HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1909-07-23, Page 51 1 The Zurich Herald. New Jewellery.� Now for (Bracelets, -Brooch- es and Fobs, Cuff Links, Ladies and Gentlemen. , . , The. Latest in Every Line. New Stock of Mouthorgans Single, and Double Keys. Hohner's Best` Makes Watch,' Clock and Jewellery: Repairing • "YOU BBT" • W. HESS, JEWELLER pa®QDCZONDQD0lilD aD®)dD®®ODmINDOMMAIHID®011 We have opened up our New Stock of Spring and Summer Dress Goods.. consisting of"®, 8p 1 Prints. Ginghams, liduslins Etc. ..mmm.. Come and inspect before buying elsewhere. ' Our prices as usual are RIGHT Highest Prices 8 8 1 1 B For Farm Prodnee 1 Rei N.DOLICLAS 9 General Merchant, 13 1, A In E. gDO112110ODOCIDODO®OD(IMCUODfBRSDODCMIEDOD6®D0D IMID , That New Winter Suit. When looking fog; your new SF inter Suit,, do not forget to give us a call. We have a fine. range of Tweeds, Worsteds, etc., to choose from. Our prices are as cheap as any. Suits made at short notice. We also have a large number of Samples to select, from. Laundry in connection. .HWF AN a• s ZUR I OH n o I MEAT MARKET IE keep in stock a full line o fresh. meats, hams, etc. etc Our outs are noted for their tenderness and wholesomeness. 'Our aim is to keep alothing but the best. We snake our own sausages. Give us a call. Y UNCEBLUT & DEICHERT. Mr, Arthur Holtzman of Crediton visited friends in town this week. The voterslist of the 1.'ownsbip of Hay contains 960 names, distrl bated as follows: -Part I, 805; part Ii,: 113; part III, 42. The number elegiblo,toserve as Jurors is 519. ]kir. Robert McKinley's barn, .at the .Goshen Line Stanley, was struck . by ligbtning, yesterday (Thursday) about 11 o'clock and was burnt to the ground together with a quantity of hay.. The loss will be quite heavy, although it is expected that it is partly covered by insurance. Ono barn neaal by was saved. STRAYED. There strayed onto my premise,,, Lot 5, Con. 17, lay, on Monday the 19th inst., one red and white spotted steer, 2 years' old. Owner may recover same by proving property and plying all expenses. Wan. Heckman, 52-3. Dashwood P. O. The statement of , Rev. George Gilmore of Fingal, that Port Stanley is being run "wide/open" on Sundays has met with a ,flat contradiction from Chien of Police.. Prouse of the village. Mr: Prouse challenges Mr. Gilmore to produce his evidence of open violation of the law, Other residents of the place also deny the .existence of conditions such as chrged by Mr. Gilmore. There is no need ,of anyo o suff4r- ing ong with thstto effect a quick cure r is only aces- sary to take a few d8ses of . borisloes Collo, Cholua and Olavehea Moody In fact, in inost•eases one dose is sufficient. It never fails and can be retied upon in the most severe and dangerous cases,. It is equally liable for children and is the means of saving the lives of .many children each .year. In the world's history* no medicine bee ever stet with greater success. PR1OE THIRTYaPlli1 1ENTS Ilmirrimpalitligagsfaliwftmiemommaamormaimeameniam o Pain can be easily and quickly stopped. Pink Pain Tablets—Dr. Shoop's—stop Headache womanly, pains, any pain, anywhere, in 20 minutes sure. Formula on the 25o. box. Ask your druggist or doctor about this formula—it's fine„ Sold by J J Merner. Automobiles are becoming more and more popular, and the demand for them is consequently enormous. One- city in the United States'is putting 35000 machines on` the market this year. .As the output increases, the price, for economic i easons, conies down. Thus motors are much cheaper now thanthey were a few years ago. It is predict- ed that before long they will be within the reach of persons of quite moderate means, and everybody will then be ab1c: to have a car. It into be hoped that somebody will have invented by that time a sweet savor for distribution among the pedestrian' as the auto swishes along. NOTICE It fluty not be otit of place to call attention of rural school 'trustees to the fact that the Government Eines a grant oi' $100 to any section tbat pax chases an acre of land for at school garden, and also gives stn annual grant of $20 to the trustees. and $30 to the teacher where tie 'worst is carried on. The terrible itching and"'smarting incident to certain ,skin .diseases, is almost instantly allayed by apply- ing Chamberlain's Salve.: Price, 15 cents, For sale by J 3 Merner, Boys and girls should' learn to swim as it is an' accomplishment that may save their- own lives end" those of others. Having learned. to :swim they should next learn, hbwever, not to take risks . by swimming when overheated, or just after eating 11. hearty zneal. No matter how well one swims, there is need for good sense and caution, Farmers, beware ! If a smooth. tongued gent comes to your pre. ises stating that he is sent to examine your stock, for foot and. Walkerton *mouth disease, lee sure lie has Watford official authority for doing so. And..Znrich ' FAIRS sr EXHIBITIONS. Atwood;:., .Sept. 28 29 13rigden . . , , Oct. 5 Brussels wept. 30 Oct. 1 Blyth. • . . Oct. 5 6 Elmira, ... , .... , . , Sept. 28 29 Eaabro , , ... ....Oct. 7' Forest .. ., Sept 241 30 Gerrie.. , ,,.„ ,.,� ...Oct,,2 Goclerioh .. .. Sept, 28 29 30 Kincardine . Sept, 22 23 Kirkton .. .. .Sept, 30' Oct. 1 Lucknow . , . , Sept. 23 21 Listowel Sept. 21 22 London , . , Sept.. 10-18 New Hamburg... , , ,. Sept.; 16. 17 Parkhill..., , . ....Clot. 3 6 Rodney.. - . , Oct. 4 5 St. Mary.. . Sapt.•. 22 23 Stratford:. .,.i Sept. 28 I9 Strathroy. x Sept. 20 21 22 Thedford . .. Sept. 2,9 Tavistock: . Sept. 20 21 Tillhonburg . , .. , . ..... Sept. 28 29 Teeswater .... Oct, 5 Ei Toronto , .. , , , Aug. 30 to Sept. 13 Wellesley. , ., .... , . , Sept. 14 15 ..,Sept. 23 24 S.ept..1187 ..,.Oct.'• 8 ,j3ept. 23 23 m Wiarton' The Judge of the County Court of the County of Huron, will hold a Court of Revision, Tuesday the `20th day of July, at the Totynship Hall Zurich, at the hour of 10 o'clock in the forenoon, for the purpose of hearing and determ ing the several appeals from the Court of Revision of the Township of Hay of 1909, All persons interested in said: Court are herebynotified. to attend.. Fred Hess Sr:, Clerk. Zurich July 14th. 1900. EXETER, S. Fitton, J. Triebner and `Te Carling , attended the ' shocting tournament at London, last week. Mrs..W..L White and daughter, of Ottawa are visiting with Mrs. John White. , a E. J. Spackman who has 'been in business at .Blenheim for some years has sold out and intends going West. A number from here attended the Crebiton--Zurich ball game on Friday, evening. Thomas IIanbforc1 returned. on Saturday from Winnipeg. the most heartless manner. st olei r nt the eartwhle tn• again don t pay him any n oney, the Government does that. This is about the latest swindle out so don't be caught napping. Nothing in the way of a cough is quite so annoying ' as a tickling teasing, wheezing, bronchial Cough the quickest relief comes perhaps from a prescription known to Druggists everywhere as Dr Shoop's. Cough Remedy. And besides, it is. so thoroughly harmless that moth- ers give it with perfect safety even to the youngest babes. The tender leaves of a simple mountain shrub, give to Dr. Shoop's .Lough Remedy its remarkable coative effect. It is truly a most certain and trust- worthy prescription. Sold by 3 J Merner . APPEAL DISMISSED. The appeal of the trustees of the St Joseph separate school, to have all Cathohes living within three miles of the school assessed as supporters, was dismissed lay Judge Doyle, liege on Tuesday. The main reason for dismissal was that notice of same was not legally given at the Municipal Court of Revision, held the first week in June, Big Manufacturers' Display.The display in the M'ai.ufat�turers Building at the ()audio, National Exhibition this year promises to eclipse anything ever seen there before. Every inch of space in the big building, which covers two acres of ground, was applied for three months before the opening of the Fair ,t sin d ars more applications are pouring in every day, the Management have been able to select exhibitiors who put in attrae.. tive display. There is no better evidence of the growing popular- ity of the Canadian National than the anxiety of the manufacturers to display their wares there. From the new United States tariff Canada need expect little. Some of the rates have been reduc- ed, but in these cases the drop has been made in the interests of the United States soley. Other rates have been Inrgely inczefsed, notab- ly those on farm products. The duty on oats has been jumped from 15 cents to' 20 cents a bushel. That on rye has gone tip from 10 to 20 cents. Wheat has been lifted from 20 to 30 cents a bushel, Ileitis from 12 to 20 cents, and potatoes from 25 to 45 cents. Tariff reforms, that make the duties higher are not so drastic of tree all,—Mail and Etnpire. BASEBALL. On Thursday evening the local ball team boldly invader. the neigh- boring village of Crediton, and in 4. .! PI E get immediate Mid f .from Dr. Shoop's Magic Ointment. wereseeep000se Edison Phonograph A ]i ULL- LINE IN STOOK Prices $10.50 Up Edison Standard and Em- berol Records for sale— A large stock on hand. Come ." and hear thew. For close prices on Singer Sewing ma- chines and High Grade pianos and organs CALL OR WRITE . a WELL, Zurich, Hta . 'I'icer>�m�.s�iC�;csz®ec+�r�toj+. JOS. SMITH'S SALVE IS A SUM CTJIi,E VOR Cuts, Bruises, Burns; Seaide, Chapped Hands, Cold , Sorbs,' Chilblains, Boils, Ulcers, Pimples, lt,u)aeing Sores, Poisoned Wounds, Sores, Ringworm., Strain, Swot len Knees) inflamed and all diseased, in jured and irritatedconditions of the skin, Air. Matt hies Worm of Zurich Ont, says "1 was bothered for score time with a run ning sore on my jaw, nobody' knows how painful it was. I doctored for some time till I tried. a sample of Joseph Szaneh's. Salve, and the result was so pleasing that I secured a good supply. Joseph Smith's Salvo eased the pain for the first time. 1 wan cured. 1 am thankful indeed for my euro and gladly give you permission to publish my case." Mrs. Andrew Thiel of Zurich, says: --- "For six months 1 suffered anutely from sore breasts and doctored all that time. I tried a sample of Joseph Smith's Salve. It was different to everything else I had tried and it oared me, I am grateful for the cure, as 1 have never beer troubled with it since," Price 50 cents per hex, 3 boxes for $1.50 nhtnined from W. TI. Ein rune 7,urioh. Ont the game fro vincible stars. Crediton has the name of being baseball, crazy`, and ( it defeat on their own diamond is almost unbearable. One of the (Jrediton fans who knows'says that the Zurich team exit up .the best baseball show that had ever been pulled off in that town. The follow- ing particulars will give our readers an idea, of tho struggle:- fi 0 0 1 1 1 0 Crediton R Zurich Wurn7, o 1 Edighoffer Holtzman 1 Knapp McCue 0 Fritz Palmer, p c Wurtn Kerr • 0 Weber ss Brown. 0 Rennie Young 0 Salsman 0 Falmer 0 Little, o e Brown 1 Weber, p 0 EY INNIN(48. 1234567'89 Crediton 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0=3 Zurich 00021000 1-4 Two These hit's, T Warm 1, First on 'balls -off Fahner 3, Strttolc out by Weber 12, by Pallier 10, Left on bases, Zurich 4; Crediton 4; double. plays Zutich 1. Umpire, Palmer` nr atdri Open to the. World sifsr '•h jGR London Ontario's 22thletic Popular Day rdonda yi Exhibition Dog Show 1 Sept. . Io = 18 r Increased Prize List Speed Events Daily Cat Show The Great Live Stock Exhibition Music 01st Highlanders 7th Fusiliers 2ttractions Program Twice Daily The Best Ever FireworksTaken Holiday Z.pecial Rates Each Evening ( and visit London's Fair over all Railroads Prize Lists, Entry Forms, Programmes and all information from W. J. REID, President. A. X. HUNT, Secretary. o Trotffle I1313i I IF YOU USE Royal Household Five Roses or other Brands of Flour from Rannie's Flour and Feed Store. The best in Groceries at close Prices. All kinds of Feed on hand. S. RANNIE, = • ZURICH Highest price in Cash paid for Butter and Eggs An Ontario Pant for Ontario Homes you are not asked to try "anew discovery" nor to make an experiment when you paint with litINERTSON'S PrIENEED PAINT It has been made, sold and used in Ontario for many, 'many years, and from the beginning has Ied the mar- , ket as an absolutely dependable product. It is made especially to meet and withstand the par- ticular climatic conditions of this Province ---not made to be sold on the Pacific Slope, the Middle Western States or the Atlantic Seaboard) but for Ontario --nen Ontario Paint for Ontario Horace. This is ,orle of the reasons it gives such good service. It will pay you to come in for a color card and special prices.