HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1909-05-21, Page 2•
Mrs. Birdie Ellis Johnston, of 16S Chris.
tiva street, Sarnia, Ont.,, gives the following;
ttetimeny of what Jam-Buk has, done for
Ihomelf and her husband: --
"'Some time two my husband was touring
lihrougir Miobigen on the oar, "Herald of
Sauce," as a singing evangelist. The minister
In the car had a son, who in some manner
i antracted a serious skin disease, and my bin -
bend, unaware of it, caught this from him.
Be was all broken out in sores, which gave
meat pain, and he tried first one retnecy
and then another, but none of. them did him
any good,
"When al) else had fatted, we finally de-
cided to try Zam-Bilk. and see if this balm
wonld succeed in healing the sores and etop-
aring the itching and Irritation. I am pleased
to say that a few applications of Zein-Buk
made a marked improvement, and persever-
ance tar a short time with Zasp-Buk effect-
ed a complete cure,
"About the same time sores also broke
out all over my back, and spread rapidly.
until my back seamed one big sore! This
was very painful. and as Zam-Buk had proved
LSO beneficial for my husband, I determined
to give it another trial. My nurse rubbed
goy back well with Zam-Buk. We continued
with this treatment. and in a remarkably
shoat time. considering the seriousness of the
ease. my back was quite cleared of the aw-
ful soros.
"On still another occasion I had need to
use Zam-Buk. While cooking something on
the stove, I happened to burn my finger
very badly, I aglied zero -Butt, and bound
up tbo finger. In the morning the pain bad
ceased and the bum healed nicely"
For akin diseases, eczema, ringworm, blood -
poisoning. and all kinds of eruptions, Zam-
Bub le absolutely without equal. It also
cures cuts. burns, bruises, sprains, scratches,
u lcers. piles, salt rheum, prairie Itch, etc.
AR druggists and stores sell at Mc a box,
or pest -free from Zana-Buk Co., Toronto, for
The Privileges of the Day.
Little James had just been initiated
into the mysteries of the first of Aprf].
and had amused himself hugely the
livelong day playing pranks on all the
family. Bedtime came, and finally he
had sobered down enough to say his
evening prayer. beginning with the usual
petition, "Bless father an' mother, gran'-
rrta an' Uncle Joe," with the customary
list of playmate's,
"An".—an'--" he went on, `'bless James,
an' make him a good little girl." Then
came a pause, followed by the triumph-
ant shout, "April Fool, Lord l"—Wu-
nian's Home Companion.
t • o
,Minard's Liniment used by Phy-
(Toronto Star.)
In Guth the /tidies are alarmed, the
preachers seek to scare 'em,
And no no big hats In the church, the
ladies must not wear 'em.
But 'we who regularly go to service do
not mind 'em.
Because—ob, well, if'3'ou must know, we
sleep secure behind 'em.
•Pi odue
Contains double the
Nutriment and None of
the Injurious Bacteria
so often found in So-
called Fresh or Raw
The use of Libbyrs
Insures Pure, Rich,
Wholesome, Healthful
Milk. that is Superior in
Flavor and Economical
in Cost.
Lipp ;:y 's Evaporated
Milk is the Purest,
Freshest, High - grade
Milk Obtained from Se-
lected Carefully F e d
Cows, lit is pasteurized
and then Evaporated,
(the water taken out)
filled into Bright, New
Tins, Sterilized and Seal-
ed Air Tight until You
Need It.
Try LIBB Y's
and tell your
friends h o
good it is.
Libby, McNeill
& Libby
O' 6'i t CA G 0
Running an Elevator Back After Pass-
ing a Floor Means Half a. Cent.
Even the elevator paAcengers and the
crperai or can throw away mime yfor
the owner of a building. \ot counting
the near and tear on the machinery,
cables and other equipment, the exlwnse
of running a car back to a flour which it
lied passed a few inches has a noticeable
(fleet on the monthly cost sheet. When
an electric elevator starts up or down,
empty or Ioa.cled, the first four secinrds
after throwing the lever eoet as much
rnoni't' air traverp,ing three floors after
full speed is attained. Reducing this to
figures. ►„r a large size 'passenger ele-
vator, it is safe to say- that it Costs half
it eent to et.,ut it,
'fake a twelve -storey building with
flee Omit ors, As:,urne that itt each trip,
beth up and down, two errors were
made. partly owing to the passengers
and partly to the operator. Thus for
evert round trip of each elevator there
will be four erorrs made in bringing the
ear to the proper level, Assuming these
to cost half a cent each there will be a
loss of 10 vents in the time required
far all the eliretors to make one round
trip. In au office building with five ele-
vators running continuously for eight
hours at twenty round trips an hour
or 160 round trips a day ench, the added
expense would be $16 a day.
This in a building where traffic is
heavy all day-, as in those of the finan-
cial district, where messengers are con-
tinually going in and out of the build-
ings and the ears are large, it can be
seen that this item is to be seriously
considered. With 300 working days a
year tide loss, counting wear and tear,
could easily amount to $4.000 if elec-
tricity were paid for at 1.0 eents a kilo-
watt hour. The more rapid depreciation
of the controller, magnets, contacts,
motors, (sables and power transmission,
such as the steel worm anti the bronze
rear wheel, are all items which it would
be difficult to measure aecurately.
AWoman's .5yrpathy
Are you discouraged? Is yow"'doctor's
bll a heavy iinauci.el load? 15 you]' pain
a heavy physical burden? I know what
these mean to delicate worsen—I have
been discouraged, too; but learned how to
cure myself. I want to relieve tour bur-
dens. Why not end the pain and stop the
doctor's bill? I ran do this for you and
will if you will assist me.
All you need do is to write fora free
box of the remedy whleh has been placed
in my hands to be given away. Perhaps
this one box will cure you—It has done so
for others. If so, I shall be happy and
you will be cured for fie (the cost of a
postage stamp). Your letters held confi-
dentially. Write to -day for rnv free treat-
ment. . MRS. F. E CL'RRAI3, Windsor, Ont.
•d e
The Wife-•-c;it'e me that Ietter yon
just opened.
The Iiusband--W-hy?
The Wife --You turned pale when you
opened it, and thrust it hastily in your
pocket. I demand to see it.
The IIuslrand—Here it is, woman. It
is the bill.for your Easter hat.—Cleve-
land Leadr.
Keep Minard's Liniment in :''ie house.
Tops as Well as Roots Used in Hold-
ing Shifting River Banks.
East Kansai; City is one of the most
important centres in the Missouri Val-
ley in the briefness of shipping willows.
In the Inst three months alone the Kan-
sas Oily Southern Railway has hauled
down there 140 flat car loads of trimmed
willows, and is taking ant more as fast
as the willow plantations can furnish
the crop.
The roots of the willozrs keep the sand
from ehifting along the river banks. but
the use of the tops of it'illnws in fighting
currents of water is comparatively new.
Government work with willows requires
that the trees shall be more than twelve
feet high and between g and 21,;; inches
in diameter at the butts. After a patch
of these trees has been cut the ground
looks like a Stubblefield of Corn. The
new sprouts. however, look more like a
field of wheat --if wheat only had that
peeuliar reddish tinge that willows take
on at this time of the year. In two and
a half to three years after cutting wil-
lows will grew ftp again to the size re-
quired for dikes or for plaiting into
The willows now being bonglit by the
railway are of no use in checking the in-
roads of the Arkansas Rifer between
Spiro and Fort Smith. Ark. .The dikes
that are being constructed run out into
the river 150 feet and are of willows
held in place with large steel cables.
Since December 11th nearly 80 carloads
of trees—not all of these willows --have
been dumped into the river.
The sand filling the crevices between
the bundles of willows makes a strong
and economical pier. The steel eable9 in-
sure the safety of the pier until the and
has done its work.
In cutting and trimming the willows
the harvesters'use nothing but ordinary
cork knives.—Kansas City Star.
Minard's Liniment Lumberman's
4'o -
(Woodstock Sentinel -Review.)
The formation of a Children's Story
Hour to be• held once a week in the Lib-
rary building in connection with the
children's department of the library, is
an illustration of the modern notion
with regard to the utilization of public
libraries as educational institutions.
Went Him One Better.
"They've got• me skinned," sobbed the
wealthy plumber,
"Why, what's the matter, John?" ask-
ed his bediamonded wife,
"I thought I was the limit,'," be pro-
ceeded, with difficulty, "hut the bill I
just got from the automobile repair shop
proves that I missed my ceiling!"
What Thos. ]lScDolnaid says of
Dodd's Kidney Pills.
He Had Larne Back, Kidney Disease
and Heart Flutterings, anti One
Box Cured Him.
Shubenaeadie, Rents Co„ N. S., May
10.—(Special).—"I suffered from Lame
Back, Kidney Disease and Heart Flut-
terings, caused by cold and a strain, for
three years I was looking over some
papers and save Dodd's Kidney Pills ad-
vctrtised and I bought one box which
completely cured me. Dodd's Kidney
Pills are .wonderful."
That is the simple, straightforward
statement of Mr. 'llamas McDonald, .
shows how quickly Dodd's Kidneys.
Heart Fluttering ie another symptom.
It is caused by bleed, d, from which the
eick Kidneys have tn:led to strain the
impurities, increa':r _* the work of the
heart. Dod1.'s KiSee y Pills make the
sick Kidneys well, the lame back dis-
appears, the 'blood. is petrified, the heart
isrelieved and the flutterings stop.
If the case is of long standing, it may
take longer to cure it, but Dodd's Kid-
ney Pills never fail to do it.
His Absorbing interest.
The play was one of Shakespeare's
tragedies. Mrs. Jimmons and her little
boy, having been unable to secure seats
in the parquet, were well located in the
front row of the first balcony, where
they could see better and hear almost as
well as if they had been further forward
on the main floor.
Mrs. Siumuons was agreeably surprised
at the interest that Bobby appeared to
take in the sombre drama. He sat lean-
ing forward, with his elbows on the
ousbioned railing in front of him, resting
his head en his hands, deeply absorbed.
As the curtain went down on the first
aft he straightened up.
"Well, dear, how do you like Shake-
speare?" asked his mother. "Are you en-
joying the play?"
"Mamma,' ' said Bobby, with the air of
one who has made a great discovery,
"there are sixty-nine men here that have
got bald spots on tap of their heads!
I've counted 'em five times!"—From the
Youth's Companion.
Every mother is naturally anxious
for information that will enable her
to keep little ones in good health. The
Dr. '1'V !]frits' Medicine Co., have is-
sued a little book which contains a
great tltAs of .information on the care
of infants and young children that
every mother 'ought to know. The
book will be sent free to any mother
who will send her name and address
to The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co„
Brockville, Ont.
A celebrated Anglican, divine, the late
Bishop of Rochester, who had been ail-
ing for some months, decided to consult
Sir Frederick Treves, the noted surgeon.
After a careful examination, air Fred-
erick pronounced his verdict and added,
"Your Lordship must go to Algiers or
some winter resort on the Riviera."
"Inipoesible." replied. the ,Bishop,
"quite impossible, I have too much work
to get through"
"Well," said the doctor, "you must
make your choice. It is either Algiers
or heaven."
"Dear me!" exclaimed the bishop, with
a sigh, "Then I presume is must be Al-
Most of the "soothing" syrups and
powders advertised to cure the ills of
babies and young children contain
poisonous opiates, and au overdose may
kill the child. Baby's Own Tablets are
sold under the guarantee of a govern-
ment analyst that they contain no op-
iate or harmful drug. They can be giv-
en with absolute safety to a new born
child. They cure all those minor ail-
ments' originating in disordered stom-
ach or bowels. Mrs. F. 'Young, River
Hebert, N.S., says: "I have used Baby's
Own Tablets for constipation and siio-
mach rouble and when my baby was
teething, and have found thew the beat
medicine I know of for these troubles.
Sold by medicine dealers or by mail at
25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams'
Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
Russian Women Cigarette Smokers.
"Russia is .the only country in the
world where women smoke cigarettes in
public without attracting attention," said
R. E. Denison, who formerly -was in the
consular service in that country. .
"It is customary for Russian ladies to
go into restaurants or confectionery
stores in the afternoon, and while enjoy-
ing a con of chocolate to puff a cigarette.
Nothing is thought of it and it does not
attract notice. But Russia is the great-
est cigarette Making country in the
'world. More cigarettes are consumed
there in a year than in several other
European eonntries combined. Turkey
• is popularly believed to be the greatest
cigarette country, but it is, not in .14
with Russia, Women do not smoke cigar-
ettes in Turkey:,
"In Germany cigarette smoking in
public is prohibited among boys attend-
ing schools not by law but by rules of
the schools and universities, and severe
punishment is' meted out for a violation
of the rule.-- Vaaltington post,
---^s- e'
It seems to be as muck as aon*e peo-
ple can do to keen from beim" done.
Result of a Systematic Campaign itt
a Bombay Town.
Boinbay deals with its rata whole
hearte.dly and scientifically. The city
choeer,•—Kamatipura--was divided into
three cdrelee,, which_ were, spin divided
into several blocks.
The first circle was in charge of the
Chief Inspector of Health, assisted by
four inspectors and two deputy health
officers, itt this 'circle there were 303
]rouses, comprising 1,423 rooms, and
these were served with 2,846 baits and
425 traps. Baits were also placed in 77
The second circle was the largest, and
was placed in charge of Dr. Sirah Getw-
asji. it comprised twentv.six blocks,
with sixty-nine houses and 4,375 rooms,
and 8,750 baits and 1,181 traps were
brought into requisition, besides baits
for ninety-eight gullies. The third circle,
in charge of The Shroff, was divided into
nineteen blocks. It inchrded 264 houses,
-with 4.023 rooms, which were served
with 8,046 baits and 1,070 traps. Altoge-
ther 19,642 poison baits and 2,670 traps
were laid.
In one clay 833 rats were delivered up.
and as the poison does not always act
immediately- it is likely that a great
many more have since been discovered.
After the recovery of rats all'*the gullies
are flushed and cleaned and the houses
and rooms washed with pesterine and
otherwise disinfected.—Tames of India.
-a, a
lye etoeking darner; fits on -any sewing.
machine; a boon to huousek re; big pro-
fit. A. James Ohesher, Port nom Out
house to house; others are clearing.
twenty dollars weekly. Why vat you? Al-
rred Ty'ler•, London, Ont.
to introduce and take eubscriptIons on
our yaehtlnng, marine engines and boiler-
maker ,magazines in Otto city and vicinity, on
eomn_issslon; easy to handle; good prospects.
Write quickly, giving references and recom-
mendations to 1:11 Asselin, General Agent,
I3ox SG, St, Rocs, Quebec City, Que.
ly illustrated paper, national In scope
edited by experts and of the highest merit.
Will be a winner. Liberal rroremiesions, Write
'Courier Press, Box 15S, Toronto, Ont.
(Toronto Star, t
Awomau gets off a street car back-
wards because when she grasps the
rail with her right hand she cannot get
off any other way. Instinctively she
trusts her right hand, and not her left.
IL- man's muscular experiences render
one hand as trustworthy as the other,
but not so with a woman. The remedy
is a simple one, run the street ears on
the other track and it will be impossible
for a womar to get off backwards.
Ask for Minard's and take no other.
Sea Food.
NEWA half -pound herring contains. 4.5,000
NEW ABSORPTION METHOD'' eggs aG afted. ton ithe hen, it should paywe
The hog -fish, swimming down the
cod's throat, kills its host and eats its
If you suffer from bleeding, itching,
blind or protruding Piles, send me your
address. and I will tel? you how to cure
yourself at home by the new absorption
treatment; and will also send some of
this home treatment free for trial, with
references from your own locality if
requested. Immediate relief and per-
manent cure assured. Send no money,
but tell others of this offer. Write to-
day to Mrs. M. Summers, Box P. 8,
Windsor, Ont.
• e
Black Eye for Blackstone.
"lour Honor," said Monson Pruiett,
the criminal lawyer, "since reports and
modern law are not sufficient to convince
you, let me read this section from Black-
stone, the father of the common Iaw
and undoubtedly an authority. He sup-
ports my contention precisely.
"You had as well sit down, Mr.
Pruiett. I have decided the point
against you," replied the court. 'You
need not cite more eases. I have over-
• ruled your demurrer, and do not care to
hear you read the section!'
"I you
you have, your Honor; I
know you have," earcasticatlly said the
redoubtable lawyer. "I know it, but I
just wanted to show the court what a
fool Blackstone was.—Kansas City
Dear Sirs,—Your MINAII.D'S LINI-
MENT is our remedy for sore throat,
colds and all ordinary ailments.
It never fails to relieve and cure
Port Mulgrave.
"The Significance of Increasing Di-
vorce" in the May Century.
Twenty years ago an investigation by
the Department of Labor showed that
328,716 divorces hati been granted in the
United States between 1867 and 1886,
and that divorces were increasing two
and one-half times as fast as population.
The recent census for 1S87-1906 brings to
light 945,025 divorces, an ddemonatrates
that the movement constantly gains in
velocity. .d.t present, probably one mar-
riage in ten is broken, and in sonic States
the proportion may be as high as one
in four. Forty years ago the broad con-
trast was between North and South;
but the divorce rates of.North and South
Mee hee'n converging, wherees those of
East and West have diverged. The cen-
tral States have two .and one-half times
the rate of the Atlante Stateis, while
for the western States the proportion is
three and one-half,
Although the tide of divoree is rising
the worldover. nowhere -is it so high,
nowhere is it rising so fast. as in the
United States. Our rate is twice that of
Switzerland. thrice that of France • and
five times that of Germany.
way out.
Swordfish, though little eaten, is •only•
excelled in delicacy by the far-famed
fish of the Mediterranean.
Cuttle fish (for Indic ink) are kept
on farms -mid milked regularly, like
cows, in China.
Genuine Russian—or, more properly,
Astrakhan—caviar is in globules almost
es big as buckshot, and costs $5 a pint,
The caviar usually seen is made from
sturgeon roes, and free cents a pint
would be dear for it:
It costs $3,500,000 to lay a cable under:
the Atlantie.
When Irritated by Chalk Dust and 1:`ye
Strain, incident to the average School
Room. A recent Census of New York
City reveals the fact that in that City
alone 17,028 School Children needed. Eye
Care. Why not try Murine Lire Remedy
for Red, ]Weak, Weary, Watery Eyes,
Granulation, Pink Eye and Eye Strain
Murine doesn't smart; soothes eye pain.
Is compounded by experienced physi-
cians; contains no injurious or prohibit-
ed drugs. Try Murine for your eye trou-
bles; you will like Murine. Try it in
baby's eyes for scaly eyelids. Druggists•
sellMurineat 50e, The Murine Eye
Remedy Co., Chicago. Will send you in-
teresting eye books free.
A Matter of Color.
Two sons of the Emerald Isle were ,!l
tramping along a country road. Sud-
denly Pat pointed to a thicket by the
"Can you tell me, Itfoike, what the
name of them berries would be?"
"I can indade," says Mike. "Them are
blackberries, me lad."
"Gad," says Pat, "I don't see how
they can be blackberries when they're
"The more fool you. Sure any idiot
would know thatblackberriesare al-
ways red when they're grave"
14 must gift ' mile.
faction or you don't
pay for it.
Ie the only Gasoline Engine that you cat
try before you buy. I know what the "Chaim.
tkion" will do, and I want you to be fuikt
satisfied with it before you pay for it. 21114
cries itt low. Full particulars free,
Wm, Gllleapie, Dept. "M"
DB Front .lit. Foot, To rotate,
An extensive playground referen-
dum is being held in Massachusetts.
The total vote for. the state thus far
is 153,651 votes for and 34,284 against.
This is the record in twenty-six cities
and sixteen towns. Counting cut the
two places which voted "No." forty
cities and towns aro left which have
'practically voted "Fes."
Can't Help But Lose Its Loops and
Fall to Pieces. You Want Some'
thing Better Mal You? Then Ask
for Pails and Tubs Made of
tach One a Solid, Hardened, Lasting Mass
Witholut a Hooper Seam Jit as Good as Eddy's Matches