HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1909-05-21, Page 40
:/3/10 3 Q D c +,> r Cli9OM43W /A GMo3!?MRIM (10WED QIJ> di*
o� MOL
Ifs c:or'pur ates3 1855'
as hese ranches in Canada, snd Agents and Correspcndents iu 3,4
the Principal Cities in the World.
at all 13ranchez. Interest allowed at highest current rate.
Zurich Branch _ - H. ARNOLD, Manager
W� QED 31$ ti t Gi& ID(l JsIly GDCI IWGDMOCiD i`>6i'tt
ti. J. 1). COOKE. , BA1 l lSTER ANI) SO-
Lieitttt', Notary Public, iIPilsaii Onto ie.
�t Zurich (Za'lier's office) every Mon -
riqters, Solicitors. Notaries Public, eta,
t.lat?ericli, Canada. W. Proudfoot. K.C.
R. hays. tx. F. Blair.
FRIDAY MAY 21st. 1909
W. C. T. U.
It simply :happened. "Olovertop
or Dorothea Droutly was nllnost
three years old when Eleanor
Myers was born. With her mother
she went to see the infant and was
:+aleseondu(tpd in r.il parts. ails- full of questioning on her return
fat•i'lnn gultrantet 1 (1• Ito lttl y. Terms t
1sr.tLtl,lsa. ();tl,•'n It ft 'i :liis lafll„a• hrtIne, He all sat with her bonnet
r: ill lea' promptly tltit•Li;t :dill on, holding her darling to her
heart until a step in that hall atn-
n(:alzac(1 t'nele John. "Where's
it , P.i'! '"1.1:17.. I �t'1t.1N• my. sunshine?" "'Here, unkey,"
i , t t .• t1.: t,"tt, baby slipped down and off to the
:.•ee, sieve door. They were in such a frolic
If n...• t,,,.:r, 1•:tcry-:presently. as Helen watchedherSlee. t.= l t. ur:. treasure. cheeks like roses, hair
like stun gold, eyes blazing with
D'i. F. A. st.i.I,,ERt , I I _: E °'i, GIA_ light and life, she chided herself
:iva.ei rrf the l:oy. t c ;l, to of Dental i for her fears. Perfectly well this
.4u!'-?r•,.'re, Tomato, .oto, t0E;41 h.•t•ur (;radii- ; child appeared and was "not a
ate• oJ" Del tt ;ir,ut et ]lt t try, To- '• thing- the matter with her " uncle
rent t. I"nit t roti r, I' pals• 1,I ut tion ,17r. (it'c'lared when a little after, in
Pixie at l ,. l ;tIlty. At ..a quiet znonlent Flelen asked about
I)• setts t,tl litti* a, ll i. ll, t 'et'y.lim her condition. I never fillet a
(Lay. healthier child, she eats, sleeps and
11,1 ictturalIy, borr(,v, no fears,
E ZI.I.LEi:. t°t):;i'I:l :t:�;'t:lt AND llt'lt�n, hit said and she tris saris
N tare l'ltt,ite. It, l:• :P;,.Pta_r• ' lied. Brit that night, after he had
6t 1? snd ether 1.e4:.1 1^ ...arta t•t. i•aM.` visited his; last patient. Dr. ,Toho
fully .hitt l)r,;1ai01' ltl.. _•. tt`«t:'it11tb- anti into his brother's
Zeller le:ot•lt, r;ttr:ci t ... bt: t:. and t'l hi4 sunshine's bed
side he felt her pulse and part his
ear to her chest, then he bent over
MUSIC i her tenderly and pressed at '•God
bless you" ten her fake and event,
l .a 3 i la: ��4:, fret Slee 'Silt s <tult'tty as he eame, ''Dr
t T)a cit rte i. foolish over this child.
Pupils for the T rttntn Con- there isn't a blessed thing ails her"
orvatrtry of idur.i.• ,.n(1 ether Ann said to herself as ti)e gentle-
'entres. man departed and John was saying.
.e"tdl•71.'r'sw: the same thing to himself as he
Lt'TITEIL\N FaAnso...Aa;r:, Zurich. ! Hastened up the street. Foolish!
foolish ! he muttered. yet Helen's
fears had communicated themsel-
ves to his breast and he walked the
floor restlessly before retiring that
(i:trrt , all good land. with good batik
night and called at his brother's
i+sl'ti..&7.34e ht,u:•t•, ;13 in L^r.u1 rt l,uir, l'he home early the next morning. He
.tlt lli i4 inti tzt:•i:it•ti, 1.,rt.ty t,f .,ma tc:tfi'I• made many such calls within the
:11a1 will be t+trlti for it .4.,.nt•, App1'r to following week, ti'g'er to find the
E. Zeller,. Zttrit.lt. 1itt1A one the :tame. A merrier,
healthier child he had never seen,
SELF, WANTED he was forced to admit. And yet—
and yet—some babies are born
Wanted at ones --A a;noa, capable with a far—away look in their eyes
,t ent'a'il servant. Rote:relives re- indicative of heavenly affinities,
•nirt'd Appy to Mrs. Holt. care prophetic of early translation these
IA Judge Hilt. C;rt:rle•ric•h. hunutn hearts of ours are seldom
deceived, we know beyond all
knowledge that lips can never tell
or reason understand, way back in
the depths of Dorry's laughing
f shining oftitnes mischievious haus
K,/� r lid e t`("t t lni'lrlt n, l ?ill eyes was something that could so
tucr;a, r. 'rip E t ;iu,1 41)1
7 }ural y' rat e u lr ta,.n :.tt ;a o'0100..; 1,. tit. suddenly -
toss the front at
in the A. O. U. '.t'. alae. g completely
1Ii:r.Nr:1:, E'. ;:. change all gayety to earnest solemn
yearning (as if homesickness had
seizod her) that Dr. John turned
away from his darling many a time
With a heavy heart, Maurice had
never discerned this trait in his
heart's idol, and the doctor had
hoped all along that Helen's eyes
were also holden, but the young
mother had long ago noted that, in
the midst of merriest gatuo, the
!laughing baby mouth would open
to the insisi questioning, that from
some childish frolic she would
turn with gravest words concern-
ing the closer to her mother's
heart. The sudden look of pain
that smote the loved face when
her father lifted his glass to his
lips had not escaped her baby eyes,
and with the sweet instinct of
helpfullness she often induced him
to lay it down to play with her.
Take Olovertop, papa, she is your
baby and sante you" and Maurice
thus challeng eta held his glass to
the ruby lips. The mother -felt
herself going mad, yet she oontrol-
1ed herself enough to sit still.
".Maurice" she began, but the
baby's voice broke in. "I wouldn't
ober drink it" she said.
(To be continued)
Ethel M. Williams,
Pres., Supt.
I Nt S
Ari O. U. W. *,loiielsl01a•i1, i.0 i,re
". 3ni.+r.•t
the l.ted and 4th 1" ri(1:iv of every month,
rut 8 o'clock, in their )`fall, Merrier B1o,k.
Faun. ll'I'rwT.H.:11 M. W.
A;two,ccnt • stamprdocsta:Eotztpr
vcry+ littic.moncy„but. it'would1rc-
duirc'thousands3of;two, cent Ietampt
and personal ticttcrsa to; make your
wants known tosa>llanaey peopicsa;
a gasclinveatmenttEinatnn CEn+sited
stopped in 26 xninet s
Sure with Dr. ,+}li'oo 's
Croup iiom•t1J. Cirri
tot will surely prove.
w vomiting, nu ohs.
tow. A sh,4tt aetr,;l• ix+l tldiyi,l�'sttp•-i>E�e, Ikvggists.
Great damage has been done to
young live stool:, in Alberta, dur-
ing the recent sterni and cold.
Hundreds of calsus and lambs have
et -ir'itch Herald.
Clubbing rates=
111 -'We have .made arrangements
to offer thefollowing low clubbing
rates with Tari, 'I.NnAnn
Daily :Globe . 4.25
Mail & Empire 4,25
Weekly Globe . 1.60
Mail & Empire 1.60
Beliiner Journal (German) 2.50
T! smi.l,t,7' Herald & Star . 1.75
Daily .Advertiser 2.75
weekly Advertiser 1.50
l ieekiy Sun :1.75
Fari:,ttr's Advocate 2.25
If your stomach, heart or kidneys
are weak,, try at least, a few doses
only of Dr Shoop's Restorative. In
five orten days only, the result
will surprise you. A few cents will
cover:tile cost. And here is why
help comes so quickly. Dr Shoop
doesn't drug the stomach. nor
stimulate the heart or kidneys. Dr
Shoop's Restorative goes directly
to the weak and failing nerves.
Each organ has its own controlling
nerve. When these nerves fail, the
depending organs must of necessi-
ty falter. This plain, yet vital
truth, clearly tells why Dr Shoop's
Restorative is so universally suc-
cessful, Its success is leading drug-
gists everywhere to give it univer-
sal preference. .A test will surely
tell. Sold by J J Morner.
Court of Revision.
The Court of Revision of the As-
sessment Roll for the Municipality
of the Township of Hay will hold
the first sitting in 'the Town Hall,
Zurich, Wednesday June 2nd, 11'0t),
at the hour of 10 o'clock a. in.. for
the purpose of hearing and settling
complaints against the said Roll,
All persons interested in said
court are hereby notified to attend.
F. Hess Sr., Clerk.
Zurich May 12th, 1909.
' The tender leaves of a harmless
lung -healing in ntai nous shrub,
give to Dr Shoop's- Cough Remedy
its marvelous curative properties.
Tight tickling or distressing coughs
quickly yield to the healing, sooth-
ing action of this splendid prescrip.
tion—Dr. Shoop's Cough Remedy.
And it -is so safe and good for
•ehil,s.lr e,2"ryaas 11 ell ; ,. Golltabling no
hpinrn, chloroform, or other harm
ful drugs, mothers should in safety
always der itnd Dr Shoop's. If
other remedies are offered, tell
them No ! Be your own judge ! Sold
by- J J Mernor.
lowing , is the report of Zurich,
markets corrected up to Thursday.
Barley 53 to 55
Peas . . 80
Bran , ... 23.00
Shorts 25 00
Oats 45 45
Wheat .1 15 1 i;)
Hay 7.00 8.00
Driett apples........,. 6 6
Clover seed ...... 5.00 5.75
Potatoes 45 45
Butter w erre. 17 17
Eggs erre.. 18 18
Hogs liveweiget....... 7.50
Cook's Best Flour....... 2.75
Wheat 1 15 15
Oats .. 44 45
Barley ............ 50 50
Peas .... ..,.. 84 85
Hogs liveweight 7.50
nt �.ka
Ajti. Ata.
f+y�afi;�T4-tai"Jpg I �,�'
l rr+ P'Y °�}. e. ,,�tJii �,,ti`16'y F, '.0 `�.j
..t awls it m m lee v:: '"''w>,.2T :iF. h, §A ea ' ' (VG*'+
filanIto i, Easkatc„lawan, Alberta
Special Train,lrate Toronto 2.00 p.m, on
AI'RE1. E, 25 En5WY 4,10 IUI1E 1, 15, 29
JULY 12, 27 A 3”. 10, 24 SEPT. 7, 21
Second el In ti.ke'tfrnn Cn a,io stations to principal
t river t poi .ant
Winnipeg and return 02.00; Edmonton and Tatum
$42.70. and to other ponds in proportion. Tickets
good to return within 60 days from going date.
on all c,:euroiona. Comfortable bertha, fully equipped
with bedding, can 1m seemed at moderate rates through
local anent.
Early npptiontaon must be made
containing ratan and full information.
Apply to nearest C.P.A. Agent or toR.L. Thompson,
Diet. Pass. Ant.. Toronto.
We are always pleased to receive
items of news froiu our readers.
Send in the navies of your visitors
or any other utter of interest.
Always sign your nems as n matter
of good faith,
Painting is part of it—just as much as soap-
ing and scrubbing. There are spots that water
cannot remove, and discoloratious that scouring
will not take away. ` Use the paint brush in Snob, casco.
ApffR 1111 , ,
In small cans, is made to meet the thousand and
one demands fora little paint about the house. It
is ready to use. Dries quickly with a good gloss..
Can be washed. '
ir+ fly)• kJ��. rlCklo
t✓ . i Ie„j a nE.
Royal Household
Ave Roses
or of Flour
Brands f"•�' �'I � i' li'01.;t�. �.%t111111G'S
and Feed Store,. S T' ' 1)" ,t in Groee1'ies at close
Prices. A.11 kinL-i of _Pied on hand.
Highest ;hest price in Cash paLd for :Buttes and Eggs
„sags Bran
Just arrived.
Will give closest prices for quick sale
F. C. KALB LE ISCII A 9 Zurich
rl aa. r,• u a a, ,,Z7.47,r1rce, - ztx Wy5r,,omgatmagmatra
Every Farmer Sho ° Id
Have a Good e&ephone
A telepboue, in a farmer's home, not only enables him to
keep constantly posted as to market prices, but saves him need-
less trips to town,
If a telegram or other important message comes, it can be
delivered without loss of time.
It will, at a moment's notice, summon a doctor and inay
be the means of saving your wife or your child's life.
A telephone is useful in a hundred different ways and
.Jlonlcl have a place in every home—town and country.
The Cost is only $J2 a year
'We are slaking preparations for Spring work and
those desiring connections should complete their
contracts before the Ist of April.
Parties in town or near piesent lines can be con-
nected on short notice.
E. ZELLER, Zurich
The Herald to new subscribers
Xa+, rpt:
to the end of the year.