HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1909-05-28, Page 1The Official Organ of :Zuricbt afti _Bay Vol. I X. (rye LOCAL NEWS. pQa arae era4-n4-1b.4x+4•31,y-e4to Mr. Edgar Magel visited his par- ents in Detroit over Sunday. Miss Allis Schnell of Pigeon, Mich., has returned home for the summer. Mr. J. J. Merner's pacer Little Mao took 2nd in the 40 class, at Parkhill, on Monday. Mrs. Ed. Axt returned on Wed- nesday evening from a visit to her daughter in London. Miss Gertie Hartleib returned on Tuesday evening, frog a visit with friends in Ridgetown. Messrs. Valentine Koehens and J. P. Rau took in the races at Parkhill on Monday. Mrs. J. H. Roedding and Mrs. Henry Feick of Berlin visited re- latives and friends here, over the holiday. See our line of screen doors, windows. and curtain stretchers. A large stock to select from. J. Preeter. Messrs. Yungblut & Deichert have purchased a gasoline engine and will now be able to turn out sausage and Sommer wurst in large quantities. r FRIDAY MORNING, MAY Mr. John Sohuettler found a small key, on the street, this week. Owner call for it. Mr. William Greb of Stratford was a visitor with his mother over Victoria Day. The Sunday school of the Evan- gelical church., will be conducted next Sunday at 2 p. m. .Township.' 28, 1909. No. 45. Mr. Louis Prang .hae engaged Mr. Brooks of Parkhill, to assist in his blacksmith shop. D. S. Faust has improved the ap- pearance of his dwelling by the ad- dition of a new porch. A return baseball match with Hensall team will be, played on the local diamond, this (Friday), even- ing. Mr. Henry Rupp is busytearing down a part of his oldhouse, which will be replaced with an. enlarged brick addition,. Mrs. E. O Weber and Master Stanley, iif Berlin, and Mrs. Maurer of Winnipeg, were the : guests - of of Rev. and Mrs. A. D. Wealth:, over Sunday. For a burn or scald apply:;Cham- berlaiu's Salve. It will allay the pain almost instantly and`:enickly heal the injured parts..P.or sale by J J Merner. Mr. C. Eilber is ins eveving his dwelling and outbuildifR5 with a fresh coat of paint. Chris. is one of the tidiest residents :in town, and it would do, all of us' good to follow his example. Rev. 3. S. Damm Qf Medioine Hat. Sask., will occupy' the pulpit in the Evangelical church next Sunday evening and address the congregation in the interest of the missionary cause of the; Canadian Northwest. Missionary offering will be taken up. Misses Diana and Phoebe Rick - boil spent the 24th visiting friends in Waterloo. Mr. 3, H. Hayter has moved his family and household effects to town, on Wednesday. We handle seed corn, turnip and mangold seed, and garden seeds of all varieties. All good quality. J. Preeter. For Sale—Gasoline stove with burners oven. v new. ApplyoMrMcWatters, Zn lob. The sacrament of the Lord's supper will be administered in the Evangelical church next Sunday morning at 10 o'clock. Rev. A. Y. Haist, P. E., will -officiate. Prepa- ratory services will be conducted on Saturday at 2 p, m. also preach ing at 7.30 p. m. Dr. Oven's Surgeon, Oculist, Specialist -will be at Royal Hotel, Hensall, on Friday, June 18th. Hours g a m to 9 p m. Glasses pro- perly fitted, Catarrh, deafness, fail- ing eyesight and throat troubles treated. ' While a number of young men were engaged in firing some sky- rockets on Tuesday night, one of them took a somewhat erratic course. and bailed right htthrough the second storey window Merner's,store, landing among a lot of "Merry widows" and rhe millinery staff. Luckily there was no damage done, except a broken pane of glass. The Sunday afternoon services which for sense. weeks .hav;e been • held in the Baptist church, have been discontinued for the present. Mr. Nelson who has been conduct- ing them is leaving for some weeks, but hopes to resume then on his return. The meetings have been pretty well attended each week by interested listeners. The under- lying: theme of the -whole series was, the good old Wesleyan doct- rine of full salvation from. sin—its BASEBALL The Zurich team played two games at Orediton on Victoria Day, and as our boys bad very little practice this spring, they did very well by capturing the last game. Orediton is noted. for its ball players, and they have some veterans that are hard to beat. The first game was played at 1 o'clock and resulted in a score of 13-2 in favor of Crediton. The evening game started at 6 and at the c nd of the 4 -thinnings the score stood at 10-5 in favor of Zurich. From that to the end of the `9th innings the excitment ran . high, and.Crediton gradually pulled up, but the lead was too big to over• come; and .at tje.,end stood 12-11 in f"ayor,of `Z? boys speak very highly of the treatment by the Orediton team, and a return match is expected in the near future. The Zurich line- up for the two games was : Harvey Weber, p, H. H. Little, c. O. Fritz, lb ; T. Wurtn 21) ; M. Rennie 3b ; Hurley Weber ss ; A. Edighntfer, rf ; {.Gordon cf ; 'wellington John- ston lf. Geo. Hess, umpire, W.'E . Rev. R. H. Whiteside of'I empt- ville, arrived. Saturday evening and returned Wednesday, aocom- panied by Mrs. Whiteside and children, who spent several months at the home of her patents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Williams. • Manitoba Flour --Two cars just to hand that was p3urohased before the advance, also ears bran, shorts and corn. High quality p+ Mani- toba Flour $3.00 per be days, Head The { est f Everyth» .p g ® a I� rygi ds for pin g arises For dmc- -Let me call your attention to rny. New Dress Goods and New Striped. Linens for Suittngs. MILLINERY DEPARTMENT The Newest and Most Up-to-date Choice in Hats for old and young. MEN'S and BOYS' READY-MADE SUITS I have a Full Line of Suits at iLeasonable Prices. FLOOR OIL CLOTHS and LINOLEUMS 2 yards and 4 yards wide. Nice Patterns. All Farm Produce taken In Exchange for Goods. .R FAUST ZU ±RICH ocyC-ooQ �xqo Oc�o�'ocOt'o�o� od0000 �. •Z37.47 lJ • t7 t7 O �J llam 4 .4 .0 O �•47•G7"4"7 0" \1UV OXFORDS . 8 a00 0�4 Qo2 OQ� ,�1aa cap X40 ‘Cdg rev ZURIOH C...'C,• , G fjaQ.Q. @ C� , •��s,,; 4'-�.i�Cr-��h�^ 'r' ; . t\ems\ ....L lG'-"w ..---r•-,-�.JC�`:+L- Cr">• STYLJSH The Popular Summer Shoe... are Fashion• we think we our taste. guilt and power. Hess,- scorer. Pentecost will be c morning service 'will•be "•nclucted in German and the evening service in English. In connection with the Inorningeser vice the sacrament of the altar will be administered. Preparatory service on Saturday at 2 p. m. The morning offering will be for the benefit of mission- ar y work. 8 are Always Ri 0. F'FHTZ : e3:6 r ' '""" ." 'sem.=w"' :s. = �r C1:: ,Mer: to i.I ..1' m -T, --t 4MP4W:.....a. . r "r .. .a*,.ri 3'.:> ...ew c3 ..�. ?A":ri .�'=:' -w-.rte=,af �C:>Z'C:.ti uwr ate"'.` �y;� sla s s :. vIrts rv:44 1t0- ra'tt C' es And we aro better prepared than ever before to fill the - Goods eGoods bought 111 the, best markets, and bought will convince you. Our attention to buyers Ready=to=wear Suits Just a word about our Ready-to-wear suits. Clue stock comprises a large range of the latest cloths and styles, and our increased :,ales iu this department prove that we are selling at right prices. A pickle or gun metal watch given with every youth's suit purchased. Also a full line of latest in hats, shirts, ties, ete., all new goods. Wo also carry a wide range of Tweeds, Worsteds, Cheviots, etc., in suit lengths, and can have a suit made to order for you at short notice. See our lines before you bny. Belts, Frillings, Hose a. °td. Gloves Silk elastic Belts in all newest shades, Frillin'as in black, white and blue, Ladies Fancy Hose in tan, Long g Lisle Gloves oxblood, and mariyother shades I � intan, black and white. All sizes. We advise buying these now as the demand for these goods will be large. et wf)lt8 ' of 'any r Custo .1f 1'S. "Every department is 1i11.'tl with prices that will compete, with any. A .-lit to our 444- c, "e try to make as satisfactory as possible. YaST1LL""••l6Y@:.. - __ ra-:gCCYJ9�'S�,w.Yb Y.}i[t5[n,'.9i,v`liaGID .,b,a.m, _- .evs,i+.w.•mxr:m.m.wn �=�x••'s.. rsn - Linoteurns, floor Oils rill • Ca rsets If you need Floor Coverings of any kind come iu and see our range. We have passed into stock a number of new patterns and now have a wiec range to choose from. See our Tapestry oarpets and Flaw. Rugs, Jap mattings. etc. LACE CU' TAINS Masa-cleaning season is iiow on and we have made special arrangements for easy* choosing of nev,- Lace Curtains. Our curtains range in price from 95 cts to $3.00.• �j W ITE v' y�. EAR We desire to call the attention of the ladies to our line of whitcwlar. Everything in waists, skirts etc. Our stock is very complete and we invite inspection of these goods. 1 Millinery i epart ent -Our millinery trade has grown in leaps and l,onitd . Our show room is fiiled with the latest and loveliest ercatious in Dame Fashion's style. You will have to sere them to appreciate thein. You are cor'l:ally invited to visit our millinery depart - Meat as often as you please. DICK THESE UP Granite water pails 50 cents and 75 cents Granite dippers 15 cents Granite wash bowl 15 cents Granite Snap dlnhi'H 10 etut4 Curtain poles 10 cents eiweat Pads 95 cents 3 kegs of carpet tacks 5 cents Large Hand. Saws 35 cents Harness Snaps tr' for 5 cents 95 lb scales GO cents 11an'1 Cleaner 1') cents Move Pipe Varnish 10, i:,, and :10 cents 'Victor Flour Sifters 10 cents. See us about your. Roofing and Eavetro} gh n .e Tee Fell Stock of Sherwi i=Williams Paints. n Windows. Highest grade coil wire and barb wire. aYr �'xRRJ 3 4 L `+ ti :.'i eczom 9 XXI BSO PALV awl Doors I0F and