The Herald, 1909-06-18, Page 5The Gtur cn (rte a;tr- Netir Jewellery. Now for (Bracelets, Brooch- es and Fobs, Cuff Links, Ladies and Gentlemen. The Latest in Every Line. New Stock of 1V[outhorgans Single and Double Keys. Hohner's Best ' Makes Watch, Clock and Jewellery Repairing "YOU BET" F. W. HESS, JEWELLER 1 We have opened up our New Stock of Spring and Summer Dress Goods.. 3i consisting of �� Prints. Ginghams, 1 Muslins Etc. Come and inspect before buying elsewhere. Our prices as usual are RIGHT Highest Prices For Farm Produce aasonsassensisannoine CANADIAN :PA J F I C IIOMESEEKERS EXCURSIONS TO Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta Special Trains leave Toronto 2.00 p.a. on APRIL 8, 20 NAY 4, 18 JUNE 1, 16, 21 JULY 13, 27 AUG. 10, 24 REPT. 7, 21 Second claw tickets from Ontario stations to principal No,thwat points at LOW ROUND-TRIP RATES Winnipeg and return $32.00: Edmonton end return $42.50. and to other points in proportion. -_ Tickets good to return within 60 days from going date. TOURIST SLEEPING CARS on all excursions. Comfortable bertha, fully equipped with bedding, can be securedat moderate rates through local attest: Early application must be made ASK FOR HOMEBEEKERS' PAMPHLET containing rates and full information. Apply to nearest C.P.R. Agent or to R. L. Thompson. D'ut. Pm. Agt., Toronto. ONLY DIRECT LINE NO CHANGE OF CARR W. J. CARLING, Agent, EXETER IMPORTED Hackney Stallion Frons all points in. he Western there continues to ct,me cheerful reports -regarding crops; Railway reports say -the growth of Wheat has made up for the delay in plant- ing and. that conditions are uow,as good. as they have been At this date in previous years when seeding was much earlier. At points along the C. N. R. conditions are said, to be better than they have ever been at this date in the Pastlive years. Any mother who has had exper- ience with this distressing ailment will be pleased to know" that a cure may be effected by applying Cham. ,berlain's Salve assoon as the child is done nursing. Wipe it off with a soft cloth before allowing the babe to nurse.. Many trained nur- ses use this salve with best results. For sale by J J Merner. During the fiscal year .ending March :31st, last the Dominion Government paid to iron and steel 1 R4 N. DOUGLAS, S General Merchant, BL AK E. posaseamerossasopieusesseoeaiosamo,'tk 1 That New Winter- Suit. When looking for your, new Winter :Suit, do not forgetto give us a•call. ,We have a. fine, range of Tweeds, Worsteds, etc., to choose from. Our prices are as Cheap ns any. Suits made at short notice. We .also have a. large number of: Samples to select from. Laundry in Connection. WHa HOFFMAN 6. ea.ZURICH rrs MEAT MARKET WE keep in stock a " full line o 'fresh meats, hams, etc. etc Our cuts are noted for their tenderness and wholesomeness. Our aim is to keep nothing but the best. We make our own sausages. Give us a call. YUNCiBI,UT �. REICHERT. BRIESIDE GOLDSMITH emsHWOQD The Misses Marie and Amelia Koch, returned home from London. The infant daughter of •Mr. and Mrs D. Winson, died Friday morn- ing and was buried Sunday after nowt Interment taking place at the Lutheran cemetery. Age 10 months, Mr, and Mrs, J. Hildebrandt Sr., are very low at present. Miss Christina Stire of London attended the funeral of Mr. Deer. ing, of Exeter. The Misses Olivia and Lavada Weseloh, Miss Laura Fuss, and Messrs. Win. Thiel, and W. Reich- ert, were the guests of the Misses Koch, on Sunday last. Pain of women, head pains, or any pain stopped in 20 minutes sure, with Dr. Shoop's Pink Pain produoing companies bounties to ,Tablets, See full formula on 250 the extent of $863,818 on pig iron, t box. Sold by J J Merner. $1,092,203 on steel and $346,136 on wire rope. The period of tine during J-IENSALL which these bounties will continue to be paid expires 4)n Deoember 31st,. 1910, and unless new legisla- tion provides for continuation all iron ant steel bounties' will ;lie cut off at that date. DESCRIPTION Braeside Goldsmith is a dark chest- nut, bas never been beaten in a show ring and has competed against the best Hackneys in Canada. His . •sir e, Mathias 6473 was a grand horse, being a son of Grand Fashion 3024, who took 1st in his class at London, England, and at other English shows. Mathias' d a m Ophelia 1301, was champion in 1890 and 1891, winning the Cup and was univers- ally acknowledged to be the best hackney mare that ever entered the show - ring. Danegelt 174, sire of Ophelia was sold to Sir Walter Gilbey, Elsenham, for $25,000. Old Mill Gipsy 12996, dam of Braeside Goldsmith, won let prize as a yearling at the Royal•Northern showat,Aberdeon in: 1898, beating the prize -winners of the Highland- Society's show at Edinburgh. She also was lst at Aberdeen. in 1894. Challenger 3031, the sire, of Old Mill, Gipsy wonlst prize for stallions,; at Edinburgh, in 1893, and won the gold medal at the same Show, in I894. PEDIGREE Braeside Goldsmith 9135, foaled in 1903, sired by Mathias 6473, dam Old Mill Gipsy 12996; sire of Mathias - Grand Fashion 3024, dam-Ophelia 1801; sire of Old Mill Gipsy -Challenger 3031, dam-Deeside Honeymoon 5217; gg sires Lord Derby 2nd 417, Danegelt 174, Con- naught 1453, Rufus 1343; gg dams Suc- cess 863, Jenny Botherem 2124, Kathleen 446, Lady Jane 197; ggg sires Lord derby 415, Sir d:An 2nd, 1169, Sir Charles 768, Fireaway 249, Denmark 177, Achilles 2, Vigorous 1215; ggg dams -Nancy 488, Fanny 114, Nelly 257, Lady Kitty 200, Fanny 110, etc. The pedigree of this grand horse traces back to the 6th gen- eration and contains the choicest hackney blood of Britain, where this splendid class of horses are bred to the greatest perfection. BASEBALL On Friday evening the local diamond wds the scene of an anim• ated struggle between 'Crediton' and Zurich, as to which club is master, and while Crediton won by a score of 6 to '5,, there are some who think the local team did the better playing. The visitprs are known as one of the best teams in Western Ontario, and it takes con- siderable nerve to go up against them, particularly when you con- sider the number of green players in the local club. Baseball up to two years ago was dead fora long time, but the article of ball dished up this season, shows that we have a winning, team and all they peed is a little more ` experience in the •fintepoints of the game and lots of practice. The game was well patronized locally, and Hensall sent in a big crowd of sport lovers. The gate. receipts amounted to nearly $255.00 and it has given the boys en- couragement too arrange for other games. The following is the line up and score :- MAKE MONEY Selling Pelham' Peerless Fruit and Ornamental trees, shrubs; etc.y during the winter months. We offer you steady and profit- able employment in your own district at good pay. We have over 600 acres of choice nursery stook which you will sell direct to your customers. No diseased or dried out Ame- rican stock supplied. Estab- lished over 80 years. °.Write now for particulars.. ili'ELHAti NURSERY CO. Toronto, Ontp Crediton R Young Wurm M °One Fahner Reid Brown Howson Fahner Brown' TERMS -$12. to insure, payable Jan. lst 1910. Mures must be regularly returned or owners will be charged full insurance, foal or no foal. Accidents to mares at risk of their owners. This horse will stand at his own stable, Zurich, for the season of 1909, and will be bred to a limited number of mares. -OWNED BY - W. C. CALLFAS ,. ZURICH - - ONTARIO ti Zurich R E igb.offer, if 2 ,Brook, of 1 • %i'nrm; 2b 2 Weber, p 0 0 Rennie, rf 0 1 Gordon, 3b 0 0 'Saimaa, lb 0 1 Little, o 0 0 Weber, ss 0 Zurich Lodge A. F. and A. M. will attend divine service in St. Paul's church on the 27th inst Miss Lily Yungblut of Waterloo 1s visiting her sister, Mrs. James Bonthron Jr. Miss Emily Drysdale of Duthie, Sank, is visit ing her parents for a few months. Geo. Sterling has returned from Manitoba, where be owns a number of farms. • •' Cook Sons & Co. have purchased 15000 bushels of wheat at Goderich to be delivered bere as required. Score by Innings 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Crediton 2 1 0 0 '1 0 0 0 2-6 Zurich 0 0 0 0 3 2 0 0 0-5 The feature of the game was a very difficult running catch, made by Milne Rennie. HOW SHE MANAGED IT. "How did you manage to get a new hired girl so quickly?" "In my advertisement I simply used these words t 'Housecleaning all done."' AN IMPORTANT DECISIOM. ,al000trat _ ... �t�k Edison Pkolograp A FULL LINE IN STOCK Prices $16.50 Up • Edison Standard and Em- berol Records for sale- A large stock on hand. Come and hear them, • For close prices on Singes' Sewing ma- chines and High Grade pianos and organs CALL OR WRITE H. WELL, - Zurich, Ont® JOS. SMITH'S SALVE IS A SURE CURE FOR Cuts, Bruises, Burns, Scalds, Chapped Hands, Cold Sores, Chilblains, Boils, Ulcers, Pimples, Running Sores, Poisoned Wounds, Sores, Ringworm, Strain, Swol- len Knees, inflamed and all diseased, in• jured and irritated conditions of the skin. A decision of importance to municipalities was handed out by the court of appeal tat Toronto. In effect it holds that no traction engine can go on a bridge without laying plank. If one does so, any damage that results will be charge- able to the owner of the engine. In the case in question the Good- ison Thresher Co, brought an action against the township. of Mo- 'Nabb .fetin clarmage :tpan :engin e.. ander eight tons in weight., by' the collapse of a bridge. Nb .plank was laid, ' but the plaintiff contented this was unnecessary and the only reason for laying plank was to protect the floor of the bridge. The court held bowever that without laying plank, such an engine has no right on a bridge and notd ust suffer the consequence, and only dismissed the plaintiff's action but gave the townsnip $77,90 for damage done to the bridge. IOO.FIN All yott need is a hammer - old/ never needs pinna/fush Stomach trouble is but a symptom of. and not In itself a true disease. We think of Dyspepsia. Heartburn and Indigestion asrealdiseases, yet they are symptom•only ofa certain specific Norte sickness nothing else It was this fact that first correctly led br. Shoop 3n the creation of that now very popular Stomach Reinedy-Dr, Shdop's Restorative. Going direct to the stomach nerves, alone brought that success and favor to Dr. Shoop and his Restorative. AVith-' out that original end highly vital principle, no such lasting accomplishments were ever to be had. For stomach distress, bloating, biliousness, bad breath and sallow complexion, try Dr. Shoop's Restorative -Tablets or Liquid -and see for your- self what it can end will do. We sell and cheer- fully recommend o 9sest restive J. J. MERNER. cRhIII stopped in 20 minutes sure with Dr. Shoop's Croup Remedy, One tett will surely prove. No vomiting,no dis- tross, a safe and pleasing syrup -toe. ruggists. When you lay Ama- tite on the roof you're through with it, You don't have to paint it every year or two to keep it from leaking. It has a real mineral surface which does not need painting. Now if you want the old fash- ioned " smooth surfaced " or rubber roofing,. which requires painting, it is still on the market and you can ,get it. But it costs just as much or more per square than Amatite, and you have all the extra cost for paint. It looks easy now to give your roof "an occasional coating in the future. But do you realize that in 2911 you must paint it, and in 1918 you must paint it, and in 1915 you must paint it, and in 19X7 -that far away year --you must still be painting that con- founded old rubber roof ? Why, a new Amanita roof will cost less than the paint alone. If the sniooth surfaced roofing were given to you free you would still save ex- pense by buying Amatite at regular prices. Next time you are due to paint your old roofing, just let it go till the roof is worn out and then get Amatite and lay it right over the old roofing. It will cost you less than the continued mainte- nance of the old roof. The point to r emem b er is that at you will neves need a paint braslr if you buy Amatite Roofing. A11 you really need is a hammer, because we supply free nails and liquid cement to finish the job. Send for free sample of Amatite and you will at once see why it never needs to be painted and why it is more durable and lasting than any other. PRIG it $2.50 per SQITARE or $3.00 PUT'0S Co. 'AI TLJ1-d I , 6 ,RICH Mr. Matthias.Wurm of Zurich Ont, says "I was bothered for some time with a run ning sore•on.Iny jaw•;. nobody knows how painful it was. I doctored for some time till I tried a sample of Joseph Smith's Salve, and the result was so pleasing that I secured a good supply. Joseph Smith's Salve eased the pain for the first time. I am cured. I am thankful indeed for my cure and gladly give you permission to publish my case." Mrs. Andrew Thiel of Zurich, says:- "For six months I suffered anutely from sore breasts and doctored all that time. I tried a sample of Joseph Smith's Salve. It was different to everything else I had tried and it cured me. I am grateful for the cure, as I have never been troubled with it since." Price 50 cents per box, 3 boxes for $1.50 Obtained from W. H. BENDER Zurich, Ont. a�s1a _ n olds, OUP, � a p This remedy can always be depended upon and b pleasant to take It contains no opium or other harmful drug and may be given as coal- dently to a baby as to an :dale. Price 25 cents, large size 50 cents. Send The Herald to your absent relatives or friends. They'll appreciate• your kindness. Agricultural Savings and Loan Cot HEAD OFFIOE LONDON - - ONTARIO Money advanced on good Farm Mortgages, Prompt attention given, to applications for loans, Ea ZELLER, Zurich Pain anywhere stopped in 20 minutes sure with one of Dr Shoop's Pink Pain Tablets. The formula is on the 25c box,, Ask your dootor or druggist about this formula! Stops womanly pains,, headache; pains anywhere.: 'Write Dr Shoop, Ranine, Wis. fat free trial'to prove value. Sold. by J J Writers