The Herald, 1909-07-16, Page 44 CD OD fatifeDdill*DOESfer0DMED CDC The MO Iw'orporateda 1.35: CAPITAL $31500,000 P1.23 ', $31500,000 s. . C� .�.. aiaahos in Canada, sad Agents and Correspondents in ale Ifa Br the Princinaal Ribes: irx the World, A OEF Nt: RAL BANKING BUSYNESS TRANSACT LTA. The : tuich 1• erald at an Branches. Interest allowed at highest current rate. ';',Lniteitede Brach H. AR.NOL ,, Ma.ziager ° :Deldir''rSiDe.x ',.i'4�'Sadled0 QDitessdS43 t dee 3.1). CUOKB, BAS itIS 1 It N D SC- liti.l`.t'L, Nes:Pr} ! iihi.e, lien: OntatiC. euornele1t I:Y:c:,,'�''F:LI,1$1C. ?Wt Zurich. ( ;.per's of le ) every Mon- d v PROUDF0.0'E', 'BAYS er BI.A1.11, DAR • r ;,or:,Solieitore. Noteries _ ut.lic, etc., desl/e�i .a, Oa a ailat. ww7 oree i1t )i)t. lC.'•V. .;.1.':;.. in P 1.liiir. - .^....... uRY (9 .''HE TWO TT.%I.fil.DS FRIDAY JULY 13ttr. i 90 'VV. C. T. U. 6•666 66666ron .66e6•666 m 111l'1%PPS :fk PPS O aZacv• . .. -Alter 'wen 'was .raiaen ' into p. , a .,,41. .J=ati• fciz• 0.,eprarna relal,i r.. 'delei s ever: woe, -'li's tc iw (%re30.11. :deo opened he:: very soul t'7 hint •1:I.,et.",. ,Z •'lif'i'k+, (+ d. '':iit, Ger- end leaned i i wvi'esirlm and nerection ?"i. . i'-•) :"•i1. ' i::rgec'n at only less than th he learned on Clod's. Id(J re:1..2d:' t iM 'rat l -•i-.,(+" !1 (lethal. She had a ere i',:".re in Ann i.li. 'ne11, olio) y llfi;I'it:url "(310:111e14 her nurse. She Loved, lwlaturice, peer r a • , ' :inclVarese..•.li I`pit •l adt re11 johnand was the wisest of 'i,,,.>nd:, a aed:in:1. et':,. General servants, one w iest seeing• new re- ''+--'i"."1tee a to1n•v the'refer-1Yi ice with all the rest, and indeed lie spent mtaelidtine on his brother, more than at lees skilful poptilaar doctor cool -dwell have done with out serious • kiss. Thais the weary months dragged on, Helen was but a shadow ot, ier former self, Derry not missed 11'or papa., but her manna also, these 't eys, the sifting was gone froia1>,tr xi -dither's . life, the solag and story from .her lips. She hold 1,1ea little ones eloser than over to her heartil if: that was -possible,. Derry seemed to understand that to speak of papa was to bring that tad 'look, into her mother's eyes and seldom meution(;d him, even her uncle Was not ready for frolics as they once lied, though he took her to Lis shoulder and rode hor about tolling her stories, when his strong heart was quivering with pain. She realized that something The terrible itching and smarting incident to certain :skin diseases; is almost instantly allayed by apply- ing Chamberlain's Salve. Price, 2.5 cents. For sale by J 3 !Merger. The following is a partial list Of candislaates passed by `the board .- of examiner's„ for West Huron with the iirarits"obtainecl by, each atdi• date. A`oard giving the marks in each sn'bjeot has been sent to.each candidate, The certificates will l)e sent, to the teachers buforc the first of September. The .marks required for to pass are 390 and for honors 487. The highest marks obtained in each subject aroes follows : Reading—Florence Smith 40 'Writing—Agnes Doyle, .Doris Me- gaw 41 Spelling—Maggie McLeod, Doris was wrong and „row quiet pestling Megaw, Florence Smith..,50 to leis arms with absolute content Written Reading—Florence Smith, to just lie.there here stroking his face, Cella Robinson 04 looking into his loving eyes. It Arithmetic—OeliuRobinson,Hugh almost broks) the., hearts of these Anderson -... 100 two grown. people to see the- gentle • Grammar—Fiorenee Snaith, Mar- ecntin g.ef Their merry darling to garet A. Mcii1urchy 97 such tri e sweet ways. When her father was et home when at all himself • she followed him eonstaut- 1l; , At such timee she would climb to his knee, stroking his beard and. sometimes w' den he had been drink- ing she shrank away from him, but aa his command never refused to Geography—Maggio Dicl,sen,...70 Composition—Ida Smith, Florence Snaith , .. , 92 Total—Florence Smith .:...... 555 The Public School Graduation results will bo announced next week. Exeter P. t . sit beside him On such occassions Reginald Bisset 481, Olarenee the gravity 'of her face was -Ns -0114r- 1 tey wood 458, Rehr. Wood 449, ful. I'lao hoc .. in lncsr. Eyes as she Madeline Darling a?, Preston glanced at lain::, was pitiful and Dearing •421. Ethel Briekwood 35ti tan4 er ly sorrowful as alax;'el'. ziifight Mary Acheson 390, Loon Tredle 426, be. Many a time her mother • went Young Croeeh 391, Stella Southcott awey rabble her tears and her 3''{y, Irene Hardy 390, GordonTavlor uncle betook Ilimeeif to a Windo'v 3'11, Elva Ford 394. to cover his emotion, their t1 ailing Bay field P. S.. '+ is -.)>'" .t:ss,.„ i?ita:+t.r Pt:Gsi`:� t) a.: , was gettin=g ready [o for f�*Izin•1er Eana McGee �� 9o, John McNeil $ 1 felt sura that nothing could -t 14. E. ciivn Pollock 432, Florence ere. e• 45" enee kehd fillesdo Sties lion so ga iued. Maurice Droutly aL' �*Uirit , ( o be continnedl t..,,calsct. that fair day after Iris debauch, rl - ,.t".t+, iY A,�'';'i ti (,w.is:,. i'r +T. not as, here before, to Contrition .�. _... __ • andsharnefacednees. butte desperaas r, , fr3 tion and liminess. dness. As it wad;' ` be t Y a� aw o ir,E t... , v:cntt about Me work, had a voice .";iijf;'f•D;tli3si.. Esa:;ter. t in his business, in his Koine, was I xp:; eted to ticrform the dutiee of adne ,, ein all t''•«, •;••, stir - la men, a citizen, a l.usbalnd and a f ..al tc1 'L,i or lia:y :l.erli :'attleer, while oneenontroiling desire Orders 1t it at,' t° office t a swallowing every other considera- 11 °e. t. •i: i i1y atte t'al w!t, I Veto MIS Way the uppermost undermost all the way thro ;gb ° ,�1,., . � ,-• � him—drink, rink drink, Ado .t,, . i1EIS 1'' i:,.'1'itA1`,7- .t rItrrlle 1h r d ^i'..l1_r•asent,�t,r. j ='•t. to,n it,u, , t.'T:';li. Evt'rw thing that steed for a Leen ;1, \..:terlot Mee:reel, `e nct n1.'newt in the way of its instant aro. ii e:e l and t :.1;:ttoi.ua. l;t•t.'is t.t�t,.ieation maddened lihn. Ile tltil'itria fire it,,airane.. , was a laaroiz with his wife, neglected �_. -� - - I,+a:. •. never thought of his bebee. 03.1..4..,% 1,.a cr i,. of"" 'bite?ltlo._•etofrr :e"c� .. i"niecivlie•rr Cil fn',cliy.{' k r Topa,' ti ttl `, eirs`rrt,.ets.rt ti Met ? ate, 0,- tteeteteelssear ye1 srre rete :ere e1k end her little -ones, ales for ,x)n°1niitereity. scull ' t iieetioe t �'.+e teent11ousand.tinles tort tirr,►I,I'.' snd of t:- ";. Tjlaeto w alit •eeei ..iity. At like- .,'her' and them, 111t1114 tllaln Dolan;:Uta l'IU71.:ti, 'tN,un iC: , C' vrti. taai- widowed. worse than or t)1nu c'(1, day. ' --ta nights of debauchery-. days of semi 1 :role ciou:•uez-s, and misery followed. It lrc'canae nothing uncommon soon E. 'LIJT.LEIt, GeiltiO,1 AKCa1;R A\ 11 i for kiln to be gone all night or for Notary Public. Deeds, Mortgages, ni5'• severa .l da 5 and late. 1Jr. Wills and otl.•.r Lor :1 IN commits care g fully reed l,i•, 1ti tti 1)i.; rt el.•()iilecDrntltly's figure became well known in the slums of the city. His Zeller V;1, -,1s. Zanhull, Ont.z.'r hesrt grew sick at the 'widespread >t7ffJ61/0 devastation he deet on every hand t ..-Ee> bed • thought 'himself well acquainted with the sin and sitffer- }v I s 3 4, �'iAA&, Prepare?', inti of the see thing pool around ! It Pazpils for the 'Toronto Con- turfs. But this Mand to hand contact servatory of Mimic and other with vice Opened his eyes to the s• { � Ci :�t)suC.p.; ,`^t CO andv;oke from his drunken' sintilberS Martin 421. Centres. Address : Limns:ne r I)ausolr G5:. Zurich. FOR SALE. Farm for sale, south half of lot 15, Con. • 12, Township of Hay. Oa this property there is a good fratne house, kitchen and woodshed, good Bank barn and hog house 21y acre., of young orchard, aind never failing.supply of water. This farni is a deep clay soil cod in good state of culti- vation, conveniently situated 24 miles from `Luria~. Wouirl take a suitable pro- party 0f6 or 16 acres in eichange. For ,' terms and particulars apply to S. rrtnr on preral s, or to Taos. (: Alpe 0e:t, . auctioneer, Farelubar r. O. ' 50 acres,all gooel,lnitd, with geod batik barn, frame house, all in good repair. The farm is'.well dlni neck plenty sof good water and win be sold' for$81100,00. ,Apply to E. Zeller, Zurich.• ..ODD EETINGS C. III Court Zurich No. 1`340 �+ e -I +' meets every 1st and 3rd Aurselay of each month at 8 o'clock p. rai. ie the A. 0. U. W. Hall. J. d. Attaniza, C. R. TT ^( (7 Riokbeil Lodge A. n. Y: S No, 3 93, meets the and. and 4th Friday of every month, . its 8 o'clock, in their Hall, Merrier Block. t rran, WxTwr s ,r?. HELP WANTED Wonted experienced operators 'on> Pants, Knickers, Overalls. (:instant employmeritt ` the year netted, highestunion wages paid. piece work. Inexperienced hands to loam operating. Taylor—Anderson, Southgate Co. Limited, Seaforth. PILESget tmmediatt tenet fret Or. Shoop's Magic Ointmet1, vastness of the rum iniquity and its hideous as nothing else had ever clone. TO find his handsome cultur- ed, refined brother of the yesterday sitting laughing and jeering with tramps and cut throats; the boon eornpanion of the harlots and thieves; this stnnghitn to the quick. This put the rum question in a new and strouger light even to him. He found others he knew in those places of shame; among theta Ben Hiltz. He and Mrs Droutly were "Awns" now, he told the Dr, one slight. What it was to Dr. John Droutly to find himself In such company can be imagined. Beside l Roadster class for "farmers only ;" his edification and nativerefinetllent other sections in the High Steppers his intense sympathies. his reverse. for Tandems and Fonr•in-handy, - while in Speed events several hund- red. dollars have been added to the purses. In the tattle $5oo has been added to the Shorthorn Class alone, and substantial increases to the other classes. increases have been made in the Sheep classes and one new class added in the Swine. A third Mize in cash has been given the entire Poultry list beside a fine lot ` t of Specials, The A„rxcul urail and Fruit Departments have been care- fully revised and added to where it was thought avisabie. The Ladies' work has received special notice and the Prize List arranged up-to- date. Send for Prize Lists, entry forms and all information to the secretary, A. M. Hunt, London Ontario. Ethel M. Wilheme, Pre , • After doctoring .for about twelve years for a last stomach trouble, and seendine nearly five huutlred dollars for medicine and doetnr: ' fees, I purchased my wife one box of Giraniberaain'.s Stomach and Hensel', P. S. Irma I:,anuie 448 , Helen MoArthur 476, Alexia Murdock 438, Flossie Bonthron 440, Alice Iohkirk 390 Itlill!a RTood 401, Hugh Itose 531, Sidney Geiger 451, Thomas Wren 4u1, Joseph Hudson 447, Kenneth Pope 419, George Harburn 411, Robert Chesney 390. Liver Tablets, which did her so DssIawoead P. B. much, good that she continued to Herbert Geiser 424, Hilda Snell use them and they have dons. her `;, (4orrl'tn t`ulf,,e .97, Gordan D S13ansthas just receiveda new lot et black underskirts, reg. price 31.25, now for 80 its, while they last, STEPHEN COUNCIL. . The Council of the Trotvnship. of Stephen .convened in the Town. Ha11,'Orediton, on Monday, the 5th day of July 1009 at 1 P. M. All uxt4nabers . were present. The nun- • utes of the previous meeting were read and adopted. Moved by Wucrth,' seemed, by • Yearley "That C. Eubn be appoint. • ed overseer for the coustrnctien.of the concrete abutments of the bridge across the Bauble River at 61.50 per day." carried. Movedby Love, seconded by Weterth That Wm. Anderson oversee the; oonstruetien of the temporary bridge across the river at Crediton East." Carried. The following orders were paid : Township Hay Bell Tel, taxes of 19o8. $5.83 ; Municipal World. B of, H. Blanks. $1.05 ; P1 Dattraxn. Tp's portion of award. drain. 35.00 H. F. Eiibere caretaker. of .look un: . 33.00 ; Geo. Hepburn. rep call on S. . B. $2,50 ;; Thos. Oliver, cul in , Centralia. $8.05 ; Jos. Lawson. rep • Ford's bridge. x;17,00 ; Milton ' 5'iltchell. Cul S. B. 46.90; F. W. d 1! ta.rlleonlb: Henhofer & Morrisey • Awards. $45.93 ; k' Disjardine • tile incl Glitch. $5.00; P. Baker et eJ. Awti.rd drain on N 33 326,25 ; W White gravel contract No 3 8 B • 38.255 ; 0 Zwicker spikes 31.40 ; 5 Morrison rep bridge 313.00-; Sinton Sweitzer rep cul 50 ; 3 Doyle rep bridge con 12 36.00; Ohas Kienzle • grading S B $:36.€5; Ohas Montle grading N B 323 00 ; Chas Kieenzle grading 311.00; R Hill rep cal 31.25 J Doyle gravel con't E S R •.11.75 R O'Rourke gravel Don't 0 R $20.00 J Delahaye tile on 8 13 17,00; 1< Triebnor rep gravel pit 315..'0; J Keys rep Mud Creek Bridge $1.00 ; i., Bastard et al oornm'r and rep cul 332.30 ; P Kraft comm'r ES R 41.35 J Gaiser connn'r 0 R $2 r,0 ; J F Wein rep cul and plank 31.00 ; (:l Hartle gravel con't eon 21 320,00 ; E; Cunningham connn'r and plank $2 35 ; A Morrison gravel con 't OR 325 62 ; J McLellan gravel con't U R 39.25 ;' J Wilhelm conana'r C R 31.35; J Klunlpp rep -Cul E 8 R$1.00 more g.. ti untag all of the naeallcaila' Goetz 403, i�Ialllrit'n (:ilienthcar d>+:i, , J 'McLellan gi ,vc�I x3.30 ; N Pollard I lsom. 't i e :ail•: —`:amici Boyer. r, 'era, LroI•Lmhir•e 510, Milford statute labor X34 i.0 ; A Morrisey Folsom. intra:, iaitiSi Siemer. medicine 11 for Mcleaac 430, Letts:. Guenther 517 Award drain 37.5:) ; M O'Brien tile sale b+; J. ,1 denser, Willie Musser 390.. on 8 13 36.25; A Morrisey tile on 8 B 05 ; Evangelical church. timber to ARE 4.2A` ..lir 5rt)iJ�. HOBBY? repair Crediton Bridge 314.00 ; N Mabel Wenzel " Queenie k rep out 75 ; Mr w� estlnaan ' '"lv concrete tile on N-13„38.00 ; 0 Prou- r~:aavt t;r �� Toxins eat thea t,taxaaa t;rT. „ratuity' ;t25;�iil; L+ Hughes diem Neat .t relief Offirorro Green B of I3 > 12.50 "1111—YOUR, _ '= Crediton P 8. . " enze 451. Q weenie t, Hodgins � e 3r)n t forget that tura F.tori..an.S ,f01,11caw z,.x Hill 444, Lydia, ) (.lf is trsicher 473, Loren Brewin 451, Ea1ii sititen. Toronto, Emerton Bean 451, Harry a y i\langus 438, Sam Finkbeiner 440. Zurich 1?, S. Luella Wiertla 405, Ethel \'1 eido 411, Anal, Worm 427. Rbiewan Kalbfieisch 390, Marshall Zeller 425 last ;year, crus 1)roziouneecl by ex- perts from across the sea, to be as good. as eau he Peed' in Scotland it self. Herefords, jerseys and Ayr. shires, were also of excellent quali- ty. 'This, there is every evidence that the cattle show will'' Ender. No .1—Eddie Brisson 399, 2— Greta, titawson 452. I3en Case 393, 3--Mautlie MGAIIistet, 4.45, 4— surpass anytlnn g even shown re; Toronto --and that paeans anythiig in America. Gordon Surerns 428, ti ioletta Eck - A tickling or dry cough can be t,tein P3, Alberta t4ieger 390, 8 -- quickly loosened. with Dr. Shoop's Cora • Truemner 482, 12"• --Samuel Cough Remedy. No opium, no Gisela° 453. 14—George Mulholland chloroform nothing unsafe or harsh. 470, Mary Hayi424, Grettaa Tolson 411 sold by 3 J Werner. Laura Fee 390, Maggie Fee 390, 15- - Elfrolda Schroeder 407, WESTERN FAIR, LONDON. STArnZv, SEPT. 10-18 ' The Great Live Stock Exhibition. y o• 1---Lorirlda Dowson 390, 3—• Mabel Clarke 479, (North)4--Eva The management of The Western Johnston 431, 6—Mary A. Davidson Fair, London, nt oOnt.f are puttingsen 453, 7—Alice Cochrane 390,. Bender - forth extra. efforts this year to son sabelst 470, 9—Albert Keys make the Exhibition more popular 461, Isabel Manse 432, Mustard. 4tie than ever in all its different branch. Fraser icer446, 457, Mustard icer es, but to none of them are they Earl Kaiser 457, Clarence Kaiser gi�rdng more attention than to the. 428' Frank McGregor 390, 14-- Live stook Department. A large ArnOld Petrie 443.11annah Dinsdale amount of money has been added. 391, Sarah Rathwell 407, Oda to the Prize hist, In the Morse McBeatii 395. classes several' changes have been STEM -sir. - made; sections are added in the No. 1—Flossie Davey 390, 2—Lilian Stalls 390, John Hogarth 517, Earl Shapttti1 449, Wilfrid. Sbapton. 429, 4-11arry SchWarz 401, Arva Broken. shire:397, Lorne Morlock 390, 6— Charles E. Gower 437,12 --Muriel Failis 446, 14—Fred Esseq° 438, Elva Brooks 428, S. S. 6—John Galvin 391. . ce for womanhood and childhood he bad walked :from early youth in tender fellowship with thg Lord. Jesus Christ. He who enshrined all womankind, lifted. it to the niche where his mother and Helen Droutly sat throned, shrank with a shuddering horror from the touch of a drunken female whtl reeled towards him yet he was the first to spring foward to catch, her as she' lurched heavily to the floor. Maurice lataghed as loudly as any of the poor creqtures present when he lifted his *kite face with its tightly compresed lips and shook - ed eyes, and demanded space on the suttee to lay his burden down, "Oh, let her alone. Its only Tine's Moely ; he'll be after her soon, curt one, "you're green to the business boss you'll soon get used to it." "Ha 1 ha 1" lattghed Maurice "its deuced bard to be a gentleman here Jaok. John turned sick faint. For the first time the 'utter hope- lessness of his brother's case Swept over him. lie had chosen his He companions of course. tariffed to the door. lie wanted to get out where he could breathe. This foul, tobacco thickened air stifled him. He could not give him up though. Maurice must be saved. After a while people began to complain of Dr, Dront'ly's neglecting his prat. A book on Rheumatism, by Dr. 1 Shoop, of Reeiiie, Wis. tells some plain truths, and in a plain and' praoticaa,l way. Get this booklet, and a freetria.l treatment of Dr, Shoop's Rheumatic Remedy for some dia. hearten vicinity. ed suffer in Four Make a grateful and applteeiative friend of some one 'who is disoonrag. ed because of , he failures elf others Wake to help him, els nee to this test, and I'll eertaiiily help your suffering friend, • Sold by J J Mer- ner. BJli'!tnzl.,D, Edna McGee 390, John McNeil 434, Evelyn Pollock 482, Florence Martin 421. ea : Kidneys Weak Kidneys, surely point to Weak kidney Nerves. The Kidneys, like the•II:art and the Stomach, find their weakness; not in the organ itself, but in the nevi* that control and guide and strengthen then. Dr. Shoop's kestorativeis a medicine specifically prepared to smell thee contra ina7 nerves. To doctor the Kidneys alone, is £utile. It is a waste of time, and of money as, Well. If your back aches or is weak, if the urine scalds, or is dark and strong, if you bane symptoms of lirights or other distressing or dangerous kid- ney disease. try Dr. Shoot s Restorative a month* Tablets or Liquid—and see what it can and, will do for:you. Druggist rneoninend and sell J. MFRAEIi. S The conncil adjourned to meet again in the Town Hall. Croditnn, on the 2nd day of August 1009 at 1 p DI. Henry Eilber Tp. Clerk. A frilling tiny nerve --no larger then the finestsilkcn thread—takes from the Heart its impulse, its power, its regularity, The Stomach. also has its hidden, or inside nerve. It was Dr. Shoop who first told tis it was wrong to drug a weak or failing Stomach, Heart or Kidneys. His prescription—Dr, Shoop's Re- storative—is directed straight for the cause of these ailments—these weak and .faltering inside nerves. This, no doubt clearly explains why the Restorative has of late grown so rapidly in popularity. Druggists say that those who test the Restor- ative even for a few days soon be- come fully convinced of its wonder- fal merit. Anyway, don't drug the organ. Treating the cause of sick- ness is the only sensible and suc- cessful way. Sold by J ,T Merner. MARKET ' R'EPO1l.T.---The fol• lowing is the report of Zurich, markets corrected up to Thursday. Barley ... , . 55 to' 58 " Shorts 11,1611/" Date 055.8.................. Wheat ....,.. ,.,.1 Hay. .,.i .. ., ,Y,,.., 7.00 &00. Dried: apples .......... 6 '6 Clover seed .. 5.00 5,75 Potatoes .............. 45 45 Butter ........ ,. 16 16 Eggs...... , ...i., 17 17 23.00 26.00,, 50. 53„ . 15 1 lb Hogs liveweiget... 7.55 HENSALL MARKETS Cook's Best Flour— 2.75: Wheat . ......1 15 15 Oats ...., 44 45 Barley 50 50 84 80 ,- 7,55 Peas........ 66 01* ... Hogs liveweight. ...... Clubbing rates. E.—We have made arrangements to offer the following low clubbing, rates with Tut M>xntl.Ln Daily Globe ,$ 4.25 ,, Mail & Empire+ 4.25 Weekly Globe , e 1.00 Mail & Empire 1.60 :Berliner Journal (Germain) 2.50 , '`abeily Herald & Star 1.75 Daily Advertiser " 2,75 Weekly Advertiser 1.50 Weekly Sun 1.75 Farmer's Advocate '2.25