The Herald, 1909-05-21, Page 1The Official Organ of Zur'icbw.az1'd Hay Township. Vol. IX. FRIDAY MORNING, MAY 21, 1969. :8 a c,rase^aar. •'va%.•ia :"i Pine apples, fresh. stock, 1Octs LOCAL NEWS. oq y or 2 for 25, Mrs, McCormick. To spoons l0cts per cloz, At Hartleib's, Monday being Victoria Day, alt business places in town will be closed. " This has been a good week for farmers and a great deal of seeding was clone. Girl wanted, to learn type -setting and to assist in office. Apply THE HERALD, Zurich. Galvanized fence locks at loots per doz. Fence stays $1.25 per 100, at Hartleib's. A number from here attended the funeral of the Iate Mrs. John Howard, on Tuesday. Another shipment of rattan rock- ers, regular price $3.00—at $.50 while they last, at Hartleib's. Miss Iva Weber of Talo HERALD office, is ]aid up at present, with what the doctors claim is an attack of appendicitis. The police trustees did a wise act on Monday evening in granting the Jubilee Silver Band $150,00, for the purpose of buying uniforms. Dr. Oven's Surgeon, Oculist, Specialist will be at Royal Hotel, Hensall, on Friday, May 21st. Hours 9 a m to 9 p m. Glasses pro- perly fitted, Catarrh, deafness, fail- ing eyesight and throat troubles treated. Mrs. and Mrs. J. Weseloh. of ,.,:,Waterloo, and their youngest dau- ghter, arrived in town on Saturday evening for a short visit with friends and former neighbors. Mr. Weseloh has sold his hotel in Waterloo and is looking for another business opening. In, the year 1909 there will be four eclipses, two of the sun and two of the moon. A total eclipse of the moon will occur on June 23, partly visible here ; a total eclipse of the sun, June 17, -visible here as a partial eclipse at sunset ; a total eclipse of the moon Nov. 27, visible here, and a partial eclipse of the sun in December, visible here. A pain prescription 1s printed up- on eacb. 25c. box of Dr Shoop's Pink Pain Tablets. Ask your doc- tor or druggists if this formula is not complete. Pain means conges- tion, blood pressure. Head pains, womanly pains, pain anywhere get instant relief from a Pink Pain Tablets. Sold by J J Merner. Mr. Coughlin, scale inspector, made' his rounds here, this week. Miss Ida Brill is quite i11 as the result of contracting a very severe cold. Bread hae been advanced to six cents, owing to the inoreased cost of fluor. Father Stroeder visited London on Monday, returning on Tuesday evening. Single harness, genuine rubber, 816.00 set. 3 snaps for 5cts, At Hartlei b's. Mr. R W. Williams. of the Mol - sons Bank staff, London, is home for his holidays. The town has been very quiet for the past few days, owing to the rush on the farms. Mr. Willis Powell of Exeter and Mr. Coburn of Toronto, were in town, on Thursday. Miss Catherine Hess, sister of Mr. Fred Hess Sr., died in the city of Detroit, on the 12th inst. The baseball ground has been nicely leveled up and is being put into good shape for the season'. Mr. John Prang of Goderich is in town, this week. He has sold his property in Goderich and in- tends going to Vancouver. Mr. and John Laporte of ' the Sauble Line, leave on Saturday, to spend a few days with their child- ren, at Chatham and Detroit. For a burn or scald apply Cham- heriain's Salve. It will allay the pain almost instantly and anickly heal the injured parts. For sale by J J Merner. The Zurich ball team are going to Crediton on Monday, to play two games with Crediton. We will present our boys with a ball if they win both games. One of Mr. Casper Walper's dau- ghters, Bronson Line, underwent an operation for appendicitis last week, and is reported to be in a very critical condition. A tickling or dry cough can be quickly loosened with Dr Shoop's Congh Remedy. No opium, no chloroform, nothing un ate or harsh. Sold by J J Merner. The banns were published for the marriage of Miss Mary Foster, daughter of Mr. Alonzo Foster. to Mr. Eugene Kunz, of Formosa, the wedding to take place in June. No. 44.. Fireworks of all :kinds' for Vic, toria Day, at Mrs. McCormick's Mr, F. Hess and. daughter Celia, were at Detroit over Sunday, to attend the funeral of the fornier's sister. The result of the baseball game played last evening, was 16.-.10 in favor of Zurich. The Hensel.' team put up a lively game and but for a few costly errors, the score might have looked different. We do not wish to criticize so early in the season, only this : 1f you must "hit the can", wait until after the game. If we aro obliged to refer this again, we will talk right to the point and call a spade a spade, SEEDING RECORD. Editor Zurich HERALD The following list shows the dates we started and finished our spring field work, from 1887to1908 but in most of those years sod ploughing was done earlier, and in some years peas and green feed was sown later than the dates mention. ed for finishing. The first column shows the start of cultivating and seeding. START 1887.... April 88.... do 89.... do 90..., do 91 ... do n2..., do 93.... do 94.... do 95.... do 96.... do 97.... do 98.... do 99.... do 1900.... do 01.... do 02.... do 03.... 04.... 05.... FINISH 21.... May 6th 23.... do 8th 15.... do 1st 15 .... Apri130th 21.... May 1st 14 ....April 30th 25,....May 6th 13 ....April 27th 19.... do 29th 16.... do 25th 21..:. do ;30th 11.... do ,27th 21.... do 24th 23 .... May 1st 10.... April' 20th 14.... do ' 25th do 11.... do ,24th do 27 .... May fah do 12.... do "1st 06 ... , do 17 .... April .30th 07.... do 20.... do ,'27th 08..., do 16 .Marva As not every fasiner`l ebp"sl, tee' ord and memory is often a little short, the above will help to, make a comparison with the present: soft - son. Even if we are a little later this year, we still hope' for, a crop; but do not predict a bumper yield. J. H,ABRR ;R Note—The above will prove Mint- eresting to our readers and if our friend had also the approximate yield of spring grain in each year, the table would become increasing- ly valuable and instructive—Editor ,gti U'i'iM E7W10 T3 ffAul CEkY��C7` 1M { MV.I nAAV WiN b9 1 e dqu " mere For est f Ev rything tvE- rygoo ,3. r Let me call your attention to my New Dress Goods and New Striped Linens for Suitings. MILLINERY DEPARTMENT The Newest and Most Up-to-date Choice in Hats for old and young. MEN'S and BOYS' READY-MADE SUITS I have a Full Line of Suits at Reasonable Prices. FLOOR OIL CLOTHS and LINOLEUMS 2 yards and 4 yards wide. Nice Patterns, .M1% Farm Produce taken in Exchange for Goods, aF r,. Aff/VAMMFAMMWMPAIMMWANIAM ZURICH �aao"c��000c��ooc�>00000000000'0 U •o•o•o•o•o•o•o o•o v c�•�a•�•o•o o a•� o :a �•o-�'�. STYLISH OXFORDS The Popular Summer Shoe... Tans are Fashion- able and we think we can suit your taste. Prices are Always Right.. 0. FRITZ 0 - ZURICH 0,E3c3>Eii,....,.3 £`.- i�i3�F..,.... tFi .....: #i3 a C�3�£31Q£....? 3 t.3�E3rQ€....3�£3�E3 &3 £3� .. ! o ring Is On 1 0 1 O t iAnd we are better prepared than ever before o fill the wants of -our Customers. Every department is filled with 1 i Goods bought in the best markets, and bought at prices that will compete with any. A visit to our Sto:; e will convince you. Our attention to buyers we try to make as satisfactory as possible. G 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 O 1 0 0 0 0Q f Ready=to=wear Suits Just a word about our Ready-to-wear suits. Our stock comprises a large range of the latest cloths and styles, and our increased -ales in this department prove that we are selling at right prices. A niekle or gun metal watch given with every youth's suit purchased. Also a full line of latest in hats, shirts, ties, etc., all new goods. We also carry a wide range of Tweeds, Worsteds, Cheviots, etc., in suit lengths, and can have a suit trade to order for you at short notice. See our lines before you bny. 1 Belts, Frillings, Hose and Gloves 1 1 Silk elastic Belts in all newest shaclos, Frillings in black, white and blue, Ladies Fancy Hose in tan, oxblood, and many other shades, Long Lisle Gloves in tau, black and white. All sizes. We advise buying these now as the demand for these goods will be large. Linoleums, Floor Oils and Carpets If you need Floor Coverings of any kind come in and see our range. We have passed into stock a number of new patterns and now have a wiec range to choose from. See our Tapestry carpets and Flaor Rugs, Jap mattings etc. LACE CURTAINS House-cleaning season is now, on and we have made special arrangements for easy choosing of new Lace Curtains. Our curtains range in price from 25 cts to' $3.00. VVH ITEWEAR We desire to call the attention of the ladies to our line of whitew6ar. Everything 'in waists, skirts etc. Our stock is 'very complete and we invite inspection of these goods. Millinery Department Our millinery trade has grown in leaps and bounds. Our show room is filled with the latest and loveliest creations in Dame Fashion's style. You will have to see theta to appreciate them. You are cordially invited to visit our millinery depart- ment as often as you please. PICK THESE UP Granite water paiis-;' 50 cents and 75 carts Granite dippers 33 cents Granite wash bowl 15 cents Granite soap dishes 10 cents Curtain poles 10 cents Sweat Pads 23 cents 2 kegs of carpet tacks 5 cents Large Hand Saws 85 cents Harness Snaps 2 for 5 cents 25 lb scales 60 cents Band Cleaner 10 cents Stove Pipe Varnish 10, 75, and 20, cents Victor Flour Sifters 10 cents. See ius aboutl'your Roofing and Eavetroughingo Full Stock of ,Sherwin=Williams Paints. Curtain=stretchers, Screen Windows. Highest grade coil wire and barb wire. J. PREETEFi?, 01:38C1042 WZ384313=i1C3f3C3M3OCIOCKiCVE 3E 0Eif3 8 'C.3**114t5i oors and ' 3± f u w.'2dl AMEA. it er.