The Herald, 1909-06-18, Page 3An expression of disgust passed over
Erna's face, and her delicate upper lip
curled with scorn. Violet laughed covert-
ly to see the very effect she had antici-
pated, Then she started and stared as
atother change passed over Erna's face,
and the proud young beauty turned and
"Did your mother really say so?"
"Why, Erna!" cried Violet, "you
wouldn't really think of him?"
"I don't know what I might not do,"
responded Erna, her eyes flashing sud-
denly. "Others have done such a thing."
"Oh, but you!" cried Violet in disanay.
"Here he comes now! Do say something
ugly to him"
Erna glanced at the tottering old roue,
who had nothing but his title and for-
tune to recommend him, and a little
shudder passed over her. Theta she flash-
ed a glance at where Lord Aubrey stood
by the side of . Lady Gertrude, and a
dark, stormy look filled her brown eyes.
"Ah, Miss March," mumbled the old
beau, "I understand now why we have
no moon to -night. It is to you that the
sun has lent his radiance."
"Oh, you are mistaken," replied Erna,
in aai indescribable tone of mingled re -
/Alien and cutting irony; "this gown
was lent -to me by Lady Violet."
Violet almost dropped with horror,
but a glance at the threatening eyes of
Erna told her that something had gone
wrong, and that it were better not to
betray her feelings if she did not wish
to bring on worse things. Even the old
marquis was staggered, by the cynical
frankness of the young girl, and mum-
bled something about Erna lending radi-
ance instead of borrowing it.
Poor Violet! she could not comprehend
;her friend at all. She bad seen her in
her moods before, but never in anything
like.. the biting humor she was in for
the few seconds during which they two
and the old marquis stood together be -
fere they were joined by the throng
of eager admirers, who had waited for
.a suitable opportunity to renew their
court to the new beauty.
"Lady Roseboro has conferred on me
the honor of taking you in to dinner,"
said the marquis, eager to try a new
eubject of conversation with the petul-
ant beauty.
Erna flashed a quick look at the
tottery old fellow, and Violet felt ready
to faint with apprehension. It was just
the look that always prefaeed. one of
Erna's most cutting speeches.
• "How kind of the dueness," she began,
*ben Violet, in a most beseeching voice
'broke ii
Oh, Etnan there is Lady Gertrude.
Iiow lovely she Iooks to -night!"
"She always looks lovely," said Erna,
her snood changing in an instant. "See,
marquis! there is the beauty of the
school. You know, did you not, that we
were still bread-and-butter misses. Ah,
Captain Merriwether!" and she turned
with her most engaging manner to the
first of the young gentlemen who ap-
proached, "have you recovered from the
efforts of your violent exertions at
lawn tennis?"
"'There will need to be a new judge of
beauty appointed," mumbled the mar -
gide, but his little voice was overwhelm-
ed by the deep tones of the young
"If I were suffering the most horrible
anguish," he replied to Erna, "your soli-
eaude would be asovereign baler. Be-
hold me a new man, ready to do and
dare anything for the boon of another
such anxious inquiry."
"There is nothing I wish done at pres-
ent," laughed .Erna, gayly, "but when
my time of peril comes, I shall not for-
get your offer"
."I beg you will let me enlist for the
forlorn hope," said the marquis, not dis-
posed to yield to his younger rivals.
"I trust it is a forlorn hope," said the
eaptain, glancing significantly at the
The summons to dinner happily closed
a discussion that might, with such a
dangerous presiding officer as Erna,
have led to some malicious speeches.
It was not Erna's fault if she at-
trfa,cteda great deal of attention. She
tirade no unseemly effort to gain the
eyes and ears of the guests at tee sal -lo
of the Duke of Roseboro; but she was
in precisely the mood to say the w ;ttiest
of things and to look her best. •
There was just enough of sting to her
wit to make it piquant, while she was
too young, fresh and buoyant to be in
any way artificial. When she spoke
earnestly, as she .did now and again,
there was something in her exquisitely
modulated voice that hushed every oth-
er sound, in the eagerness to listen to
Lady Gertrude, triumphant in 'hold-
ing the attention of the Earl of Aubrey,
near to whom she . sat, he having taken
Lady Violet to dinner, was nevertheless
inwardly raging at the reception ac-
corded to her school rival, for she could
foresee that in the little time that was
to intervene before their coming out
Erna would have already established
her -reputation as a beauty and a promi-
nent attraction.
.Occasionally she caught a glance shot.,,
by Lord Aubrey toward the other beau-
ty, and she had a premonition that the
rivalry began in the school rooms of
the Misses Warner was destined to be
carried on in the world outside. She
closed her white teeth hard under her
red lips, and registered a vow that she
would not be conquered in the fight, the
prize of which she told herself was the
nobleman, who was triply attractive be-
cause of his title, his wealth and his
shadowed past.
Erna could talk well. Lady Gertrude
had known that, but she had had a
hint of the earl's love of music, and she
awaited the triumph of the drawing
room with the impatience of the gladia-
tor who chafes to see another success-
ful in a field in which he cannot enter
There was one other person who
watched Erna with a great deal of in-
terest, and that was the Marchioness of
Romlcy, who, without having decided
in precisely what way to take up the
cause of her young and beautiful kins-
woman,' was nevertheless each moment
more determined to take it up in some
She watched the earl, and was only
half satisfied with his attention to
Lady Gertrude, although she was quite
satisfied that she would be the fitting
mate fo: him. The astute old lady no-
ticed the occasional glance which Au-
brey bestowed on Erna, and she also
noted the studied coldness of Erna to-
ward him; but she was unable to guess
at their true relations with each other.
When the ladies left the gentlemen
over their wine, and retired to the draw-
ing room, the marchioness, with the
deftness of long experience, contrived to
place herself by the side of Erna, with-
out in the least seeming, to• have any
premeditation in doing so.
"Of course," she said, turning smil-
ingly to Erna, "you haven't the least
idea who I am—have you?"
Like most really high spirited and
generous young people, Erna- was always
deferential to age, unless, indeed, it pre-
sented itself to her in masquerade, its
in the ease of the Marquis of Melrose.
Besides; she was glad of some one to
whom she need not talk at high.pres-
sure, as she had been doing all through.
"I don't," she replied, with a bright
smile, "but I should like to."
"I am the Marchioness of Rowley,
and your kinswoman by marriage. Did
you not know that your aunt bad re-
ferred to nay husband when she wished
to place you in the Misses Warner's
chioness was immediately conscious of
the resentment that underlaid the curt
"Yes," she said, in a low, pleasant
tone, "it was thought better that you
should not go there with the earl as a
reference. You know our kinsman is
somewhat under a cloud."
"I have been told so," replied Erna,
quickly, her eyes flashing with sudden
ehaanpipnship, "but I am disposed to
doubt it. I see that he is the lion here,
and that the mothers are only too eager
to put their daughters in his care,"
"Oh, that is a different thing, my
dear," said the old lady. "fie is a choice
husband, but he is a dangerous guar-
A. crimson flush dyed the beautiful
face, and the brown eyes grew black.
For a moment a stinging retort trembled
on her lips, then the color died away,
and Erna was calm. Tier lessons in self-
control were beginning to stand. her in
good stead.
"I think," she said, quietly, but with
enough of fire lingering in her eyes to
make what she said impressive, that
you said that for nay benefit. Perhaps
you have the right to say such a thing
because you are a relative, and because
your name was used in my behalf, though
quite without my knowledge. I am a
minor and have nothing to say for my-
It was as gentle a rebuke as could have
been administered to the marchioness,
but it was effectual in making the old
lady comprehend that Erna could be
treated in but one way—as a woman of
sense and courage.
"I said it, my dear," she replied, "not
because I had any right, but .because T
have an interest in you, You must not
deny me that. You are almost alone in
the world, and I have no children. You
have a brilliant future to look forward
to if nothing happens to spoil it, and I
would like to help that future to be
realised. I have already talked plainly
to the earl, and I thought I would say
enough to let you know- that I am your
friend. I mean a real friend, and not
a mere marplot presuming on age and
kinship •to say disagreeable things to
There was no doubting the sincerity
of the marchioness, and the kind way
in which she laid her hand on Erna's gave
emphasis to her words.. Erna under
stood, but still resented the words that
implied that she stood in any danger
from the earl. •
"1 know nothing of the earl," she
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said. "When I was a ehild,;.ttpplieation
was,. made to him to .assist lir any: ;,eduear
tion, papa having, died•lenving me'Penni-
less. Lord Aubrey, $o far as t know,
never gave a thought to rue, but turned
the whole matter over to his attorney.
I met him a few days after his •return
from abroad. Ile interfered unwarrant-
ably in nay affairs, as I think, and this
afternoon, which was my first opportun-
ity, I told him that the instant the time
came when I could. free myself of his
undesired assistance T. weal& do so.'I
know nothing and care nothing in regard
to his affairs. If his reputation is bad
that is simply another reason: for not
accepting any assistance from hien."
She spoke proudly and frankly and it
was impossible to doubt that • she' spoke
with ;perfect truth, and yet theshrewd
old lady simply felt that there was yet
something to learn on the subject;
-"Where do you spec' he Easter holi-
days?" ahe.asked. t}*
"With my aunt,a the place , Lord
Aubrey has given her for her use,"; re-
plied Erna, with a ,r:rt of' disdainful
frankness, as if she were willing, to risk
any misconception which the knowledge
might produce in the mind of her ques-
"Why not spend them With me?"
asked Lady Rowley, kindly, ui will
write to your aunt"
Erna flashed so grately .n loot: at the
marchioness that the latter had no
doubt - that sh.e was glad of the oppor-
tunity to escape the chance of passing
any more time in the vicinity of Aubrey.
"I shall be very glad to visit you,"
she said. "Forgive me if I seem proud'
or hard, but I ane . alone, and I must
fight for myself. I do not know how,
but in some way I shad prove to him
and to Aunt Augusta that they are not
necessary to me. You cannot guess how
I feel toward him," she went on, with
a sudden approach to passion. "If I
could return him every penny it has cost
him for me, I would do so, and I would
rather starve than. accept anything more
from him. When T ani free to decide
for myself my dependence on him shall
"But you must depend on someone, nay
dear," suggested Lady Rowley.
"Would you tellme to depend on
him?" demanded Erna, and then an-
swered her own riuestion: "No, you
would not.'
"No, I would not, You are right. But
you must do something: you cannot
starve. Would you tench?"
Erna. tossed her queenly head.
"I would do that if it were necessary.
But it will not be: there aro other
ways open to"me..Why." she added,
scornfully, "i ctaul,,r t•>iffys .sill: myself-
There is, the Marquis of alelrosc, who
hardly makes a secret 01 his desire to
have me become his' m raltioness."
"My dear," said. Lady Motley, gravely,
beginning toform an idea of her own,
"you speak scornfully, but I really
do not see that you . can do better.
It is true that, with your beauty,
you could have a with choice,
but could you do better? I
know I take a worldly and not a
romantic view of the question, but my
experience has taught me that it is wise
to take a worldly view of matrimony."
"It may come to that," laugher Erna,
with such a sudden change of manner
Cued by Lydia E. Pink-
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that the'xnarehioness was surprised, ern-
til sale turned her head 'Mut .taw that'
the gentlemen, headed by the earl, were
returning to the drawing room, "In the.
meantime I am not obliged to think of
it, and I won't"
"You are an enigma, m ' dear,"'
thought the old lady. "A. very o iarm1.g
enigma, however, and I find myiselE laking
you very much. • I think you;,i,rh luite
too good for old Melrose, and Z shall. dd
the best I can to save you from him..
Nevertheless, it will do no harm •to en-
oourage'him a little. Marquis," she add-
ed, aloud, tapping the aged beau with
her fan, "leave those young people fox
a moment and come sit by zne:"
• The marquis made a hideous grimace
at the suggestion that he was too old for
the fair young creature he was wooing
with such taste, but he knew that Lady
Romley was a relative of Erna,, and he
concluded to obey the summons. Lord
Aubrey approached her at the same
time, and the marchioness thought for a
moment that ire was contemplating
speaking to Erna. Instead of doing that,
however, • he approached the old lady,
and said, curtly:
"You shall Have your way, as express-
ed this morning. I have no choice in the
"Better so, Aubrey/'. said the mar-
chio>,iess, kindly.
"Win you take my place?" he demand-
"To the best • of my ability."
"'Thank you!" and he walked away
and went to the side of Lady Gertrude,
who had watched hint with turmoil in
her heart us he went so near to Erna.
When he only spoke to Lady Itomley,
however, and did.not seem even to look
at Erna, but returned at once to her,
she 'felt a thrill of triumph.
"What a horrid custom it is,". she said
to hint, "that keeps you in the dining -
room after we have left. Do you say
anything very dreadful there when you
are alone?"
She was very -beautiful, and knew how
to ask risky questions with a most in-
nocent air, as, the modern custom is.
"Nothing very dreadful," he answer-
ed. "1 am sure we were all very stupid
this evening, and I have no doubt that
the others, like myself; were wishing to
be here with you."
"How kind of you to say so. Don't
you think Mies March very beautiful?
She is a cousin of yours, is she not?"
"A distant cousin. Yes, she is very
beautiful, T should snppose, to one who
admired that dark style of beauty."
Lady Gertrude looked pleased.. and n.
faint gleam of irony shot into the stern
blue ere of the earl as he noted it.
"Caro isn't so very dark," said Lady
Gertrude, in a half -pitying tone.
"Oh, no." he said, carelessly. "She has
an exquisite complexion. 11'hat is she
going to do?"
Erna; had risen after a brief conversa-
tion with the duchess and was being es-
corted to another part of the room.
"I think she is going to recite some-
thing." replied Lady Gertrude.. " We
schoolgirls have to do something to jus-
WY..being. seen in publie, you know. Are
you fond of ''recitation?" •
"V:17111 fond of singing, when it is
good," he answered. "lf you are going
to sing, 1 have something to look for-
ward to." •
Lady Gertrude was in the seventh hea-
vers of delight. Slee had heard that the
earl never troubled himself to pay com-
pliments, and it sentednas if she had
made a decided intnressaou on him since
he took the trouble to compliment her.
:1s for Erna, she did not fear her any
more. It was•so plain that the earl did
not like brunettes.
As a natter of fact, the earl would
have given a great deal to be away from
the drawing -room at that moment. It
was fashionable to have professional re -
ethers, banjo players, singers, and other
entertainers conte to the great houses,
and he thought them bad enough; but
he felt that a schoolgirl in the role of
elocutionist was more than he could
"Excuse me," he said, hastily, bending
over Lady Gertrude. "I believe there is
something I have forgotten."
Lady Gertrude laughed ---rather more
palpably than was required, for Erna
was looking that way.
"I aur afraid it is acigar you have
forgotten," she said, archly.
The earl shrugged •bis shoulders and
moved away with as little disturbance of
the others as he could. Erna saw him go.
She had seen the seine on. Lady Ger-
trude's face, followed by the shrug of hie
shoulders, and his departure, and she
murmured to herself, as she prepared to
"Ile is going to avoid beaeiing rue."
Bating and scorning the. earl as she
did, it should have made no difference
to Erna whether he remained in the
room or went out of it while she was
r•eni•ting. " But somehow it did make a
difference to her, and for a moment
there was a'choking in her throat that
threatened to put an end to her speak-
ing for that tirne.
Then her pride revolted at the
thought of a failure for such a reason,
and with a sudden efforts he calmed
herself. She knew it would be impos-
sible to do justice to the pretty thing
she had intended. to recite in the mood
she then was, and with a quick im-
pulse she determined on something quite
It was Lady Gay Spankers' description
of a hunt which Erna chose as fitting
her mood, and Without the slightest
preface she broke into it. She had seen
it clone on the stage by the actress who
had made it famous, and she was aided
in its interpretation by her own pas-
sionate love of horses and riding. It was
a daring thing to attempt in the face of
inevitable comparison with the great
actress; but she was in a snood to be
reckless, and it was the light mood for
the description.
"i?il an
Somehowv•she thought of Selina and the
jump she Matt made on him the day
Lord Aubrey arrived at the Castle; and
from reeklessuess and anger she quickly
passed to the rollicking hoiden mood of
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the other days, which now seemed so,
far away. She forgot the drawing room
and all its artificialities, and seemed to
hear the yelping of the hounds, the
halloo of the hunters, and the thunder
of the hoofs on the turf.
• . Iter "Yoicksl 'tally -ho!" rang out clear
and eager, her wonderful voice seemed , .
to echo the very sounds of 7fhe adient,
and.'there was not hunting lfinive4i s.":
Woman in .the drawing -xoom who dad
not follow her in imagination over field
and fence, wall and brook; and not a
few of them started to their feet in
utter forgetfulness of where they were,
their eyes fixed on the beautiful, ani-
mated face, and their breath coming
and going in the heat and excitement of
real action.
The earl had reached the door when
the first sound in that mellow voice fell .
on his ear. He hesitated in order to
hear more, thinking that the music of
the voice would almost compensate for
the crudity of the recitation- Then he
stopped and turned back to where he
could see Erna, wonder growing into ad-
miration, and admiration into enthrall-
(To be continued.)
4e t•
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The Blacksmith Shop.
I went with pa to the blacksmithshop
And saw them shoe a horse;
It's iron shoes that horses wear—
Not like ours, of course;
For horses they have round, hard feet,
And they walk all clay on the stoney
A blacksmith -shop is a funny place
Chock-full of funny things;
And lots of horses stand around,
All tied to iron rings;
And the way the red-hot sparks do fly!
I almost got one in any eye!
The blacksmith, he is awful strong;
He gives the horse a slap,
And then he picks his foot right up
And holds it in his lap;
And the horse, he lets lana do it, too,
I'd be afraid to; wouldn't you?
A. blacksmith's what I'd like to be
When I get to be a man;
And I think that I will be one too,
If papa says I can.
I'm going to save my pennies up,
Till I can buy a blacksmith -shop!
—George Redfield Clarke, its Gunier'e.
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