HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1909-05-07, Page 6B! CAREFUL
Department of Chicago
Issues Reales.
tit healtIt department eras issued
f sugg eetious to tits public in an
pt to Check the spread of eontag-
s.,ase%. ltnong them are the fon
int belittle. the gravity of a sore
-.call in ;tour physician without
n't think that every attack of
leg and a 'breaking out' of the skin
to oterloading of the stoma:lees
the sante course as above.
int let the good women of the
orheod diaguoee What disease your
is suffering from.
net seek immunity front the !b-
ee of health regnlatlterse.
tar's pat the well children with the
as is the practice in many ignorant
les ---set that they may cutch the
e and 'le! ever vvitli it.' it ie a
raps practive, contrary to ail roe
ie principle, resulting in the need-
i.erifice O1 many lives and •tete pitt-
ipplin„ of many that survive:'
death roll of the trek just reseed
heaviest for any week in fourteen
_ K
Deder.-3 Kidney Pills soon
Cured i~lis Backache.
Malcolm McKinnon Found Com -
tete and Permanent Relief From
is Kidney and Stomach Troubles
meanie, ('apt I.reten Ce.. N.
o an6y I(eah
How to Pros rye tt
'The good looks of every' woman c1e•
pend largely upon` the proper working
of Iter stumat:h and other internal or..
If your• stomaeli is strong And diges-
tion i.3 good, the Cheeks flush with
color, eyes dunce and sparkle, breath
wilt be pure, and your hair smooth and
Let indigestion creep in, and the
Skin becomes sallow and rough,
pimples break out, eyes get dark eir-
ties, ill -breath is all too apparent
Get the etomaeh toned up with De.
Hamilton'; Tilts -they inc:rease, the
secretion of the gastric juices l;ro-
ntote vigorous digestion, iniereaae the
supply of blood, and 'thereby invittor-
ate the entire Aystem,
Dr® Hai; ;HHt "n's Pills
-The system i' quickly won bark to
e normal, healthy condition by )fir.
Iiazniltun'o Pi11s, and every girl or
woman who uses this remedy will
show it in a clear, wholesorne eoru-
plexion and a sound, healthy body.
Sold in •tic boxes by all dealers.
Stabbing YOU in the Back and Other
Examples of Mixed Metaphors.
An amateur historian is responsible
for this: "All along the ever -flowing
stream of history you can discern the
silent footprints of the crowned heads of
The village reporter on the death of
the village poet: "That dauntless pen
shall write no more, fer its eyes are
closed forever!"
From the speech of a rising young poli-
tician: "`J:Iie fierce light or public opin-
ion shall dog their footsteps until it
strangles them, Then shall they swal-
low the bitter pill and' driulc its very
Advice and warning from a successful
man of business to a gathering of young
people; "Every meg in the ladder of
success is paved with slippery stones,
on width only the clear head and the
steady hand exit retain their footing!"
The fearless suffragette was address-
ing a meeting of mere }nen. She had
graphically related to them the fascin-
ating story of the strenuous struggle
the ladies had .made for tho most price-
less of possessions, a vote --how every
obstacle had been conquered and victory
was at last in sight, "We have now,"
she shrieked, `almost crossed the track-
less desert anti the; harbor Fights are
FIGHT WiTH DEVILFISH. stretebing out their Iter ss to greet us!
The 'temperance advoeste was giving
Experience of a Fishing Party on a a striking but a true plctere of the vast
Mexican River, amount of evil wrought uy the demon
of drink, and the filet that: lie occasion -
.. party of nsteEnglish fishermen haat an ally got somewhat tun n ' in his meta-
uausual and most exciting experience in phors did not derogate from the troth
the Vanua, River yesterday with a lane that underlay his . remarks, eays T. P.'ssting ray or derxlfiele It is very rarely 1\'eel:ly. What is ,tele greatest devas-
#Inat these rich are seen in rhovaver, for tating agent of our tine?"' he asked.
they are e
supposed to eanfine them elve." It is the bottle, tt]itcit sunless genially
to the seas, although they are often en- before your face: bi at the same this
eottnt•ered near the eoast along the south i it. is stabbing you in tete back!"
Atlantic and in the (gulf of 1Vlexlr'�. 0e-_
casinna•Ily a small devilfish is taken by
fielter•men near the coast of Florida, but
their appearanee in the Pantieo River is
sontethine unheard of before, •
The party of fishermen in weenier' .Phe little anew tiro frail. Their hold
,•nn;iste,l of ("apt. A. Paget, Capt. Moly•
en life is slight.: tie 91irint. disorder
; -- (S "telae)-teuffe r at with 1i 01 Beaux, tiir Charles (-est, Meer Ramsden,
so much that he amid not wore:, • Capt, -Robs. Duff and Lady ,Juliet Deft,
olnl 31eKin non, a- n-eli-'.:nown rest- who were out in smell boats in quest of
of tills pea", wok a friend's ad' tarpon when throe of these monster rays
nd li ec! Dodsin Kidney Pilln lite were oneountered. One of the boats les.
is that he is bask. at wore and
aukaeite is gone.
es," he says, in spea'.:inr, of his
"1 was troubled with Peel -melte.
to wet feet and hard work. .it got
evere at last I war quite unable to'
ly work.
t catty through a friend'% advice I
ed to Me Dodd's Kidney- Pills. and
soon aware that they were doing
good. My back VOA easier and 1
less pain in urinating.
es Dodd's Kidney !'ills had dope See
much good I threige t I would try
d's Dy:;pepsia 'Tablets end I did se
t marvellous !ilea. Two br.x--a
ing supplied with a small harpoon.
threw it into tin- nearest ray. The other
boats sante to the assistance and made
fast in an effort to keep the first boat,
which was being fast towed seaward by
the monster devilfish, but the five boat.%
and a launch whieh had come up in the
meantime were towed down the river
with as little effort as if they had been
mere toys invented for the playthings
of this queer shaped monster. After sev-
eral nriuutes of the wildest excitement
whish has ever been experined by fish-
ermrnn in the Pantieo, they succeeded in
dragging the monster into eolxipuratively
shallow water, and were roi1gratulating
ni stomach right" r themselves, oui the probable capture of
d#1's -:i idney Pills to keep my the great finis when the monster gave a.
•e and the blood pure and mighty flop that threatened to extfrel.f-
d's 'Dyspepsia Tablets to.,.put the Ain tha, small boas, dashed Under the
mach inn shape SO that th MOOre- kende almost caps inning it, and
-es the nourishment it used- yen ed in tearing out the harpoon, and thus
assured of the two first essential; escaped. This fish is said to measure at
health. Any &lector will tell yon tlia.*,
lease eiebteen feet from tip to tip of its
i* ED ---
ion never went t'' jail for the r ani''."
'Did yeti ever hit a etmeteble with
ar unit,relln':" was the heated rejoin-
~i''4aleT eliained m eelr to a chair I
no right to v:'eup; in a gathering
rere 1 was an impudent interloper."
•P h!"
wing shaped fins, or flipper:,, while the
two others front the glimpse gained were
nearly the same size. ---'.t a.mpiou corre-
:clwntlen;.e `teeiean Herald.
p , b
Cc T 3 new discovery. Has more
,i - • force than has ever before
13 -en offered Sufferers from tack of vigor and
vital weakness which sap the Pleasures of life
should take C. 'N. One hos will show wonder-
ful resalts. Sent by mail in plain package only
t, receipt of this advertisement once one dollar.
s'atenal ilearer-, wader,teod1, of ennre+, i n
sat the suffragettes of England were it: i Address. The Nervine Co., Wind.'wr, out.
scion.--Philade.niiie Ltelger. C A New Method of Keeping Potatoes.
e 66 7 f t{ A (;errnan ubileation, the Practical
,testees that apnew method for keeping
DAS and GASOLINE Adviser in Fruit Raising and Gardening,
potatoes anti. preventing sprouting eon -
ENGINES silts in placing them in a layer of coke.
Doctor Schiller, of Ilrunswick, who has
It munt vivo teases- published the method, is of the opinion
faction or you don't that the improved ventilation by means
pay for it, of coke is not alone respoateible for the
result, but believes that it is due to the
"S(9I., ON -num. t oxidation of the coke, `which, however., is
Nry before You buy, 1 knave what the Cham- sulphur, and it is v ,ry p
seas" wilt do, and I want you to be fully minute quantities Of oxides of carbon and
,satisfied with it before you pay for it. Tile sulphur, which result from the oxidation,
•rr°ce is low. full particulars free. l
Wm. Gillespie, Dept. "Rd" mixing with the air and penetrating
Bib Front St. East, Toronto among the potatoes are sufficient to
greatly retard sprouting. Potates so
treated are said to keep in good condi-
' Ord Time Argument Against Railroads tion until the following July.
may become serion3; if not promptly
attended to. At. the very first-$ymp-
toni of troatble liable Own Tablets
should be.' giV•eu, 1'1aiK ntetlic:ut'
prernptdy cures iiidigestion and all
stomach troubles, constipation, diar-
vhoea, and briu�s the littleic teeth
through painlessly, Ton can g
Tablets with equally good results ' to
the new born baby or well grown child.
Mrs. R. ti. Melee% 'Uxbridge, Ont.,
sats: '" T'have used Baby's Own Tab-
lets and find them' ts' perfect ined'eine
for stomach aiad bowel troubles:' Sold
by medicine'ilealers .or by mail at e:i
cents a, box from the Dr. Williams'
M' ediei8e, Co., :Brockville. Ont.
ghee 'Christlanity.
al es�9 lige eligious
.kx.... an a.,tentsu
e, an .limn -
Is the onlyo Gasoline Engine that you can a very'slow one. Coke always contains
e ocsible that the
04 A
tit' tetrasat
*is*tea rrarfkdrtold..'. ik
lar. tv t•EI.; riot from
,� the 5ottinrdtx t?pok to shav-
Ghrustxan, so '�
ing all the fare bnt� Mkt+ upper' lip. Thus
every Clirlictialu rout; z t�`,ztuatee bore a cross
--a eros•$ dart f esh att,'1 part hair.
"Prom its $ro$:I;otns:,t r6. moustache has
come to have ''a t'1;+±grant significance
purely. lien nose :wear it not to pro-
claim their faith but to 'magnifiy their
beauty. Its source., however, is in Chris-
tianity'. Before' the ' Spanish invasion
men either wore fall beards or went
clean shaved." -'-New Orleans Times-De-
t si �i n ti
Cr up
You often have pains in the
museles, in the side, the back, the
neer or chest. If tho inflamma-
tion is severe the pain will be in-
Nothing so quickly cures local
inflammation, so thoroughly
drives out pain, as "Nerviline,,"
which is without an equal for
penetrating, soothing, pain -reliev-
ing power.
Nerviline simply can't fail to
cure, because it's a. perfect anti-
dote for all the pains and aches
that invade the• family.
er "'11.
"For ten years We have used
Poison's Nerviline in our home,''
writes hers. M. E.'Graves, of Free-
port. "For hard, croupy colds
there is nothing better. In case of
a chill. sudden cold, or neuralgia,
Nerviline cures before the trouble
gets serious. :I have used Ner-
viline for ehronie rheumatism ant
lame back and find..it a wonderfu
The stage rare from Huntsville to Minard's Liniment used by Phys
6;lasgow-twenty-five miles -was $1.60. c siciane.
This stage carried the mail and it had
t:, go. When the roads were so muddy ( Secret of Novae S9ilrisp •,.'ing..
horses could not pull the stage a double
;'oke of oxer took their places. It was `:The most famous horse whisperer,"
slow travelling, but they got through. ' said a Harvard psychologist at a tea,
The steamboat fare from Glasgow to was Con of Cork. Coen would retire
St. Louis in the early '80s was $7. Thai, alone with some vieiotu,, man -killing
natclrided stateroom and meals, and if brute, and from the moment of his re -
the boat was held up a week or two on appearance the nag would be as mild es
,t eendbar the accommodations went tett milk. They said be whispered to it.
without extra charge. The steamboat; C'on's best authentieatcd case was
t weers never believed the railroads Rainbow, a horse belonging to a Col-
e'auld ; accessfuliy compete with them. one} Westvance. Rainbow had kicked
elle way they looked at it, people it atltgroomoff,to onll d on r lady.. They want-
c,e,ttldtt 1 be wilting ttt travel 100 ox I til to tic Rainbow's s bead in tt blwent-
'Al miles that doem to one neat be a before tie
entered the stall, but the,
theall ear. when they might. be enjoying whisperer shook his head and smiled.
freedom of a big and handsomely ly "Sending everybody away. he rnte'rr,l.
furnished boar;. "Then how are they and Fie remained to the stall hate an }tour.
rig to find,rnol for an orohe:itra • Then he whistled, and the'groome and
a dance," .tit old river captain. waiter&
the Colonel gains to him.
to know. "No place to eat or drink, no "Con ,at on the stable floor. lull I.lr!gt.
to move about: just sit still all holy terrror.:;of is horse lay on its b..eilc
day tong 08 a little wooden hntala beide him , 'playful as a'kitten.
why. it's downright foolishness." --•Froin "Mankind thought in these days that
„Macon I'legtuir}lean• horse whi gter•ing was magic. We know
---.0...e.0-_-_-.. better, now, We know it was Hypnotism,
Ask for Minard's and take no ,othe.' . bypnntiere exerted on anumul;, 4 Inst.
art thitt offers 'the psychels,giet a frith. -
LOVE IN A FLAT. ful.field, for reseerele"
-"May I hiss you?
Strange Story.
A tramp same to the garden gate,
With pity in her eye
She handed the poor man a plate
Of hnekleberry pie.
When such a story I n -late
'.!'here is no need to sigh,
It's not a mournful fast I saute -
She handed lama :some pie,
M11rAt:D's I.I'tilsf%iv"C. CO.,tnn-rED.
'Y'armouth, N. 8.
GEN-V.:H 1tN,-1n January last, Francis
hewctare. ingot the lumberawemployed
a had by tree
fall ens
fail ea him, plated him.5. sled andH taken
home found, plated
home, whom rave fsara were entertained
for lan4 recovery, his hips being badly bruised
his body trout
eet.used IIN.tDLNIlIEN
as him freely to deaden the pain and with
the use of three bottles he was completely
cured and able to return to his work.
Elgin !Load, L'Islet Co., Que..
1t was her first t ne, t,d:•. 1 nee
'1'o palter or it)
She gave that sorry i••'pra'. ate
Tier first tompieted pit•.
Iie took it, too. tee all.! not wait,
He was in no way shy,
Fie thanked her kindly and he ate -
Tier huckleberry pie.
Still, his was not a haplesn fate,
He did not groan or die.
Although be did not hesitate jq
To eat. the lady's pie.
I'm telling you ibis story straight,
And there':; no reason why
I should not. It was a first rate,
A truly splendid pie.
e - to
Capital Punishroent in Germany.
Although little is . rieard outside
Prussia of capital punishment within
the kingdom, the law, is by no means
a dead letter. la seven years there
have been ninety-eight executions,
ten of the condemned being women.
Silesia heads the list with twenty-
one executions, follower" by Branden-
burg, Posen and Rhineland.
No executions take place in Berlin,
the condemned being taken to prison
at Ploetzense, in i3raudnnburg, where
they have a standing guillotine. ---
Prom the. London Globe.
' ;'Tltet's what Parroanne does: it spplie
the additional strength that enables
man to maintain health under difficu
•ties. "Lust spring; 1. was so eompletel
fagged out i could not work." writes
W. McNichol, of Turnbull. Man. "In 1.1
morning 1 vyas tired •limb, netted a
oven'. lfael no 'appetite. t:as steeples
nervous and unhappy. Iertnaom pt
new lite into me, Noe 1 runt 'sande
nerves are strong.. I sleep well. I km
the joy of health, It's ley supplyii
nourishment. and eot.,l Most'! than !'err
zonae bui}tlg up: try it -.sue. per 1 ov:ti
all dealers.
From Gold to Copper.
The girl hastily consulted e loco d tet : - ;i A Veteran.
"'Yost may," she said. . r `�"dev ''sa,' her rig3ieil life was one
"Why did you consult that paper?" 'U t series or battles.", • l Ids pipe and frowned.
° u eeo if there .is anything i j orlr 'c'.tes, she always refers to, Iter einitinny' "Not be said, and we Aitt''t goin' to
lessee prohibiting it;'-lfifcitsas Cifv.IotiPt?.•'tt� Iter petiein11.' Stuett t Set. � Ip • blodiitin' fire, n ltlier."°
keep Minat'd's Liniment in the house.
There is no clearer example of tl
.mining of the new day than the
great copper camps set down: in tl
heart of the old time gold county
Gold mining meant fortunes to the
few; the Argonauts tame and gather-
ed their millions and left the land
almost as wild and unevngaered as
they found it. F'ew pernuunent towns
and cities mark their trail. But;,cop-
per enlists an army hi it service;
it sets big buildings rocking with the
roar of machinery where the gold
hunter pitched his tent anti builds
its railroads Where he packed his
mule trades. Science steps down from
a Pullman now where Itontanee trauap-
od with blanket roll and rifle and
gold pan, and telephone and telegraph
wires follow the trails of the express
riders. --From Out West..
ISSUE NO. 18 1909
CI lance necessary. I teach you to build
up a regular route of customers quickly. Al-
fred Tyler, Loudon, Gut.
bright boy or girl can earn a snapshot
camera in au hour. Send us your name .t a
uapshoand camera. for
tenyou how to geth two eaesnt
an hour's work, Bijou Specialty House, Ham-
ilton Ont.
clave to Bothwell; good house and tam
buildings; good roads; terms easy. Apply 10
Gibbons, Mu -per & Gibbons, London, Can-
Far . % Il' iir Ie ProiU® yy-
ing Farms inl4 States, Stroutb
Nnw Monthly Bulletin of Real
Bargains, profusely illustrated, mailed/roe; we pay
ouWr R. R. fare. 1,. A. STROUT CO., Book C 1.
orld's 1a ssat Faaas nealera, ilnaoersity Olds., Syrecnse,t}k'
FOR 5ALE..�.._.�.•.-.-
s Trunk Pacific terminus, will be put on
the market in May or June next. Persona
Intendingtoaivlcein-vestrite for infor-
mationndRupert Real-
the Prince
ty -Commercial Co., Limited, CO Richard
street. Vancouver, 8. 0.
ahs' land warrants; spot cash paid. W.
P, Rodgers, real estate agent. 608 McIntyre
Winnipeg, Man.
Strange Growth of Olive Trees.
Attention in seldom called to a re-
markable and curious characteristic of
olive tree. :after many years of
growth tho different large branches of
trees separate gradually from the
trunk until they are quite divided froze
one another down into the root. These
then slowly move apart,, and in some
instauces six ar seven distinct trees
stand in the area which before sawn
rounded the main tree, and they will
sometimes be as much as twenty feet
apart. -Front the Consular Reports.
A Woman's Sympathy
Are you discouraged?? Is youz"'doctor':
. avy physical burden? Ilknowrwha
these mean to delicate women -I hay(
been discouraged, too; hut learned how tc
cure myself. I want to relieve your bur-
dens. Wets not end the pain and stop the,
doctor's bill? I can do this for you ant
will if you will assist me.
A11 you need do is to write for a fret
box of the remedy which has been place
in my hands to be given away: Perhap
this one box will cure you -it has donee(
for others. 1t so, I shall be happy ant
you will be cured for t o (the cost of t
postage stamp). Tour letters held coati
dentiailr. Write to -day for nty free treat
ment, MRS, F. E CURii Bili Windsor, Ont
Youthful Japanese Horsemen.
Toru Ta teishi, 14 years old, stain of
prominent lawyer of I'ushima city, i
appointed by the Government to prones
to Dudapest, Austria. -Hungary. Tit
-young lad is to learn the art of hors
riding., of which he is an expert. A
his expenses will be paid by the Depart
mens of Agriculture and Commerce.
The boy's mother, a bright and coni
ageous woman, filled with Samurr
spirit, was so pleased with the appoint
meat that on the evening of the son'
departure for Tokio she invited a Tarp
number of his young; friends in hone
of her son and bade lima farewell at tit
railroad station in that cheerful, uneor
eerned way, just as if her son -was goin
fora few days' visit. Ire is to stay i
Europe for three years. -From the J
pan Advertiser.
Professor Frederick Starr, the distill.
guished anthropologist, was discussing
in Chicago the Roosevelt hunting trip.
";Ver. Roosevelt," he said, "will en-
counter great dangers in the. jungle. I
don't mean the wild beasts; I mean the
4'ovrrs. Mr. Roosevelt's is not the tem -
pertinent to resist' these dangers, t,:-tlt-
"Hie is a heady: rushing tempera-
ment; but the sort of temperament that
hems jungle fever off like -like ----
"T mine boarded a four -wheeler in l'ie-
cacliIlp," said Professor Starr, "anti I
mile the driver drive to Clariilge's.
Her drove ata snail's pace. ihxasper-
eted--for I was already late for lunch-
eon- I put out neehead and shouted:
"'Look herr., cabby, We're not going
to it funeral!'
"The cabby loorgod at hie, took ont
p y d --
Minard's Liniment Lumberman's
It Would Not Show.
That everything should be neat and
shipshape is most important aboard a
yacht. A writer in the Mariners' hivo-
eate tells the story of the captain of a
eertainn sloop, who crossed the sleek in a
hurry, seemingly very emelt perplexed.
A lady stopped hint and asked what the
trouble was.
"The fact is, ma'am," he said, "our
rudder's broken."
"Oh, 1 shouldn't norry about that,"
Said the lady. "Being under water nearly
all the time, no one will notice it"
To All Woate'n: S wilt sena trea with fn11
tnstruettons, my home treatment which
pestively. cures Leucorrhoea, Viceratiou,
t 13p1acements, Falling of the Womb, Pain-
ful or Irregular periods, 'Uterine and Orar-
Ian Tumara or Growths, also not Flushes,
]nervousness. Melano'hoty, Pains in the Bead,
Back or Bowels. Kidney and Bladder troubles,
where caused by weakness peculiar to our
sex. You can continuo treatment at home ail
e, cost of only 12 cents a week. Aly book,
Woman's Own Medical Adviser," also sent
free on request. Write to -stay. Address,
Mrs. U. Summer% Box I I. 8, Windsor, Ont.
Salting a Diamond intoe.
Howard DuBois, the noted mining en.
gineer. told a good story to the Teal
men recently illustrating the "art" of
salting a diamond mine. The story was
told Of a man in South Africa who while
walking one day over his property sug-
gested that they assay some of the soil,
In the search that ensued eight rough
diamonds were found and offers began
to fly through the air at a rapid rate
for the land, when the host's wife call-
ed out to her husband, "Why, John,
where are the other two?" The setz1181
of the story was left to the imagina-
tion. -1' nom the Boston Record.
When you bear a roan boasting that
he understands women it's a safe bel
that he has never been married.
ePlrYfr "ik'It
:F^,, •ar�rxsrita
mown. Meeplemcgmena
Can't Help But Lose its Hoops and
a61 to Pieces. You Wast Some.
thing Better Don't You? Then Ask
for Pages and Ttibs Made of
Each One a Solid, Hardened, Lasting Mass �ci,p�5Matches
Withtout a hoop or Seam lust as Good as �,J]!