HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1909-07-16, Page 10.t•e'F' • 0 • • Striped- 'aii'4.,:1.ams and good heavy prints; just the thing .for Dresses, Ladies' Suits, Boys' Blouses ete. cuppactrawati.=...rscr. clek and C V lies Nothing prettier or more stylish than a nice voile dress or skirt for hot weather. Fancy net- ting for waists, with insertions to match. ildies' Fancy Parasols whae and fancy colors are fashionable and w -o have a fine selection. +11.1461.1111.1.= 411•1451 adies' Be ting Specials D.,,n't fail to see our new stock of Belting, in black, brown, navy, given, white and cream. Two new things in Belting—Silverine and Goldine— Come hi and see what it is like. newanormat. 2 .Jpecials=7Toilei Sets and Tapestil. Carpet Squares A large stock in these two lines at very special prices. A Millinery Clean=up We want to 'clean up the balance of a big season's trade and will cut the price almost in 1 half. 8MSt.0.701.1”•111111.1111•11•1 Men's Sum er Clothing 2 and 8 piece suits: Fancy Vests, Negligee Shirts, nice Low Collars, Underwear, . Fancy Hosiery and Belts. Straw Hats—All Prices We have never shown as good a range of Men's and Boys' straws as we are showing this season. Sailor Hats from 25ets up to $2.50. .••••••,••••••..,•,••••••:•asInnamar."••.•••••,...•••••.,.. GENERAL MERCHANT 2r; rich 01.74b40;15>401112-001>lits4,17064613>03 ntari 4=-42110-4111041 toNliemaC20-401:maitaw- LOU p 10111 Campaign. '11)N...spice has been reserved by the Lodol ()own. Conunittee of the Township of 1-14y. l'IOTEtS AND BARS, One Of the most absurd aisiimp- tions of ,the defenders of 'the "Bar" is. that, there is some • logical and necessary connectionbetween the hotel business and the sale of liquor. They try to switch attention from the main issue, the "abolishing of the ber,1,1 and strive to make it appear, that the hotel business will. be destroyed, injured, or interfered with, They quote statistics to show the extent of the vested interests of the liquor trade, and in their figures include the value of all the real esta.te, buildings, furniture. and appurtenances of the hotel business. They boldly assert that this would 1)4rendered useless by Local Option. Nothing could be more misleading, for the value of this property would not be lessened, but. rather inoreased. The Local Option law simply. deals 'with the bar, which is a non- essential attachment to hotel business, and the effect of the application of the law would be the emancipation of the hotel from the "Burden of the Bar," and the re- moval of the stigma now attached to this benevolent and necessary business • through the bar -room appendage. The hotel business is a business of itself, and is governed by the law of supply and demand, as is any other Olegitimate business. So long as there is. an "effective de: nand" for hotel accommodation that accommodation will besup- plied. People will certainly travel as much, sleep as much, and eat as nauch after this law comes into force as before. Today those who have not money to pay for accom- moclatilon do not get it anyway. Under Local Option the "effective demand" will be greater, because the amont of meney now paid over the bar will be in the pockets of the people. It is a libel on tho sense and character of the travelling public tosay that it i on their account the bar is ker up, Alen and women do not sleep, eat, or'sit in the bar- rooms unless they rare badly under its influence. Tho vast .majority of the travelling public would prefer a stopping place without such a noisy, 41,:repl.,,,>able, dangerous. obtrusive, and loul-stnelling attach- ment, ' The real effect of the operation of thoLocal Option law would bo 1. The at ntion now given to the bar would be diverted to the hotel businees, and more efficient service thereby given. 2 Hotels would be less objection- able. asStovAng places. 3 Life and property would be more safe without a bar. Adopt that method this year. Get into the method ! • Ibimmomesevamr.......Vsmeartlaratriainamauckabo•ta' Fall Tenn Opens ACG, Or graduates aro assisted to the best positions. Write for the reason. Prepare now to enter at the beginning of tern:. Mail Courses for those who wish to study at home. MINTON BITSINiSS COLLEGE (no. SrolvoN. Principal. D 5 Faust is buying cherries, paying 'highest prices. Bring them along. NOTICE Take notice that berry picking and trespassing on lot 22 and 23. R E Stanley is hereby forbidden, and any one found an said premises without my consent, will be pro- secnted. Joseph Rau. •-diar. HAY TP, VS BISSONNETTE The following is the endorsement on Record in the recent suit regard. ing the Opening of a road from the S'auble Line to the lake shore. ,,Let it be declared that the said highways ia the pleadings mention- ed are public highways in the said. Township of Hay and that the de- fendant Bissonnette be restrained from oceupying or obstructing the same and that the said defendant maybe ordered to go out of posses- sion and occupation of the same and to remove all obstructions there- from. Judgment for Plaintiff with damages assessed at $10 •with costs of action," June 21s1,100,0 •( 1)R. C. CiNts, J. 6.15scifiegl. Here we re again, with good news fir the Farmer Blue 1,1iibbo binder twi 6 feet to lb 55 foot twine 500 foot twine TERME, CAS 730•COLVS2 e or ,3,0 advance on time or in trade. Wo have also Gilt Edge, 650ft; made of select fibre. Every inch guaranteed. Get price. 1 2 8t -z_ /2 71,6, ntatusunarsanarsarro,loard.......us........0. We Lead the Trade, Others May Follow and My Not., 0 HURON'S LARCE T CORI ks Le .1 -10E -,2k S T I Zekiiic 9 !NATION STORE ding Now is the time to buoy your 4;4 rt) piti fp! ttt.z ii‘J V1.1; Li We have the Very Best and Latest—all sizes and colors. Come and exa.n-lline before buying elsewheee'. Our low prices will saveyou El:Roney. P. RIBEI,DRE,. 2gunch Trou kiK 44-7' IF YOU USE Royal Household Five Roses or other Brands of Flour from Rannie's Flour and Feed Store. The best in Groceries at close Prices. 411 kinds of Feed on hand. S. RANNIE, = ZURICH Highest price in Cash paid for Butter and Eggs •••••*••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 11 CAR Loaf) 4 111111111KIN MEM 01•1111111a Ma= Hastin Just arrived.1 Will give closest prices for quick sale F. C. KALBELEISCH, Zurich si