HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1909-07-09, Page 4• Aim: orporated 1855 $30500,000 EST FOND M r $3y5QQ,O00 Ras 65 Bxasiobes in Canada, sed Agents and :Correspondents in alp the; Principal 1 Cities in the `e,b14c; A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED, SAVH4GS BANKDEPARTIViENT at all Branches. Interest allowed at highest current rate. It QD Q NK Zurich Branch - - H. ARNOLD, Manager t` 1DCw t1f3 QiDC dIDG EOCIO*iD.<4.$, o Ci©c •" ;;xx QD c;wrt+^ +ID Cis LE GAL CARDS. H. J. 1). COOKE, BARRISTER AND SO baiter, Notary Public, Heusale: Ontario. At Zurich •(Zeller's office) every Mon- day. PROUDFOOT, HAYS & BLAIR, BA}t- ristors, Solicitors. Notaries Public, etc., Goderioh, Canada. W. Prondfoot. K.C. R. -G. Hays. G. F. Blair. BUSINESS CARDS. DR. T. P. tdoLAUGHLIN, for- merly with Drs. Jansen, Halle and Biers, of Berlin, Ger- many ; also assistant surgeon at Moorefields' (Royal yal London Opthal- mice eye Hospital and Golden Scream; Nose and Throat' Hospital. to+titian England, etc.. General practice. wash sit:twits' itttentiaial to eye, ear, nose and throat. lyes tested flit'°in- »cu1;cl rased) and glasses sutipi ,^a1. OFFICE(' DASR.WOOD, ONT. B. S. S9 AUCTIONEER, Exeter. Sales conducted ht all part::. Satis- faction guaranteed or no pay. Terms ^easonable, Orders left at this office will be promptly attended to. ANDREW F. HESS, FIRE INSU1tAN- ce agent, representing the London, Economical, Waterloo, Monareh, Stand- ard, Wellington mad Guardian. Every- thing in fire insurance. 1)R, l± art SELLERV, DENTIST, GRA- , eess1Cte" ei tt19 "to•yal College of Dental Sax fl ,f. to„ti?, 070 i'3nor gradu- ate of Department of Dentistry, To- ronto University... rainless extraction', of teeth. Plate work a speciality. At !Dominion Mouse, Zurich, every Mott- day. 7 -sr, E. ZELLER. CONVEYANCER ANI) Notary Public. Deeds, Mortgages, Wills and outer Legal Documents care fully and promptly prepared. Office— Zeiler block, Zurich, Ont. MUSIC ]•tq Is S V. MA'S , Prepares Pupils for the Toronto t"on iervaatory of Music and other Centres. Address: L ruin+,. PARSONAGE, Zurich. FOR SALE. Farm for wilt south half of lot 15, (,'on. 11, Township (If Hay. On this property there is a gond frame house, kitchen and woodshed, gi o l Bank barn and hog house 1'4 stere• of young archa^d, and never failing supply of water. This farm 15 a deep clay sail and in good state of culti- vation, cotavpniently situated 21 miles from Znric,b. 'Would take a suitable pro- perty eiri or 10 antes in exchange. For -,rags and particulars apply to E. Taa.i•- ▪ .rtr on premises, or to Trios. CAMERON, atictioneer. Farquhar P. 0. :>©:te:•e... a:}l too,. land, with good bank cirri, frame house, all in eocd repair. The farm is well drained, plenty of good water :.s,l will be sold. ^33000.0 .10. Apply to .., • Zoller, Zurich. LODGE MEETINGS i 0 Ii Court Zurich No. 1240 .L meets every lit, and :0:9' Thursday of atoll tenni' at 8 o'clock p. the A. 0. U. W. Hall. 1..1. h1z':r:a1:r:, C. 11 • a 1j Riekbeil Lodge < o . a No. 3 93, meets W to 2nd and 4th Friday of every month, a.t 8 o'clock, in their Hall, ltierner B1oek. FEED. 1'1rwra,M. W. HELP WANTED Wanted experienced operators on ;Stints, Knickers, Overalls. Constant employment the ear round, highest union` Wages paid. piece work. Inexperienced hands to learn operating. Taylor -Anderson, Southgate Co. Limited, Sc aforth. Just received another shipment of black voiles plait), also soine very pretty Stripes, tat J M.erner's, • THE NER-Al PIIBLISIiED BY E. ZELLEIR. FRIDAY JULY 9th. 1949 V V , C. $ . U. THE CRY OF THE TWO-THIRDS Amici all this disaster another little life took root; ;to this. man forgetful of his own soul oanie an- other little soul to nurture. A son was born to hint to add his winsome irright on the side of .his father's better self ; "We will ; name him for John,” said the father with a pecular yearning sadness in bis voice. "Perhaps he will, with the name , inherit something of his goodness. God torbidhe should be anything like me. "So there was another John Justin Droutly in the world such'a-wee one, clamor- ing for attention and care. They called the newcomer Justin and he was a nobiefellow,roundand jolly. Maurice had gone too far. now for any merely human power to re- strain him. Home could not hold one who was rum controlled. When Justin was 3 months old` his father was ;one. all one night, the next day dragged its weary -length along and yet he did not appear. That day forbids description as Helen walked the.floor, rocked her baby, fell on her knees. went to the wind ow, started at every step fainted at everything, till night again shut down. Once Derry asked "where's mita?" but her motben "l ash" startled tier into silence.' At dinner tune she asked ''May Clover do down tea eat wivpapaand mamfnat?" Helen felt like shrieking but she terced herself to say quietly 'papa is away, wie will eat in the nursery and darling knew her mother's heart was aching and putting her aria around her neck asked for Uncle John. Yes, John was the only one on earth that could help her, yet she had been shrinking all day from appealing to him. Every hour she had longed for and dread ed bis appearing. But at last she dispatched a messenger for hint. •,f'oine to me quickly" she wrote el signed it "Helen." Dr Droutly had .pent all night and most of the dr:- over a dying patient and was now improving his first moment of , leisure in trying to swallow a cup a :.t tee when the house keeper hand tel thin Helen's note. He was in hitt oedts, his coat on in less than a minute. "Do not expect me until you see me," he said to Mrs Murray tied hastened out, leaving her to grumble as she cleared oft" the table, about nobody having any consideration for doctors, poor things, and for her part, she was glair she wasn't one of them. Helen was watching for him when he arrived. She had. left ,Dorry and baby with Ann in the nursery that she might be free to speak to him, but now that he had come she only east on hitn an agonized look and buried her face in her hands. "Helen dear sister, he said gently, "tell :tie where he is and I will help hien" "Oh, John, I do not know where he is." John never forgot the utter agony of her voice. He wren a her to a chair and sat down Reside her, his firm hand clasping her reassuringly as he spoke: "I can and will find him. Do not be afraid. How long has he been gone frons home?" "Since yesterday afternoon," she faltered. "Why did you not send for , me sooner, Helen? this is my grief as well as yours. We have common sorrow and. must trust each other, you must promise me never to suffer alone again while I live. I shall tome at your slightest call. But You are tired. and nervous now and must go to bed; ,you will obey. meil Helen and go to bed. I will surely find hint andbring hien home with mu. She clung to lnm, as Dorry !i would have done, sobbing piteous- ly. The tears were good. for Ler ; be. was glad to see them' He drew her arra through his and led her to the (stairs. "1 .will send Ann" he said; and you are not to have a thought of zany kind tonight. 'Then he left her. It was'seta a relief to be eared or; to roll the. burden OR those broad 'shoulders, He went out and she fell fast asleep. This had been the doctor's order. "You will not leave her tonight Ann?" "No sir" 'Thank you." lie knew. Anti's word could bo relied on, "I will bring yoll, good news for her soon I ti est:' Meanwhile if she wakes give her this powder. Oat into the darkness of darkest N- event the breve man, pain at his heart but gratitude as well that ho was there to.. go, there to spare the ono 'who must r.etnain at home.. :,Hely me to pick up his neglected tasks ; he prayed" and fill as full as another can his unfulfill- ed obligations, and 0 God, Thyself make good the rest. Then he plung- ed on. His heart grew sick, indeed before the night was over, as he ferreted his' way through the filth of darkest N.— Bat es the day was dawning he met his reward, and the rising san shone upon Maurice Droutly, washed and cleanly clad, asleep in one of his own fine beds, and on the rested face of a woman only a few chamb- ers off just wakened from a quiet sleep. (To be continued) Ethel M. Williams, Pres., • • A failing tiny nerve—no larger than the finest silken Thread—takes from the Heart its 'impulse.. its power, its reanlarity. The Stomach also has its hidden, or inside nerve. It was Dr. Shoop who first told us it was wrong to drng a weak or failing Stomach, Heart or Kidneys. His prescription—Dr. Shoop's Re- storative—is directed straight for the cause of these ailments—these weak and faltering, .inside nerves. This, madoubt clearly explains why the Restorative has of late grown so rapidly in popularity. Druggists say that those who test the Restor- ative even for a few days soon be- come fully convinced of its wonder- ful merit. Anyway, don't drug the organ, Treating the cause of sick- ness is the only sensible and suc- cessful way. Sold. by J J Dlerner. THE JULY ROD AND GUN. ' Big Game Shooting in the Yukon Territory" by that veteran sports. man, Mr. C. G. Cowan, epees the exceptional fine July number of Rod and Gi is in Canada, published by W. . J. Taylor, Woodstock. Ont. It is clear from the aceou.nt given that. big game is plentiful in the Yufroff art prcivides -fine sport for those s- ^.oaan aiiord time and m•oniy ;to *rola s:rftir. Mr.,egin- al C*{ hila; predicts a GoodFall for Har ansa consequent relief to the big game of the North Indian raids. Canadian rand American sportsmen should note and govern themselves accordingly. The Basset Hound for sport is an article which will interest' all deg lovers. These tire but samples of a long list in which fishing and hunting topics conic in for abequate treatment, while numerous short papers supply variety and enable sportsmen to pick Lip the magazine at any time, confident of finding much that will give theta pleasant reading and which appeal to thele all the year round even .if the force is increased somewhat in the summer weather. %rime the wild is calling in many ways. A . tiekling or dry cough can bel uickly loosened with Dr S,hoop's Cough Remedy-. No opium, no chloroforan nothing unsafe or harsh. sold by J J Merner, SCHOOL REPORT The following is the report of the Junior Room of Zurich •Pubito School for the month of,Ttitte, based' en attemlante, weekly exams. and genera] deportment. ' ,Tr III Harry Rosa. Bernard, Hildebrand. Lloyd Iialbfleiseh; Katie l ipfer, , Robert Claming, Arnold Hildebrant, Hazen Zeller, Ford Ilaherer, Earl •Rata, Gertie Weber, Elvin Bock. Clara Thiel, Melvin Braun, Ada Bra -tun Charlie Weber, Roy Appel, Theodore Mittle- holtz (absent) Harry Hess (absent.) Jr II Genevieve Zettle, Rov Weber, Minnie Merner, Lloyd O'Brien, Charlie Davidson, Sinton Thiel, 'Wesley Bock, Walter Bender, ary Zettle. Carrie .Brenner, Ceoi] 'Weber, Lelia Disjardine, Clara Weber, Leo, Mittleholtz, Melvin Bock Flossie Eayter, Alberta Mittle- holtz, Luella Bender. Pt It Alert Hess. Ward Fritz, Pearl Sien )n, Lloyd Hayter. Alava Uttley. M. J Keys Teacher. After doctoring for about twelve years for a bad stomach trouble, and spending nearly five hundred dollars for medicine and doctors' fees, I purchased nay wife one box of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets, which did her so match good that she ` continued to use thein and they have done her more ;arid than all of the medicine I bought before—Sanitel Boyer, 'ols i'n, Iowa, This medicine is for sale y J J Mernez:. The following is. the report of the Junior Room of Zaxrioh Public School for the month of June, based on attendance weekly exams, sand general deportment. Sr III Russel Zeller, Eva, Weber, Ern.anuel K ] ooh er, Alma ;FixC, Karl Schnell: Theodore Foster, ,Laura Schilbe, Leonard Davidson, Elva Heyrock, Louis Zettei, Albert Thiel John Meleormick, Erma, Uttley, Sr II Milton Hayrack, Varela Fess, Percy Weide, Hahne Sohilbe, Mary Jeffrey, Samuel Fisher, Willie, Clausins, Gertie Book, Teodore Howald, Albert McCormick, Mary Price. Pt II Sr Gladys Fisher, Roy Foster Ada fowald, Maggie Friss, Levi -- ranee Rau, Reinhold Koch, Janet Thiel, Ernie Bender. Pt II Jr Edgar Schnell, Elmore Ciansius, Clarence Brenner, Claytus Mittleholtz, Earl Zettel. Average for month 49. M. R. Jackson. Teacher. A book on Rizeurna.tisni, by Dr. Shoop, of Racine, Wis. tells some plain. truths, and in a plain and practical way. (set this booklet, and aL free trial treatment of Dr. Shoop's Rheumatic Remedy for some dis- heartened stiffer in your vicinity. Make a grateful anti appreciative friend of someone who is discourag- ed because of the failures of others to help lam. Help me to make this test, and I'll certainly help your suffering friend. Sold by J J Mer- ner. BL,IK. Our school picnic held in Mr. Holtz's grove on Tuesday proved a decided success. The weather was all that could be desires and the people of the section turned out wonderfully well. The children (to the number of sixty) did their marching and contested in their sports without an error. The heaps and piles of victuals furnished for the occasion shows that the ladies of Blake Section aro able and wilting to cook. The grove is an ideal spot for picnics anct both Mr. and Mrs. Holtz by their many kind- nesses in contributing anything and everything wanted proved them• selves ideal entertainers. Long drives to distant groves are a thing of the past for our section. We as pupils and teacher join inextend- ing our sincere thanks to all for their presence, to the ladies for the delicaoies furnished and to Mr. and Mrs. Holtz for the use of their grove and house. Mr. Robt. Drysdale Jr. of Laurel Minh. accompanied by his cousin Mrs. John Ellis of the same place spent a few days visiting friends in the neighborhood. Dr. Wes. Sohoellig and bride re- turned from their honeyinoon trip to Duluth and are spending a few days visiting in the neighborhood before leaving for their home in Detroit, Messrs Ginger] oh and Schrag have their silos complete. Our school closed on Wednesday for vacation, a time welcomed by pupils and teacher. Mr. Wm. Finlay and son Edgie spent a few days visiting friends at the olcl home near Kincardine Friends from Waterloo County are visiting in the neighborhood. The geed people of Zurich turned out, En Masse to the garden party on Tuesday. Mt, and Mrs R. Scarlett and family spent it few days visiting in the neighborhood. Mr. .l". Thirsk is busy building a new driving shed which when complete will add convenience to the •farm. Mr. Julius Challot is engaged with Mr. J. Johnston for the rest of the season. Miss Irene Douglas and Voilet Stevens of Seaforth. Coll Inst. are home for vacation. The former wrote en the Jr Teachers Examina- tion. We wish her success. The farmers along the Kippe.n and Drysdale route are to be treat. ed to rural mail. delivery in the near future. Thin system adds no eonve ienoo to most of our conces- sion people who rightly deserve equal treatment. The Garden Party held on Mr. P. A. Manson's lawn on Tuesday eventing was a decided success in every respect. The weather was all that could be wished for. The attendance was large and all seemed to enjoy their outing immensely. On such Occasions some wish for a program of'vocal and instrumental music, but, owing to the fact that the young folks would rather make their own evening's entertainment. it is very difficult to,get a, hearing The Band kept tip.'its flY mer good reputation and rendered several choice selections. The proceeds aLtnonnted to $90. On occasions of this hind the people who give the use of their lawn are put to more or less trouble and we think it would be in order to confer to Mr aind Mrs Manson a hearty vote of thanks for the open hearted way which they not only threw oxien their gates but their doors an well. St p r at C' id To check early colds or Grippe with "Pt -twenties" • means sure deft at,for Pneumonia, To stop a cold with 1'reventiea is safer than to lot it run and ho obliged to euro it afterwards. To be sure. Pre, verities will cure even a deeply seated cold, but taken early—at the sneeze stage—they break, or lead ori these 'early colds That's surely better. That's why they are called Preventics, Pruvcntinsnro little Candy Cold Cures. No Quin, ;no, no physic, nothing sickening. Nice for the children—and thoroughly safe too. If you feel chilly if you sneeze, if you oche all over, think of ,k'revonties. Promptness may also save half your usual sickness. And don't forget your child, if there is fcvorishness, nightot clay..Ilereinp1lrob. ry lies Preventics' greatest efficiency. Soldiai• boxes for the Docket, also in '25o boxes of 48 ventics. Insist on your druggists giving You 111 2. J. L ERNER. THE JULY HOME JOURNAL. There is such an abundance of good things in the July Home Jour- nal that it is difficult to say just what the outstanding features are. "The Dominion of To -Day', tells of the wonderful growth of Canada from 1867 to 1909. The new serial story "This Mystery of Barry Ingram," by Annie S. Swan, starts in this number. The opening phapt- ars give promise of its being one of the best stories ever offered to Canadian readers. "The Awakening" is an excellent short story of a dream that came true, Many girls have ambitions to become writers. Their troubles and perplexitiesaretold in brief in "The Girl Who Wants to Write Women are coming to the front as explorers and a short sketch of the travels of Miss Agnes Deans Cameron in Northern Canada is very entertaining,. "Wanted,, a Beauty Combine," is a splendfcl article advocating the retaining of the natural beut, of our towns and villages. It is excellently illustrat- ed with photographs. The whole issue is 'pr'afusely illustrated. The cover is an ex- cellent reproduction in colors of "Tho Violet Lady" by Canada's foremost artist W. Goode, who also contributed the "Summer Girl" which is printed in colors inside, This magazine has improved so recently that many loading Canad- ian women are reading the Home Journal in preference to foreign publications. Pain can be easily and quickly stopped, Pink Pain Tablets—Dr. Shoop':t—stop Headache womanly pains, any pain, anywhere, in 20 minutes sure. Formula on the 25c. box. Ask your druggist or doctor about this formula—it's fine. Sold by J 3 Merrier. PROMOTIONS S. S. NO 1 HAY To Sr IV_*MLLximillial Denomy, Valerie Laporte, Wilfrid Laporte. To Sr III—eEugene Denomy, *Anna Corriveau, *Loretta Laporte, *Armand Denotny, *Richard La- porte, Edward Laporte, Lillie De. nomy, Simon Bedard, Angeline Bedard. To Sr It °Philbert Denomy, Leo Denomy, 'Teddy Denomy, Rachel Bedard, Adolph Sopha, Lawrence Denomy. To Sr Pt II --Beatrice Denomy. To pt II—Adella Denomy, Marcel Laporte, TheodoreLaporte, Latina Denotny. *diose who got 75e,, or over, 1T. Harrison, Teacher. • NENSALL The local postmaster Mr. Slither - Jellabas put atherlandhasput anew front in his office. Onion patches are badly infested with grabs and some patches are almost rained. • Mr. John Caldwell and Mrs. Godbolt of Exeter were united in marriage, recently. Rev. S. L. Toll and wife left on Monday morning last for Walker- ville, where Mr. Toll is stationed. MARKET` REPORT, --The fol- lowing is the report of Zurich, markets corrected up to Thursday. Barley 55 tc lit~ Peas 80 Bran , ... 23.00 Shorts , . 26 00 Oats•..... 55 55 Wheat 6 64 ......... 1 85 1 36 - . 7.00 8.00 Dried apples 4 Y 6 6 Clover seed . .. , ..... 5.00 5.75 Potatoes. , .. 45 45, Butter.,..., ..,, 16 16 Eggs ..... 17 17 Hogs liveweiget 7,55. HENSALL MARKETS Cook's Best Flour. 2.75 Wheat... .... ^ 1 15 15 Oats , ...........• 44 45 Barley ...... , . ' 50 50 Peas • �' , 84 80 Hogs livevweight...,.. 7,55 The terrible itching and smarting incident to Certain skin diseases, is almostinstantly*• allayed by apply frig Chamberlain's Salve. Price, 25 cents. For stile by. J eI Ma rnpr..