HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1909-07-16, Page 6NU HALF THE TOIL. of household 'work is taken away when Sunlight Soap is brought into the home. For thoroughly cleansing floors, rnetal.Work, walls and •woodwork, Sunlight is the Tost economical both ,air time and money. a so. WEIGHT OF THE BRAIN. Diference Between Sevages and Races Long Civilized. Prof. 'Frederick W. Mott; lecturing be- fore; tate Royal Institution of Great Bri- tain on "The Brain," said tiza:t although in 88 per Dent: of the cases in which the brains of great men have . been weighed the weight" was above the average, brain weight itself .did always. mean brain quality:" . , When there 'was lack of the function- ating tissue, the lecturer explained, the structural material might receive .more than its normal share of nourislunent, and the extra weight be due to over- growth 'of "brain scaffolding.' This ae- oounted /or the very large and heavy brains sometimes found in congenital idiots. Pointing out that the brain weight of a race long civilized surpassed that of aboriginees, the Iecturer stated that whereas the ordinary European hospital patient had a heavier brain. than a sav- age, the Chinese Coolie laborer's brain de- veloped by eenturies of use, weighed lea ounoes more than that of the European hospital patient. Referring to the relative brain weights of Caucasian men and women, Prof. Mott saki that the female brain had a goed start, weighing nearly PA ounces more than the male brain at birth. In adult life, however, the average man's brain weighed about 51a. ounces more than the woman's. The average weight of the European male brain was 2 pounds 15 ounces 9 drams to 2 pounds 10 ounces 0 drams, and of the female brain 2 pounds, 10 ounces 11 drams to 2 pounds 10 ounces 14 drams. Anion; savages there was snot this differen. a Birt ai, iu. tin etruggle for existence lap a .' ii tiseapitly her brain as felha,,q , eial,a hoe «..1'tr•tta4. developed at e'.'aa,� wwtaae'raLe. —London Globe., LOOK AT IT TI11.S WAY. (Professor arc{ ardy.) Prepare for hell if you wish to go to heaven is quite as reasonable a state- ment as that to promote peace you must prepare for war. Food P Uahac Li} ' Vienna Sausage Is distinctly difi'trent froin at}y„ other sausage you ever tasted. Just l:y one can and it is'sure to become a meal -tithe necetasiiy, to be served at frequent intervals. jit ikfirsa • VICIfMa S'awirr =spa just suits for breakfast; is fine for luncheon and satitaes at dinner or supper. Like all of .Libby': Prsod Products it is care- , full'ycooked and 'prepared, ready 'to -serve, . in LEt4b3iNs Groat I'$ ipllEio late:430gid'» the cleanest, most screatific'kitchen the't;orld. Cither popular, ready -to -serve Libby Pure Foods are: --- O okea7d Corned Oeof Peeviessetaied Beef Veal Agar EtraptuizafeeiII ko 9 eaallr Odiow Chow , y� Write for free booklet, --"How to. Ynake Odod 'Things' to Eat". Insist' on .L ,I is by$'� at ' your grocers': d �3+`m ixill & Libby Chicagl .TAPS ' ,A.ND OZAR'S STAMPS. PS. Spoils of War. Upon Which' It is Dif ficult to Realize, Among our good neighbors ese nothing is wasted; out everything they endeavor to ex efit. Thus, for extu pie, dl Russo-Japanese war the Japan ed more than 1,500,000 rubles Russian postage and revenue abandoned by us in various po branches thereof, and sundry tablishmen,ts. Now the. en Japanese are trying to' dispose stamps among Russians. For this purpose they hay agents who offer them to Rus vats for half their value. .A eer easian, also of an enterprising mind, proceeded by . apan, on encountered one of these agent kohania, and tempted by ea bought various stamps slued rubles for 1,000 rubles only, Th were successfully conveyed to stok, but unhappily'. the agents ferce got wind of the One of these agents visited th Sian in the guise. of a stamp and and• in order not to rouse maple for greater verisimilitude laid money on the table. When tita chant" left the room for the st signal was given to the amisuse& no sooner had the owner return the agent met hint revolver Mem arrested him on the ;spot' witii,1 and confiscated the stoanps: appeared that the stamps were Russian the prisoner was released three days' detention. - It is reported that the money returned to him, but that the will rennin for the benefit of will remain for the benefit of t big buyer of these stamps the Ja offer to land him safely on Russi ritorv, with Ms booty, in a boat 'or special steamer, but whet not tills offer has yet been acoep unknown —J harbin Vyestnik. the ,japan - of all and tract ben, iring the Japan • aeeur- worth of stamps st offices, other es- terprising, of these e special sian arra (:)a.n.. turn of business, s at Yo- ysgain at 2,200 e stamps Vladivo- of the affair. e CSuca- rebaser, ion and some ''mer- mps the de and ed than nd{ and ria wife When, it really after will be stamps the ex - he ex- panese an ter - torpedo ber or ted. is d KEEPING CHILDREN WELL, DURING HOT WEATHER Every mother knows how 'fatal the summer months are to small children. Cholera infantum, diarrhoea, dysentery, and stomach troubles are alarmingly frequent at this time, and too often a little life is lost after a few hours' Ill- ness. The mother who keeps Baby's Own Tablets in the house feels safe. The occasional use of' the Tablets prevents stomach and bowel troubles or if the trouble conies suddenly will bring the little one through safely." Irrs. Geo. Howell, Sandy Beach, Que., says: "My baby was suffering from colic, vomiting and diarrhoea, but after giving him Baby's Own Tablets the trouble dis- appeared." Sold by rnedicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., 'Brookville, Ont. Autos for Farmers. During his recent trip through the west Mr. William C. Brown, president of the :New York Central, spent a eonsider- able time in the farming districts, nota- bly of the southwestern part of Iowa, and was much impressed with the hold the automobile has secured among them and its effect upon the roads of that section, "It is remarkable," he said, iib talking of his trip to a reporter, "to notice how the farmers are buying automobiles. Only a little while ago the, average Western farmer would as soon think of buying an automobile as he would of hiring the Flatiron Building for a cow barn. Nen,, in the little town of Clar- inda, wheer I spent some time, one of the features of the Fourth of July wilt be a parade, hi which one hundred farm- ers wilt show their automobiles. In that plare twenty-five men have ordered ma- chines which the factories have been un- able to far to deliver. "While 2 was theer a niee-looking automobile, driven by a farmer, came uta to my plaee.' The farmer's wife was with hint, and in the tonneau were two big cans of cream. IJy man introduced hila, and 1 asked him if he foum1.the . utoin+sbile economical. ""1 do,' he said. 'My place is thir- teen miles out. 1 have to go to town every day with my cream and, to trans - net business. Before 1 got an automo- bile it took a day for myself and a tram of horses to mals: the trip. N'bw 1 am in town in forty-five minutes front the time T leave the farm. " "I am fit then for a day's work and my horses are tem in eond]tion to do whatever is required of them. Three days' work of myself and a team of horses are thus saved each week.' "In the old days when there was a bet slew in the road through which a;' loaded wagon could not .be pulled by one team the farmers simply hitched on an- other team and dragged it through. •Naw these places are fixed up as on as they develop. If they cannot be fixed any other way they put plank bridgese over them. Otherwise they could nit use their automobiles. Thus they make it easier and Ie,s expensive to get' their heavy truck to market." , 511,E RATHER SUSPECTED. IT. "Darling," he said, as he hugged and kissed her. "Darting, ean't you see— can't you guess that6I love you?' :� "Well," she replied, looking at him, T should certainly hate to think that this is just your natural manner of be- having in company."---I3oston Transcript. IS IT FUNNY? ' (Toronto Mail and Empire.) Mark Twain's advice to the girls"nof i hailedtas huiorget rried to by the pressoet large But would it be funny if some, person other than Mark had offered it? Every collector IL7 thee; light eollector has a fal;d, but the bill doesn't regard his calling in corm is -CURED hard, soft c 'seeding. yp Corn .13xtraetnk I 8r byb applying s o soar, contains no gold`s; is never burns, composed Only of healitlg gains and balms. Fifty use. Cure years e bOttlea, Tietp a sub Sold by all druggists esti can ®IN adso DoUbitie painlessly remove an corn, etthe" substitutes. PUTNAi,S PAINLESS CORN, EXTRACTOR i1e Explains. "Why ' is it, : professor," asked the young man with the bad eye, "that when Christopher Columbus discovered this country he didn't settle down and stay here?" "Doubtless you are aware, my young friend," answered the professor, "that the Spanish fonm of his name was Cris- toval Colon," . • "Yes, sir." "Well, a colon does not mean a fell stop. We will return now, young gen- tlemen, to the consideration of the les- son?' . Queen's x iriversit and College ONTARft ARTS EDUCATION THEOLOGY' MEDICINE SCIENCE (Including Engineering) Students registering for the first time before October 21st, 1909, may com- plete the Arts course without attendance For Calendars, write the Registrar, GEO. Y. CHOWN, B.A. T Kingston. Ontario. Advice to Correspondence. It you've got anything that's happy Boil It down; Make it short and crisp and snappy, Boll it down; When your brain its coin has minted, Down the sae your pe has sprinted. It you want printed, Boil it down. Take out every surplus Ietter, ' ! m • Boll it down: Fewer syllables the better, ' Boll it down: Make your meaning plain—express it So we'll knor, not merely guess it: Then, my friend, ere you address it. Boil it down. Cut out all the extra trimmings, Boll it down; Skim it well. then skim the skimmings, Boil it down: When your sure'Would be a sin to Cut another sentence in two Send it on and we'll begin to Boil it down. s --Selected. SOME WOliRIi:D OREDr2OE, Proprietor—• la oat's become of the "Post no Bilis." atgn that 'was on our fume? elanitor-.Sy Merck it up; gave-• Boston Transcript, s. it off :and, it box, sir, -- A WINDSOR LADY'S APPEAL, To All 'Wong^.: I will Send free with full instructions, my- hums treatment which postively curet Loucorrhoea, trlceratlon, Dtspiaeements. Falling of the Womb, path- fun or Irregular periods, Uterine and Ovar- ian Tumors or Growths, also Ilot Flushes, Nervousness, Melancholy. table In the Bead, Back or Bowels, erldney and Bladder troubles, where caused by weakness peculiar to our 'Sex. YOU can continue treatment at home at a cost of Only 12 cents a week. .Sip boob. "Woman's Own Medical Adviser," also sent free upo db : co mers.te 3SWindsor,Ont. His Rainy Day. t never was much on a rainy day, When the light and tho lilies aro rained away, I think o' the mortgage retain' due Ab' a thousand things that are sad to you: Might out in motto'. I'm free to say, I never was nruelt ter a relay day!' i keep a-mopin` around the place. Watchin' the drops in the rainy race; The droppin'. shiverite trees -•they scent Like the skeleton ghosts In a misty dream; "They'll rain the soul o'tome clear say!" Yet, they rainy day --it fells fnst right; It makes usknow how we'd miss the light. 11 It said a long and lost goodbye to ate shadowy curtains of the sky. Still,out in meetia', I'm free to say, I never wns much fer a rainy day! --Prank L. Stanton, If allowed to roam over your house those few innocent -looking house flies may cause w real trag- edy any day, as they are known to be the principal agents for the spread of those deadly diseases, typhoid fever, diphtheria and smallpox, other fly killer compares with Wilson's Ply -Pads. MOTORING FOR TUE GLORY OP GOD. The other day, at the meeting of the Presbytery of Hamilton; attention was ealled to the fact that a "chetah member and cotnmunieant" had desecrated the Sabbath by motoring several miles to church, although he had places of wor- ship close at hand. The offender made his peace by explaining that he had motored on the Sunday "for the good of the church and to the glory of 'God." Twenty years ago such an irregularity would have been censured and the cul• prit would very likely have been excom- municated for a season of repentance and reformation. l/linar'd's Liniment Cures Listemper, To deal honest yt t ro is not so difficult. To compel' others to deal honestly with 700—.that is pottier.--. June Smart Set. The .ran who invented 'iris may not have known it, but he was laying right leto the hands of the inve for of soda fountains tiallas;,,,ltlevs. . A OLDER A.'CQ1T,A.IldT4NCJEa, The wagons of the "greatest show on earth" passed pp the avenue at day- break. Their incessant rumble soon awakened le -year -0H Billy and his 5- yeer-old brother, Robert. Their mother feigned sleep as the two white -robed figures crept past her bed into the hall, on the way to investigate. Robert strug- gled manfully with the unaccustomed task of putting on his clothes.. "Wait for me, Billy," his mother heird him beg. "You'll get ahead of me." `Get mother to help you," counseled Billy, who was having troubles of his Own. Mother started to the rescue, and then passed as she heard the voice of her younger, guarded, but anxious and in- sistent s "You ask her, Billy. You've known her longer than I have." Minard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria. Electric Roads in Sweden. Within the near future definite plans will be formulated for the eelctrification of the. more important state railways of Sweden. The first line to be taken in hand will be, in all probability, that be- tween ;Kiruna, the centre of the great iron ore fields of Lapland, and Riksgran- sen, on .the Norwegian frontier, a dis- tanoe.of about eighty-one miles. tThe adoption' of electric traction on his line, far above the arctic circle and the most northern railway in the world, will be an event of considerable import- ance in the history of electricity, and cannot fail to stimulate in sharked de- gree the demand for similar action ' in respect of other' Swedish railways, Nor will it be without value as a practical illustration of the unbounded potentiali- ties of Sweden's wealth of waterfalls, not limited to a few specially favored regions, but at hand and only awaiting development to benefit every province. —Cassier's Magazines ADVANTAGES OF THE HIGH -WHEELED AUTO. A new type of automobile, that is rapidly nited gaining favor In fa the high wheel aada lotorhe Carriage Model. It follows closely the lines of the almost universally used buggy, and has all the easy -riding, long -wearing qualities of that popular vehicle. Its high wheels pass over obstructions far more smoothly than do the low automobile wheels, and give about dou- ble the road clearance—a matter of great im- portance on rough country roads. it possible to and solifull d elliptical tires springsmake of pneumatic, without sacrificing the easy - riding qualities. This means, of course, a very substaptial reduction in the first cost of the machine, and an even more important reduction in the cost of upkeep. When you figura that pneumatic tires on the ordinary auto cost on an average at Ieast 5 cents a mile. while the solid rubber ones Cost prac- tically nothing. you kill realize how import- ant the saving is. The Tudhope-Mclntyre Co., of Orlllla, who are turning out splendid wheel antes, to sell at from 25110 to SLOW, claim that the entire cost, of running ono of their machines, Is Iess than 5 cents per mile. This. Includes gasoline, till and repairs of all kinds. A Tudhope- ldcIntyre automobile is thus within the reach of a man of moderate income. -a Little Girl's Long Journey.. Annie Brown. a five-year-old Irish girl,. has just reached Calgary after a journey of more than 5,000 miles, made absolute- ly alone from start to finish. During the trip she was well eared for by passen- gers on boats and trains who became in- terested in her artless story of how she was going to Canada to meet her daddy, who preeeded her eighteen months. Annie's father, James Brown, is living on a homestead five miles south of Cal- gary, the toot actpas escorte thetforeto his little girl, consequently he decided to have her snake the long journey alone.— From the Calgary News. Minard's Liniment Co., Digby. N. Limited. S. Gentlemen,--- Last August my horse was badly cut in eleven places by a barbed wire fence. Three of the cuts (small ones) healed soon, but the others because foul and rotten, and though I treed many kinds of medicine they had no beneficial result. At last a doctor advised me to use MINAli,D'S LINI- uENT, and in four weeks' time every sore wits healed and the hair has grown over each one in fine condition. The Liniment is certainly wonderful in its working: • JOHN R. HOLDEN. Witness; Perry Baker. Speedy Justice. "Guilty or not guilty," asked a hutch justice. "Not guilty." • "Den what do you want here? Go about your, pisiness."_Philadelphia In- quirer. TRAGEDY IN MOH LIFE. Ali is over between us. 1 ani now on my way to her house to identify and reclaim my ring." "What have yon in that package?" "Locks,:of hair, so that she may pick out hers." ---Louisville Courier -Journal. ISSUE NO. 7 1.909 AGENTS WANTED, A GENTS Wi IsPI'ED TO WOltp tea route;. salary or commission. Por particulars write quickly to Alfred. Tyler, London, Ont. HELP WANTED. � Poir A Good General Servant who can do cooking. Small Family - HIGHEST WAGES MRS. JOHN M. EASTWOOD, Hamilton, Ont. THE DARKEY AND THE CHUCH. An old darky made application for membership in a very fashionable church. The minister, knowing that his congrega- tion would be indignant if the colored ivan were admitted, and yet not wishing to refuse Min point blank, told him to ,' go home and pray about it. In a few days the darky returned, and when asked by the minister if he had. asked the. Lord to guide him in the mat-. ter, answered: "Yes, soh, an' de good. Lord say to me: "Tain't no use yuh try- in' to get inter dat dere church, 'Rastus. I done been tryin' to git in dere myself fo' de las' twenty yeahe, and I can't get in nohow. Taint no use, 'Rastas.' /a `}�'1- A new discovery. Ras more p �`� e rejuvenating, italizin te forcbeen offered Sufferers frontalack of vigor and vital weakness which sap the pleasures` of life should take C. N. One box will show wonder- ful results. Sent by mail in plain package only - on receipt of this advertisement and one dollar. Address. The Nervine Co,. Windsor. Ont. FREE $f Box. To quickly introduce and make known, w,ll with first order maib two boxes for one dollar and five 2 cent stamps. Order at once as this offer is for a short time only. Growing Maidenhair Ferns. The secret of 'the cultivation of maid- enhair ferns, to have perfect examples for house or conservatory decoration, with an ample supply for cutting, is con- tained in a nutshell: Not to repot unless actually needed or division necessary to increase stock; abundant supplies of soft rain water and frequent feeding with stimulants during the growing season; a lower tempera- ture than generally accorded, with shade from sun, and an immunity from an arid atmosphere or cold draughts. Plants grown as stated above are in capital, condition for placing in the house. -- Gardening Illustrated. The Divided Eyes of a Beetle. Instead of the usual pair of eye - masses characteristic of beetles, theso whirligig beetles have each eye divided into two parts, their antenae, or feelers, beinginterpposed Iaetweeil`'them. Owing to tlg dt?vfsion of each eye, one part falls below the head and the other above, an arrangement that suggests the per- fect adaptability of these insects to the environment on the surface of the. water, since they possess eyes for vision: downwards into the water and others for use upwards into the air—From May Strand. Minard's Liniment Cures Garget in Cows. His Choice of Cheese. Hussein Kiazini Bey, the new Turkish. Ambassador, discussed cooking at a din- ner in Washington. her"said. "Still Your here ais re sone thing3ril; ldecidedly ance, 'hung ' ganiee�game lkeptftill,for zinh- smells like cheese. more• expensived our cheese itself—I n cheese, the with utold in it—it isn't very— "I cracked a joke about that cheese at a luncheon. " `Do you prefer with the apple pie Roquefort or limburger ' said my host. `Let them race across the table to • nie, and I'll take the winner, said I. Side Lights on History. (Chicago Tribune.) The explorers had just discovered and named the Chagres river. "But the Yankees will have some trouble itt pronouncing that name," objected the natives. • "That's all tight," answered the ex- plorers. "The Yankees are going to have all kinds of trouble with this; river some day, .anyway." Tiros it will be seen that there was no lack of Poultney ]3igelows hut. deeds Of years ago. 4►O Minard's Liniment Cures Colds, etc Wealth of 'United States. The wealtle of the United States in 1850 was $7,000,000,000, speaking in round Cerins, in 1860, $16,000,000,000; in 1870, ii30,000,000,000; in 1880, $43,- 500,000,000; in 1890, $65,000,000,000; in 1900, 888,500,000,000 and in 1904, 101,. 000,000,000. THE BEST WOODEN PAIL Caret Help But Lose Its Hoops and Ffdl to Pieces. You Want Some. t9hing Better Don't You? Then Ask for P ail§C and Ttifbs. Made of [E)IY'S 19B.RIEWARL Leach One it Sohid, liandened, Losfing A1ass }p Without a Hoop or. Seim' .rust as Goad as U " S. Mal -HUS •