HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1909-06-04, Page 8t 1 Dress Goods Talk Everybody is wondering whatl the fashionable shades are for Spring. Black, Navy, Brown, Green, Cobalt Smoke We are showing all these fashionable color- ings, in stripe and plain goods. You can be assured that our Dress Goods Department is stocked with the very newest. new and Buttons for Trimmings We have all the shades and sizes; ask to see that new style of button; something new ! Just out ! Prints & Wash Goods The patterns and colorings have never been as pretty as shown. this Season. Stripes are in, the lead. We can show you almost any r?� hlt tern in wash goods that you could. think of. o` 'w Suthmer 5uithigs diesCoats We have a nice range of Spring Coats, Long coats are going to be fashionable. Call and see the new styles in coats, House Furnishings Wall -Paper A splendid display, at a price that you cannot afford to miss. Carpet Squares, Carpets, Japanese Mattings, Small Rugs &c. Lace Curtains, a large stock, from 60e a pair up to $6,00 Window shades, in plain and combination. Curtain Poles, Something that is always wan- ted. See ours at 2 poles complete for 25c inoleums Co Ter your kitchen and dining -room with ' Linoleum and save lots of hard work. en's Ready=to=wear Clothing' We handle the Broadway Brand, which is particularly noted for style and workman- ship. We carry a stock that will surprise you. We are showing soiree very smart styles for young men. ratiCeZISLON J. J. GENERAL MERCHANT urich, = Ontario Local Option Campaign. This space has been reserved by the Local, Option Committee of the Township of Hay, THE CATHOLIC CHURCH The widespread character of the present prohibition movement, and its gro\vingvrength with all clas- ses of the community, is well ex- emplified by some significant facts which are discussed in the Key- stone Citizen.. Here is an extract showing the attitude of increasing hostility which loading Catholic clergymen and laymen are adopt- ing in relation to the bar -room peril The growth of the Catholic Total Abstinence Society and its wonder- ful influence, not only over its own members, but ripen society in gen- eral, needs to be mentioned as one oL the indications of the growth of the temperance cause. Numerous Catholic clergymen, ranging from Cardinal Gibbons. through archbis- hop, bishops and priests, have pro nounced not only against drunken- ness, but for the kind of temperan- ce that is opposed to the saloon system Were it simply a question of in- dividual habit, no doubt many of these, especially those of foreign birth, would 'still bo inclined to tolerate the traffic, but when the saloon became a centre of lawless- ness and debauchery, when it un- dertook to control legislation and government, when it sought to bo king in the field of politics, then the Catholic Church began to divor- ce itself from any complicity with this unholy traffic. In .many Local Option elections Catholic priests and laymen are standing side by side with mem- bers of other denominations in op- position to the liquor traffic. Our Catholic brethren will soon put some others to shame in the race of the people of God to overthrow the liquor traffics. M— .Enter Aa '° • CLINTON BUSINESS COLLEGE has been tested in the arncib]e of ex- perience, with the fire of public opinion and has not been found ,,anting, ,.The success of our graduates has not been excelled. Not the largest, but the highest grade modern Business School in Western Ontario. Individual instruction. No vacation. Mail Counes, Enter any day. Write for particulars. Gro, SPOTTON. Principal. Seo samples of Amatite roofing, the best and cheapest on the mar- ket, $2.50 a square, or $8 00 put on at Har tleiWs. The following is the report of room II1 Z. P. S. for the month of May, based on attendance, conduct and weekly examinations. Sr in Russell Zeller, Eva Weber, Laura Sohilbe, Emanuel Koehler, Karl Schnell, Ahna Aat, Erma Ut- tley, Theodore Foster, Louis Zettel, Elva Heyroek, Leonaad Davidson, John McCormick, Sr II Milton Beyrock,' Verde Fuss, Samuel Fisher, Percy Weido, (lertie Bock, .Albert MVIcCormick, Helmet Schilbe, Mary Price, Willie Clausius, Mary Jeffrey, Feodore Howald. Sr pt II Gladys Fisher, ,oda How- ald, Maggie Fuss, Lawrence Rau, Roy Foster, Reinhold IKooh, Janet Thiel, Average for month 51, M. R. Jackson; Teacher. MARKET REPORT, -._The, fol- lowing is the report of Zurich, markets corrected up to Thursday. Barley Peas. Bran Shorts Oats Wheat ...... . Hay Dried, apples Clover seed - Potatoes Butter...... 16 10 Eggs 18 18 Hogs ]iveweiget • 7.55 HENSALL MARKETS • Cook's Best Flour„ 2,75 Wheat 1 15 15 Oats ,... 44 45 Barley . , , , ... • ... 50 50 Peas, .. . 84 80 II-0gs livewoigiit... 58 to 60 80 23,00 25.00 48 50 12r, 126 7.00 8.00 6 6 5.00 5.75 45. 45 Wire' Fici I-3 S Best Carbon Steel coiled Best quality wire, medium gal-vanized coiled vanized, per 100.... At 00 wire, per 100 1a3avy gal - 2e65 An No. 9 coiled spring wire Fencing 5 wire, per rod, 25c. 6 wire, per rod, 28c. 7 wire, per rod, 33c. 8 wire, per rod, 37c. We Lead the Trade, Others May Follow and May Not. . ea PHONE !3 ZURICH HURON'S LARC ST COMBINATEON STORE SP a No is the time to buy your S s We have the Very Best and Latest—all sizes nd colors. Come and • examine before luyyng° elsewhere. Our low prices < wi saVieyou money. ES P. EN II ER, Zurich No Tr IT A I IF YOU USE Royal Household Five Roses or other Brands of Flour from Rannie's Flour and Feed Store. The best in Groceries at close Prices. All kinds of Feed on hand. 5. RANNIE, ZURICH 13igl].est price in Cash paid for Butter and Eggs rii3MAIII Man= 611237411S1 Lass= astin KC. Just arrived, Will give closest prices for quick sale F. C. KAL, FL ISC , Zurich