The Herald, 1909-06-18, Page 6No trouble with Sunlight Soap. Just follow the directions on the wrapper and Sunlight does the rest. Costs little—goes far— never injures hands or clothes. White Flowers Easy to Dye. "Every once in a while some florist put some odd colored blossoms in his window as an extra attraction to the display," said a clubman. "I just not- iced one down street: It consisted of a butch of impossibly green carnations. Now anybody who wants to have any of these freak flowers can get them by buying some kind of aniline ink, any color desired. Carnations are the east - est to color, white ones, of course. Put their stems in a glass filled with ink. Their stems are soft, and in a short while the larger veins of their petals are filled with the ink. Don't let them absorb too much colas, they are prettier with just so much, Then remove them and put them in a vase of salt water. Lilies of the valley lend themselves to this scheme also; in fact, any white, soft stemmed flower may be used."— Philadelphia Record. If allowed to roam over your house those few innocent -looking house flies may cause a real trag- edy any day, as they are known to be the principal agents for the spread. of those deadly diseases, typhoid fever, diphtheria and smallpox. PREVENTIVE METHODS. After a man is taken sick lie is willing to spend all he has, be it much or little, for the purpose of regaining his lost health. Too often, however, the same; man would begrudge a few dollars for ;prevention. In like inainer, too. will he fail and neglect to .do the, things he •should do in. order to preserve his physi- e'al health and well being. No doubt he las heard all about the value of fresh air, plain food, exercise, and right Ili*itig, but he pays•no heed until it is too late. Then, under the doctor's advice, he pro- aems Citi de, •with almost •religious care, 'Te 'Very- things he should have, done all the time. It is, after all, only a- case of l trot understanding of. properly appreciating the valumof preventive methods. . a A new discovery. Has more 0 rejuvenating, ztalizin�* force than has ever before been offered Sufferers from lack of vigor and vital weakness which sap the pleasures of life should take C. N.One box will show wonder- ful onderful results. Sent by mail in plain package only on receipt of this advertisement and one dollar. Address. The Nervine Co., Windsor, Ont. FREE SI Box. To quickly introduce and make known, will with first order mail two boxes for one dollar and five 2 cent stamps. Order at once as this offer is for a short lime only. On His Journey. The great American traveller was looking through his gleaming eyeglases at the shores of the Red. Sea. "It night have been somewhere along here," he reflected, "that Moses held out his big stick over the waters and Phar- aoh, the Egyptian malefactor of great wealth, carne to grief." With a momentary pang of regret that he had not lived during those strenuous days, he resumed his ten mile wall: up and down the deck of the ship. THE, DOSE IN Ti' E THAT SAVED NINE Dodd's Kidney Pills cure d Dan. McGee's Backache. He Used the Old Reliable Kidney Remedy and Found a Speedy and Complete Cure for His Trouble. James River, Antigonish Co., N. S., June 14.—(Special)—It has again been proven in the case of Mr. Dan McGee, a ?veli -known farmer, living near here, that backache is only a symptom of Kidney trouble, and that Dodd's Kidney Pills cure it quickly and completely. "I suffered from backache for two months," Mr. McGee states. "It started from a strain and grew steadily worse. I also had occasional attacks of Lum- bago. I was always tired. and at times my eyes were puffed and swollen. In the mornings I had a bitter taste in imy mouth. 'Then I decided to try Dodd's Kidney Pills and the result is that to -day I am a well man. I advise all persons suf- fering from Backache or Lumbago to use Dodd's Kidney Pills" ' Mr. McGee caught his Kidney Disease in its early stages, and Dodd's Kidney Pills cured it almost at ,nee. Neglected Kidney Disease develops into Rheuma- t]efu, Dropsy,Bright's Disease or Heart Disease. Dodd's Kidney .:'.ills will eure any and alt of these. NOVEL. USE of LIGHT. Electric /.,amps. Employed. to Stimu-' late Animals' Appetities, Stimttlating the appetite it: ozie of the strangest uses to which artificial light ing is put, At the London Zoological Gardens small birds are called to break- fast two hours ahead of their usual time by the turning on of the electric light, and quails are fattened for the ;Loudon market in underground cellars, which are lighted up many times a day to induce the birds to feed often and abundantly. At the Berlin Zoological Gardens a similar plan is adopted. to make certain bears hibernate. For sev- eral weeks in fall their dens are bright- ly illuminated, they have a plentiful supply of their favorite food, and they eat and grow very fat, so that, when winter comes and their dens are barri- caded, they quietly go to sleep for two or three months, just as in theirnative haunts. In spring they awaken, lean, hungry and healthy. cpm A WINDSOR LADY'S APPEAL Te All Women: I will send free with full instruotions, my home treatment which costively cures Leucorrhoea, Ulceration, Displacements, Falling of the Womb,. Pain- ful or Irregular periods, Uterine and Ovar- ian Tumors or Growths, also Iiot Flushes, Nervousness. Melancholy, Pains In the Head, Back or Bowels, Kidney and Bladder troubles, where caused by weakness peculiar to our sex. You can continue treatment at home at a cost of only 12 cents a week. My book. Woman's Own Medical Adviser," also sent free on request. Write to -day. Address, Mrs. M. Summers, Box H. 8, Windsor. Ont. Not if He Knew It. "We'll have to get a butler, you know." said lira. Pneuriteh. "What for?" :seised Mr. Pueuriteh. "Well, to look after the wine cellar." "Not much, Priscilla! l'm capable of looking after the booze myself." "A butter lends dignity to an estab- lishment, too." "Well, when I get so hard up for dig- nity that I have to borrow it front a butler, I'lt quit and go back to the retail grocery business. 'Lou manage the hired girls, Priscilla, and I'll attend to run- ning the'man part of this shebang." .At the Yarmouth Y. M. C. A. Boys' Camp, held at Tusket Falls in August, 1 'found MINARD'S LTNIM.ENT most beneficial for sun burn, art immediate relief for colic and toothache. ALFRED STOKES, General Secretary. Flossie's Choice. Flossie had been presented with a box of French candy. "Now, Flossie." said., her mether, "you have eaten all that you ought to. You can have one piece more and then we will put the bot away until to -morrow." "May I have any piece I like?" asked Flossie. "Yes; take the kind you like best." Flossie hesitated. "Well, mamma," she said, finally, "if I take the kind I don't like best may I have two pieces."— Chicago News. •4, - No other fly killer compares with Wilson's Fly Pads. GENERAL BOOTH. Few men have accomplished as much for mankind as General Booth, and fewer still have lived to see their work, begun in a small way, grow to world- wide proportions. Minard's Liniment Lumberman's Friend. XvelYbody now admits Zarin,-liuk best for these. Lett it.: give YOU ease and comfort. Simply Great. Nix -Do you believe in vaccination every seven. years? • Dix Rather i The operation keeps the girls .from playing the piano for nearly a week. ss► AWoman's Sympathy Are you discouraged? Is your "doctor's bill aheavy financial load? Is your pain a. heavy physical burden? I know what these mean to delicate women—I have been discouraged, too; but learned how to cure myself. I want to relieveour bur- dens. Why not end the pain and stop the doctor's bili? I can do this for you and will if you will assist me. All you need do Is to write for a free box of the remedy which has been placed in my hands to be given away. Perhaps this one box will cure you—it has done so for others. If so, I shall be happy and you will, be cured for 2c (the cost of a postage stamp). • -2'our letters held confi- dentially. Write to -day for ma" free treat- ment. MRS. F. E CURRAB, Windsor, Ont. BATTLE WITH WILD SWAN. Great Fowl Struck Ship's Cabin and Gave Two Sailors Hard Fight. While coming up the bay to Balti- more Friday night the steamer Avalon ran into a flock of wild swans off Tho- mas Point and a swan. was captured by the lookout, W. T. Whitely, who was on the forward deck, after a thrilling ex- perience.' ' The steatuer saws running at lively clip when 'Whitely "heard a fluttering and a few t 'tnutes later saw a flock of swans directly in front'. of the boat. They circled around a few times, then lit in the water on the port `side. He notified First Officer `Corkan, who turned on the searchliglet. That seemed to frigh- ten them and"they all arose from the water. There appeared to be about 100, and all flew ofpr the pilothouse, except one which delete the port side of the steamer with crash. A. passenger in stateroom 45,vhich was damaged, thought theredrad been a collision, and got out of be "When I the swan strike the boat I rushed to it, expecting to pick it up with e said Whitely, speak- ing of his ex 'ience. " To my surprise the thing tui d on nue and gave me several blows" ah its wings which near- ly knocked m$' own. Then I grabbed at it again, onlyp be pecked with its big bill, making .trey hands bleed. "At 'first I$iid not know what kind of bird ib w,, but I was determined to capture Mahe wings beat me back, but I kept up the battle until Mr. Cork - ran arrived aiiti we tied the bird. Even after pinioning its wings it was hard to hold it, as its strength was groat. Ove finally got a piece of rope and tied the legs together, Later a coqp was made and we placed' the bird in it." Shorty after the steamer docked at Light street the swan was sent to the office of Assistant General Manager A. H. Seth, of the company. The office force was attracted by the big bird, and when it was measured it was found to be 89 latches from tip to tip of its wings and it • stood 55 inches high. Mr. Seth presented the bird to the zoo at Druid Bill Park.—From the Baltimore Sun. TREE PLANTING. A New Method That induces Fresh Root Formation. It is an article of faith among fruit growers that a fruit tree must be [plant- ed in properly prepared soil, a lames wide, shallow hole, the roots carefully spread out in all directions and arranged near the surface with a slight upward bearingat the ends. Snal quantities of the finer soil are first worked in among the roots, hollow places caused by arehings in the stouter roots are filled up, the remainder of the soil is put in, trodden carefully down and the whole left to the compacting in- fluence of the rain. The tree is support- ed by stakes until it is firmly establish- ed. Spencer Id. Pickering, with his recent researches, declares that proper tree planting means a small hole, roots dou- bled up anyhow, the trees stuck in, the soil thrown in and rammed down as for a gate post. With extensive experiments 50 per cent. show in favor of the new simple method, 27 show nodifference, and 14 per cent, show against the new way. By whatever criterion the trees are gauged the new method' is said to give better results than the orthodox. Although an antagonistic ery has been raised against the revolution theory no practical man has been able to give any reason for the old faith that is in him :beyond the fact that it is sanctioned by established custom. Examination proves that ramming has led tea copious development of fibrous roots. In planting the important thing is to induce fresh root formation, and ramming does this'more rapidly than the old way.--From••the'€lhieago Tribune. Nothing In It. Bartender—Say, what do you think of this idea of ruuniu' cities on the com- mission plan? Alderman (from the 'Steenth ward)— I don't know much about it, but I'm again it. The—er-commissions are mighty small and they don't go to the right people Red, Weak, Weary, Watery Eyes Relieved by Murine Eye Remedy. Com- pounded by experienced physicians, Mu- rine doesn't smart; ?soothes eye pain. Write Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago, for illustrated Eye Book. At druggists. The Parental .pessimist. "Papa. what deer Won.' before a man's name mean?" ce "It doesn't mean e'hything nowadays, my ewe" Et) WETT1 1101.309L`oodon,Can Through the aphop -"a. "Ragtime musie, yon', know, tecordhig to Soitsa, is dead" - "Perhaps so, but 'ity`et aque:llretll' The Beaver's Tail is a Trowel. They there is the beaver, whose, tail, I. am convinced, is a trowel. T know' ofdo naturalist who has mentioned this, but such negative evidence' is of little weight. The beaver, as every- body knows, is a builder, who cuts down trees and piles log upon log until he has raised a solid, domed cabin from seven to twenty feet in diameter, which he then plasters, over with clay and straw. If he does not turn round and beat the work smooth with his tail, then I require to know for what purpose he. carries that broad, heavy, and hard tool behind him.—Prom "Tails," in the June Strand, aDm® KEEPING CHILDREN. WELL. Every mother should be able to recognize and cure the minor ills that attack her little ones. Prompt action may prevent serious illness —perhaps save a little life. A simple, safe remedy in the home is therefore a necessity, and for this "purpose there is nothing else so good as Baby's Own Tablets. They promptly cure all stomach and bowel troubles, destroy worms, break up colds, snake teething easy, and keep children healthy and cheerful. Mrs. Jos. Leves- que, Casselman, Ont., says: "I have used Baby's Own Tablets and have always found them satisfactory. . My child has grown splendidly and is always good natured 4iilef? I began ma- ing this medicine" Sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from the Dr. Wil- liams' Medicine Co.,' Brockville, Ont. -� Possibly Might Work. Franklyn—"You have a plan for increasing the revenue? Let's heart it." Furniss—"Double tax every family that has no babies." - Keep Minard's Liniment in .:ie house. The Unfortunate Buffer. Reporter—"Was anybody hurt when the two automobiles collided??" Bystander—"Nobody in the automo- biles was hurt. The fat man who hap- pened to be • standing between the two machines, I believe, is in the hospital." ISSU. N0. 24, 1909 AGENTS WANTED. 01,I EMAN. REGxUI,AR CUSTOMERS. a at Salary or cnnmissioe. Alfred 'relies London, Oat. FOR SALE. 1j OR SALE—COMPLETE eONFUC'rION-, ery equipment, including store and ice. oream parlor, furniture and fixtures, candy, bake shop and kltcben utensils, etc.; good paying business; low rent; long lease; will sell cheap. Write E. E. 0., Boa 43, St. Thomas, Each With a Point. A single man is doubly attractive to • a. spinster. Any woman can take a hint—if dis- guised as a "beauty hint." Don't be a grouch generator; grouches have no market value. Tho story of Lot's wife shall be taken with more than a grain of salt. It's a good thing to tell the truth oc- casionally just to keep in practice. Love is blind, but after marriage a man is apt to take an occasional eye opener. A bachelor says that a wise man has no secrets from his wife—because he hasn't any wife. Nothing increases the anger of an an- gry woman like the refusal of the man in the case to talk back. We are told that actions speak louder than words, but it depends a good deal on who is doing the talking.—Chicago News. �.A Minard's Liniment used by Phy- sicians. d-4: Inside Hi'.'-',. Indignant Wife What's the use of my saying anything to ,you, John? It goes in at one ear and out at the other!" Provoking Husband—Not always Mar- ia. When you say anything worth mind- ing I stop it on the way through." • ,' .. Ask 'for Minard's acrd take no other. Infernal Cheek, "Well, did he pay you?" asked the wife of a. dentist who had been to collect a bill for a full set of false teeth that he had made for a man almost a year be- fore. "Pay me 1" growled the dentist. "Not only did ho refuse to pay me, but ho actually had the effroutery to gnash at me—with my teeth !"—Everybody's Mag- azine. - Let Us Help Y'a u To Solve The Healing IN,!oblena Our advice—our recom ... „ mendations—and our #` estimates of the cost of a ��i--- complete heating system-- ' are given absolutely free of charge. sr(lrlli,ll; Simply send us a rough diagram of your home— giving t r dimensions of rooms etc. We will put our experts 5l to work. They will plan the entire heating arrange- ment—size of furnace, size and location of pipes—and tell you just what it will cost for the completed job. All without cost to you. We will also send you catalogue of tit illustrating and describing the many admirable features of this most popular furnace. Write us now, so we can devote ample time to drawing up the plans for your heating system. ,,.tip t 4 t1,11r141 c),,"Rf' etef ilesgsgidsme saNd tdite'cess tsif2 kided•A k rSch000 o 9 9 A COLLEGE OF APPLIED SCIENCE, Affiliated to Queen's University, Por Calendar of the School and further information, apply to the Secretary, School of Mining, Kingston, Ontario. The fellosaing Courses are offered: 1 I—Pour Years' Coarse for Degree of B.Sc. II—Three Years' Course for Diploma. a—Mining ISng]neering. b—Chemistry and Mineralogy. c—Mineralogy and Geology, d—Chemical Kngineering, e—Civil Engineering, j—Mechanical Engineering. g-ltlectrieed Engineering. h—Biology and Public Health. j—Power rievelopmeut. 8 a; !-,' 9l.W51.- sill Tt. 41 .',i /'•YrT .i .{.;'91 THE BEST 0S DtN PAS.. Can't Help But Lose its Hoops ; aid Fall to Pieces. You Want Some. thing Better Don't You? Then Ask for Pas and Tubs Made of FIIBR[ Yetis One a Solid, Hardened, Lasting Mass ((�� Without s Hooper Seem at Good as Edd aip q0 •