HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1909-07-09, Page 8Y sh Striped Ginghams and good heavy prints; just the thing for Dresses, Ladies' Suits, Boys' Blouses etc. I lack and Colored Voiles Nothing prettier or more stylish than a nice voile dress or skirt for hot weather. Fancy net- ting for waists, with insertions to snatch. Ladies' Fancy Parasols White and fancy colors are fashionable and we have a fine selection. .. Norme1801.1.001 e*Mosiaommil armor Belting Specials Don't fail to see our new stock of Belting, in black, brown, navy, green, white and cream. Two new things in Belting---Silverine and Goldine— Conte in and see what it is like. 2 Specials=9=Toilet Sets and Tapestry Carpet Squares A large stock in these two lines at very special prices. A Millinery Clean=up We want to clean up the balance of a big season's trade and will cut the price almost' in half. Men's Summer Clothing 2 and 3 piece suits: Fancy Vests, Negligee Shirts, nice Low Collars, Underwear, Fanck Hosiery and Belts. Straw Hats==All Prices We have never shown as good a range.of Men's and Boy s' straws as we are showing tis season. Sailor Hats from 25cts up to $2.50. uri GENERAL MERCHANT '�'.L 4. zdp, i.� J110 4oca1 Option Campaign. This space bus been reserved by the Loral Option Committee of the Township of Hay. R SPONSIBIL' ITS• Nearly every day's newspapers tell of some new record of awful crime resulting directly from strong drink taaffic. :Assaults, murders, . sometimes with shocking brutality. cruelty to children, crime of every kind, make our hearts grow sick, and .stir in us a more earnest longing for the . day when the awful drink curse will be utterly abolished. Yet the liquor -sellers, 'Ii ose greed for gain is behind all th e evil bears no malice towards his victims, no more than do we, the citizenvoters, whoauthorized him to carry on that business because it lessens our tuxes by giving up a municipal, provincial and Domin- ion,revenue from the traffic. The man behind the bar, who profits personally, and the voter, who profits noun icipally, are , part ners in the transaction. The Iran outside is trot consistent in despis- ing;or oondemining the man inside wh'o does the .disagreeable part of the business that all are in partner. ship to carry on. The voter outside cannot escape responsibility for his share in the traffic until. be has done all that can be done by his position, influen- ce and vote in the community, to wipe out the cause of the sin, misery and wickedness which he deplores. Fall Term Opens AUG. 30th.: Our graduates are assisted to the best positions. Write for the reason. Prepare now to enter at the beginning of term. Mail Courses. for those who wish to study at home. CLINSUN BUSINES COLLEGE (iso. Srorrrort. Principal. Lost--O0.1gouday, on the street of Z arich ar t>:+ni'tYllar bill and some email change; Finder please leave at "The Herald Offiee. NOTICE Take notice that berry picking and trespassing on lot 22 and 23. L R E Stanley is hereby forbidden, and any one found on said premises without my consent, will be pro- secuted, Joseph Rau. NOTICE TO CONTRAt TORS. eamemomarmrauranu V1/471 Here we are again, with good news for the Farmer :o Blue Ribbon binder twine 650 feet to lb 550 foot twine 500 foot twi e • Sealed tenders addressed to the undersigned, for the construction of bridges with cement abutments, steel superstructure. lattice rails and cement floors, one bridge 16 feet span theother 12 feet. Concrete work on both bridges about 135 cubic yards, will be received by the Council of the Township of Hay, up to Saturday the 17th day of July at two o'clock P. M. Plans and, specifications may be seen at office of the undersigned. Tenders for eaoli should beseparat. ed. A marked cheque of 1094 of amount of tender must be sent with tender. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Vim HESS St., Clerk. Zurich Ont. July 5th, 109, BASEBALL 82 7Y2 TERMS CASH or id advance on time or in trade. We have also Gilt Edge, 650ft; made of selected fibre. Every inch guaranteed. Get price. We Lead the Trade, Others May Follow and May Not. . L 1 PHONE !3 9 ZURICH HURON'S LARGEST COMBINATION STORE utL ^.Grey. h's Le �iN A 11 SNOB TO 0 0 Now is the time to buy your SPRIN6 and SUMMER S OES On :3'riday evening the Zurich Juniors played rt. friendly game with the Hensall Juniors, and those who witnessed the game said it was the best game of ball played at Hensall this season. Lee Hoff- man, of the Znriehs, although small in size, and only 14 years old pitch- ed like a, professional, and has some curves that worry the best batsmen, while the support, he got behind the bat, from Roy b'anst was perfect, The Hensall young• sters played a good game all through and the score, 3.5 shows that there was splendid playing throughout. The line-up and score: Hensall R Zurich R A. Smith, c 1 Lorne Weber of 0 Cudtnore 3b 1 Elroy roust, ss o Fiobkirk, 2b o Gid Koehler, if .2 .R Chesnep, cfl Roy l'aust, e 0 P• Welsh lb 2 Lee Hoffman. p 1 J Hudson, if 0 Morris Ran 2b 1 D Neeiancls p0 1± Matthews. 3b 2 R Brandt, ss 1 Win Itubv, ib 2 1? Nesbitt, rf 0 .elf Bender, xf 0 BY INNINGS 1.2345�C 89 Hensall 0 1 1 0 0.() 0 3 1-6 Zurich ' 1 0 2 2 0 0 0 3 0---8, Tj )Here,- Rerley Weber, Zurich, We have the Very Best and Latest==all sizes and colors. Come and examine before buying elsewhere. Our low prices will save you money. P. BENDER, • Zurich No Trouble IN IF YOU USE Royal Household • Five Roses or either Brands of Flour from Ramie's Flour and Peed Store. The best in Groceries at close Prices. All kinds of Feed on hand. SOIRANNI , = ZURICH Highest price in Cash paid for Butter and Eggs PI eAR LOI4D 4 X rani .iii Hastings C Just arrived. Will give closest prices for quick sale FSR C. IALFLIISM, uric • fr Vie' crier 4 ca vi• ELt ca Oa ni �' 1) to 'af in he ea fo ai to P3 .01 bE. (11 ni ti tc 4c 2L ti I'C it .11 do cc si t}, sc w 11 t1:. p