HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1909-05-07, Page 8ma's P41 )tost f Store Local Optiorl Campaign. This space has been jroserved by the Local Option Committee of the Township of Say. Jeer rg- rin; ock ow Complete There will be apublic meeting in the Evangelicalchurch •neat Thursday afternoon at 2.80 o'clock, for the purpose of organizing for a local option campaign Tin Hay Township. Hap Township could get along splendidly without the Sar. The following speakers will take part in the discussion. Frank O'Brien Chiselhurst; Rev. Mr. Toil, Hensall, Rev. E,' H. Bean, Crediton Rev. Mr. Urquhart Kippers, and Rev. A. D. Gisohler. The local committee has ,also arranged for a citizens meeting to be held in the Town Hail on the same evening, next Thursday beginning at 8 o'clock. Speakers -for the evening will be Rev. Mr. 'Urquhart, Rev. Mr. Toll,' and Rev. E. U. Bean. Everybody is most heartily invited to attend. Come l Come ! ! Come ! ! ! rens Goods Talk Everybody is wondering what the new and fashionable shades are for Spring. lack, Navy, Brown, Green, Cobalt Smoke We are showing all these fashionable color- ings, in stripe and plain goods. You can be' assured that our Dress Goods Department is stocked with the very newest. uttons for Trimmings We have all the shades and sizes; tonsee that new sqle of button;something Just out l rints & Wash Goods The patterns and colorings have never been, as pretty as shown this Season. Stripes any in the lead. We can show you pattern in wash goods that you could think of. triped Linens for Summer Stiitings it i On ire and TOCAEWERS IINS ire Fencing Best Carbon Steel coiled Best quality heavy gal wire, medium gal- 41 vanized coiled 2 65 vanized, per 100.•.. 4c. '1' wire, per 100 All No. g coilded spring wire Fencing. 5 wire, per rod, 25c. 6 wire, per rod, 28c. 7 wire, per rod, 33c. 8 wire, per rod, 37co We Lead the Trade, Others May Follow and May Not . e• J4ARTLEIB, ZUERICU HURON'S LARGEST COMBINATION STORE iltinery " �l7�3 4�•� is April 1st, 2nd and 3rd Ladies' Coats We have a nice range of Spring Coats, Long coats are going to be fashionable. Call and see tlae new styles in coats, - House Furnishings }.. Wall -Paper A splendid display, at a price that you cannot afford to miss. Carpet Squares, Carpets, Japanese Mattings, Small Rugs &c. Lace Curtains, a large stock, from 50e a pair up to $5,00 Window shades, in plain and combination. Curtai'Poles. Something complet is te for always5e wan- ted. See ours at poles1l etc Linol.eUrl°ls Corer yourkitchen and 1ots of dining-room with Linolelun and save Men's Ready ear* Clothing We handle the Broadway Brand, which is particularly noted for style and workman- ship. We carry a stock that will surprise you. We are showing some very smart 'styles for young men. m e CLINTON BIISINI�SS COLLEGE has been tested in the crucible of ex• peri ence, -with the fire of public opinion and has not been found wanting. The success of our graduates has not been excelled. Not the ' largest, but the highest grade modern Easiness School in 'Western Ontario. Individual instruction. No vaeation. Mail Courses. 'Enter any day. Write for particulars. ilio. SPOrxo.r. Principal. Zurich's leading SI4OE STO'E . . No is the time to buy your h SPR1M ` d SU4EYS OES Born PF ART—At i3'eusall,. on April 22nd, to Mr. and. Mrs. W. Pfaff, a son. FssnnRR--At iTensall,' on April 12th, to Mr. and Mrs. John Fisher, a son. Sermon—At the 14th Con. Hay, on April 22nd, to Mr. and Mrs. C. Schoch, a son.' We have the Very Best and Latest==all sizes and colors. Coyne and examine before buying elsewhere. Our low prices will save you money. '. Burman ---At Zurich, on the 24th April, to Mr, and Mrs. William Bender, a daughter. EN E Zurich �, an TAKE F TRIP TO EUR+,i FE Jun,om:nx1TTE—At the Sauble Line, Hay, on April 30th, to Mr. and Mrs. F. Jerotnmette, a son. C,AL.xr'AS--At Zurich, on the 4th inst.. to Mr. and Mrs.. W. C. Callfas, a son. Scamnu---At the 14th Con. Hay, on the 5th inst., to Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Schilbe, a daughter. Agricultural Savings and... Loan Co. a A as a guest of the London Daily' .Advertiser, the best metropolitan paper printed in Wuttern Ontario. All the news from all -bur latest market quotations and all general and 1oea1 news worth printing. SPECIAL OrFER. Send $2.00 for the London Daily Ad— vertiser for 14 months and 400 votes for your choice of candidates in the European 'Trip Contest. MAD or'i'IC13I LONDON- - . y ONTARIO Money advanced on good Farm Mortgages, Prompt attention given to applicaticns for loans, Ea Z LLER Zurich' Clubbing rates. 01'We have made arrangements to offer the following low clubbing rates with Tait H314aAr,n 4.25 Daily Globe .. Mail & Empire 4.25 We kly Globe . Mail & Empire 1.60 Berliner Journal (German) 2.50 Family Herald & Star 1.75 Daily Advertiser 2.75 Weekly Advertiser 1,70 0 Weekly Sun Farmer's Advocate 2,25 A book on Rheuxnatism, and a tril treatment of Dr'Shoop's - Rheu- matic remedy—liquid or tablets— is being sent free to sufferers by' Dr Shoop, of Racine, Wis. You that are well, get this book for some discouraged. disheartened sufferer ! Do a simple act of huma• nity 1 Point out this way to quick and certain relief 1 Surprise some sufferer, by first getting from me the booklet and the test. lie will appreciate your aid. Sold by J J Merner. MARKET REPORT.—The fol. lowing is the report of Zurich, markets corrected up to Thursday. Barley ...... , .... 53 to 55 Peas....., 80 Bran. 23.00 Shorts..... ....... .... 25 00 Oats 43 45 Wheat...... ...1 10 1 12 Hay . 7.00 8.00 Dried apples .. • 6 6 Clover seed 5.00 5.75 Potatoes .............. 45 45 Butter .. 17 17 Eggs...... ... 17 17 Hogs liveweiget ....... 7.20 HENSALL MARKETS Cook's Best Flour.. .... '132,73 Wheat..:.., ,, .... "0..61 13 45 13 Outs . Barley'. - .....••..., 60 60 Peas.. 114 F1.' F5 t 7.20 GO YEARS' EXPE1nENCS TRADE 11/11 ARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS BGC., Anyone sending a ,ketch and description may tjntolcly aseertAin our opinion free ,Widthor no invention is probably patentable Communion. tionsetrletlyconfldentlal. HANDDDOK on Patente sent free. Oldest agency for �securing receive3. •Patents taken through Munn & co.p epecciiaL iotLee, rit1iout charge, in ilio A)iandsomoly iilustratedvoekly. La goat oir- C otany oasa journal.Torras for caaata,Sa year, postage prepaid. Sold by' atl n tasdet+.lars. W w Y�s�k u Coq,30taleadvay. LL Th moi efae.. G i t' $t.. waaflrigtoo, D. C. oft t Im diate Wrel* front ikr. Shoop's rixagic Otgltaant.