HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1909-05-07, Page 7_. __.
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_ tern. ()Irl wlac r 1 oil t ,(, to a
I A Posit" q f
���n( ,y��`, "+k• "'"" " ib , tn,! 1.1.5 tont !;1 uh, rte I
Q 1.e cure �6? �itt«Y>Q' �` r c...tc:�f t`tXel� 1.7 to In L;:tvrr,.G,c•rc, r'ct
, "'y�' S, .• r Q I [N
!(� }t; l! '� �i a((fi� t fu incl c•}l, Cita. lhr> ,., ulanil 5v;
�� 1 ^" i b illIililrS��'\}�.�kC" �:?111! i4F tlt'tI41 11X11, 1G .t ,tA7tf
, 't larg(, pro-por'tinn of 1111 C1 solC of hit airet) lie&xin, :1 Xlti. ! It l*1111SSbbk 4455 \ !itlt it {1T1,4 } llgittl„ front! ' I.-.,,
r���j t. densilosrs }s clue to disea•wo of the mid4lt rile grid c>tiatsekl- � ���
atm ud$irO , \ "� o:l i Lu te.. and ,ju:lily.
tan tubes, aausedPithl>r by :scute infllLtnlnation or clrruuia! `" '^' 1 11,1 vv ,�. cI"au is ho td prie,
4+aT'lil ill ihrusrr t,se(s. can )ac. tnregl; or Cite. pro}!res3 of iG l.:t. 15X111 �.tl �. o) I.•c 10,1 1
LESSON Vt.—MAY S, 190'3. w t�� � ��ti�u•+.�•. 4,::, I.I.I. Itt41 l0s., vvig!l d off t
_ _ the c,l, Nearly
e a>rer,ted, by i.nf ll.lnn of the ells Llirough the V a .11 tic 1IC4tiiP.11 �t 1..1: l,trils
Antioch in Pisldia.--Acts t"_. a nose a•nd Pustctrilian bulte� -hitlt ntedira'ted air. 1,11"1, �)( I"' Etlil \I„tl.:•t. 11,01.•• 5\c'r,• t4rorcd 1
Paul at A A very lata: aa7;l <=EfiuienG nicins of acc01npllahI this The rnilwiiv, re-porlccl ,3 earloalk ,1i 'rte, tt:i-lac•t'}r au,! {:ling", t1()f) hof
B3: 13-52; Acts 13: (3-lli, iii -4$, end can. 60 ha'd bV t}le ueI of Chltatrrllmoue, it peFt}Cite IlvP -told: at.th eity 1.lirkvt i•tl LII . i:e,,!Q, 'I'll,, t'il't• in eats
t o rare for catarrh 'in the most efiren}e foynt: The till, of tha• fit t 1 at t vv:t; I
Uo7nmeni;ary, -•I. IN issioua.ry jAMV1),sy- o!, t fill accolliii of mail ,t1p}1]ir
r c '.n Per• . It is ,sure deat'1 f'o the. ntir.rcrl)e ,lift+' vvhlc•h .1 viniaitts orally-ilcaktn;x. rar €rout belli (+ 1.t 1 i
Vtag (v,s, 13 W,) ,3, '19fev cant t }nflnartPd c(uuiition. and nkEn tlaigii„1h ri.. h0alin� pro -;t fltraP mT Calc nn 11nniFtt.'; inr.tl.a. {1..:t., were ,'lent, \vlttf t}cs at f
t.hl, , t,1 t X ,c1. iii aid -.Fri ili'v ].Club=c b
ga- --1AThen til(: apotttleti }'t,ft 1'ttphr7, they "" IMr't•1vs restor4-S tilt! dist•atsed argatl, to a ile.alf IIy, 11 0 11 0 111 , J.'spori, r.A �l here 'R't'ro ;ti i, tl ,',tt Ftr• tilt I1'tillf ;i•F j:rt *f,..1.,) 1.,.11•!1. , -If t•ted
satbled: Ileirtlt 10. Pi•rgi, the eapiLtl ui C h einldition. . Ute Ona la(ut csianrt ,a i�,t Ybu - , hnv
a r Chi! outli- 1.c tIreut^ 'I"}ue recall of aCrtuai e`yPtirnae ptovf thatnlnet'N- 1.•r,, w,n.P,ji;c.ntly ev,+ylbra.- \r •a ;1eX 1 (I,o(� v+,rt u1 dX•rn±11111. :(t,{ !a1.#1.:e
}.aauptlylia,, wlaicla ryas utVO of Tt is not, star 3 trt 1 if �•{3, per lint !h ...veigl
,m -n provinces of Aeiat Minor. John .... nine eases iu.�ne hundred can be v%u•ed, anti Ytay Cured of int,lctiul'd hearing by for buiciter plu'llo 0-.
Cher usei. of ('.Ltttrnc�rtlne. 1'111-vler5 ,fie hig1w t price, r:floyl i 1.,)•�. t;ti50n u1,•rl nil tiitud au
rrrturned--NE) reason is given, but smvr- 1 111 111 '+1.715 to ah e1 011.
i rnr }ticF.e(} lilt ,-It r,, \5 �t-cn b\ }i 1 . !
at hazo ibeetl :auge;•f,s'ted, as theta lie t�0uut,cay, \% hu made + +'0 1` $-*).' a, 13]?i'fi�H (i'I Ct.F NIARK
dreaded the perils; that he was dissatis- aarrho41 U t lu•ld- ,it go,x! 'a ai , Lo '•(ti 2.,, n •°fl
-fled w%h, Pauli IP'.Ldencihi}i; Llai it, was ( "1'
. , nil •� > al1> lS.ai llew SL'ICilO - re-modi�� for all d:i:<:;0s (,f tilt• naxa,l an1l l ilial, au,i Chi., rc,ttt,.- tu,lh lit 1.b,. bulk ,t-* I.c,ndull.- l.nnt,1.n cable: fel: cant
the 4gf..Idy stu:son and lie te,aVed tilt i atart he zt c
ill. Ids 4 rira.tor pa�11a *es caitced by 7nicrobe life. :and if cent aro alt 'ted r+R}1 ,•4 tile uafi.ir on �'a1e. eau AF iru.,t A{.ifft t,4 t :.d). :li 1.1 Z••Fi to 1 i:f•i,t pet'
J,tt,t:ia; that lie was home,;! l:, rc.} y 1 h . t c• tlt,in it is well ele•<crvi)1g of ymil. ;att0u(.b.,tr. 1.,a per 0n t.; (•,cua:uua :it : 4 t , rt.,iu, (c.1. t ;nidi„zl ,tel r� ,lt«>ed r\eif-
another in :lerttsalein
needed ]lis att.en• tarry. ar;thtetu fir htot I tli;c•4(Itc•l Noel' i, to. -ell .t: Ct:
,• , a have been has It: never fails to cure :ltty crf t}tN_c afferbluTl t 1twea .=(0. it t, -kilt;, it) rvaah ' cc1.5\s. ir;f :;.i t,i ,0.311; b X i -.:<d t , - I'I-V 1'
,:inti. it h itPvl r way 1.o, k T _ :i td f�i,v&-r ] } 1
spat of the di,it cu `,'hat• is wh,v ('atta7tho ntt0 i- far in ad\ fn ,r „t t1.,>aXt- � � Nil-. ,iw1,ti. ,,. tut• ,c-1. ,unitd.
reason, pall, did not c@1t., . er hili course _.... _
'u(stifiablr Ince chtGp_ l.1.: .,T, 38.) 14. nn•nt. by* :+Haft:;, wathec-, dotusheu, etc., rrhirl� :ir0 sll,-'olatoly tr:cte--, i,c{;:t1�e 'irurted pri,,. X f0!I0I1 t.' t i:t<F+t
they vatinnt reach t1tP t'ctot of the trrruY,IP. � 1,(4(to In 1.111() ill t :t'h 1.t ,v, 3:: (, to ” -I "�: 3v.Y8:J,STL-.N'cs�'�,Tt-r 'G'RA'DE R
Q'almo to _Aztl.ioch--l3cicle.11tly 1 c' 171 (i ;,. c:h.-a1
vain ion it Tot , '1'e1.0 ,i:n alt' re:tthv the niedleti•tP•d air. it aur.: 'tIu t ,t.:•.-11ot1!n;; cclu}(I b1. be -t tco lc k t t,1. icf,ti'eal-'Che tilt-ht!r+l: Itis si
Aiouar#es dlid not Vet 1 ) 1 ;);3.. •-Ll: ;1.,±l ::c ;n;} ; ;' , }
, on eantinuelitheir.tourney ltt)r I simpler (*oua,ii}at<: cnttfit. RuffiriPni, for tt;c1.ntourl� tet,iinttent. tz"s5e 41.1x1. at 4)ft to Xat -t ,, t
11.111 aFo
ter now 011101. all clealer.� a1. by nidi} frc)rrt \. (. 1'ul nIf S: (:o lrm,.;'.+•tutt, (.fit,. nand H ar•tford• 1 Ib,. 0:tch. u; �' t„ 4: n, ti,! oh tnge ill lilt. business Vol
to Antioch !it Pin .t) , I :\Iii} (X :.:ill ) I. F t, 1.:t:: i 1',rP;O ru,Xt 11 nes :L retail trade of
'ed int{t the uueva,n}1Y`li•/,iM} re;;lon:;, en -I funn..l`. A. _ i Sri t„ j ,.,o .•,.I It:u} til X1. T!urtn:t} lar•}aot'tic»to fnr ell yea
__....-_ :_.
cc,uatt(srixtf; luti nv Bangor, at iia, end111'i lig , . �, _ ..- . - 1 _ r
] 1'n114
__. __-_ _ . calrltfrvittun atilt ))(°11 t ,•glee e1 4t11t;' n ,t ' •U,r'1 1;•o<•d,,. 'rho cirmoods trade !y bxi
anally privttionv. "'1'11 tt1! jI'Vney. .lewi:,h fury and execration of the name ?r�ciirt.ion, i}a\t inti, lrwve vv>,u;d b:, r Err :1 l,ricl. • a iatilh gaud vnlurnr, of sort,
-viihau.t doubt, belong lnaaay of ibt, per- of jelins of Ira.zareih, r he.n tjanroughly •faith, each ,Cork gut the, divine put•• l \ r:tl (':11v4 't,:". 1:c1.• . ; 4.11,X„ v
fid daau*e7:s ,it.�0Ti1V^4l ily F'eLtil #n `2 5 .ke out, bcaldl (R. v.}- c T'o'ts I'.Vttl"2ltil,tre, xmv tisa.nk.. be [ 1X1.• t 1it!t14{� f'UltvhYd Deliveries f
ills ak a rqu'ecl. 46. , p t y x tlk•3:tils into+1.,o;. o Its tt o: tl- 3 1.r
(tor. I is ?3.1..'' '1'114. daiaLixiee trout to the. .Teves i3tat by 111011. awn { unto (;oat; - hi0i:iiln•ar5 cau�eth its to i f vii acre mil ,•ilii factory but t
y ri,hty to cane i ,'hey ld triumph in Ohrac,t, tenet i:taketh manifcr.t ('f1. }1.P fate Yr» tit•• 11:1!1.. 11ti,t4 ran,r ,'t nattuaI crpinplairVt regarding scar'
Terga, to Aut-11 \5a,- R •t, , factions they lta4 prononneecl their own the :Qavour of, lu's kuov;lt:d„ tz. lay its Fn a [rant @ t til Mi5.50 i, •r 0\rt• rlfdela fur fXti lined are lair for
}annclsetl In by Tooth: tire, road- \\ rt sentence, atld had enndenined theta- sh" lld lAsllh F t .•r'spt- „ere v ,: - i ,,,,n, but retailea's are more coV
'blip bad :Xncl the country ,warned every plalee. ! ur -ce ere+ unto God it t},> lar�Pt". i:x wII e;.. - ", ,it t�t.:x1 1,a
relvve a, un-vorthy of everlasting life.
With drspexate c,h,vraata,ra. Atitimill ,Nils necestiary-1t :vas so designed and ,-vQ,et. sar•our of (!iit'ast, ill them that. ;; t.ani„ S,.:a((I t„ Qd:_':,: yrlallue 1:141)•. l4'nit the sltaing and ,unXtner t,1.
vas a1.. impur(aiI4 (.if v. inl,abit0d by nr.:saved and ill them that, Il -641- to -$7 t for ,•5v:., i,ingh ut. lore vitry til co
anti Jt,ws, ill ad- commanded. The apostles allvays Of- of r+.rcll 1(ua,lcv, , t ; :< { ihton•lauut: the c;cutttly ares'
nYainy arPnk, , liontaltr l Lite one Nye,lire Op savour a£ death un- ,tn:1 s-!oA-,d hu r U, hi -11 :t• ,, r 'n f'
fered salvation to tilt- Je)vs first. Thrust - 1 here ill a lar;r rnitt7ne of btasine
tlitiun to }t, tieaiiv: pr1}r llaz.t•ian, 1101.0 j to deLtly atltgi t(a tLe other Cite savour cunnll+,n .<eartui;i tic :o , ,: r . ,% ..
Was a syn. re1(ruc• of tit(• ,len i. ;4ntl when it from you (R, V.1--•'rhL-v rejected and , of Hie Mato `ltfc\" (2L Cor. '2:14-1G). $ lug. sorting urrlrrs for Spring dr
r C , urned t}ar ufi'er of aalvatiou. Judge t r '}77`1111. lamb 1 t:t t,,:11t. rte tlnnterotts and ill some cases
the ewsTI1 lists (ifI114 til<• E"' their p V. It reaerf. lit b.exant to ITIc(tlul� Ifog1 ROcdjoi - );„i,t: lir'- -t,1:o1 1
ourselv(•s unnorilty--This does not
(!all there is• a glad std•^ to every s,•t(t ctgr .ind untuter tiaLPs are 1101
fir4t -earl. wa� to atienfl toile. siervice,i vel Vneau that they coatsidereft themselves at .;c1 for f c5' itvt .tu.l -1 ,-",-'It I
till, S:tbtiaih del} . �ynurogtt0 • .lerv,lsl} fateident,. For the r'atl.tex thk,re is a ua::I'li"I i:ud �.._) ,''., .o. •ars :XI 1.;,,a r 5 = 4' rc:atd -villa all pos. }bIc (peed.
,unworthy, [aril' they condemned them- t � sivtor; fcr ih( �;v1c 4 1'hy.acian: tm x•1111.-. ;n foutwlar eItu'i,tg Cllr\ past we
place(• of worship. 1 fielveti by tltelr actions. Everlasting life the snrmw'fal .t (."onlforters for 1111. ter- (I : t1., en Y;ood, rravellerF. are now go#
Ib. After t 11. Tv,Xcling, et e. i let y l_-f:terual lift•. is not solely a future, but 1�.\}t3}}:Its' U.1L'{il'T- with tali lines. Grocer-,, report
of tit(, Tarr wvr0 :t1N•;I)S read in ih0 -y n I,)rxs dt at (latch ; oel ttse pciserd re a ,
ti b11 t.fh. ,Mier t i, For- a• present. possessiota. commenced in tlaia Deliverer. ltc vv dot,; the record rP:ul ['lv' „ aitl I ra,lf i, 5ery ,inti. O d,•11•:..ud for staples.
atggglu•e oil till, ,. a a perpetuated caliveriling } l. i I } g—
tnatlit:v rv";t, over th4> rttiq r of the t~rna- i life i () he per . et•uated in the life to r till �f, fie 1.v cTiFri a Ps . That i r !un n.,t:0 in L'• :lay, anal u! e- Z\Tutsi ae Ueneral httsiuess he
r illy iYr 1'rA the m#s- i conte.--�i`hr•dou. '!he (.xentiles— The hsF•- 1 they were: fXlietl. ieitli fl%may becan.P 1u•nlimil, i tht•uttghout the west continues t
gagttt> -0ry c.,iur <ra li then. )i e shall offer the gospel to thein the wealth ,tad iicrbi}it.ti ref the city w,Em, 1{ay° ]u fair ,rapid} \with ji ire, fill"'., ;t ,ieac y iurreasP in-olttlne. Sart
tatonartes i,1. Kpealc. No tlollliL 11OWS of I g. p r3+ry Yoe pring hoods are Large ant
tbtut arrival' lord been c]r,.ttl.tt,.,} ;because t}Xev will accept 7t, E againat theme 1'h:lt, tLey were flltPd __7:1. tgrad- »i �u. 1 sol'I alt k}.• t,1 i , r
•,ud the r;>u 410 \scy,r 4 . �o hath tilt- hard commanded -- E with sarrwiv Omt their father, in .titer tort. �tr:ty: i, nounn.cl :at t'1=.:;(t ; t *}:; ar'e signs that placing orders for
through 1110 tn\vl t•11.•r}ln rot) to 1 I.n . r Q. h the
prophet announces fospeT had been'lfersPcuted? That tltev a ion Cur b11n.11e(t. :, aid fall will be away ahead of Ill
rxpPgittlt ta0y x',ut.11 t, )1 ) 1 that the Itfeasislt -vhona trod Promised to rvPTe filled vvlth fd•t1 lent ]:heir tutu the -c!ti eno 1. are i!rXil at �:i...i i„1. 1 ,Ileotiver atld �'ictnria--spi'in
.peat;. \ i, moving• well in all lines.
Paul', Vruwn ill :lntiuv.1 (v,, ill• `Fend tMOuld be the Savior of the Caen- altonJd oaxne rz0}:V? iitt�at: IgiE3 f?At {a1}- j \k*h \ i:td .ti x1,4 to wtct:l,-1 i'1r tirl,t. (aeh,•c-, tasonable ling
1.l, tales as well as the Jens; Haat all na- ed with grief t y ?1.3L' tlieh \k* ho, is],, 1111,:1. .ti 1 Iia S 1 t4 t ere. i
41), ''f.''hcy wi r0 filled with I Do_ },•,c,,,..•', I,u,h .. .... I ttu a tut ' 1n;aard but warnt0r -tPather is wa7
10. Paul -tool, up Paid lnitns,lintely tions xottll he called to share in the tetichers? fru' 1) fall 11 -,I : iivin up trade.
atrcept(•d tilt- invil"Itaori and ev idolil ly blessings of !alis Iiingdnan• The .passag Jit Ent be filled id w:ith; ttv#tli#the , ptlr t we must l}3alr}t;51,t411sl; . , .. It 41.4 0 4411 ,
o c. , b0 ,ill• is quoted to ..hnty that n g -P ,, - o liantilton•--Bii,iaer-s at retail i
:4uom! Ott 11.1.4 phleo. not, plrainW to t } } . .. .. .. .. L1 ,:1 (-uuattia' IaX:e< enntinu0.5 tv bore s1
tit, watt} ..1.1011.1. vtt} t}rrnf. fo the ,heathen they were merely carry- la(n cwptzod. taf :•f1li..I [)Its #s (�tLls. work. l:ye, t,u,h n 1.
>. t,-. ce nun.-Suls'tet: in • ottt the plan of (rod as revealed in slllattdcalloci o.Ititit,i(Ieslr}fie; Ills WITIQS-S, Net hu=11. .. i. ii 'a;i ii i;� tone. 'flip .ortina trade i• fairly
llud•litiea of (.til ti, s }ti tufty- the Old Testament."--•liaekett. For sal- � teeking' t(t� �!ille,. 'rn1»"I'01• his glory,` Ilutvktl,!.•at, bw-b .. .. ., 1 (I. flus �ontc others ;lar fa1C tines are.
i,et•:us i,, tilt- �{•-1"A, •h. 1. l .t t . , , , . .
'0 1• 'in<Y far the \reQ:F4111 (vs. 1.- nation -Deliverance from the penalty, 17e1'zCritr} ill'i"', 111:4 `, *ti ti; it^t1v1> .1tt)r+ 111:1).1 I'No. 211. .. .. .... lU flit ll Ili) Cline; to 'lino. The outlook, toil,
Uo(1 ptel La : ((nii•a-ging. ('outttry trade is still
p.) T..I rael 01tc,.-,!n nfid dPliveredfrom pollution and pewee of .ill. ! }I= tvi11 eznr(tr,�i;; � nX i i t) .
" , r. rorty v0.1a, in the 48. (%entilga ......rv,•rP glad-, The dnc- 4bh^st tlic,i'15 ,) fi.t, reIa ho :teary, pie "o, I� :.- 1 l .?u i nttti 1.111 enVTtinut, :o until after se
'N4rypl (v', l,_ gist )et'', _ ' ;,, lI, htP>secl h, , ]t i:1. lit a'1 ! f,r,dttce c(°,mec foil;lXrd freelg and
wiild,(rnps, (\'- i(-1.) :3. The promised land trine of alae .iews iia41' been that; Salva ,r" ! 13nttar, ehoit0, dt('iy ....- t) 2:3 n ,1.4'
h 111.} 4, 1.,1.'1'1 ltulla>r lndgOQ t1.'• tlo7i was confillegl to tltenlse:Ivrs. l.ht � , A„' •. � � •” • . 1ba• infr1.lur : u I, n •)(I t'ue gt,ncrally ltncilaugecl tl:aci,11 at .1 i
>veXt ( .
5, l'uder kil:g; (v. 421.) Ei. Cho (xetutalec nous ,reivaced that feint t)aP t7e.-vtt ) , at , I j ark,, 1.rpot-ted to li tve''g' ort
yid fxvpnt tt"trnxn the tdtem elves i.liey iaeard' a tC' fere7tt cl q� "' it t i rice }a#d ,. .. C( -1 , 1T:'nd. Colleetiuns are fail:.
kzrlgdolu under Ila "s'A, " v" i It t.1 (t �1 '
_' littsiah ryas to spring f1.. c23.i lt. The trine uhic}a rv.tg proved fxotn the pa.,rs ['nXgt.Pu�, 1.1 c td. tt`..:, L„nivn--'1'hc �Pt,era} (autlogk con
`tPw D .. ;}»ilig.. . 41 :au a 4311 ` to itn 7oce.
'�eRsialt brought rovih. 1. dud's prom- , of liehrety {arnphtxy. tttaf• titin gospelFvas w a la n 1G p
' ke i. v. ''.1..t '_. 110ralded by John prouill ted to them of obi, As tnatn,y as Chinese Gook tkaSie f3m#`�l Pastry, j 1*(avtt. Ib:. ..... 4 i:ttiarra- \Cf,i[P ihr vulurne of lila
K: e P t1.( a.s their Qui tures (1sa. 40: werv.. ordained. etc. �, 7nan} as were for t_findoii M; 111ssrtrtlarie•s in C hina..'i'urkt'v . lb I1 '-'1} a '-':' . .
p ( ' I% taut hear;' iliere is a afeadv ini
aa,.,_w,,.<,,,, . rlTa1. 3: t) 1}aad foretold (vs. 24, 25.) ' so inclined, von}naitiecl theinselves by t`, . Tacfiya 1:;.1 � , ' ill 1114, amuul}t of blmne.., movin
('Pal,ellfrom 1,a]•,6il .14.•1' 4nrt:' Cr A }lot tine,'. tial; .. .... t .til t (xt : 8
:3. TTas re,jeetrnn avail, dt+;ath at fillfilni fit faith to Christ. I,ultr is not referring Mrs per, , \t•e_ttararasi^, t(44gbiter e. Mr. , ..... I .III 1 .1I) i _— __.*_*.0-_
1a! p4xopltf ,y (v-,. 3.•'3(1.) 4. Ile wa,' rai.- to any eternaldee•ree predrntinattngthe,K, W1n1, Atoa.e. 01 rycst) unttlozl),.'iuno with 1ze,7 tin t1=. I,, r
1..d frim the dead. that' i t lxapve(3 lay men io Pi.4a gad life. The (.reel: word, laiisixingt are txgr45^ l,u> attct at ohc lttI, s., App'e , I, t t r l ' . ; :I :,o i un r MAXIMUM 1 T lF(I
(;b.Anat, \'iiEY1t t,birat;'kLl},'(5\'N:til:.'i bx „.'Lw �ll- jj4.,:, }It?t'.,!utrt.;%; ;1 lilt Ili ill, illytld,
anility vvitnPs;es 1\.:111, and by late fill- tran4slated "ordain -M" iueludes no atc1L. dais ciewre afgeh,6di,WL' e3awir&, v4r,tes a da- ... a int iia' -i
dilment fit the .+t'iptilTPi (\�. •32•:)..) ]dPi1. 44. 7'110 \\'OT/i (tt' ilaP I-01NI was by;rt'Ati%*e [C'iter of''Ate,Ovoatt fX`.'t�opiling 7n . f7n., r,.t„111fl1'tl't" , t ai t
iTT. The c:lo5tng appeal. 1. 'ihrnu{;}t puhtishe(t 1�'e atilt' ,iorify find"., word her presexa h fie, +nqt zttllit, tib<: lrncidants ))o.. :b,.i,P. Gari 1 , ai lit) - :111' I q r
faith in ('h17st forglvene z of Sing is in the~ fttllot.ing four -v ty,: '•1. Tiy' Pia- relafed Ir- her Poet incl RSIAng uilZr TertdSe+t a 1)n.. ? ,• Ftllrtt, ra..:�- c a�Fle lel ilii f� 1 QI�E 1
ttals vr,zeY las orae litai L17iuSa nu 't.0 L a., w• } iluCi, X. Irl rte ; 1rd 14) lilt a ( S
'}1T+eaellt':•d (v7, :15,. :111.1 <'.. :'� tt•a.rniIt•„ is tPrtl7l,rry 1'n it. '2. By I)eht'Pin,� it, 3. Tit' Inez as as Imltbttera at.fatu'_9b(M,t h8s id ti, .. ti f,o to >,c1' Canadian iToogs.
Avon tea. 40, 911, 1 obeyhw it. 4. Illy spreading it. 0, adver+i'ty tapett(es i7> eesw to k;ned , { \ r to Ii inTP. 1111,t \5! I ].i n1) __ _
:3A..lu.t Pied front all iltinh, Paul d0• 5°L.1'lil0cl \lith jut'• As tile: Salnarltani txitoeea 1`h(k C7s)nt»itn et edeas 1, .atm til }ileal,. ;:•r ,+ct 13
t1w advea't;ae'•nen•t Wile, motel at,srr,.,tert.h', .[ I {),�, In ih Rous
olaref, 1, :Cinvt til., forghenef a ('hriat i (chap. 8: k1 the Corinthians (2, C•cr.•. anci nt,.j-aetiva, ealr,'lend tro.-n the antnr.- f+t: 1,,.:l : \lay 1.
rlwurPQ is cant7,et,! incl extends to :LZI 4: 21, the '1'ha.:•Sailvtaian t1 'F'h?ss. 1: which it s Its rziopldyerti,•.2faugnt is we. s a t,,i,.,t, et',' •,it,.:>_i .t� fol.,,,: a- , a ..-,n.. t ia,.,iay `:r a;;;heri i'
watt. _'. I'iaat til:? ta-r evil( no, sttffic!i• 6j, the eanaurh (`,lap. 8: :301. the j:t,iicr i c,trae seanehe r ver4eLm�Dt (f D'All 's X;" 1'*11.0 \ o, 1. *, : .;,ke,i :•:r F:.}aard (.it,.. I. -Pq t!
errs Co fret! t}tPtn 1'rc«til :117. 94..liet\are il(i::34).• If.orl. 00111. t n,� 1+(lit? h� been 4ted tei, yens., <•5 a ` . :t. Si Lfl �;.'it _
shown. them 131P IVAN- of sal- I PerseClltioTl inermvx-.d. and Talll and I lrai'ief marl( til a3tixuust "Ory 1mies imblutbe4 I,'(l Llo,i, t 4 a() Ili �,i•111 I,,1. , I .o•:, r': ltH• }';ly ile taX l'i[s ,t ., 11111 till
I1arlVtg . hu
'aul warn- lhent of the danger' Iiarneabals went to leonium, a, city about i a,,x3 has be mm t V'6111 lm aV,i v`'isr�Ajto" s 1 1.;1114 a hi Ill Tori, o t1n i, n \ ;o;,. (:1!ta.lCxXr rand, a.t tilt ttta\9inlan t
vatiott, f is %se•a t „_
1.f rejecting it. In the prophets•• -terse -ixty Vniles scutbeast of Antioch. ,the clrctian `sae a: A 0,00d Latns'St. "0n!'e ( t'itunth• X1::,41 to ! i't hit -111 ` z 11 •:- (.':loud. *raIIIA td the U
41 is ;s quotation from Ilab. I: The PR•A.0 I'ICAl..AI',Pl,}CA7'141:C, ill n rvhiLe isP if]Ir: lvonae aaiaa to ttav0 n s°Oi(1 an ur,iltt a ,)a,; ity. ,1.c, tlo. =n't•ttne,tilt<• r:ctP; ,fid
lmeaning; here is. tllat if UPPP releeted ` hffec•ts (if (;os11e1 Preachin l 3ate'tl at,• P.x• iU td[liI . this :xic'den,c. 'l`he 111EM'I) II:\l AND til',;,\\\'.. t•ni ,•• fact. !•,n: ,=Y tile l"iY1n`•n•
•.the benefit, novo wough4. to them :. g 'vteiit"lianaa'mei$,On tocml ons he*3d3ng ' o;. IateQ3y. ake, ujtat rte), the
me etina F to til. (iMV' One sa,s�sian titer zta this
tbrou t rhriat, they would ,lave rea.,nn �''l, lt. awatcen #ntcrest. i;'hrzt Paan boitee. We in CNImta ral!,ow tole, E.g3ish i,lnufaii,rat, in ,:X1. , 1.t= ,•n ir,t,1., "I'„' ,•rn:a,ut, pr„po,etf to take. fir
to expert. stlfltx jndpmPnt>ti to s!crtne upon and 13aratalaas preaulaed alntortt the holo 1n n n � $ Ing X„c %10 as ta�ae
Ionto: arri an;SvPrcQ1 the first }alt t of
4aitC111 ay eat]IIe tX{tUTI their fore eity (-'Lane. to )war tluv chord of Cod. '4�te7:1 � members and wt- watheil to Tielo. Y was Stilt It � ''\(), 1 lftllt.,tiy, . li k(1 C11,;,41; Ill' ,jlae•,144»1 ;:X ;11N :tffil'rnaLtS'P. The t
sib. 1: 0-lUl. when tot their trlaollion .lrihal the I3:tptl;f. pre:llhed.the baptism ° in bed, ea tatdirn(+(xrolt;t)atilcicrru"eaau*` f1.rtr,t „-a0 ii+`(t'.,(tt,,uul �. t , y.,:1,t, it,
t,' v5a, n+.aL 071(-. 110 ,ao4. „u 1.v
'(1lon t1. IIpret,extialirzi- roll, i p ttl,,•r1v ire
1:11011' city' ryas tai:en and thP,v were car- of xepentattreut11to )linteat•t (het 1alultof v maiaT su ttzulolbis bis 101' trio 1407- �t1, 1, 14tH t r 1,
vied a-vay captive. '!I. Til no wise be- there rvc tf o avtzuer” i»m a font: tf:bao.,,, x%e:sln rn;aaic�o p, goo4 tol"I'119 t,t quttl}XI rt'ssad to th=a l nite,l �.at0,. gee
]ievc--'Che evil -door rv111 nut heed, evert .7Xlelea anrl, illey of Jerttsa]em (Afar,. 1: cake when be to desir(& aria tMe drtr be . WOOL. I,ior had been with,irami [r,m1
the muvt snletun rvatrninwc, 4, 5). Nyjleu I,utlier preached jitatiff,�a.- rnada, a 3eye, Coke, iea� it ct't,th wiirl � new Pr:(.0• are, l llwai'Alml. Ili to 1-1.•: 11:11 }rrV40med to Liar: �-011l te,
TI () Vositlan of {.hr..eJews (vs- 42.- LioYt by faith, the people arowd'ed to hear roil trimmings. 13e,dalitSn'is to t washed, T. to 10uc rt,jet,t lie, i'Iac I-taudatd ,.ty, it t- int loveiv
I p} aec[t:•e ar'iaad tomo none wnv of deoo7•tul,lcr.
lit . . loss hl (if up -When file hint. \1'11en Wliflifieici preached the reit- �; L,j n,d,on Ad*%14xT4lfgi+r, ,ntter we huavQ foe- til ,',(inn f•,:tr of til.• I'sX.)tP to
(I#nnii.eed. lien of the nets of the Spirit, i.hunaaticls s4 nod, in il7bkcfi whit It, tr+�u r 4b th,A ccotar 're --ds s. ( \vlrn; e ,lig r;^ar01({note,t a, ft -l- 1.h tantia'.iy in it, {,rP.Pnt. f•cnn
people -veep 3' t....at r rt 1 an iui,ttltl part til th0 ultiitt
Jews-Prul+ab}y a tna m#ty rejected ibn alae opAn air eaft'exiy drinking in JXis lgttrarn. Tf, .j v
j 1 J it' we a`� thehhi;chin to Pee hnw ib1,€:yPVWrt' )u\vs: (;i;{ttulat, ct, d.iC} i, t' c•ttt., in )air- , cuattturnt. �ti Fa;dtv4tt:l (+1.„y ingt
sermon, but still Vnany 7eceived the atYeap- words, For ntorr tba.n twenty eato in went int1 .. ; fra0•trade fell>td� wi: ; il•>.t h„ .11) to
7'rnsel t'.es Gletsti'les rvbo teen c(n7tlnents Mood;y told file 4imPlet �tt.Fna~ e,toatg. '['ire cake*tie tktrav,. io is;t:e , 1•(.}u, and \n, I u)den.:rd1, per 05vt. in
sage favorably.y • .a icI- stony of Salva#!on in ntlXltltudes of white, end ditu(W tetel. o (, t,,ci, ip %ybat ecey barrow I'h0ae ptic•0.ti aro 1'or dell\ •? , ht•atcr to ap ei•i.ite, lilt, h';,catl - 1..f
•Itad embraced the Jewish religion. title, rove r.clm(so the ealk5 and L4vaFa at 5vltat pc 0v on„t favoaect-tlat!un p„t •y.'
here. C`ar Intl a_ •10,x. It1 1(tn•!h. ha;.;,. • pr
louod-Walked with them as they •%Vora p(' } �;u' :wad 1.01.X19 7')"Im visits nee el- wn til• luiees are 5c is s, _._..,�...,,�_..__._._
leaving the synagogue. Persuaded - 11. it. a,rona�es •ppposition. ,A t Antioch tmble beisadfl Zile av4-A *its thaw+.. well-Izt7tbds ad- - -
i[Jrged entreated '10 aorttinue, etc, the Jew:. spoke against Pan]. They per- t+ oi�t `�-t`d'a'��eI ov,*, bteilwith on Itt. tos OTHER jl{�A�((�'ETS GRAIN. (�v ��
serutoXl hint and Iiarnribas, and eape)lad. s a eI6)I- l Dake ,mal &.eoratelt1 bl, take i . 'IN GRAI .
A good i7n}71!ess}ar Itttd been made; they iaaem. We nnlQt. expec(: sauaetimes to qy�.: sero re*y sp:(iYeiid itni•(1-017R, =d Qleve� JF.\\' } ()1tTi �t'(.A}:. 11.\C.I�I,:T, �—
were earnest seekers after truth, and iStAffer }l) for doing rvcll•. 1Cncen the word t1.. their way. rvea'y one oY tiletu. the crn7tf I tt was Lruport atrt that, Choy should ooU- feu ,,, (,antsideli'7rblti± L+a'ttlht- b%zrt wi7oa iia ~agar -Maar ltettr11 ,'air tPfitt:ng- i
ti.nuet to believe and obey !b and ba of
tilt- T,otd is fabitlifully pre tchecl, inert I.Aw it oat tae \re yxotelad ua to t7ngSesaa land I 3.42o-, ;,I , fora 1, oft t, ,t 3.p'• : m” I Alberta DePutation Waits on
an:d wonted will perexulute. Jesus saki. hdn:," }L v(rs sngilo :3.1; tefur0d ,t( Cdr,.
flayed by ik 44. .['•he nest Sabbath-- ,,T Mol1P not: to serld peace, but a sword" - -« ----- 4
,Che evangelists atlmidt+d file s�nagoRue (lfatt. 10: 34). He waruecl'ltiQ cUieelltles _ tt'1:Tr,`:tl'1,YU 1\lit 1'{' \i lI1I�F:'1'. 1 RiC�1�r� CBTE'K'Ti��t,
on the ";�abbath clay" because that wails -POW 0 1 �fiheat- April ,$1-191•:: hill ,[lily $1:30- I
like day on whicli the Jews worshiped. that Cite waxld wntticl scatirge t3iem,hate
them, arrest them a.ncl persecute thete ,,t•8 trill, 'viae fit IN 3.4 -(Ilct 1 mt:twa ((*j..»Xteh: n ilif{uatttinl
The da9 Paul :Cud 73arnabas lbsorveit a4s (:\Cart. ]Ot 10 7:.Tohn 1.5: In, 20). To mt �ip C ! {)arc --pity :;? 1•`34 bill. 1111- 4.,c bid. t ptuation reprt,0tltiug th0 grain !n
Jho Sabbath was I:hP dap an which illraRti rebrl.'e the. world's Lill. is t0• suffei' tah@ Navy of u0�eStates L$aL' Takeo i ,t•9<)N'1llYA1, LI 1' v �t)01\- • e.1tq of Alberta r\a.ted (tit 'Sir Rich
rose from the dead, called the 1jord++ w,ortd'S scorn. Ilerodiae will not heave - into C'misidert�fiillon. t Niontrc>:%1. -.At lilt, Catleclian Pacific i ('urttrrig)tt to -flay to pre Ont various
clay. This day' has been observed by the 7obn the i3aptlsl. c:onclenminat her )lcett� (live stacl, market flit' tnorniug, L.re ni'• i commendatiow, )„okilig lia Ute deyel
ohurch as telae (.}tttstialt :sabbath over t.iow,ri. �s (11ntt, 14; :3-10). f'ondoll, M -ay :3.---1ltlewering as que.s-
eeurreet inti morning. Almost, ^ •o-. pees t1]vi(Xion. '1710 .Yews con• sign !Tl the lionso of COnlnaons today as f( ria; ;c were 4W c att.le. 50 ,het,p anti ! meat: of t Ile .Pet ifit' ra.porl I rade and
eince thea g 111', Tt ct proved t.Y'aln uYtatinn .fae]litie via
the whale cits-•••-The, interest .must have fradieted and blasphenlied. The Gen- to whetlVer it, rvaisthento .poisi of tlo lige ):ung•, li hen., 111T Jiito cal"nw ()thine , ancoltver route.
people 1 i,iles were. glad, tend glorified the word ernnleut to tako, into consideration the to t)4e Ilntitrd -tip},1v fit c Xttir there I•, p
been intcuse, The aeq le, were stirred tp. jj it. nas pointed ,ilii that the 'C'. P.
,excited. curious. 45. itews.,filled with of the Tmrcl. T7tP,1ew. "were filled with American navy' )khen estlntatin• }the vv a5 tinu�si,lf:rin, tthc 1 7u�ti,tytnof .,,took. i i, now givfltg Io55tr rate, nu westbu
aextvy-W 111 "jealolsn indignation, ent,yv,f1 r"1.'he discip)Pv worn filled with number of ships necessary
et' poweto rful lntir�i1 t ere hi7her th:ttt n1Y \((Intl4ty. j1 i}t•rain front ..klhcrta, 1.11118Inaling it
wrath. `(.1., To then, it seemed an at- jov,1 The Ureelgt lmlieve.d, hitt the tin- a fleet ten p p i r,ible to eNlio;,t ,cheat. for the Sri'
(tack a on tale very foundation of their believing Tewo st#rrcd. lip the Gentiles. the combined fieets of a7aown y tliftia•�'two titwo tbny0�tm2andva~flier"�\ at4a,a{fniat-�nntf' i warket. vh Vancouver mild Cape gi
xeIi.gitnp. `i"hes felt, that if their inter- 'Ch1 rYavL't" iliat• do ani 1pr'tt: cict-vn the pgwt,rac si f �lm ,, hf7�aTZe intict 'Mcil�:et7- 0ngwry front f!�por{0r., bot, (! atetr j tnme citeal:ly illall via Montreal.
pretations gave waz,y, `religion atsotf cltgre harden lilt- ,anXlQ. .i'hP satngt su.n port a t _tan i r
h filen Clay.-tt):vl (>s nal p,ixst {.ord of the Adm;raity. said rve.rf, nil MiA ' a,t[it•nb]e fol the: latter 1 de antation a•lred fill the ei4ablisFrft
xvould,fall. 2. Jt destroyed their hopes as ttteatfs tylia arid a I est' Uoverntnc•att fill anteudmellI" 9.n :
to the future of their nation, 3. `their the living plant grew and 1)l'oosn, but this was at) acarletnic qutrstivn, at, 'under
chavee•.l,tnn 1.`,•t,, %, holPthowvverita 'fairly ? Y'aXin Heol fn inrth;•r i'a0tlit.ate the ii
own iufluonco atzd power troul.d 1>e i?ince. the fine that i rte til tit clecatti. e,xisting` ctndifgx tlu?ite navy rraet#cal ptn;posf! actiYe: txadn ect,. cton0, and I. good ' g
thrown itito the background.” 4. It 'Che preaellilig of the gospel is a Messing
United Sia � p melt. of Yzin 1.;a the I r ,fit route.
believed, t• r wte t -)u. reeeivPS it, and a curve of tit. tvrn•p,rvvrir,',.tsndard as defined cleara.nr0 vGa. filial. .A t'0w pert' ),lrol cit• llieliaid (•a:•ti,;vigrb, -aid he
would degrade them, :vs ihojr b to h
equals. the one who rojeetA it. The sermon. - int the ispe(011 i, of ?1ar,ernier .Asquith, tit eF'r linldr<t 1ti� sr;lrl��a fill (l�rlb•e,fh.•t�or01. .l t,. full ,yluitailly with tht> proposah
to have t:ttr? Gentile, declared as q in the. denitatioll, li:� \voulcl su;Vp(irt
i1.-.tl7ansr.(t 1110 doct.rino whit'Il does not. soften t.ile heart., bard rvnu]cT 11'1.1 c"ivv,ts7noa acoinrot ct#fit rvgirettnade ,It. •51--1c to :;:1.41.: fairly I s ,tiav �vhleh lilt. t3„verniucnt could 1
Contradict g } 1
that ,esus was the 1i ,ed
incl that efts it. 7�Be world is divided; pavrt holds fiirt.ltel' ti,he United states was not at noel az Nth in 1I 4e: fait lit 4 1.9 to i to
be humble, lowly, clesplsed anti with the devil, a ll(I part bolds with whether nzameni tike world's tta!rond- l 4 ,^,•4•c•, altd )cruet. grade+ at 3e to 4c per j be n1.drx #v+ turn cit to tvia the, l
o would i he prosent
. to death. liarnee, .I3laspheminlf 7est7s: c; avaa] power, NMr, McKelflu. re- 114. :E fe•\v ICIk(lI. of rnttgh t ineh(•r.'I TI lite gV!atn F1,I, tdou eta 'ancau
as all imposter IN'. It'brilut. rrctrary. At 1lntiorll .an A(.rauge,,,•7t i aaxsda Td blYatt ht $4.8+11 per. I00 1lsy..Sttp)dies ,tF 'I TI auP Clint „tv, a tt' 1 ncnn iPrr-Yi
tither t evilirtg ,lrsras p g
elariri Hill to Vnaluy as were nrditinrfl tet eternal rife plied: tj Iles ,tile uitioicc:a *mvrienn l 1.hAej) ttul ta:ub vv'er0 ,nail. for rrillocl j It(, V.nef 0`. t,ti.,,;deer d },v til, Cab'
rand a rit.alefa.gtor, or tie g ,
',have been in league -villi Satan. -Homs halved There,ti'liuYtt`oA:t pr. ac'hor.n Cort• n;tyy.j', nott}((E lit,. �oiregjartteu."' the dct'rn1ttc) evil, 1.'i?„d, :4na1 }n t1.,. rnlc,l bc'. t::ri•full, t t
coxla. There i, milling nlnre awful than feast to Cite teat t I) t pt . y "'
. . .
. i,
T, .
_- _