The Herald, 1909-06-18, Page 8I.. Vie' Z torch i II eralid. i Seas q'Aliable er 43ood4s. 41 . cotton Wash Goods Striped Ginghams and good heavy prints; just the thing for Dresses, Ladies' Suits, Boys' Blouses etc. Black and Colored Voiles Nothing prettier or more stylish than a nice voile dress or skirt for hot weather. Fancy net- ting for waists, with insertions to match. .1111.12 Ladies' Fancy Parasols White and fancy colors are fashionable and we have a fine selection. e. __-._. LadiesBelting Specials Don't fail to see our new stock of Belting, in black., brown, navy, green, white and cream. Two new things in Belting—Silverine and G-oldine— Come in and see what it is like. 2 Specials== -Toilet Sets and Tapestry Carpet Squares A large stock in these two lines at very special prices. A Millinery Clean=up We want to clean up the balance of a big season's trade and will cut the price almost in half; Men's Summer Clothing 2 and 3 piece suits: Fancy Vests, Negligee Shirts, nice Low Collars, Underwear, Fancy Hosiery and Belts. Straw Hats==All Prices We have never shown as good a range of Men's and Boys' straws as we are showing this season. Sailor Hats from 25cts' up to $2.50. J. J. 111 GENERAL F RIANT Zurich,ix Ontario" Local Option Campaign. This space has been reserved by the Local Option Committee of the Township of Hay - BUSINESS. NOT MEN, BARRED Referring to the fact that certain religious societiesand benevolent associations refuse to admit hotel and saloon keepers as members, and that some people are surprised that a whole class of ,the community should be boycotted, the Action Sociale says; The,.claiti'is made that a saloon keeper may be as honest a citizen and as good a Christian as a dealer in church ornaments. Granted that some saloon -keepers may be found against whom nothing can be said outside their business; yet, if it be admitted that the record of alcohol is made up of murders, suicides, shame and loss of souls, ruin `of every kind, etc., etc., can it at the same time be, logically claimed that the trade: ofthe man who makes it a business to supply, drop by drop, to his fellow -beings the poison that will, sooner or later, lead him to ruin, is honest and praiseworthy? That is the reason why certain societies close their doors upon saloon -keepers. They have nothing against them personally, but they cannot countenance 'their business. Fall Terrn Opens AUG. 30th. Our graduates aro assisted to the best positions. Write for the reason. Prepare now to enter at the beginning of term. Mail Courses for those who wish to study at home. CLINTON BUS1NES COLLEGE G o, SromToIN,:. Principal. hi REDOCTIONS On Wire and Wire Fencing TO CASI-I BUYERS Best Carbon Steel coiled Best quality heavy gal- wire, medium gal-vanized coiled 2 2 65 vanized, per 100.... • wire, per 100 • All No. 9 coiled spring wire Fencing 5 wire, per rod, 25c. 6 wire, per rod, 28c. 7 wire, per rod, 33c. 8 wire, per rod, 37co Miss Catherine lustre of Rodney visited at the home of Me. and Mrs. 1i. Well, the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Bechtel of Berlin, were visitors et .tho home of Mr. and firs. S. Ronnie, for n few days this week. For a goocl -cigar smoke "The Latest." (Jetthem from Mrs. Mc- Cormick. Building, operations are not very brisk so far this season, although besides numerous repairs, the following are building dwellings:— Jacob Weido S. E. Faust and Henry Rupp. Mr. J. P. Olheuser, landlord of one of the leading hotels in Tees. water, was here this week visiting his uncle Mr. N. Foster, Sr., and other friends. He left on Tuesday for Berlin, Buffalo and Pittsburg. A gold and silver mine was re- cently discovered near Paynton, Bask , and a large number of claims have beep. staked. One sample of quartz assayed' $909.14 in gold to the ton and $6.00 in silver. Rev. A. D. Gischler, accompan- ied by Mrs. Gischler and Master Lewis, attended : the `a",outh Huron ministerial meeting, in the Presby- terian church, Iippen, on Monday afternoon. Dr. Oven's Surgeon, Oculist, Specialist will be at Royal Hotel, Hensall, on .Friday, June 18th. Hours 9 a m to 9 p.m. Glasses pro- perly fitted, Catarrh, deafness, fail- ing eyesight and throat troubles treated. Custom figures, "indicate that trade is on the increase and good times are coming back rapidly. The total customs revenue for Canada for the month of May was $4,296,- 660, an increase of $727,968 over the corresponding month of last year and of $1,389,699 for the last two niontlis. Many remarkable cures of stom- ach troubles have been effected by Chainberlait's stomach and liver tablets. One man who has spent over two thousand dollars for medicine and treatment was cured by a tew boxes .of these tablets. Price 25c. Samples free at J J Mer- ner's store. THE wEF LY SHOOT Nine members tufted, out on Tuesday evening and resulted in the following scores, at ten birds ; John Trueniner, 7 ; W. O'Brien, 7 ; J, P Rau, '7; P, Sipple, 7; W. G. Ress, 10 ; J: Schitettler, 7 ; 3. free. ter, 5 ; S. Paust,; 7. ; F. vtr. 'mess, 8. We Lead the Trade, Others May Follow and May Not. . C. H}IRTLEIS, zuRicn HURON'S LARGEST COMBINATION STORE Zurich's Leading SHOB STORE.. No is the time to buy your TSI and ' ° , dE We have the Very Best and Latest==all sues and colors. Come and examine before buying elsewhere. Our low prices will save you money. BET ES Ee?" Zurich IF YOU USE Royal Household Five Roses or other Brands of Flour from. Rannie's Flour and Feed Store. The best in Groceries at close Prises. All kinds of Feed on hand. S RANNIF, - - ZURICH Highest price in Cash paid for Butter and Eggs A CAR LOAD = X Hastings Bran d C. I\ LES Just arrived. Will give closest prices for quick sale F. C. KAL FLFISCH, Zurich