HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1909-07-09, Page 1The Official. Organ. of Zurieh and Hay Township. f Vol. 1X. 5RIDAY iMLORNiE'; G, JiJLY 9', 1909. cse'°a e°acara a ssra>D� LOCA NEWS. Stephen Council minutes will be published next week. See Hartleib's add on binder twine, it will pay you. Miss Ida Well of Saginaw, Mich. is visiting her parents. Mr. Harold .Appel of Seaforth visited his parents here over the' holiday. Miss Elizabeth.Rannie has passed the examination in Jr. Counter- point, with first class honors. The Ladies Aid of the Evan•` gelical Oh'nroh will have a lawn social. The date will be announced later on. Wo have a fine stock of dusters, fly netts, hammocks, soreen doors and windows and baby carriages at lowest prices, at Hartleib's. Mrs. Moring and daughter Miss Lucy, of Colborne, visited. with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ortwein the past week. High Grade Manitoba Flour. One thousand bags price $3.00 per bag. Every bag guaranteed first quality. Call at the Hensall • Oat- meal Mills. D. Urquhart. Mr. Fred Humphreys returned on Tuesday from his trip to the West. which he enjoyed very much. He reportsM anitoba and Saskatchewan to be a fine, prospering country. Mr. Hoffman would like all sub- scribers to the Band grant to hand in their money, as he desires to publish the names and amounts given, in our next issue. Scarce goods are linen suiting. We have been lucky enough to buy up a few more pretty striped suit lugs, you will have to hurry if yon want arty, •at J. J. Merner's. The annual -children's day will be observed in the Evangelical ' church on the 14 con. next Sunday. The pastor will, address the ycttng people and children at 10.:30 A.. M. an interesting nrogam will be ren- dered at 2 P. M. also at 7:30 P. M These programs consist of singing. and recitations • by the children. Some of the best speakers have been secured todeliver addresess in the afternoon and evening. The Public is most cordially invited to attend these programs. Missionary offerings will be lifted during the day. This Sunday School is noted for good children 's day programs. Peerless uaaobine oil at 80 cents pr gal., at fartleib's Miss Ida Brill visited at Mr, Sohade's, Sauble Line. last week. Miss Lily Faust left for Strathroy to visit Miss McLean, ' Miss Susie Johnson visited friends in Clinton over Sunday. See our solid goldenemsingle harp ess. regular $20.00 line, for $17.00 At Hartleib's. Mr. and Mrs. Simon Dietrich visited friends . near Seaforth on Sunday. Miss Ethel Postblewaite of Exeter visited at Mr; Wm. O'Brien's over Sunday. Mr. Adam Faust bas been quite ill the past week or so, but is slowly recovering: The Uensall Foundry was badly damaged by fire on the 1st. • The loss is nearly '$10,000. $1000 to $1600 private (ands to loan at 5% on good farxu security. Apply to E. Zeller, Zurich. Mrs. •McCormick picked out of a orate of strawberries, one blossom which contained eleven berries. The bowling green is getting into good shape and occasional games' are enjoyed by the club members.. Fancy colored rnnslin and mulls, a big range can be seen at 'The Popular Store."J. J. Merrier. Mr. William•Tiaercher of Tol4do, Ohio. is home this week owing to the illness of his father, Mr. M. Iiaercher. Misses Lizzie and Nettie Melrose of Baden, and Miss Arbogast of Sebringvil'le, visited at the home of Thos Johnson's hast week. There will he no preaching in the Evangelical Church next Sunday, owing to the children's Day program in Ev. church on the l 4 con. Thirteen farmers along the 14th said .Zurieh. ,.Road were eonu'eeted np by phone this week and in a few days the Goshen South will also enjoy the privileges of the farm telephone-. lT. Well has moved in the new office -in the north end of Hattleib's big store. He carries a, romplete stock of first class pianos, and organs, andsingersewing machines. Edison phonographs and records. Every body is welcome to call in to see and hear them if you buy or not. 1 1 1 1 8 9 e 1 Everijtfljij No. 50. Fathers Stroedea acid Loiselle are by the yard. At J. a at Sandwich Retieat„;tliis week.A new range of bel`.ts and "belting , Merner's, Mr. Maurice 1- au Lias returned from Chatam Business College, 4M1.. Ezra Sweitzer of-Sebringvilie, visited .friends here, goer the lst. Leather is novo 40 cents' pr ib. But call and see our learn harness at $26.00 per, .set. .At Hartleib's. Miss Mary Fee and ?\1r. " bMilliam J,, Fee arrived from the West.bn Tuesday, atter a an. weeks' pleasant visit with relatives. Mrs. Henry F mist of Caro. Mich accompanied by her son and daught- er, is visiting with Mie .1,ydia Faust and other relatives. ' We are selling off a lot of child- ren's white,, canvas slippers at 50 cents a pair. Call in and see them.. They stye sell'i'ng fast. P. Bender. On Saturday last June 25th one'; of Mr. John, Schilbe's sons, 14th Con. brought to ;'our office sorne fall wheat, measuring just 5 feet G inches in length. This is the record. The regular •'"meeting of the Women's Christian Temperance l Tnion was held at the home of Mrs. John Geiger. Mrs. J. A, Williams conducted ,;the ""Devotional Exer- cises. after which Miss' Ella Rennie led the Educational half hour. The president then took eharg,e, and the business was transacted The meet- ing was' closed with singing the Doxology, after which a very dainty luneh.was served.. ATTEMPTED BURGLARY. • 'A bold aitterpt at robbery was made about 2 o'clock ;vestetday ('i'.nursday) mornings, when the safe in THE HERALD office was blown open. The door is a complete wreck, although the lowerbolt was not broke, and the contents, of the safe were not got at. It i Seedless to say that their booty ould not A have been hard. to o ad the burglaxs.; succebded illi: getti 's; The damage to the wife is. consider. able, while the cabinet belonging Q to the Bell Telephone Co. and the CijiC front of the 'office werebadly wrecked. As the branch' of the. Maisons Bankis in the sanae block, it is thought by some that.: a mis- take had - been made, and thu,t it was the intention of the robbers to get at the cash in the bank. There seems to be no clue, and, o suspic- ious were noticed in town. The damage. will amount to. over a hundred dollars. wamiamimAmmwmisimmthimmawi Ck Sale in millinery epartmen r 7 discount sale of 25 percent on. Ladies' Mats in. the Millinery department. The millinery season is nearly over, so I will run off the. balance of nay Stock with this large discount. If you are in need of a Hat, now is your time; First come -first choice. Tkere are some fine up–to–date Hats which must be sold, All Farm Produce taken in Exchange for this Sale, D. r FAUST 'ZURICH D•Q QO 9 FRITZ Qac���cs�o�oo•�-ccZi•47'x`.'f7��'��- 4.•p. o�000o4•�ov�•�o.vvoo•ovv•v4",47 • Any kind of shoe you set out for, in ' all the latest styles. We are showing some very fine lines in Wo- men's and Alen's Tan and Ox Blood Oxfords this season and the stock is winning friends every day. The more you see of Mc PHERSON sQ1S . the better you will like them. They give genuine service because they are made right and are fitted right. The refinement and individuality of style shows for itself. They represent built-in qual- ity and are such shoos as we like to sell. - ZURICH ;vo..o.•aoaa 000.o•©•o ovo5a•.a �.c�:�, �i•�o 0000c •vaoq o o0• •oma 0 r 1l.✓ This entire page would not be sufficient, to contain the great lists of specials in all kinds of things for summer wear which we have arrayed for yur choos= ing. You can't do better than by making a selection from bur stocks of summer Dress Fabrics, Silks, Ready=to=Wear Garments, Hosiery, Corsets, Underwear, Collars, Belts, Parasols, etc. Summer Dress Goods Our stock of summer Dress Goods has been the talk of town, and our se- lection still comprises some of the most fashionable lines. We cordtally invite the ladies to call and look through. our Mus- lim, Linens, Voiles, Silks, etc. You can save dollars by making your purchase here. aby Carriages Etc 8 1 B We are offering some special values in baby carriages, go–carts, ex,refis wagons etc. All new goods and strong- ly built. See F =s about your guaranteed first class. PLYOUTN Binder Twine We are sole agents for the Fa- mous Plymouth. Twine. • Best by Test. Gold Medal, 650 feet to Silver Sheaf, 600 " Plymouth Special, 550 :prices right, Quality the Best pound. mmele-aerlarrrntaffasemeramereversnesaorrnsancroonemanirme.............Teventrarmsvm SUNLIER SUITS We desire to call the attention of the men to our Summer Suits. Why not keep cool during the hot weather by wearing suitable clothes. We have a large stock to select from at prices rang- ing from $8.00 to $15.00. '.they are made up in the latest styles and cloths. Call in and look over them. We also carry a large stock of boys' and youth's -suits. See our stock of men's shirts, newest and coolest, belts, collars, ties, socks, etc. ea.vetroughing, roofing, or any iron work, our work All kinds produce wanted. E ET u /CFI is