The Herald, 1909-06-18, Page 1TH
The Official Organ of Zurich
Township.1 ,
Vol. IX. ,
No, 48
Mr. C. Fritz visited friends in
Guelph over Sunday.
Mr. Cornie Holtzman returned
from Berlin on Monday, where he
has been attending College.
Mr. D. Book is moving into the
D Steinbach house, recently vacat-
ed by Mr. J. J. Merner.
The nice shower of rain on Sun-
day was welcomed by everybody
and has put new life into the grow-
ing crops.
The Jubilee Silver Band held
their first open-air concert on Sat-
uiillay evening, and their music was
much appreciated.
We still have a good stock of
screen doors and windows left.
You'll need some to keep out the
flies. Prices right. J. Preeter.
Mr. Victor Appel, who has finish-
ed his course at Chatham Business
College arrived home on Monday
evening. He has secured a position
in a bank at Stettler Alberta, and
left for the West xesterday.
Would it be possible for Zurich
business men to have a weekly half -
holiday during July and August?
St. Marys has again decided in
favor and Exeter will also likely
fall in line. It is up to the other
villages to take a half day off each
week during the hot weather. We
do not think that business would
suffer in the Ieast, and would sug-
gest Friday afternoon as quite a,
suitable time in the week.
Remember—You are heartily in-
vited to attend the Young People's
Alliance Rally Day exercises in the
Evangelical. church, next Sunday
morning and evening. In connection
with the morning service, which will
be conducted in the interest of the
r and Junior Alliances, the
o s will render several selections
an an address by the pastor. This
service will be conducted in the
English and German language. The
Alliances will be seated on lite plat-
form. A splendid program will be
rendered in connection with the
evening service. Come! and enjoy
a service with the Young People of
the Evangelical church. Collections
will be lifted both morning and
evening for the cause of missions.
The churah will be artistically de-
corated for the occasion.
A quantity of good potatoes for
sale, at Hartleib's.
Mrs. T. Loveridge of Detroit, is
visiting friends in town...
Mrs. R. S. Richardson of Exeter
is in town this week, visiting her
mother, Mrs. John Prang, •
Mr. and Miss Stoskopf of Mit-
chell, visited their brother, Dr. E.
Stoskopf, for a few days kit week,
See our "Big 4" barn door hang-
ers. Its a good one. Sole agency
for Zurich. J. Preeter.
Mrs. R. S. Richardson and her
son Gordon, left this week for Al-
berta, where they will make their
future home,
Rev. Peter Geiger of Waterloo
visited his brother Mr. Abraham
Geiger, and other old friends and
acquaintances in this section, the
past week.
Mr. W. 11. Hoffman has handed
aronnd a list for subscriptions -to
the band and has met with en-
couraging results. He will have
no trouble in procuring the $150.00
needed for uniforms.
A lawn social under the auspices
of the Ladies' Aid in connection
with St. Peter's Lutheran church,
will be held on Tuesday the 29th of
June, on the lawn of the parsonage.
Tickets entitling .the bearer to a
lunch will be sold at the gate ; igcts
tor adults, and Wets for children.
Engineer`Hyde, of the C. P. R
was in town on Tuesday, taking a
look at this 'trackless" district
and if his visit means anything, it
will bo that the C. P. R. intends
connecting their Goderich terminus
with the line running into St.
Marys. Such a connection would
be a good thing for the railway
and of great benefit to this part of
the County.
Three rinks of local bowlers had
a friendly ,game with three rinks
from. Hensall on the latter's green
on Monday evening, the locals be-
ing defeated by five points. Rank
Nolo wits} , .1 „:. T'.,._. -tin sk pay y:ti,S
down. 2 points in 21 ends, Rink No
2, P. Lamont skip 4 points and
Rink No 3, P. Sipple skip up I
point. Tho following comprised
the locals—P. Lamont, 1)r. Camp-
bell, J. J. Monier, lake Deichert.
E. Zeller, A. F. Hess, John Deioh-
ert. P. Sipple, W. Rowell. Legg,
Father Stroeder, ... Edighoffer,
and J. P. Rau. The Zurich boys
enjoyed the games very much and
are congratulating thetnsolves on
tiro good showing they made,
against such experienced bowers.
Mrs. F. W. Hess was visiting
friends at Blake, for a few days this
St. Peter's church Drysdale, as
celebrating the Feast of the Sa.ored
Heart of Jesus, this week (Friday),
Mr. R., Allan Jr., called on Mr.
and Mrs. F.w. Hess, on Tuesday
ey ening. •
The S. S. convention -which was
held in the Evangelical, church dur-
ing the (past week, *s largely at -
t ended. ' ,
Father St o
r eder too e service
at Drysdale church oat' nnday, in
the absence of Father Laiselle, who
was at La Sallette, olel'a visit.
Mr. H. J. D. Cooke, barrister of
Hensall was'a business visitor here
on Monday.,
The Jubilee; Silver: Band has an
engagement at a lawn social in
Hill'sgreen, this (Friday) evening.
Mr. J. A. Williams is levelling
up the land behind Dr. Campbell's
office to be used as a private bow-
ling green.
Mr. J. Preeter'a men are putting
a new covering of g'al'vanized iron,
on the deck above the. elook:i>} the
Lutheran church tower.
The many friends of Mr Casper
Walper's daughter, •of the Bronson
Line, will be pleased to learn that
she is recovering from her recent
severe iciness.
Lutheran Church—The evening
service in St. Pete x,'s Evangelical
Lutheran church, will be conduct-
ed in English. The subject of
meditation will be, "Lessens from
Flowers." All are cordially invit-
ed to attend,
Mr. John a•alster had the uiis
fortune to break one of his legs on
Saturday, while getting a barrel of
salt at Merner's warehouse. Part
of the floor gave wavy 'and the salt
rolled off' the wheel=hit niv, striking
him on 'the ankle. TIC.7'-111 be laid
t1 for some -w144.544
sympathy of his friends sia,'his mis-
Miss Lizzie Allan, Who .spent the
winter in Boston Mass., `:i'eturnecl to
her borne and , spent . three weeks
visiting her parents of., Blake, has
gone to St. Paul Minnesgta, for two
months. Then she will go to Spok-
ane Washington territory, where
she is engaged as a tr.ned nurse.
She is bound to : ee s me of the
25 percent Discountf
Sale in flillinery Department
1 discount sale of 25 percent on Ladies'
', Hats pin the Millinery department. The
millinery season is nearly over, so I will
,;;run off the balance of nay Stock with this
discount. If you are in need of a Hat,
now is your time; First come—first choice.
Tkere are some fine up-to-date
Hats which must be sold
All Farm Produce taken in
Exchange for this Sale,
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Any kind of shoe you set
out for, in all the latest ry° . � .
styles. We are showing
.men's auridne Melilines
Tan in and ��
O' Blood Oxfords this season D
and the stock is winning
friends every clay. The more g,,i'„' v
you see of fu) )ra ,.,3(
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the better. Jyou will like them.
They give genuine service
because they are rnacle right
and. are fitted right. The
refinement and individuality
of style shows for itself.
They represent built-in qual-
ity and are such shoes as
we like to sell.
40� 0. FRITS o — ZURICH
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And we are better prepared than ever before to fill the wants of Tour Customers. Every department is filled with
Goods bought in the best markets, and bought at will compete with any. A visit to our Store
will convince you. Our attention to buyers we try to make as satisfactory as possible.
Ready=to=wear Suits
Just a word about our Ready-to-wear suits. Our
stock comprises a large range of the latest cloths and
styles, and our increased rales in this department
prove that we are selling at right prices. A nickle
or gun metal watch given with every youth's suit
purchased. Also a full line of latest in hats, shirts,
ties, etc., all new goods. We also carry a wide
range of Tweeds, Worsteds, Cheviots, etc., in snit
lengths, and can have a suit made to order for you at
short notice. See our lines before you bny.
belts, Frillings, Hobe and
Gloves ,
Silk elastic Belts in all newest shades, .Drillings
in ,black, white and blue, Ladies Fancy hose in tan,
oxblood, and many other shades, Long Lisle Gloves
in tan, black and white. All sizes. We advise
buying these now as the demand for these goods will
be large.
Linoleums, Floor Oils and
If you need Floor Coverings of any kind come
in and see our range. We have passed into stock a
number of new patterns. ana now have a wiec range
to choose from. See ourTapestry carpets and Flaor
Rugs, Jap mattings etc.
House-cleaning seasol';is now on and we have
made special arrangements fdz easy choosing of new
Lace Curtains. Our curtain' range in price from
25 cts to $3.00.
We desire to call the ention of the ladies to
our line of whitew ear By ything in waists, skirts
etc. Our stock is very complete and we invite
inspection of these goods
Millinery Department
Our millinery trade bus grown in leaps and
bounds. Our show room is filled with the latest
and loveliest creations in Dame Fashion's style. You
will have to see them to appreciate them. Yeti
are cordially invited to visit our millinery depart-
ment as often as you please.
Granite water pails '7," 50 cents and 75 tents
Granite dippers 15 cents
Granite wash bowl 15 cents
Granite soap dishes 10 cents
Curtain poles 10 cents
Sweat Pads 25 cents
2 kegs of carpet tacks 5 cents
Large Hand Saws 35 cents
Harness Snaps 2 for k,nents
25 lb scales 60 cents
Hand Cleaner 10 cents
Stove Pipe Varnish 10, 15, and 20 cents
Victor Flour Sifters 10 cents.
See us about'your Roo Lag and Eavetroughing.
Full Stock of SherwYn-V�zll><aans Paints. Curtain -stretchers, Screen Doors and
Windows. H[ighestgrade coil wire and barb wire.
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