The Herald, 1909-05-21, Page 5T e ZUi ich Hemi d� IWe have opened; up , our New Stock of i Spring and i Summer gess Goodson r; consisting of -taw Prints. Ginghanrns, Muslins Etc Duwasns,s Come and inspect before buying elsewhe-re. Our prices as usual aro ItIG11T sghest Prices a For Farm Produce H.DOUGLAS, General Merchant, B L A K E. ReseCEDODOSCDO OKEDGD®dDaa®ODC=MDMI=OD00.150 1 Ring 1 nt 0 0 for the balance of this monde. Every Ring Solid Gold. Watch and Clock Repairing My Specialty F. W. HESS, JEWELLER NENSAL.t'- 1a. Urquhart is putting up a saw mill, • Miss Allan of Boston, Mass., hats hecn visitime her uncle, Mr. R. J, Drysdale. Ed Shaffer has returned from a visit to friends in Michigan, Mrs. Shaw end daughters; aro visiting with Mrs. J. McArthur. Alex. Smith has purchased the J 0. Clausen, and has taken pos- session. Zurich baseball played a friendly game with the local club, on Thurs- day evening. rel'-,�tksr�` ai:3 That New Winter Suit, When looking for your new Winter Suit, do not forget to give us a call. We have a fine range of Tweeds, Worsteds, etc., to choose from. Our prices are as cheap as any. Suits made at Short notice. We also have a large mmnher of Samples to select, from. Laundry in connection. W . W HOMA eTISIZMINEEEISEIMMerallIWIBRii a m ZUR I ON r n MEAT MARKET E keep in stock a full line o fresh. meats, hams, etc. etc Our cuts are • noted for their tenderness and wholesomeness. Our aim is to keep nothing but the best. We make our own sausages. Give us a call. GUS` ` & BEICHE T. Little drops of Water poured into the milk, gives the snilknran's daughters lovely gowns of silk Little grains of sugar, mingled with the sand, make the grocer's assets swell to beat the Dance. Lit• tle bowls of custard, humble tho' they seem, help enrich the fellow selling' pure ice cream. Little rooks and boulders, little chunks of slate, make the coolman's for- tune something huge and. great. Little eels well written. printed nice and neat, give the joyful mer- obants homes on Easy Street. IMPORTED Hackney Stallion i DASHI 000' kir, Arthur Goetz,. of ;Stratford., visited here, for a few days. The Misses Brown of Cr.'gqditon, visited at Mr. William tiieber't's on Snay. Tnalhs Evan, Sunday School has de- cided to hold its annual Children's Day, on Snnclity,lune 20th. A. good program is anticipated, The Junior and Senior Alliances of the Evangelical church, have prepared a splendid program for their Rally, on Sunday evening: The meeting will begin at 7, The collection will be in the interest of North-West Missions. For years I was troubled with billiousness and constipation which made life miserable for neo. My ap- petite failed me I lost my usual force and vitality Pepsin prepara- tions and ca.therties only trade matters worse 1 do natknow where I should have been today had 1 not tried Ohamberlein'r Stemaoh and Lives Tablets. Tho .t:abiets relieve the ill feeling ala erre; strengthen the digestive funetione, purify the. stomach, liver and blood, helping the system to do its work natural- lv-Mrs. Rosa Potts, Birmingham, DRYSDALE De:eltszc-It is our sad duty this week, to report the death of Mrs. John Howard, a highly r ospeeted lady of this neighborhood. The deceased hacl reached the advanced age of seventy-five, and no to the end was never oonfiuecl to bed through illness. She wns, ever. through life, a close follower of her Sav9 urs in'whom she over eonfi- ded ler trust, The immediate cause of death was paralysis and a wasting away of vitality. She leaves to rnourn her loss, an aged husband, now in his eighty-second year, four sons and four danghters, as follow Wui. J,, Harry, George and James, Mrs. English (Etta). Mrs. Ravelle (Jane). Mrs. Pollock (Sara) and Marry. l'ho remains wore laid to rest in the faintly plot in Bayfield Cern, eery, on Tuesday afternoon, whither they were followed by a large concourse of sympathizing friends. The pall -bearers were Robt. Drysdale, Jos. Dowson, Thos. Johnston, .Toshuo Snider, Peter Douglas and Angus Murray. A book on Rhotunatisnl, and a Ale These tablets aro for sole by Crit treatment of Dr Shoop's Men- .). J Merger. natio remedy -liquid or tablets - is being sent free to sufferers by Dr Shoop, of Racine, Wis. You that are well, get this book for some discouraged, disheartened sufferer ! Do a simple act of huma- nity ! Point out this way to quick and certain relief ! Surprise some sufferer, by first getting from me king preparations to attend mete the booklet and the test. He will annual camp at London, .Tune 3rd. appreciate your aid. Sold by J J ] The Local Option campaign will Morner. 'be opened on Thursday evening, in James street church. • Tho new bowling alleys opened for 'business Saturday evening and Trite a nuenber availed themselves of the opportunity of snaking etrikes and spares. The :alleys were. Installed by the Brunswick- . I;alke-Collender firm. • EXETER. ,James Bawden of the Molsons Bank, Fort William, is home on his holidays. The 33rd Huron Regiment is nla- Selling Pelham' Peerless Fruit :and Ornamental trees, shrubs, etc., during the winter months. We offer you steady and profit- able employment in your own .district at good pay. We have over 600 acres of choice nursery stock which you will sell direct to your customers,, No diseased or dried out Ante - man stock supplied. Estab- lished over 30 years. Write nOW for particulars. k'ELI-Ail«t NURSERY URSERY CO. Toronto, Ont. DESCRIPTIO N Braeairie Goldsmith is a dark chest- nut, has never been beaten in a show ring and has competed against the best llaekneys in Canada. llis sire Mathias 9173 was a grand horse, being a son of Grand Fashion 3024, who took lit in his class at London, England, and at other English shows. Mathias' darer ophelia 1301, was champion in 1890 and 1891, winning the Cup and was univers- ally aeknowledgrd to be the best hackney mire that ever entered the show ring. Dan egelt 174, sire of Ophelia was sold to Sir Walter Gilboy, Elsenham, for ;95,00 ). Old Mill Gipsy 12999, dam of Braeside Goldsinith, won 1st prize as a yearling at the Royal Northern show at Aberdeen in 1S96,, beating the prize -winners of the Highland Society's show at Edinburgh. She also was 1st at Aberdeen in 1894. Challenger 3031, the sire of Old Mill Gipsy won 1st prize for stallions, at Edinburgh, in 1893, and won the gold medal at the same show, in 1894. PEI)1GREE Braeside Goldsmith 9135, foaled in 1908, sired by Mathias 6473, dam 010 hill Gipsy 12999; sire of Mathias - Grand Fashion 3024, clam--Ophelia 1301; sire of 01d Mill Gipsy -Challenger 3031, dam-Deeside Honeymoon 5217 ; gg sires Lord Derby 2nd 417, Danegelt 174, Con- naught 1453, Rufus 1343; gg dams Suc- cess 863, Jenny Botherem 2124, Kathleen 449, Lady Jane 197 ; ggg sires Lord derby 415, Sir John 2nd, 1169, Sir Charles 768, Fireaway 249, Denmark 177, Achilles 2, Vigorous 1215; ggg dams-Nancy488, Fanny 114, Nelly 257, Lady Kitty 200, Fanny 110, etc. The pedigree of this grand horse traees back to the 6th gen- eration and contains the choicest hackney blood of Britain, where this splendid class of horses are bred to the greatest perfeetioua TERMS -$12. to insure, payable Jan. lot 1910. Mures must be regularly returned or owners will be charged full insurance, foal or no foal, Accidents to mares at risk of their owners. This horse will stand at liis own stable, Zurich, for the season of 1909, and will be bred to a limited number of mares. -OWN] D BY - W. C. CALLFAS ZURICH - - ONTARIO Weak Y e To weak and ailing women, there is at least one way to help. Brit with that way, two treatments, must be combined. Ono is 'Weal, ern is constitn- Lionel, bet both are important, both essential. Dr. Shoop's Night Cure is the Local. Br. Shoop's Restore 'Ati, the Constitutional. . The ormor-S)r, t hong sNigh t L'urc -id r. topleal mucous membrane suppository remedy, while Dr. Sheep's Restorative is wholly an internal treat- ment. The Restorative reaches throughout the entire system seeking the repair of all nerve. all tissue, and all blood ailments. The "Night Cure.", as its name implies, does its work while you sleep. It soothes sore and Milani - ad mucous surfaces; heels local weaknesses and discharges, while the Restorative, storative, eases nervous excitement, gives renewed vigor and ambition. Wilds tip wasted tissues, brinanrg about renewed strength, vigor arae anergy. Take Dr. Shoop's 12t rotative -7.1 islets orLignid-as a general tonin to the system. h'or positive local help, use as well Dr. Sh yip's Night Cure 1.1. KRNRR. The conneil have received a cotn- ninnioation from N.. M. Cantin, promoter of the proposed Stratford Sr.. Joseph electrio railroad, stating that the company undertaking the building of the road will accept the bonds if guaranteed by the corpor- ations and asking Exeter to guaran tee the bonds to the extent of $1o0,000. It is not likely the coun- cil will consider the communication with favor. -Exeter Times. 0 . fit AA 60 YE LRS° 1.e.4.._.EX.PERIENCE TRADE MARKS 4p 31" x' COPYRIGHTS E'te. DESIGNS Anyone sending a sketch and description mag gilcicly ascertain onr opinion free whether en invention as probably patentable. Communica- tions strictly confidential. HANDBOOK on Latents sent free. OIitest agency for securing patents. Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive special notice, without charge, tithe feat Dd itiefi`tl1al A handsomelyillustrated lscientiflo journal. Largest cir- culation r Canaa, $3.75 a year, postage prepaid. Sold by all ne sdealeri. 6lanlfork c Branch ce. BBBnt S 8' St. Washington, w eitezusratesseeemecsocstuattemactionscatcereee F.B V'. C. .1 t,= ; "sncoial waterpoofing com- i'l pounds," etc., -a11 nonsense. tI They don't tell you what the goods are made of because 'f.jth.;; don't dime, • From the start W3 have never hesitated to tell the l414 buying public just what Ama- .i fife is made of and just what `;j it will do. ri Wo use no secret processes -no special compounds. Atnatite in made of two lay- .. ers of Coca Tai' Pitch -the .1 greatest waterproofing mate- rial :al known.. l3etween these !' two layers of pitch are two is alternate layers of coal tar �saturated 'cool ,Felt to give it • tensile strength- On top of these four layers is a real ^gni».oral surface -five layeraof protection. The mineral surface is per- manent, fireproof, and abso- lutely requires • 420 painting. When you but Arnatite you take no chances. You don't buy a " pig in a poke." Roofings that require paint- ing are a worry and an expense. i Every year or two you have to climb up and give them a coat- ing with some special com- pound sold by the manufactur- ers, or you are pretty sure to ME + HINTHAT NEEDS d PAIINTINN LT OW reany Diann- factarers of ready roofing -will tell you frankly haw their goods are made ": Mighty few. Tragi* will talk about "secret formulas," have a leaky roof. When you lay Amatite on your roof it is there to stay. Before you go to your dealer and buy a roofing, we should be very glad to send you a sam- ple, so that you can see for yourself just what we are talking about, what a solid, substantial, reliable roofing we are offering to the public. Remember, in this connection, that Amatito is made by the largest ananufactur;.rs of roof- ing materials in, the world, and that when you buy this roofing there is something behind it. We stand back of every roll - We know we are offering the best and the most economical ready roofing on the market. For sample and booklet address P dIMf: i' ABOOF Ilui'M WASTE OF �1 eniftiParfH1 ;Y Edison Phonograph A FULL, LINE IN 'STOCK Prices $16,50 Up Edison Standard and Em- berol Records for sale- A large shock on hand. Conte and hear thong. For close prices on Singer Sewing ma- chines and High Grade pianos and organs GALL OR WRITE LL, WELL, - Zurich, Opt .s;res eteisassiesernerae pari agriceej. JLT H'S SALVE ISA SURE CURE P011 Cuts, Bruises, Burns, Scalds, Chapped Hands, Cold Sores, Chilblains, Boils, Ulcers, Pimples, Running' Sores, Poisoned Wounds, Sores, Ringworm, Strain, Swol- len Knees, inflamed and all diseased, in jured and irritated conditions of the skin. Mr. Matthias Werra of Zurich Ont, says "I was bothered for some time with a run- ning srr'c on ruv jaw, nobody knows how painrnl it was, I doctored for some time till I tried a sample of Joseph Smith's Salve, and the result was so pleasing that I secured a good supply. Joseph Smith's Satre eased the pain for the first time. I am cured. I am thankful indeed for my cure and gladly give you permission to ' publish my case," Mrs. Andrew Thiel of Zurich, says: - "For six months I suffered anutely from sore breasts and doctored all that time. I tried a sample of Joseph Smith's Sale. It was different to everything else I had tried and it cured me. I am grateful for the cure, as I have never been tronblcd with it since," Price 50 cents per box, 3 boxesfor $1,50 Obtained from W. H. Bi:xDES Zurich, Ont Steady Employ ep ent for a Reliable Local Salesman representing Canada's Oldest and Greatest Nurseries in Zurich and adjoining country. Yon will find there is a good demand for Nursery Stock on account of the high prices that growers have realized on their fruit this season. Our salesmen are turning in big business to us this year. Be one • of them and earn good wages through the winter months. Territory reserved. Pay Weekly. Free sample outfit, etc. Write for particulars. Stone & Wellington, Foothill N urseries. 850 acres. T ORON'1 O. - - ONT plennaLan ocansems0.11Qs1trasaesuiwUrsaIAae+n1a�7 so PRICE *2J0 per SQUARE or $3,06 PUT ON G. flARTLIEIB, ZURICH This remedy can always he depended upon and is pleasant to take. it contains no opium or other harmful drug and may be given as confi- dently to a baby as to as adrD. Price 25 cents, large Mu 50 sena. Send The Herald • to your absent relatives or friends. They'll appreciate your kindness.' Pitry144=