HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1909-06-04, Page 5e aye Now for Bracelets, Brood -L- es and Fobs, Cuff Lulls, Ladies and Gentlemen. • • • The Latest in Eyery Line. • • New Stock . of l outhor°gans Single and Double Keys. gyohner's Best Makes Watch, Clock an Jewellery Repairing • "YOU BET" F. W. HESS JEWELLER T IMMESEE EXCURSIONS Manitoba, Saskatchewan. Alberta Special Trainsl nave Toronto 2,00 p.UN5 1O. 001 29 APRIL 5, 20 MRV 4,18 JULY 11, 27 00. 10, 24 SEMI', 21 Second class tickets l from Ontario to 'principal Nat LOW FIOUS?WwTf-;660 RATES Winnipeg and return $32.00; Edmonton and return $42.50, and to other poiuts in proportion. dTickets good to return within 00 days from going ate. TOURIST SLEEPING CARS ed all excursions, can be00; E at moderate rates through with bedding, local agent, Early application must'be made Ac3{t, FOG H0t7ESEEKERS'.,PANIPHLET containing rags and full information.. Apply to nearest CPA. Anent or ILL Thompson, Dist. Pass. A«t.. Toronto.oq c ONLY DIREST L935 tats utiESE Of CARS Miss Txiebner ,ut.s the London Hospital and is 1711,1011. improved in health. T..li;, Handford shipped another car of horses to - Wihnlpeg lost week. A. local option meeting was held in the Opera Sense, on Thursday evening, Rev H, 1).Moir or St. Thomas and Rev. S•' L Toll of J I:ensall were the principal speak- ers. Fred Bitwclen of London visited relatives here recently, W. 3. CABLING, Agent, EXETER stf DOONZ0DdTDEOeDOZODODWAXIDOICEDODc6a�eDOGODODtW LD IWe have opened up our 0 1 New Stock of li Spring .N nd i i summer i Dress Goods.. 1 iconsisting of -'0440 1 i. Prints. Gin Orin :Ins, 0 Alusli as Etc. goq 0 Come and inspect ae£oro buying elsewhere. Our prices as usual are A ......RIGHT -- iHighest Prices For Farm Produce . .D i W S5 o General Merchant, B L A 1i E. 9 11, UDONSCOODOCONDCDOnnencIDOSOOGDOCIDGDatrnnaDerMaDOnneett IMPORTED Hackney ;talion That New Winter Suit. When looking for your new Winter Suit, do not forget to give us a call. We have a tine ;,,range of Tweeds, Worsteds, etc., to choose from. Our prices are as cheap as any. Suits made at short notice. We also have ose0large9 number of Samples Laundry in connection. Kt HUE AN n or n t3 a e a MEATMARKET Ft'keep in stock a 11 full line o fresh. heats, hams, etc. etc Our cuts are noted for their tenderness and wholesomeness. Our aim but the best. 110fihln� We slake our own sausages. Give us a call. BRAME C011' A. Dearing Sr:, has been' quite ill for some time, and a London specialist was called in consultation Pain of women. -Mead pttins,, or any pain stoliped. in •20 =mitess anl•e, with Dr. Shoop "s Pink Pain or lot 2.4 con 4, changed to 7 M Tablets. See full forninla on 25c Richardson: Trustees Sep 5 No 11, box. Sold by J J l`terner. 1IAY CO IN The council met as a Court of Revision of the Assessment Roll, on Wednesday sand, disposed of the following appeals: H. 111cEwen, assesssd too high on building, -- Appeal not sustained; E. Zel- ler, re telephone line—assess- ment struck off;; Frank Denomy, N Lot 10 L R W changed to Lamont- agne Limited; 0 13echler, S W Cor lot 24 con 10, changed to Geo. Wit- mer; Geo Witmer., lot 13 con 0 changed to S Witmer; Robt Cole,. l+; • a, con 4, assessment 82800,00 changed to .J Perkins 52000.00, and R (.1 le 3800.00. Mrs Pollock, 1 so requesting equesting till property belonging to Roman Catholics in limits of ROD AND GUN FOR JITNE. -•etion to be transferredto section- aign ago n. l rho'. Appeal not sustained; John The winter camp Charrette, to become supporter of wellies in Northern Ontario, s t.� �?,1, ,;c.,.z S No 11 _Appeal allowed Mrs I+. Shona for thinning out these 11P ,.= i ' + in the Algonquin National Park and i el 'huettler, •assessed too, hibldtAP- the need for some further ziaim in i peal not sustained, 11 Lippto that portion of the. Provine: bard- i assess John Brenner and A DG ^assessed ering on Manitoba, are prontinen-,iery logoto ach pt log 11 ss B to features of the Junnada, e ;if to I j Sharpe -..Change made, George Rod and Gun !n Cantina, published ' by W. J. Taylor, i'y'.00ilstorl;, Ont.Reichert, income struck off, Geor- e'er - Sportsmen everywhere are deeply gianna Bissonitette, to change e'er - interested in this wolf cau future of f lain Jots at St Joseph, .to N Ni Can - interested it is,felt that the I- ti 1 Appeal not sustained, S Rail - 11 to assess paik ,l our big game depends to 0 oonsic - 1-- k C I> Zurich, to F erable extent upon keeping down. nig l Kel the numbers of their relentless and ever vigorous foes. What has been done and what is proposed applies to a much wider field than Ontario and the Iesson learned will no doubt 4 I be put to use in several of the other Provinces. FishinTshowing inelud- ing ing a fine illustrated pap TilI h pleas- ure and profit to themselves, mount how anglers may. with muc the best of their specimens, occupi- es the next place, seven stories bei- ng tip to•topies of which the fisher- man is never weary. Indeed spor- tsmen, whatever may be the speoial line they favor, will find something in this issue appealing to them with }particular force, while the whole of the contents will be founp of gen- eral r sportingadvantages of the Domin- ion. 1)ESOBI1'T10N Braeside Goldsmith is a +1ork chest- nut, has never been lu.a,t'n in a show ring and has oompeteit against the best Hackneys in Cauu+la. His sire Mathias 0473 was a grand horseo took , son- of Grand Fashion 3024, Ist in his class at London, England, ani, at other English shows. Mat hi:is' d tr z11 Ophelia 1301, was champintz in 1090 and 18411, winning the Cup and wan univers- ally acknowledged to be the best hackney mare that ever entered the show ring. Danegelt 174, sire of Ophelia was sold to Sir Walter Gilbey, EI enIiam, for of B25,00 Go0. ) Bill Cap • ' Goldsmith, woo 1st n prize as a yearling at the Royal Northern lshowiat sAberdeen e in 1898, beating p the Highland Society's show at Edinburgh. She also was 1st at Aberdeen in 1894. Challenger 3031, the sire of Old 1.1i11 Gipsy won 1st prize for stallions, at Edinburgh, in 1893, and won the gold medal 'at the miteshrw, in 1894. .a PIDIGFtEE ' Braeside Goldsmith 9135, foaled in 1903, sired by Mathias 6473, dam. Old Mill Gipsy 12006; sire of Mitthins— Grand Fashion 3024, da Gh OPnge0 3031; sir'3 of Old Mill Gipsy—Challenger gg sires darn—Deeside Honeymoon 5217; Cons Lord herby 2nd 417, g Con- naught 1453, Rufus 1343; gg dams Suc- cess 863, Jenny Botherem212 sires , Kathleen 445, Lady.Jane a 1ggg Sir Charles 765, derby 415, Sirr dl ohn 2nd, 1 Fireaway 240, Denmark .177, Achilles 2, Vigorous 121E5; ggg dams—Nancy 488, Fanny 114, :tally 257, Lady Kitty 200, Fanny 110, eta. The pedigree of this grand horse traces back to the 6th gen- eration and Contains the choicest hackney blod is splendid classoffBritain, hoorsesrae bred to where t the greatest perfection. R 1 - W t 'er Appeal allowea , A FULL LINE IN STOCK Prices $16.50 Up Edison Standard. and Em- berol Records for sale— A largo stock on hand.. Conte and hear them. For close prices on Singer Sewing1 mpianos and high Grade pi and organs CALL 011 WRITE II, WELL, - Zurich, ante y,:: ;1. ,,,,:78 DC rJu, .+,cusOM.VE=att�Etca:)OOCiO te�. GI SMITH'S ' L 15 A SURE CURE FOB • Cuts, Bruises, Burns, Scalds, Chapped Hands, Cold Sores, Chilblains, Boils, ulcers; Pimples, Running Sores, StraPoisoned in Lerman to assess lot in llachwooc! founds, Oros, • len li.nees, inflamed acid all.++, diseased, in • •gid and irritated conditions of the skin. to him instead of Sophia 5aclls Change glade, T Kluiiip to be as- sessed on lot in Dashwood instead "of P Beaver—Change made, Dash- wood N Trustees, to assess the fol- lowing for 1 dog each—Win Ilsie, 0 Schroeder, D Tiernan, P k assold, L Klenisteiber-•-dogs aesessed, Carr Co, to assess D1 Tinney on We 11, con 4 ---Change made. 3O YEARS' cayp�111ENCE YUNEIBLUT DYiINilll,.r1 a . A TRADE iH1ARE:S DESIGNS . COPYRIGHT'S &C. Anycriettending r t ;a and dee natiowhethermay0 5reention T4Drch ''t �{� n rt le.��yyCoromnniea- tttlnfit+trl. t,1t.on7`' t r '.i a us6K e1rrn as � a Patent dNdoxt r- i, jt -.inn d: co. receive Patents.. ''a" zw ihaute aarge, intho aye; i trcty TE1t11S•---$12. to insure, payable Jan. 1st I 1910. Mares must bo regularly returned or owners will be eharged full insurance, foal or no foal. Aeoidents to mares atI risk of their owners. This horse will stand at his own stable, Zurich, for the season of 1909, and will be bred to a limited number of mares. MAKE MONEY Selling Pelham' Peerless Fruit and Ornamental trees, shrubs, etc., during the winter months.. We offer you steady and profit- able employment in your own district at good pay. We have over 600 acres of choice nursery stock which you will sell direct to your customers. No diseased or dried out Ame- rican stock supplied. Estab- lished over 30 years. Write now for particulars. —OW NETS 13X -- W. C. CALLFAS ZURICH - - ONTARIO (1,r,r����yy7tpptl1D^^���+,�@@✓✓,,�ap��[y�[t{{ q®q® ,,ppppjj��y�#,,,yy__ �pID,fp,��,�fQ�tQi t��ty�q{ VW'8'ae�tltti'n+ .Fl fA SILiC1�+�a, ✓at ea .11 handsomely i iustratedweekly. Largest ()Hatton t . yryyear, pre tage prepaid. Sold b9 011r n 11, 5 ne3rsdrolciA. w eolik ,^alS4Srotrdway, New r Branch dr ce. G'5 P st., wanhington, D. C. W 1ti1 Mr. 14latthias•Wurm of Zurich Ont, says "I was bothered for some time with a run- ning sore on my jaw, nobody knows how painful it was. I doctored for some time till I tried a sample of Joseph Smith's Salve, and the result was soJoseph t Smsithat 1 secured a good supply. ith's Salve eased the pain for the first time. I mu cured I am thankful indeed for to cure and gladly give you permission publish my case." The Department of the Interior at Ottawa has recently issued a map of thatpart of Canada lying 1 west of the great lakes showing the Positions of the grain elevators and flour and oatmeal mills together with tables showing their individ- ual and collective capacity. In the three provinces of Manitoba, Alb- erta and Saskatchewan there are 050 grain elevators with an ag- gregate capacity of 42,868,900 bus- hels 2,868001)us- hels while in the other provinces the number of elevators is consid- erably below this, they having a capacity of 28,697,700 bushels.' Thus the total elevator capac ityiof Canada amounts to 71.,565,500 bus. hels. Manitoba has fifty flour oatmeal mills with adaily capes i ty of 17,365 barrels; S has, -:26. xraills With -WI ,13, to possible daily ortL9"ct of 8,..l5bar.. rels ;while Alberta has sever:'ateon mills with a possible output of 1,530 barrels. Ice cream freezers, family size at $1.25 each, at Tdartleib's. i'irs. Andrew Thiel of Zurich, says: --- "F or six months I suffered anutely from time. I triebreasts t sample of Joseph Smith's Salve. It; was different to everything else I bad tried and it cured me. I am grateful for the cure, as I have never been troubled with it since." Price 1.5 Obtainedl� oin W. U.cents per bB3 Dna Zurich,ox, 3 boxes Ont Pain in the head -pilin any'Where, has its cana0 Pain is congestion, pain is blood preserve -nothing else usually. At least, so says Dr. Shoop, and to Drove it he has created a little pink tablet. Thal tablet -called Dr. Shoop's headache Tablet - tomes blood pressure away from Dain venters, Its 1 ough safely�isurely, equaliz es the blood circa. lotion. If you have a headache, it's blood pressure. If it's painful periods with - oven, Same cause. , s brood If you are sleepless, congestion -blood pressure. That surely as a certainty, for lir. Shoop's Headache Tablets stop it in 20 minutes, and the tablets simply distribute the unnatural blood pressure. Bruise our Unger, and doesn't it get red, and swell, n. eblood pressure. f'i course find it where pain is -always. It's simply Common S e. • We sell at 21. cents, and cheertullY recommend 1Jti31T41z1AM NURSERY CO. Toronto, Ont. Dr. Shoop's Headache Tablets 1. 1. URNS., CROU stopped in 20 minutes sure with Dr. Shoop's Croup Remedy, test will stroll prO o , No Vomiting,no dis- tress. A. safe anti} pleasing syrup --00c. ruggists. A Cure for Leaky Roofs DON'T waste time trying to Li patch a leaky roof 1 A roof which leaks in one place is generally on the verge of leaking in many other places. The cheapest method of repair is to cover the whole roof Amatite. Amatite costs so little that the entire job can frequently be done theexpense rf caring for aleakyoothe old roof is covered with Amatite you will have no further worry or expense. Most ready roofings require a coat of paint evert/ two years to keep therein order. But Amatite is not the ordinary kind of Ready Roofing. Amatite has a real mineral surface, firmly imbedded ' in the Coal Tar Pitch waterproof- ing. This surface resists the attacks of the elements like a stone wall. It demands no ad - PRICE $2.60 per SQUARE or $3,00 PUT ON ditional protection or covering, such as a coat of paint. Buying Amatite is the same as buying an ordinary ready roofing with an agreement from the dealer to keep it painted free of charge. Such an agreement on the ordinary roofing would double its value. You practically get such an agreement with every roll of Amatite; yet the price is no greater than that of the ordinary kind. Send us your name and address, and we will forward you by return mail a, free sample of Amatite, and you can see how tough, dur- able and substantial it is. Write C. HAMir1 LEIB, ZURICH i fills remedy can always be depended upon a is pleasant to tape. It contains no opium = other harififatl drug and may be given as es 1 dandy to a baby as to as edel1, rice 25 gent; large size 50 cents. , o Send The Heral to your absent 'll appre e friends. Thep your kindness. .savings and '. Loam READ OFFICE LONDON - - ONTA Money advanced on g Farm Mortgages, Prompt. attention g to applicaticns for to E. ZELLE , u Pain anywhere ` stopped minutes sure with one of ,Dr Pink Pain Tablets. The 20 on the 250 °aboul lis ottr or druggistpains, h Stops womanly p pains anywhere. Write Racine, Wis, for free trial I value, Sold hy' 3 d Pderne