The Herald, 1909-06-04, Page 7The Power si the "; ocegue.-Jos• 3: 1-12. Comnentt s+g.- I. The t importance of Be controlling the tongue rt ) not many ma tees-•--` "e not many of you teachers,HR. V. The office of a teacher was considered a very import- ant one in the early Christian.candour cf (Acts 13verse 1.; Eph. those persons en - this verse is against dr, anthat d who office v nothinwho g of theorway of salvation themselves. There were such individuals in the days.of the apostle (1 Tim. 1. 6, 7; 6. 3-5; Sob. 5. 12). Shall receive heavier judgment (R. "V ) -Those teachers who abuse the office will receive greater condemnation than mere hearers. Those occupying a high position in the church are apt to be more severely criticized than thosehold- ing oo f ing an inferior office. Thep p James was to repress those who delight- ed in talking rather than acting. 2. We offend all -"We all stumble." R• V. The R. V. is much clearer. This does not mean that Christian teachers offend ev- erybody, but that they are fallible and are often mistaken in their interpreta- tions of certain truths and do not use correct words to express their thoughts. This is true of the holiest and wisest. Offend not in word -`.Chis liability is very great in every one, but it is es- pecially great in an office where the very business is public -speaking. The same is a perfect man -A- full-grown, symmetrical man. "One who has attain- ed to a high degree of wisdom and grace." The man who advances no false doctrine, but is thoroughlypciinstructed in divine things, is and worthy of the sacred calling. Thus applied to teaching, rather than to char- acter, "the perfect man' here is dis- tinguished from 4 he13 one Cdesol. 'ribe8d To Jas. 1, 4; Bp bridle the whole body -The one who has the wisdom and moral power which en- ables him to control his tongue will be likely to be able to control all n}eooth- er members of his body speech is named, not as in itself con- stituting perfection, but as a crucial test indicating whether the man has or has not attained unto it - The `whole ole body' is used to sum up the aggregate e to of through thtemptations avenues of sense." -Cam. Bib g(vs.3-5). II: The power of the tongue J now gives two illustrations show - ins the power of the tongue. 3. We put bits -A horse's `bit: is• a .'mall thing, yet by it the animal is controlled; the tongue. is h small member, but the. one ' ` who loses control over it loses control aver himself, a. Behold also the ships= The rudder which determines the ship's course is very small. 5. Even iso -The aaatau6e of the illustrations is that al- ottgh the tongue is a "little member" yet' it is able to accomplish great things. cAs with ontrolled and by means bit a largo horse mall helm a great ship is governed, so the tongue, though small, is capable of do- ing great things, and should be under perfect control. Boasteth-The tongue is conscious of the power ethicms for pos- sesses and makes great self. How great a matter -See R. V. Lit- erally, "flow great forest." Great mi- na on- nagrations are causes' by kwhat in the hy 44iiva • ;• u sign allmy advertisi 7 at • ant of date to write statement it ��� answerable far -• out can I otone? ehark you re<tiize ah Is rite first (moon hold me pereo buor .our adyertlsrng In pp etarm it make.4-and my of a this trngrlar. T'eopie don't sign their own every crit�h al es -and s amount ward ing" ads. any more. Its the day of big nese p T think, ria 4 n conceit. to something, adve r t i s i n g, conporat>one, not of individuals, is what my advertising means just as I atonal 11aybe they are right -they ought That and whet ray signature means back of ttly to know. 13ut I taiink I shall go on to me, goods. That is signing my ads. just as long as 1 sigh to yon, Thatis w 1 shall neck right theiwhy 1 sip to letters. You see I consider this personally. e i illy. bI think thea with hey advertisement lust as direct and p signing m. pexaonal signs sonar a message to ram as it would be taro, if I wrote it to you.. A a letter. I ea- �. Evory now pest you to believe vast. name. s, So I and then some sign it with my own n anw. but the r ll easing do that 91 it said e tising expert I would like you to know that I says to me, mean every avoid in this advertisement "Pedlar, don't --that I stand right back of every we -m ala/err adver- exact trut ANTEE ;. "l be renewed free of all cost to the 1861 guarantee. It is hare, owner, and the same kind of a guar- ' HIS business was 'founded tet has and gateways .for odnes(, It,slue anter will go with the renewed roof. htforpvar.d, honest, says, And by b does it �� It isn't- full of loopholes l almost fifty year Lhe biggest errors grown till it operates :..,,,,„..... �,��. the British plant of the kind in scrostsamss 7nnpis'e." That growth has come becau$e Pedlar products 1,, a`.•• j -."I i+;, „. ,e^a.? a.w, ] quality. The Pedlar re- putation res ood enough to that quality g guarantee means good in e have is upon making guarantee. interests the That specially with Oshawa man wire les lsrom the min- ute that roof is on the respon- sibility for that roof's g rness rests on us --not on the buyer, but on this company not on some smoothsalesman's and GALVANIZED STEEL A new mei far nothing it they leak by 1934 cry roof -sense of the word lambs at $4:75 each; `250 calves a Ca , reports too many small Mr, Dunn I good qual- ity u Ll lambs of poor quailty. Only g 1 ityyiainl)s are wanted. • per cwt.; Export ewes, $4,50 to $5prong lambs, rants, $3.50 to $4 per cwt.; sl $, to $5.50 each; calves, 113 to 4,x.50 per cwt.the market Mr. Frank fp s elect reported fed and wet strong at :po ' ere(' at the market. FARMERS' 1tAR:ii.BT. The offerings of Fain to -day were nil, and prices in quiet and firm uenee wvitre h salt s nominal. s f o• tothy at $15 to $16 a means a roof free urt m leaks, free from free from the need of paint or repairs --a roof that is j what a good roof ought to be. Twenty-five years the guar- antee covers. The roof that's Oshawa -shingled. will or ou be 8 good roof, though, that long -for a century. of 20 loads o In ton. Straw is nominal in aboenee of of ferioa . are veryfirm, selling at D75ssed hogs ' and a 1110.75 to $11.00 ff1U.75 for heavy, Wheat, fall,0 00 light. 1 35 $ 0 00 ItiDo., goose,lbushel • • 057 055 Oats, bushel 0 62 0 63 Barley, bushel . • • 0 752 0 003 Rye, •bushel - • • 0 95 0 00 Peas, bushel .. . • • • ... 10 00 16 7 • Ray, per ton ... •.. 151 00. 13 00 Do., No. 2 ... . ... 13 00 13 00 Straw, per ton 10 75 11 50 Dressed hods .•. •.. 0 75 10 00 Butter, dairy . • • ... . 0 .. • 0 2S 0 5 Do,, inferior . , 0 18 0 20 Eggs, dozen • . .. 0 215 0 40 Chickens, broilers, lb • 0 5 0 0 1}o., yearlings, lb.... , 0 1714 0 lie ie Fowl, , ' dozen ' . • 0 40 0 00 Celery, per... ... l 00 1 15 - Potatoes, bag . • . ... • • 1 05 1 7 5 Onions, bag • • . • . ... 3. 00 500' Apples, barrel ... ... . 3' 00 15 Oa Beef, hindquarters • • • , Cl 00 7 50 00 Do., forequarters .. • 8 75 7 50. Do., medium, carcase al ase.. 6 00 7 50 Do., medium, 9 00 11 OA Veal, 'Mutto prime, per cwt .. 18000 10 5Q' Lamb, per t When you consider that out no other cooling ache ois ls want an - teed this way, \boll( the bet- reputation bar guarantee, backed and led roof, room for argunlr.." `tech Shingles an 's capital 1 that every Oshawa-suingof Ushawa r• this Comp y rl laid, will be a;rood roof for tern: s the personal \word of ply. will (Guaranteed). puts its pr There is no quibble about the Pedlar y' M+ r® ° 1 shawa Shin les little hy �'�, "�•�<''_� -' Send for the meaty Atsome roof Because Oshawa - eel Shingles free book that tells yon ,t know, but t lal tia Oshawa Steel Shingles ll facts you perhaps comparative ECRU~ extra (Guaranteed) actuallyass rare 1100 ought to -tells you the comp (Guaranteed) are made of five cents a year perq heavy (28 gauge sena-hardened worth and cost of all kinds ouestion square feet -or abmht a tenth of the uts whole roofing q cast of common wand sllii1gles, yet an i plain before the you. Send for the book roof - sheet steel, eetrnly and 'heavilyes. There- q ford on bath sides did ill edg proof before you spend another dollar fo Oshawa ell mon roof is fres, yet n p fore Oshawa shingled roofs are int- well east wet- and wind -proof, alio it i+ r any roof. Learn that Oshawa oll you against rust and will need no p these st insulated against lig 1 ti lding Shiugles (Guaranteed) will pay teel these steel sliitrl>'ri nkt keep lightning better, and why. ing. Steel Shit)gRea safer against ha Pedlar Products include every kind Because Oshawa rods will. Steel Shingles of sheet metal building materials -too alone have the Pedlar Bemuse O�iltatvA' many items to even mention here. You (Guaranteed) (Guaranteed) relieve your mind and can have a catalogue-information- to atalogue-inl st forlothe four-way lock, which makes these estimates prices -advice -j Spm lest roof your pocketbook of AIsL roof worries especially to inter - seamless, the easiest and • P herelatare-and st}l1 cost Miele enough stun We'd like esp s the to lay (no tools but a yettnrnak and a est you in d Art Steel lly to steamle shears), and makes any to be an economy far roofing any Side Wails they area revelation to and heavy permanent stria Cure, from a greatal Ie. More than revel tiOfl seamless, unbroken sheet of 77 property people. \what is really wet proof and millions to a henhouse. They pe many we send you booklet 2,000 and pis. steel, , soot. inoc's a 'summer, mI ove5 Canada, daaa worth r p p tures of some of them. 0 al r that is also Z� IND'P' keeps a building cooler 'summer, else theywouldn'tibe there.(( rig -1uStfibl35 ➢e(j( warser in winter, and dry always. 1861 Pet) le. of Osh wa ® � �,i.��1. '�rA,1�TG0'[3'�'1+,Ii C5L`''$T' ,gr3clress oa.*^ iSearest. Vllare�hous �I1SINIPEG oyrell Bt. 7^.; >;,,acdu'A' SCUGAR MARKET. St. Lawrence sugars are quoted as fol- lows: Granulated $4.70 per cwt., in bar- e refs, and No. 1 golden, $4.30 per cwt., in barrels. Tbeee prices are for deliverva here. Car lots 5c less. In 100•Ib. bags prices are 5c less. OTk ER MARKETS, -:EW YO11K SUGAR MARKET. Sugar, raw firm; fair refining 3.42e ter 3A3c; centrifugal 10ctest, 3..9ac;to 3.05ct de molasses sugar, ste• Iv Wheat --July $1.271.4 bid, October $1,08 bid. `1;21ae; July 53 I `2c Oats ---\lay 131t1TISH. CATT1 MARKETS. London• --London blips for fo)r cattle a e steady, at 13l -4e I, refr}gerator beef et.eets, dressed weight; is qnu d Lt I0c to 101-4e per lb. i OIiATRA a OTTAWA Colborne TORONTO e gang at. - 20e 'West Suing St. 46 Lombard St, $21 r MONTREAL Craig AL gang inc ` 11ALtrit.X 16 Prince St. 581.3 Craig St,W h23 Sussex. 5t 11 Colborne S7^ S * n ST. JOHN, N.D., 42-•f6 Prince William details. Mention this paper. We want Agents in some sections 12.1 Write came to be a symbol of the place of tor- ment as Jerusalem was a type of heaven. prevails in the regions What James mtencts to say is that the very spirit that1 lead- iofn lite lost inspires angry tand vile words and ing toal unkind, ealemnies, etc. to falsehoods, slander_, • tamed -Every `Pe. • ausec brought ;. every km ....ts beginning was ,a mere spas wild beasts has been g Ill, The damage caused-8).TwO ilhtst a-� underries fman's power and 5ontinfon. 8. trolled e here se 6.8)•tongue u h no can do all else. Sects re here used to show the evil e The but thele ongt it o ng man tame--tlle tions n tongue of a tongue uncontrolled. 6. cannot g( -"A restless l o it. vst is afire Like a fire it causes race alone van do it• it is an pro- • Socrates, when asked what was the answered, devastation and ruin; it is a desttuc- ruly evil ns beaat live agent. "It is the instrument } s wild clueing- the most yrlesperate cstivorlclt of 1 tame beasts C2the flatterer;f deadly and insurrections. brood sof sins larks sitet, full o iniquity -a whole bread `A little world bison,- the acts de the }tap ll o'f of the In the untamed tongue. individual man and the peace of society, evil in itself. It is tithe that all as the Stitt poisonous p is serpent does kinds of evil flat itrein \eitt,d are seems on the human frame. "Dote the sins s of exhibited there in miniature;q is the ton}, what ('Vii )talking. A wise man sets a watch On to concentrate all sort,c of iniquity that gel rue: 1. Idle war s. exist ere onw the earth. be ori .inated or a Malicious rvitrd.s• ol- which Wray t>ot --Barnes, the door of obi 'hie s even when be ut- flomenterl by the tongue i' lhe tern a ideas, • sin to fur word. .,,,s, far Thea' are cousins in kine amount of iniquity is vast, ronrse. that was an kinds of iniquity innumerable, as, bind wards are the oil that lubricates instance, hlasl)hemy, lying, profanity, every -day irate t al, slander, scolding, backbiting, ancient malediction that the tongue of cies( d baastin nttlt•- flattery, dieho pity. anger, error. Sus- the ). is public let en a ,c 3. Filthy"start- word e dere( P maims, dishonesty, Cruelty, ole dA filthy imagination Fane ernu S Ott 011 (the to deltaoho Wrthe ithe bodti ie very tongue. 4. 1 1 < the tongue talks, there is a swearing is the most inexcu ebler } into mit to engage in. Where 7'hc man who swears turns sp filthy tongue trete u hts and be a tpassi m5, a, em•se, and before his time t 1 hailer+ "Itn utters evil thoughts the. dialect of hell. -Theodore Y and by uttering increases ttlemtt�lt t on IV. The double use to, tallith there- ofthe aarges their power of 'evil," f tnngne may be put (vs. 0.12)• of the course of .There nature -Or a varies 7atse of nature." --R, o the meaning of these with bless we God ---If the heart ay.is right, opinions as to it. is the instt•ument of p _ ere equivalent 811(1 warshiP•istevil t}hetsa neeinstt•Ument words. One is that they refer to the 11' tike heart tcycle of caution;' and a 1 to our phrase "setting that wholrenecworld is is uscld to curse both men a.nd Clod en. fire.' Another is t (Prot'. 1f3;21). 10. out of. Lha same beginning of life mottth--Either out of two the mouth oult of two that made to "the pvho)e of life from t ctsotis, birth,"ire that "beam nge ?� different p•' element of evil." 3401 proceed, or nuts of the moth of one in to it',s close, the tongue is an ever -eras' drvicluni. Both are true, and botbbPt�a bit inflammatory 655301183 equally wrong`. ought ht hot eo to.leant, better than these our bodily and. ion that trod has power to ower for James refers to f mens( ," ea1 tongue that and then itis tongue rt411 3)e a p o etites• The „ rouhlt it is full altl; Crit causutg t is' a word of iniquity'," the good. "The tongue, bemuse among our metttters and defilingeinflames, g correcting, strew- . "settcth on firc,'> ithfiamec, evil, ahoul(l not be silenced or destroy - all 1po<ly, the .mess aria ing power of. (livinei pace. A lIe<i and a,ll the natural fort viodrintlete body and cd, but it needs the leads to i of v le. , inflicts serious in- 1)ay of Pentecost, it can be 11 as to Burry form of vice. It 1get ou fir to man's entire being. is h mta, be pas tongtleltof3eel stip) fir the 11.fouloth jury • of e is The ( hell -Is woe sett 1e fir(.primarilysig- l:l• hrou. b winch( the words are sent e trout The Greek rvorcl Cehetnla 'Tlh}s va L fonKi.stin--1711e iron •stet' and rl}fied she Valley of Ramona in silk - ley was situated soui:h o£ :lerufialcm and among Mee. sweet; Water too place where d whose the 111111 tions asthislhlessingt:tea 1t) sii amain: was `rnglllp7t� 0 oarted Anil burned, nee pehtte thr of the city ever bur iir...11• Cont}idol 1 funnel }n this ould, Urea wove lent b :Cairo. This ;singe It is not Pam) with the fie' tree, or vine. for « ttr `rrOt "i..14,,dN.6a c : "Only depraved man does so monstrous aa thing." The meta - , can the fig tree, etc.-- phor here used were Whball fond f elcRoman gardcnexp Lural experiments, endeavored to bring about. pit . •PRA("1'1CAL APPLICATIONS. A powerful Member. Physicians in examine oettte onec)of thengue fte s - It is the rode judge tem. ;;o ,tames tellsus is we may any of soul-Lt'alth by tong matt `offend not in word," his moral health is "perfect" iv. 2). If any man seems religious, and bridles not Itis tongue, that maria similar thought "Iiek OBS, le tIi hider gives life, end ee g and s ata daye. lest 'toil! Inve in htongue from evil, let hint that they speak s 110 guile" (•1 Pet. his 1 Ilene are four illustrations of the 3owe ember: win power of; that little m I, Bits: 'These fragments of iron hold in subjection the powerful lbeast who which rightly governise }uld his Etongie can con- trol his whole If the tongue can tial his whole bocl3'• evil thoughts, be held from 0Ypre:lsing the Holy Spirit will find eerier acres and enable that person into that heart, of his heart. When to seek the Ire purifying rens the words have gone forth, they ala is and influence others; besides, Marl1 t>einr ,Itoroat leasttconfeestthein rets puts him in a state of usingthen(, and pent, but bewherewhere is less lately rather puts him it} a position to repent, where he is pressed to say more. l i s hlebn of a ship. A small but phi winds, g (bat controlling iv the fierce which is a th ana(lrt smes of a its bulk.1 le helm is a mall 1 tongue is a small member of the body. By the right use of the tongue an end conversion may be 'turned aside, good things spoken in place of evil. "A A word fitly spoken is like apples o$ g ld in *tares of silver" (Prov. 25; II). Fierce storms of gossip may rage against The us, but by a meek and quiet spirit, live . a bridled tongue, we may • rise superior to x11, and at true'm rlittime showne Three omen. and our with each other. min were in company One asked another the tineof doflarcd that replied, but the third mar sen taro' bis ;watch most be wrong by that rhes, for his own watch differed tde first inch, "lather titan dispute, and )start put his watch in his pocket said notlhiug, even i thougho bee 1 e 'just115 per ctvt, sheep at watch gave toned lie teg Wesley Dunn bought 100 l ,tg„ ia,ipn\y fn:rlw re t, returned from setting a by r ais- li,i.75. avet•ave. °her. e'vt, 1511 earl t 1 latae, lIe would not encottra e a mite. but prevented one by silence. HI. hire. The earliest Bible reference to the mist destructive of elements is ei that f Sodom fandtaolnlal 1111 (rd Gem the 10 of pathat 24). ,ti, spark will af4jlne fiffteycar5 will consume a city. ago a gang of Belgian miners, angry with another set of underground work- ers, their mess of comrades. Row well 1i the .' suc- ceeded on fire to smoke out their c•eedcei let the record of halt' a cell�t�n- tell. Years have pas -ed away; a gen- eration has faded; the angry passion of those who sought. revenge. bet dhas fibe0011starred thing of the peat, long ago blazes on, and no earthly skill as yet Tamed the blab; and extinguish se serpents. IV. 'famed ln'. A. little girl, sent to the countrytairy lga a the summer , was given alarg , ret for a sleeping room. In 1t was :L groat many wasps. J'lie child was so quiet and gentle and kind to tllenl that they grew very friendly an(1 tame, and she was it Ot 0111 stung `Laiy visiting em. A. lief', little playmate, one day struck at them :ted WKS stung. Then the litre girl who was fond of the wasps spoke 3s arplydto het' play- mate. The Christian heard ben "Mow is it," site said. softly to her, "that you can tame the wasps and not Eenttrol not know," said the child, (hod can tame, the temper and tongne.l C.IL 'WINNIPEG 1VIIE AT MAI'EiE'1- to r MONTREAL LIVE STOCK. Montreal.-- At the Canau?an Pacifi live stock market the offuhngs \per, 350 cattle, 210 sheep and. lambsbi)0 ho 1375 eaivee, piieea.•.l3ehn�,,. ... nil e' t 'bpi ro all (dee await anima, asai �trt, ..� wee seine ,1.i., but, as offer1nr of d`;''t were limited, no busitie (hoiee steers sold at falx to v t s. at 3 1-2 to 5 3-4e; to 5e;a tgood cows at 4 1.2eonneols co at 3 to 3 3.40, and bulls at 3 1-2 4 1-2e per lb. There Mils an mere supply of small meats, and a fairly g trade was done,taWith il sol sof ohl sheep sllof 6 Spring Ialubs brou 1-2 to tic per lb. flout 55 to S E'aeh. (loud to choice: 1 of calves sold at, from 58 to 512; at 55 to 57, and common at 0.1.50 t cacti. 'There was a demand for hogs, as the quality was not up to the n they woke sold at "Au per cwt., \vei, off ('al's. At tie Montreal stock var,llpe10 there were' 350 cattle, 225.p innate. 250 hops and 1.075 calves. gathering of lnlycrs was lnrger usual. and a good trade was atm few (tetra choice, stall -fed steel's so 6 1-2e; choke at (1 to (3 1 4{s; go 5 1-2 to 5 ;i -4e; fair at 5 to 3 medium at 4 1-2 to Il 3-4c }et comm 3 1-2 to 4 1-2e per •, g brought 6 1-2 to 7C: old sheep 5 tie per lb; told spring lambs at fri to $S each. An active trade was in calves at }grieve r1ul+ging' from 510 each. as 10 sile 11114 gm111t3. S lots of live hogs brought $8,1;3 to 100 lbs., weighed off cat &RaEif iaf60 tYtlltUtr+^ TORONTO MARKETS. BRADSTREET'S TRADE RE itonlresil-\\'bile the volume, eral business there is not hear, has, during the past week, bee sign of improvement.. Better has increased besilleee in sirs goods, etc., and \vholesalei's reps( er better sorting Girders. Trowel with .fall limes are. sending }tt dens and they report a to tell bet ing throughout the rota t>;1 r the furore. Winnipeg -all branches of report a .better tone during t 1v 1. LIVE STOCK. railways reported (32 carloads of let 3 ed steel: at the City Market f n'r3ie * hood demand it Tries - day's prices for all classes of fat cattle. One load of 1,100cattle, walbs. s.soDae r brought in by A.. Steers, Dunn & Leva.ck to a Kingston buyelp<S t 55,70 per emit., to put on gr .:. cattle were fed by Farmer James A. Ren- nie; of Seas -bolo township. R. J. Collins gold two loads of butch• ors, 1,01.0 lbs. each, at X5.10 and •`$5.1.5 ee • Vancouver tufa Victoria --:An I business is moving all' along the Quebec --General trade show provement over the p 4 which is attributed• to clitnatl tions. 3Ia)nilton---(;r'ne al businerte roving fairly 1Y -tetchy. `Whole! port a good .,:demand for ,S lines and antis improvemetlt,•' tions. Warm: weather has )la4 trade and' the g'eneratl. outlook' Local frrcteri1es are busy aaa }tort orders on 1ao4 are CO better than those or a year,ni 1 London Tracie there has considerably (3)1tin ,'tlhe past Ottawa -Retail business and iimmnmer lilies of ary• gc