HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1909-05-28, Page 8The Zurich Herald. uric 's �I 110W Dress Goods Talk Everybody is wondering what, the new and fashionable shades are for Spring. Black, Navy, Brown, Green, Cobalt Smoke We are showing all these fashionable color- ings, in stripe and plain goods. You can be assured that our Dress Goods Department is stocked with the very newest. Buttons for Trimmings We have all the shades and sizes; ash to see that new stS-1e of button; something new ! ;Inst out ! g tints &. Wash Goods. Local Option Campaign. This. sr ace has been reserved by the Local Option Committee of the Township of Bay, 0 UCTIONS Wire and ire Pena ASI -1 BLJYES Best Carbon Steel coiled wire, medium gal- mn vanized, per 100.... Ad LOCAL OPTION IN GERMANY A Good Templar in Cermany pre- sident of the German Federation against alcoholism, has written to the International Good. Templar : "We have just determined to in- troduce a xnoveinent in Germany favor of Local Option. Brother Dr. Popert and I took part in the large Congress of Woman Suffrage Societies at Frankfort -a-Main dur- ing the last days of September in support of this now movement, and I ani glad to tell you that the German Women's Federation have decided to assist us with regard to the Local Veto question. A Bill will, therefore, be introduced in the German Diet in this direction. We shall miss, I am sorry to say, the assistance of many of the Ger• man preachers and pastors ; but in spite of so many stumbling -blocks we shall succeed ; the victory will be ours. There are 31 unions in the German Temperance Federation." Do we need to go to Germany to findpreaeehrs who are afraid to let their light shine? Verily not. Best quality heavy gal- vanized coiled 2 65 wire, per 100 All No. g coiled spring wire Fencing. 5 wire, per rod, 25C. 6 wire, per rOd, 28c. 7 wire, per rod, 33C. 8 wire, per rod, 37C. k Norm. _43oc Paper. Hanger d Painter. The patterns and colorings have never `. sell as pretty as shown this Season. Stripes are in .he lead. We can show you almost any pattern in. wash goods that you could think of. Striped Linens for Sumner Suitings Ladies' Coats We have a nice range of Spring Coats, Long coats are going to be ',fashionable. Call and see the nen styles in coats, Douse Fur, fishings Wall -Paper A .splendid display, at a price that you cannot afford to miss. Carpet Squares, Carpets, Japanese Mattings, Shall Bugs &c. Lace Curtains, a large stock, from 50e a pair 'up to $5,00 Window shades, in plain and combination. Curtain Poles, Something that is always wan- ted. See ours at 2 poles complete for 25c Li ' o1euuns CoTer your kitchdll and dining -room with Linoleum and save lots of hard work. Men's heady=to=wearClothi _._.u.ly':ku...ab.i.iltM4.s.,.zN'Z.: l�-vu^tiYfiY{(nmmi 11%.Y1 We handle the Broadway Brand, which is particularly noted for style and workman- ship. We carry a stock that will surprise you. We are showing some very smart styles for young men. 0 GENERAL MERCHANT nta Mae. __o me to have your home brightened and" fixed up for the boring and Sum- mer months. Charges Moderate N. rrOC,, Zurich We Lead the Trade, Others May Follow and May Not. . L I PHONE !3 ZURICH HURON'S LARGEST COMBINATION STORE Zurih's Leading a Enter Any Time CLI TTON BUSINESS COLLEGE has been tested in the crucible of ex- perience, with the ire of public opinion andhas not been lua found want n« not 1 she suecess of our excelled. Not the largest, but the highest grade modern Business School in 'Western Ontario. Individual instruction. No vacation. Mail Courses. Enter any day. Write for particulars. GEO. SPOTTON. Principal ranmaMozwasecommasemonemoromwmalueem Agriculturrr� Savings nd Loan C RIOA.D OFI3IOE LONDON' - . ONTARIO Money advanced on good Farm Mortgages, Prompt attention given to applications for loans, No is the time to buy your ,„ ZELLER, Zurich 1NCi and AIRR S OES We have the Very Best and Latest==all sizes and colors. Come and examine before buy -ag elsewhere. Our low prices will save you money. Clubbing r Mesa ggirWe have made arrangements to ober the following low clubbing rates with Tx m 4.25 Daily (dobe . Mail & Empire 4.1..255 Weekly Globe . Mai1 && Empire 1.60 Berliner Journal (German) 2,50 I' trnily naiad. & Star 1.75 Daily Advertiser 2.75 Weekly Advertiser 150 Weekly Bun. .75 Farmer's Advocate 2.25 N o !r u i` BAKIN Zurich IF YOU USE Royal Household Five Roses or other Brands of Flour from Rannie's Flour and Feed Store. The best in Groceries at close Prie,es. All kinds of Feed on hand. S. RANNIE, Highest price in Cash pard for Butter and Eggs st arrived. Will give closest prices for quick se F. C. KALA'FLEiSCT"l,, "Zur