HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1909-06-04, Page 4Inrorleoratedi 1€355 CAPITAL - .. m $3,500,000 es R T FIVAD - - $3,500,000 Q 1 Has 65 Branches in Canada, sad Agents and Correspondents in ale the Principal Cities in the World. a A GENiERAi4 BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED, tei SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT at all Branches. ii cele Branch Interest allowed at highest current rate. H. ARNOLD, Manager ^r+:' s` CIi3 `f3DOL, DiCall`DCiZIODETSHl} CEODKI ffe3rTIME :=043N 4;a t4.4..9. COOK:E,13..eatI 1STI',1t AND SO- lieltee,Notary 1'uilie, Le 3aU. Antal io. at Zurich ye:elite's ureict Crory ry Mon- - rlay. rs a(;UOFOOT. :tAia ", L LALR, BAR- risters, Solicitors. Nnt wies Public, etc., etederich, t;,an:vie. W. a=reuctfoot. K.C, • R. a,. Rave. G. V. Blair. s • v' W: r=tazi.1:9•S . a"a11Lr; FS, .�a �..:, P.' ;at, -i -x? 1'1 ai rarte.. U'a1is- ...,e • ..e.a; •..;•n,i lay. Terms ._ e 1 office •. i_: st.'RAN- •! " London, . b, Stand- . . Every - ?T, GRA- ' ' of Dental r' etr gradu- .• �eeteestry, To- _ 'i'•.. s extraction t sae e..tia speciality. At ...,'t .. et:at', .".:'" l?, every Mon- a Mon - 7 -26 P. 'SEM Ilia, ;Seryl?Yi' t ER AND ,,,;,t 1 a r? .":Tort -gages, yi't:ie., • tel <:::"," ' ..; 1 i;"a+., nit• care fully and pretn:u.;r t,t..iaxnid. Olfiieo— zcno,- bi' i°, J',ttrea. OL.. PUBLISHED BY E. ZELLF.1t. FRIDAY JUNE 4th. 1909 W. C. T. U. THE CRY OF THE TWO-THIRDS ,"Try again, Maury" he said ten- derly, Jack trusts you. For Helen's sake, ,yes, for God's sake, and the sake of your own soul give up the accursed stuff entirely. But that was exactly what Maurice did not intend to do, but there was better meet for while and it did John's heart good to see the light again in Helen's eyes and the smile on her lips. He bad said for Helen's sake It was the thought of her that made him tell Mr. Spoffard to go on in all confidence he would be responsible for his brother, that all his fortune stood. behind him. Helen's face was his barometer. He studied. it for her sake. as truly as for his brother's, he spent more of his time at their home when Maurice was sober, then holding him back from distasterous assoeiat es. It was for her sake also that he only brought him to the door when he foiaud him intoxicated on the street or in some saloon ring int, the bell and disappearing that she might still think her secret of shame preserved from him, as she really believed it was For as John spared her so she sought to spare • o v rm 11 • •ler him, yet not wh 11- him, but l ------------ husband also. From her soul she ,,,tv>1, thanked God often for the little Mei one, who formed an excuse for the — ; refusal of so many invitations into -Many remarkable cures of stem- ` ,oeiet;y which her sad heart shrank at'h troubles have been effected by ,� .' ttt;rai?tarlaie'rl r"tomech and liver -'es. et. t"{ t�°"re t et;s, ., w• e: matt evil() has spent "r ov two thous:tad dollars for medicine and treatment was cured by a felboxes of these tablets. Price 21o. Samples free at J J Mer - leer's store. THE MINISTERIAL MEETING AND SUNDAY SCHOOL CON- VENTION I} ing they :i ollowed their eiders to the entracte, she pressed his hand as tender�l at parting as Helen had pressed VS brother's a while before •Papa," ";My darling what?" "Id she berreesolly papa?" "yes darling she is very, sad," "Did you hep her papa?" ""1: tried to baby" Dorry put her dimpled arms up and drew his face down, "I want to kiss von,. you id a nice papa and Clearer laths you berry much. You will hep her on, the little boy. won't you papa?' "Yes, darling, 1 will help her," Mr. Drotetly said gravely as he strainedens darling to his heart. and turned to seek her *.pother. (To be continued) Ethel M. Williams, Pres„ Supt. Any mother who has had exper- ience with this distressing ailment will he pleased to know that a cure may be e'ffectcd by applying Cha,m- berlain's Salve as soon as the child is done nursing. Wipe it off with a soft cloth befor5 allowing the babe to nurse. Many trained nur- ses use this salve with best results. For sale by J J Merner.. DO YOU REALIZE? That mail order buying builds up Toronto at the e+.pense of the smal- ler towns and villagea.. Every'dollar use:, in 'this way by o. resident of this.coenuunity takes a dollar out of circulation at home and puts it into crreulation where it does you no good. • The dollar spent with your groc- er, dry goods d •alter, hard ware merchant, cirugg'iet or other busi- nessman, up builds ilt;e conainunit;y in which you live. Theca 1)eey taxes to support the town, - repair the streets, maintain thee :]oils, and build and ;;nstain file: r:lturches. Do the nail oder honeee . or .subscri- be to the anticlinesfond whenever a new church is to be trait, or any pubiie in provemcnt ie to be made? If you •te• .:3 to take hold of any good. Work .1/Cor betterment of this oomznunity. who would you go to fou financial aid, the locial business man or the mail ordee houses in Toronto. Let us look at the matter broad- ly. Is it not in many cases short sighted selfishness and thoughtless ness that prompts us to send our money to the mail order houses? Thoughtful self interest dictates that we all work together for our common gond and the community at large. Tliink it over.—Wingham Times. an -accepting. But Maurice +tet taro. soci..aty anrl. rliany- a time aMx1M ut leo•ills went to please hint when it took all the power she could com- mend to keep a quiet exterior to- T'tbf.trti , Zurich., r.i, bear the sight of him when ho par- took so freely of the sparkling liquors. There were other times, a;: OP f f._ E. i as well, when she was proud of him when hope sprang up again in spite of every rebuff and was ready to hud and blossom, hopo so slow to die in the human breast, especially in a woman's breast, ever prone to r.h'inge its grasp from ono support to another that only it may cling: and live. There were a few montha of almost perfect blessedness that Zurich ,Tune 9, 10 and 11 1909. Pum to Helen after that last talk Committee—Rev. E. TF. Bean, John haci with her husband, when Rev. L. K. Eidt, Rev. A. D. Gisch- t be voting wife forgot her fears ler, See. Ministerial Meeting PROGRAM Wednesday 7.45 p, m. 1—Devot- ional exercises, 2 -Organization, 3 - Topic I, ""Das Gesellige and Geist - Rohe Lehen in der Gemeinde" Rev E Eby, Mitchell, Ont, 4 -topic II, •"TheDemands of the church on the Ministry and Laity of today" Rev Ec H Bean, Orediton, Onr, 5— Collection, Thursday 0.30 a. tn. 1 -Devotional exercises. 2 'ropio III "The Minis- ter's use of the Bible" Rev J W Hammett, Newbury, Ont, 3—Topic IV, "Der Prediger auf der Konzel and unter dem Volk" Rev W M Sippell, Rodney, Ont, 4 -Open Par- liament. Sunday School Convention PROGRAM ,'urn f e youth, 11111' nf. lot 15, Con. '1'elee, Bey. On this property e _• +e is aeeei fr:r,,:e 1t+r.,<.-, kitchen and .; " t .., I e re i ho,; house, ,: t ,:., :r.: ;' told never e ° v _F r. 'fiat farm is .et. -1 • • t t:e of cult:• • ..11 i0e.I1`. I,f :it e. 1 2i napes •.0 :hut i,. i . i:'rt 'cl t.i,c :e ,nitable prn- �t ,f r a,r In oere•s n r.kcltange. For • ..;;t &URri t'..+ i'tIntilara npi•11' to E. TRr•.r- ...s ail pi.. I:11Se,', r,:' ttl "I; HUS, ;r;;,iortet,r, 1r.i:.1 1. iii neves, all o::d 1Tend, with good bank ;:urn, frame. l-" Ilea•., all in gond repair. The teem at well rlraint•d, plant} of good water end v ill le, :tile tot :seem nth Apply to E. Zeller, :!aric•la. HELP WANTED Wanted at once—A good, capable general servant. References re- quired. Apply to Mrs. Holt, care of Judge Holt ,C:loderich. LODGE MEETINGS C`I,u Court slab No. 1240 e n n meets every 1st and 3rd Thursday of.each month at 8 o'clock p. m. in the A. 0. U. Vl. Hall: J. J. W' it iER, C. lt. J� "i+,•V ltiekbeil Lodge � t� VT* No. 393, meaty the 2nd and 4th Friday of every inonth, at 8 o'clock, in their Hall, Merner Block. FREE. WITWEa, M. W. If you would have is safe yet cer- tain Cough Remedy in the hone. try Dr Shoop's—at least once, It is "thoroughly unlike any other Cough preparation. Its taste will be entirely' neweto yon :unless it •is already your favorite Cough Re- medy, No opium, , chloroform. or any other stupifying ingredients •a,re used,, The tender leaves of a harmless, lung healing mountain. oats shrub, dive to Dr Shoop's Con. gh Remedy ite wonderful curative properties. It is truly a most oer- tain and trustworthy prescription. Sold by J J Merner. The Ministered meeting and Sun- day School Convention of the En - roe district, Canada Conference Ev Association, will be held held D. U 9n Emtnannel's Evangelical Church for days at a time, they veer() gold- en days, not only for her but for her four-year-old daughter. She was with her father constantly. John niet them riding down to the store together and smiled, "she will do him good" he thought as he wafted her a kiss and wont on lighter hearted. "He is safe while my sunshine is with him." Wheth- er Maurice felt his baby a safe- guard, or not, he kept her beside him a good deal those days. In and out of his office she went noiseless. ly, seld.otu disturbing him, though one day she came in hurriedly leading a wee scrap of a boy by the hand and calling her father eager- ly. "Sae, papa, see this is Tim's Jakey. Isn't he a nice boy and cant I play wiv him? Tim says I musn't tell I ask you." Papa'Droutly lift- ed his girlie to his arms and smiled down at the small man, who, al- ready in pants, reminded • him of one of the monkeys the organ grinders carry about. Do you want to play with Jakey very much Clover? he asked. "Oh yes, very much papa," answered Dorry with emphasis. "Then I think you may, Jakey is a gentleman he has been at the store before and always be- haves well" answered her father, delighting the small fellow, whose little round eyes were watching him keenly and now shone their appreciation as he nodded approval "A droll pair,"- laughed Maurice as they scampered off. "Look 1" cried one of the clerks as they flitted by. "Say, Sane, did you ever see an angel rescuing a young imp from the hand of the devil?" Dor. ry stopped abruptly, she caught a part oa this speech and surmised somehow that it was not eompli• mentary to her companion. "Not the devil," she said, gravely shak- Thursday Afternoon, 2, 1—De- votional Exercises, 2—Address of weloome, Mr. D. S. Faust, S S Supt 3—Topic 1, "Der Musterhafte, S S Supt" Rev. H. A. Thomas, St. Thomas, 4—Topic II, "The IdealS. S Teacher, Mr. W. Durst, Benmil- ler, 4—Topic III. "Der Musterhafta S S Scheeler." Miss Faust. Thursday Evening, 7.45. 1 -Pray. er and 'Song service, 2—Topic IV, "The Forward Movement in S S work" Rev L K Eidt, Dashwood, 3 -Topic Vr ""Missions Arbeit in der 8 8" Rev B F Haist, Benneiiler, 4— Collection and close. Friday 9.30 a. in. 1—Devotional exercises, 2—Business, 3—Reports of Delegates, 4 --Topic VI, "Der Nutzen der Lehrer Versamutlung" G Oestrioher, Dashwood, 5 --Topic VII, "Warum sollten Bibel Sprue- che Auswendig Gelernt warden?" G. Edighoffer, 14th Con., 6 -Topic VIII, Persehnlrohe Weihe fuer 8 S Arbeiter" Rev Eby, Mitchell. Afternoon session 2, 1 -Devotion- al exercises, 2•-B1.1s113ess, 3—Topic IX, "Andacht" Rev G IC Brown, Cjecliton, 4—Topic X "How to pre- pare and teach the Lesson" Frey L IC Mdt, Dashwood. Mass meeting -The children will be addressed by Ben Snrerus, J Ii Holtzman and Rev W M Sippel. Question Drawer. Evening session 7,45 1 -Song Ser- vice and prayer, 2 -Topic XI "Scrip- tural Giving" Rev A. D. Gisahlee', Znrioh, 3' -Topic XII, "Our attitude to the moral reform movements of today" Rev E H Bean, Crediton, 4- Colleotion and close, In sickness, if a certain hidden nerve goes wrong, then the, organ that this nerve controls will also surely fail. It may be a stomach nerve, or it may have given strong• tri and supporr to the heart or kid• neys. It was Dr Shoop that first pointed to thio vital truth Dr Shoop's Restorative was not made to dose the stomach nor to tcmper- arily stimulate tee heart or kidneys That old-fashioned method. ii all wrong. Dr Shoop's Restorative goes directly to these frill!, inside nerves. The remarkable, •+,.z•'t:,"se of this prescription demonetrete: the wisdom of treating the actual cause of these failing "o ,n:t. And it is indeed easy to 'prove _. simp- le five or ten days test v.E1 surely tell. Try it once, and see i Sold by J J Merner. Y. M. 0,' A, NOTES The quarterly meeting of the County Committee of the Huron Young Meu's Christian Associa- tion. was held iu Wingham, Mon- day evening,May 3ist, in the Y. M. C. A. rooms, Messrs. Cameron, Fox Scott, Maxwell, McNay,and Flem- ing being present. In the absence of the Chairman, and Vice Chair, the County Secret- ary,Mr Fleming, was elected to act as chairman of the meeting, and Mr. Canereron acted as recording secretary. After devotional exer- cises the minutes of the previous meeting were read and aciopted. Owing to the resignation of Mr. Fred Hill of Clinton, and the de cease of Mr. Stoneman of Hensall. and in observance of the reoom mendation of the Resolution Committee of the last convention, that the number serving on the County Committee be increased to 16, it was necessary to add live new men to the Committee. On the recommendation:, of the County Secretary, the following five names were added to the list :—Mr. J. McNay of Egmondville, Mr. 1T. E. Randford of Exeter, Mr. R. N. Young pf Carlow, Mr. James Fox of 8russtls-and-Dr,C. W. Thompson of Clinton ; Mr. Fox to serve for three years. ,Mir. MoN+ty for two years, Messrs. LLandford, Young and Dr. Thompson for ono year. The Treasurer reported a balance of $151.10 in the treasury on June lst, Reports were received from the Religious and Physical suboommit tees. Plans were sabtnitted by the special Camp Obmmittee for the July Camp for boys, and it was decided to get ont a prospectus of the camp, and application forms, for distribution among those inter ested. The County Secretary gave a detailed report of tho splendid work done by the various Associa- tions in the County from Jan, lst to June 1st. His report showed a total membership of 268 young men and boy in the 6 Associations ; 79 week -night Bible Classes with au average attendance of 19 ; 42 Edu- cational meetings with an average attendance of 24 ; 14 social evenings with an average of 36 ; 17 Physical events with an average of 21 taking part and 9 public entertainments of mainly Y M 0 A talent with an average attendance of over 200. There are now 22 corresponding members in the County, and up to date 54 young men leaving their homes for other parts, have been followed. by our system of corres- pondence, and helped in a practical way in the places to which they have gone as strangers. 17 young men have made a start since Jan. lst, 1909, in leading Bible Classes. and many young men have been helped and uplifted by the infiu ence of the Y MCA. There is much. talk of good times in the air. But• the oynic wants to know who is going to benefit by a return of prosperity. The fact is that throughout the recent business depression the prices of food stuffs and other domestic necessities have remained high. With a trade revival these commodity prices will ad- vance still further. That is to say, the average man's dollar will les- sen in size. Its purohasing power will experience a pitiful decline, The cost of living steadily advan- ces, Good times or dad, the poor devil on h small fixed income is squeezed into a smaller and sm41- le.z and smaller compass.—Ex. Chaniberlain'S cow, Meters and Diarrhoea Remetl . Nevrw- fails. Buy it sanw. It may save We. The burdock forest's that are alM lowed to flourish year after year on. the streets and in front or banes yards of this town are an eye sore to Little residents and visitors. It is Perhaps not generally known, that the burdock is very easily er- adicated, The large leaves are the lungs of its system, while the long roots forage in the ground for the nourishment required to supply the plant life. Take any kind of a sharp tool—a long knife a spade or a spud. ' and cut the leaf part off an inch. or so below the ground- If this operation is properly performed the result will be dead burdocks. It would only take a few minutes now' and again to administer this treatment to all the burdocks and other large weeds within your jurisdiction, and the improvement lu the appearance of the premises will be sufficient to give anyone perfect satisfaction for the expendi. ture of time and effort. Try it this summer, Tell some deserving rheumatic sufferer, that there is yet one simple way to certain relief. Get Dr Shoop s book on rheumatism and a free trial test. This book will make it entirely clear how rheuma- tic pains are quickly killed by Dr Shoop's rheumatic remedy—liquid or tablets. Send no money. The test is free. Surprise some dis- heartened sufferer by first getting for hies the book from Dr Sheep, Racine, Wis. Sold by J J Merner. The following is the report of S. S. b. No 1, Stanley, for the month of May. The names are in order of merit. Sr IV John Rau, Maggie Badour. Jr IV Joseph Rau, Bertine Mir - eau, Tillie Badour, Emily Mireau, Maggie Mireau. II1.Madeline Mireau, Peter Du- charme, Marie Ducharme, Annie Badour, Albertine Mireau, Verde, Amu. Sr pt II Sidena Mireau, Caroline Badour, Beatrice Rau, Jr. pt It Dolor Ducharme, Marie Mireau. Sr pt I Lawrence Ducharme. Jr pt I Claud Rau, Halton Mireau. Star pupils for the month John Rau, Tillie Badour, Bertine Mireau, Maggie Mireau, Emily Mireau, Joseph Rau, Nellie Duch- arme, Jerry Mireau, Gertie Rau, Madeline Mireau, Peter Ducharme, Marie Ducharme, Annie Badour, Caroline Badour. Eidena Mireau, Beatrice Ran, Delor ''Ducharme, Marie Mireau. A. M, Montague, ;.' Teacher. So far the people of Ontario n.r concerned. the startin p., ern toevn in the regio Abitibi is. more ;mdaning °t the founding of Prince Rupert, Rewee mber, it is only nine years •since the Ross Government sent explor- atory parties into Ontario's hinter- land. Abitibi was about as well known to the white man as if it were in the heart of Africa. Now one may leave Toronto to day in a Pullman berth and sleep in a comfortable hotel on the shores of the lake the second night. On the way thither the traveller passes through a region marvellously- endowed arvellouslyendowed with the precious metals, hut, still more reassuring, he also passes through a region of arable Lands that will be yielding crops when the mines are silent and deserted. For let us not lose sight of the fact that the good, old, ar- able earth is slow but sure, and is the basis of every industry. The farmer fends us all. The man who, goes to Cochrane may look around him and realize that he is in the midst of a miracle, a miracle that is reproducing itself all over this broad laud. —The Globe. Every local enterprise needs the hearty support of each and every i ndividual residing in the locality.. Why send your money out of your own village when you may obtain goods or services Just as good or better and as cheap or cheaper from your neighbor? One individual doing wrong, is likely to lead oth- ers to do the same The neighbor may desire to invest fifty or one hundred dollars in new goods, and under ordinary circumstances would have made the purchases at home but oonoludes that because so and so buys out of town, they can de the same ; hence there is an in- creased loss. Moral—Buy at home. C ?ulbb ng rates ifgr We have made arrangements to, offer the following low clubbing rates with THE HERALD: Daily Globe $ 4.25' Mail & Empire r 4.25 Weekly Globe 1,60 ,, Mail & Empire 1.60 Berliner Journal (German) 2.50 Family Herald & Star 1.75 Daily Advertiser 2,75 Weekly Advertiser 1.50 Weekly Sun i .75 Farmer's Advobate 2.25 et hwesetil ate reliefPILES Or. Shoop's Wife Ointiaen