HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1909-07-09, Page 51 Y Now .for tBraeelets, Brooch— es a idl Fobs, Cuff Links, Ladies and Gentlemen. The 'Latest in Every Line. Nev¢•. • Stobk of , Moxxthorgans . Single and Double Keys. • , Hp14aner's : Best flakes Watch, Clock and Jewellery ' Repairing "YOU BET" F. W. HESS JEWELLER 9 D0D® CD MOD eDOLUDOrOODe D=MD a D MOD aD®eg We have opened up our New Stock of Spring and Sumter Dress Goods.. 1 Come and inspect before buying elsewhere. Our prices as usual are 11GRT Ih` Highest Prices For Farm Produce 44, i•�p i . D LWLAS consisting of —"sib Prints. Ginghatnts, Muslins Etc. a®a,®Y 1 General Merchant, B L A Ii E. • ' That New Winter Suit. When looking for your new Winter Suit, do not forget to give us a call. We have a fine range of Tweeds, ,Worsteds. etc., to choose from. Our prices are as cheap as any. Suits made at short notice. We oleo have a large nntuber of Samples to select from. Laundry in connection W. .HO F,IA t asestennemeimseseaaMME2M530 MEAT MARKET WE keep in stock a WY full line o fresh meats, trams, etc. etc Our cuts are noted for their tenderness and wholesomeness. 0111' aim is to keep nothing but the best. We make our own SarwageS. Give us a call. YNLU DEICIIERT There is no need .of anyone matt -r- ing long with this; disease, 'for to effect a quick cure i is only $=ces- sary to take a few dues of Chaiderlaises COW, Oholeva end 'ire mealy In fact, in most cases one dose is sufficient. It never fails and can be relied upon in tie tnost severe and dangerouo cases.. It is equally val- uable for children and is the means of saving the lives of many children each year.. In the w'orld's history no medicine has ever tnet with 'greater success, PRICE TillRTY'FIVE GENT&a 04.0 �a,t >xnd f EXCURSIONS Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta Special. Trains leave Toronto 2.00 p.m, an APRIL 6,' 20 MAY 4, 19 JUNE 1,15, 29 JULY 13, 27 LVJO. 10, 24 SEPT..7; 21 Second class tickets from Ontrvio stations ,go principal Northwest points at LOW I1" 0..9 N9 d TRIP RATES Winnipeg and return' $32.00; Edmonton and return $4"1,50, and to other mints in proportion. Tickets good to;teturn within 60 days from going date. TOURIST SLEEPING CARS onall excursions. Comfortable berths, fully equipped. with bedding, can he scented at moderate rates through local agent. tarty application must be made ASSY. FOR HOMESEErrsts' PAMPHLET containing rated and full information. Apply to near',t C.P.R. Agent or to R. L. Thompson, Dias. Pass. Agt„ Toronto. ONLY DIRECT LISE NO CHANGE OF CARS W. J. CARLING, Agent, EXETER Y. M. 0. A. IN BRUCE COUNTY. A well attended convention of enthusiastic ministers and Christi:' inn laymen of Bruce couuty was held in Walkerton, June 28th, for the purpose of introducing the County plan of Y. M. 0. A, work in Bruce. The following were the speakers; Mr. John Penman, Paris chair- man of the Provincial Committee. Mr G. F. Blair, Gederich, chair- man of the .Clutch County. Com- mittee. Mr. 0. M. Copeland, Provincial Secretary of the Young Men's Christian Association of Ontario and Quebec. Mr. J. H. Crocker, Secretary of Brantford Association. Mr. A Cullens, Provincial Secre- tary of County work. Mr. L. 0. Fleming, County Secre- tary of Huron County - Mr. A. S. Hooper, ex secretary of Woodstock Association. Mr. Wilkie State Secretary, Taos Angles, Cal. 'who began work as an Association Secretary in 1867. .Mr. A. Cullens addressed the convention on the need for the work in Bruce County. He had made a study of the county and found that only 6f per cent of its church members were young men. He also spoke on the County Work plan. Mr. Fleming spoke on "The achievements of the county work in Huron" and "The. Social and Educational possibilities of the organization in Bruce." Mr. Crocker presided over the sessions of the convention and spoke on the "Physical and Rec- reative possibilities of the organize• tion in Bruce." Mr. Copeland explained the place occupied. by the county 'work in the aggressive poliey of the Provin- cial committee, and addressed the convention on "The religious pos- sibilities of the Y. M 0..A,. in Bruce County." In the evening an excellent ban- quet was given by the ladies of Walkerton, Mr. Penman, Paris presiding. The speech of the evening and of the whole convention was made by Mr. G. F. Blair of Goderich on "Y. M. 0. A, work as a business man's investment." Mr. Blair said that there are many kinds of divid- ends on the investment of money. For example a pian may invest his 'surplus money in something which will give hint money dividends; or a man may invest his money in' books or literature or travel and get his dividends in the form of education or benefit to health The Y. M. C. A. offered business Hien opportunity for investunent, the dividends of which were to be estimated. in the Religious, Physici1 Educational and Social betterment of the country's young men, and Canada's young manhood is her greatest undeveloped resource. Money is spent to develop Canada's material resources. and inuoh more should Canada's people spend to develop her .manhood. Canada a quarter or a century hence will be what her men at that time make her. and the responsible men of that time will be the boys and young men that we are developing now, Whether this young country will occupy the »rood and glorious position she is destined to occupy among the nations during the twentieth century, whether she is to be kept for' Canadians, whether she is to hold . her national spirit atnid the great influx of foreigners, whether she is to be an 'enduring Christianization depends upon her rising 'nen. Mr. 0, .1. Mickle, Chesley, also made a very able ad- dress, endorsing the inauguration of the work in Bruce county. The county oomniittee for Bruce was appointed, and as soon as the budget of $1800 for the year is raised a countysecretary will be called to begin organization. Bruce is the second celerity in the Domin- ion to introduce the Y. M, C. A. County work. GERMA, N AMALGA The Cttnttclische r 'I3auernfreund of Waterloo, the Canadisohee Voiltsbla,tt of Ne r Hamburg, and the. Deutsche Ze time, of Berlin have been. puv'ole t,sed by Messrs. Rittingor & Mote, f . Berlin, who' already own the ;C arliner Journal of Berlin, Oi11;a rio Glocke of Walkerton, and Cat adieeher'Eolon. ist of Stratford. • This completes the amalgamation. of the German newspapers in la ester? Ontario, and secures for the Gorman element. a large represent tive newspaper where formerly th iy had a•number of small papers et ou with a very> limited field. It i. a, noteworthy fact that this amalgamation hap- pens to- be effected in the 50th year Mince the establi.shi eat of the firm of Rittinger t 1lt1ote. PWSPAP 1 41,00; !Fred I ehlstal cul eon '13 \CATION, 25.00, A Turnbull 3 draiita across road, 7;50, herb Smith tile drain eon 20=11 '5.00, V M Roberts Engi- neer expense Re Bissonett's suit 109,00, M G Cameron pt ''payment Re Bissonett suit 100,00, 1' Lamont wire brush for making the 1,25, P Taamont':i expenses to London re Engineer 4,00, Council will sheet again on Wednesday the 4th day of August at 2 o'clock p. m. Fred Hess Sr., Clerk. HAY CO NOM. Council met July 2 all present except )'fr. Goetz, • whose absence was excused; The clerk Was ,acl vised to ask for tender for two brie ges, one across the WestI3ranahT-I S- D. on.Guriob Road and the other what is known as Ortwein's brid e. The Reeve at,c1' Clerk are to p epare plans and spe4Hications. A letter from Can- ada Co. in regard East Branch North Laid before the Co of cleaning out .Brain thatwas tieil, the Reeve and' Couneellor le.Arthur were appointed to look Into the matter and report at next i teeting. • A Petition lee rived frons the Eastern Ontario t Municipalities Ass'n, asking the 'Ontario Leglis-t lative to amend the.tresent assessmen eo that Municipalities earn assess buildings at a lower rate than land, was laid before council and after due consideration 'was signed by the council and a copy ordered to be sent to the M L A 'of South Huron. The following amounts were ordered to be paid.. W. Dawson hauling lumber rep cul, con 14 $2.50; A Brisson haul- ing tile L R $1.00; R Turnbull rep bridge and lumber etc. 810.00; Hanover Cement Co, a car cement, $188.45; Tp. 'Teas. Postage Ex- change etc 1303 $3.$2; Con Sohilbe cement wall and rep cull con 14, net ao t r3 -kr a•?e; a :a. C: Nothing in the way of a cough,is quite so annoying as a tickling teasing, wheezing, bronchial Cough the quickest relief comes perhaps from a prescription known to Druggists everywhere as Dr Shoop's Cough Renaedy. And besides, it is so thoroughly harmless that moth- ers give it with'perfect safety even to the -youngest babes. The tender leaves of a simple mountain shrub, give to Dr. Shoop's Cough Remedy its remarkable coative effect. It is truly a most certain and trust.' worthy prescription. Sold by J J Merrier, Extra value in black chiffon taffeta silk; remember, extra value. Call in " and get the price. J. F. Merner. The . Wroxeter Planet of last week comes out in a more condens- ed form and THE HERALD con- gratulates the new owner, A. P. Chisholm, that he had the courage of his convictions. After all is said and done, the local weekly does not cater to quantity (foreign quant ity) and three out of every four weeklies : through out Western Ontario could cut a column off each page injuring their prestige in the least. THE HERALD started as a'six-column paper, but :for reasons which are alone under- stood by the - publisher it was thought wise to reduce to the present size, If our experience is duplicated with our . Northern Exchange, Bro. Chisholm has our congratulations in advance. The Planet in its general make-up, is about the neatest and eleanest looking weekly that comes to our office. For next 30 days, Special prices on best grate galvanized corrugat- ed roofing at $3.75 F. 0, B. Hensall or $4,00 a square- ,pnt on. ,Terms cash at Hart leib's. Sheet measurement.. aeadese R FAIRS a; EXl1IBITIUN,. Atwood.., ,Sept,•28'29' Brigc]en , . < , loot. 5 Brussels Sept. 30 Oct. 1 Blyth Bl.mittt Eniliro Forest.:,......., Gerrie, • .•,. Oct, 5 di , .. Sept. 28 29 _Oct 7 . , Sept. 29 30 Qct, 2 Goelei iclt r , . , , .... , Sept. 28 29 30 Kincardine.. —Sept. 22 23 Itirkton . . , .Sept, 30 Oct, 1 Luclinow . ,. t . Sept.. 23 24 Listowel „. Sept. '21 22 London Sept: 10-18 New 'Hamburg, . Sept. 16 17 Parkluill .. ..• ..Oct. 5 0 Rodney .. .. 0et, 4 5 St. Mary ' Sept. 2223 Stratford.,., .. Sept. 28 29 Strathroy .Sept. 20 21 22 Thedford . . . . .... . . . . Sept. 29. Tavistock Sept. 20 21 Tiilsonburg..... , Sept. 28 29 Teeswater .... . Oct. 5 6 Toronto.. , ....Aug. 20 to .Sept. 13 t�Tellesley, , ..... , , .Sept. 14 15 Wier ton .........Sept, 23 24 Sept. 16 17 .0ct. 7 8 • . • , Sept. 22 23 Walkerton Watford Zurich. .,T. r�ttorsetatsreau�r•A Edison Phonograph A FULL L1NE IN STOCK Prices $16.50 Up Edison Standard and Ent- berol Records for sale— A. large stock on hand.' Conte and hear them. For close prices on Singer Sewing ma- chines and High Grade pianos and organs CALL OR WRITE' Zurich, Dui, I.DO=OZOXOOCOOOUCONZOICXXX3COOCOSTII1eis 1 1 H, WELL, .!�i.m� s.•: 'iiielt"7 "'eats Pw'lied ' eee aeeteesee, i S tri z I l rr *� otitx i i a A� ' trtbd+ i :^t* n:,vWr' o Nie t or t, ..0 +" , a,ax`•t ot .ti oro ��93.tilte tl 3. eAtli te °co°.5,, 9.10..a^C °�' 3r 0->l? ex t1-1.0o,41,1-..s, 't'• .t;xs �.�� �g�. �° :y�,e = o �.a9 �e re`s o, xo'° �e�� • x t gyne e11 t1�` V. o cox e t d;: ' y„ Wes voo.I:.r to V doe ;et: �s, o f. o s6 Nosy bl g DoT o o h e e, sex ' t e. ,ese Nene i po 2 c, n �.,, a. oa;,ti e1�r S�• Ve gee ;°(lel + i) O Y1, q' at e, ea tt r,e o o i dt ll, t o et tlte IS all r c' 5 b o: Cce e: �� rnu � � � o1n�o� �1`J�l° �,,s `��3�� 0 ar ooh > �, 5-41..� �.'t Iso�mx�' Toot -int �or� iDot�ul,�� HE success of any order depends upon the repeat orders, the orders which conte because the article has " made good." No manufacturer can succeed without these. The above is the kind of letters which we are constantly receiving regardingg. Amatite roofing. They mean something. The success of Amatite is dependent entirely upon the well-known fact that it always proves satisfactory. The reasons are that it is made of Coal Tar Pitch—the greatest waterproofing come pound known, and that it has a real ?mineral surface. Pitch is invariably used for llndorground water- proofing, and instances are known where it has been used to resist .00ntinttous water pressure underground for twenty-five years without deterio- h The advantageorcange, of a mineral surfaced roofing like ration 'Arnittite over one With a' smooth surface is that the latter meds painting and Amatite does not. s Every Fanner Should Read This Letter You have no further expense or bother after Amatite is once laid. This means a great saving. A ready roofing which requires painting every two years will cost after a while as much for 'paint as for the original roofing. In figuring the cost of painted roofings the. cost of the paint must not be overlooked. The best argument we can offer in favor of Amatite is a sample of the goods themselves. When a practical man takes a piece of Amatite in his hand he recognizes at once that it is thicker, heavier, stronger and snore durable than the com- mon kinds of roofing. Send , for 'a free sample of Amatite, and examine it earef u1lsk It makes customers for us every tune, Address 1. u`.i•Ku'���•}wY°r 111, ,. 'h'J,°;��'n'.. PRICE $32.50 per SQAt7,C;,1'.+, or ,, $3.00 flARTLEIB, PUT ON ZURICH