bell atnpbell nont sk-12 uric)/ won by Edegho Tiernan • TE PIC?1,:ttit sk-20 Qn the t•WcJ ppii4s, and.. oui.baFs-, are well Pleases:1 with thd. reeitalt.,tieses, tb.ey ` hate hArd'very little • nte visited .,,;sitobs. The on the O. 480'acreskiand vatidcglgrog 4 I "stalloP,“ ".N • a $$ overturned 'fliat •district, 1. • 0she -4 --•-- en # '1.006r .i);1,4coi4',.,ret ;leg. da,nlage 'We kiti'aikigli)reC1:13-1 •a Pierson,. A , 6 stortu,:rti,Act,•4 Elstnw, -but „ear of publict4.41n, l'144°.°1 4,,tr 4(.11'1411S" •Xallinka. Oar tt.g, 4. X .•not irk:vain. -Wh3 e t., dieiriot la ba tardily 11, welia-fte n Olt.' doing •Ons ble damage IseHilfe iros witty to Pr0llIrrt70."14'''''''; !i.e46„-aki1 ".614t.c'trletiiir •be repeated uglkort t tee against the t' ns WW1tAteMMWANAriYM r 14. e, , • Prints, fluslins an inches wide for a yd. 10e• vd„ • Ginghams regular 1.5 and 12 •1-2 - 1cents; 'These a.re new g NOW IS YOUR ..‘fiAirrcE. This is where you, get you modey's worth. All Farm Produce taken in Exchange. • a a FAUST —110 ZURICH fiMSUMPAWIfl MMMWMPAVIMMWARAMM OHS . •;',. .; ,i': • ' '' I Prints, good fast color,• SO Binsi Iff$ .,regu1„r i f.litild la -, 11 ., ficIA- ...:,,.,,..,....„.,,,,..,„,..,....„.,..,,,.,..,..,..,..,.,,,,„• ar, , ot: O.0 ,?.. ‘7, Any lend of shoe you set out for, iri all the latest tyles.. We are - shoWing some very .6ne lines in Wo- men's and Mens Tan and Ox Blood oxfords this tleason and the stock is wnning, friends every da. The more yon see of 00 11100T 3.003.I ufacture tiers, ricultural imp e nts, took is said to beini- e extent of more titan 0.;:g ril. 1 .."1/1 O grp 'prruti. of our s in the past our tenth deoted, to the best f its citizens. ' There )ten shortcomings. brit where thers, man that could, not im- p ove •his opportunities that are pat and gone? The editor has no apslogy to make for the past and will strive, to make the year just OICCIM atm -tint enconragement. Tbet 'atm is passed on the man's .0,1f.n.:'oresii. The birds are among .1;10lt .1 ,.•st friends that.. man: ha., TheV aronature's rentedy against a ,nlagint of des- tructive isects. The. .ser ice they render by ii..eepinz tr.,pt life in Cheekis bevonel Ca:101114W11, With- out tbellirds, life worlilltr rendered started, a prosperous one, for one into1m/01e by the un,rkieelell spread • 4 and all, of insects and weedS' WO like to sell, 0. FRITZ X:7* PliEk8ON $110E5 They gve, gtaul:th because they are made right and are fitted rght. The refinement and individuality of style shows for itself. They represent builtip qual ity and are such shoes ..T.t i4 ik ,ZLIF?10,H =aailIC31i3Ze3k3CK34=ttEME:3181Z:le801481222842KAt3aC3*33=3:E>Z3k3C130g0a8:12319304>Z380KIICWW.," 04. This entire page would not be sufficie in all kids of things for sum ler wear le, hg % You can't do better than by rualin Dress Fabrics, Silks, Ready=to=Wear '0 Collars, elts, Parasols, etc. Summer Dress Uoods • , Our stock of. summer Dress Goods has been the talk of town, and Our se- . le'the still comprises some of the most fashionable lines. We cordtally invite the ladies to call and look through our Mus- lins, Linens, Voiles, Silks, eta. You can save dollars by making your purchase here. aby Carriages Etc • We are offering some special values in baby carriages, go-carts, eXpre.1S.. • , wagons etc. • All new goods and stron- builtSee &bout your g.uaranteedfir$t Class. •. t to contain the great lists of specials "Itch we have arrayed for your choos= selection from our stocks of summer lents, Hosiery, Corsets, Underwear, „1111,' PLY hde We are 'sole age eor the •Fa - melts . Plymov Twine. Best by 12t.VEGIMilLitlIttSZESITY.7212.1.1uSciat.sm 11 Tc Gel:I:Medal, 650 'feet to pound,. Silver Shea'f, 6,00• " C 4 Plymouth SMar, 550 Prices right Quality the Best eayetro,ighirig,t afing, or Allkinds prduce wanted.- • • RANSUMarci SUPATIER SUiTS We desire to call. the attention ,of the men, to our Summer Suits. Why not keep cool during the hot weather by wearing suitable cloth( s We have a large , stock to select from at prices rang- ing from $8.00 to $15.00. They are made up in the latest tyles and cloths. Call •.in and look over them. We also carry „ti, hzie stock of boys' and yuth's suits. Soo our stook of men's shirs,newest and coOlot, belts, collars, ties, soks, ,etc. • anylron work, our-Work 67.17 OW/ 1,6twatx.ltri- "9.coor„..,402zscav r,azoexmuo.,c30gioalmnratm ww-usfzeolav • , , &WY Z Li IOH- '312.14303:381COA.:21.=,Vi.".>