HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1909-05-07, Page 5partsirwarmunicessaninnanumaannitinsisnanermtagvi
We have opened up our
New Stock of
Spring and
Dress Goods..
Consisting Printsof—"Ito
G ngbams,
Muuslins Etc.
COM 40 48404
Come and inspect before
buying elsewhere.
Our prices as usual are
RI G '2
Highest Prices
For Farm Produce
General Merchant, BL AK E.
Excelle t
for the balance of
this month.
Every Ring
Solid Gold.
Watch and Clock
My Specialty
That New
Winter Suit.
When looking for your new
Winter Suit, do hot forget to
give us a call. We have a fine
range of Tweeds, Worsteds,
etc., to choose from. Our
prices are as cheap as any.
Suits made at short notice.
We also have a largo nnmber of
Samples to select from.
Laundry in connection.
Earl Zuefie left last week for the
West to look up a location to open
a barber shop.
'George Petty Sr., is able to be
on the streets again after a long
R. Cuclmore is erecting a fine
residence on Brock street.
Our baseball team are getting
into shape to accept matches with
the neighboring towns
Chris Rau left recently for Credi-
ton to work at the brick yard.
William Lammie's two daughters
have been sent to the Institute for
the blind, at Brantford.
The tender leaves of a harmless
lung -healing, mountainous shrub,
give to Dr Shoop's Cough Remedy
its marvelous curative properties.
Tight tickling or distressing coughs
quickly yield to the healing, sooth-
ing action of this splendid prescrip-
tion—Dr Shoop's Cough Remedy.
And it is so safe and good for
children, as well. Containing no
opium, chloroform, or other harm
ful drugs, tnotheis should in safety
always demand: Dr Shoop's. If
other remedies are offered, toll
them No ! Be your own judge ! Sold.
by J J Merner.
■..ZURICH .. a
WEkeep in stock a
full line o fresh
meats, hales, etc. etc
Our cuts are noted
for their tenderness
and wholesomeness.
Our aim is to keep
nothing but the best.
We snake our own
Give us a call.
The following is the report of
the Junior classes of S', S. S No 1,
Jr 1V Maxinllian Denomy, Va-
lerie Laporte, !'ward Corriveau,
Wilfrid Laporte.
Jr I11 Eugene Denomy, Anna
Corriveau, Loretta Laporte, Simon
Badour, Lillie Denomy, Richard
Laporte, Evangeline Laporte, Ed.
ward Laporte, Fabina Corriveau,
Armand Denomy; Angeline Badour
Paul Badour,
Jr II Filbert Denomy, Lao •'De-
nomy, Teddy Denomy, Adolphe
Sopha, Rachel Badour.
Pt II and Intermediate II Beat -
'rice Denomy, Lawrence Denomy,
Chas Badour, Eerily Badour.
Pt I Marcel Laporte, Theodore
Laporte, Albina Bedard, Larina
Intermediate Jr pt I Leopold De-
nomy, Lucy Denomy, Napoleon
Denomy, Adelia Denomy.
Jr I Wilfrid Corriveau, Clotilde
•Laporte, Leo Corriveau.
H. Harrison, Teacher.
Walter Hatter a,nd Diss Pierce of
Alvinston were united in marriage
at London, on the 20th of April.
Dr. Hyndman has returned from
Battle Creek, Mich„ where he has
been for his health, for the past
few weeks.
R. S. Lang of St. Marys was a
visitor here on Wednesday last.
E M!!' ¢ im
Selling Pelham' Peerless Fruit
.and Ornamental trees, shrubs,
etc., during the winter 1nonths.
'We offer you steady and profit-
• able employment in your own
'district at good pay. We
have over 600 acres of choice
nursery stock which you will
sell direct to your customers.
No diseased or dried. out Ame-
rican stock supplied. Estab-
lished over 30 years.
"Write now for particulars.
• For years I was troubled with
biilionsness and constipation which
made life miserable for Die. My ap-
petite failed me.. I lost my usual
force and vitality. Pepsin prepara-
tions and cathartics only made
matters worse: I do not know where
I should have been today had 1 not
tried Chamberlain'r Stomach and
Lives Tablets. The tablets relieve
the ill feeling at one, strengthen
the digestive functions, purify the
stomach, liver and blood, helping
the system to dolts work natural-
ly—Mrs. Rosa Potts, Birmingham,
Ala. These tablets are for sale by
J J Merner.
The Exeter Lawn Bowling As-
sociation held a meeting on Friday
night. when the grounds commit-
tee was given authority to complete
the preparing of the green, by seed-
ing it, planting trees around it,
repairing the rear and side fences,
and erecting a new picket fence in
front. A fee of $5.00 was fixed for
the season. The old ground will be
used until the new'ground is ready
Besides the regular members of the
association a large additional mem.
bership is expected.
A. Hastings, who for nearly a
quarter of a century has conducted
a barber shop in town, has dispos-
ed of the business to W. D. Burke
and A. Pemprase. During Mr.
Hastings long business oareer here
he has established for himself a
most enviable reputation as master
of his calling, and has enjoyed a
large and lucrative trade being al.
ways attentive to business as well
as being uniformly obliging and
popular. The new proprietors are
both popular young men and should
fully command the business enjoy-
ed by their predecessor. Mr. Hast-
ings has not yet decided as to his
future intentions, but for the pre-
sent he will continue to work in
the shop for a time,
Toronto, Ont.
The following is the report of S.
S. S. No 1, Stanley, for tl:e month
of April. The names aro in order
of merit.
Sr IV John Rau, Maggie Badour.
Jr IV Maggie Mireau, Joseph
Ran, Bertine Mireau, Tillie Badour,
Emily Mireau.
III Nellie Dncharme, Jerry Mir -
eau, Gertie Ran,
II Vercla Rau, Alberti'ne Mireau,
Madeline Mireau, Annie' Badour,
Peter Dueharme, Marie Ducharme,
Sr pt II Caroline •Badour, Sidena
Mireau; Beatrice Rau.
Jr pt Il Marie Mireau, Debi Du-
Sr pt I Lawrence Dncharme,
Jr pt 1 Eland Rau, Halton Mireau
Trustees of rural schools are re-
minded that by applying to the
Forestry Department of the 0. A.
C., Guelph, they may get free of
charge seedings of the Norway
spruce, white ping,; Scotch pine,
white cedar (evergreen) and white
ash, black lootist.:'Manitoba maple
(boxwood) catalpa and tulip tree or
whitewood (deciduous) for plant-
ing in their school grounds. A libe•
ral planting. of. these ` this spring
would beautify many of those
yards which are now bare'.: of any
adornment. The Manitoba maple'
is said to be a beautiftil; shade tree
and very suitable for this purpose.
A pain prescription is printed'.up-
on each 25o, box of Dr Shoop's
Pink Pain Tablets. Ask your doc-
tor or druggists if this formula is
not complete, Pain means conges-
tion, blood pressure. Head pains,
womanly pains, pain anywhere get
instant relief from a Pink Pain
Tablets. Sold. by J J.-Merner.
The following is the, report of the.
Senior classes; • rgom III Z P. S• -
for the month of April,
Sr III Karl Schnell', Rtzes
Eva Webers line i4
and Tavldik
Sr It Milton yrbpk, ' V"erda
,Fess, Helma Saha' be,` ,"eroy Weido,
Mary Price, Gerta .Bock, Theodore
Howald Albert McCormick, Sam-
uel Fisher, ti'S'liie, Clausius,' Mary
Jeffrey. •
Number on roll 56.; Average for
month 47. Miss M. R. Jaokson,
"Write ups" of mining properties
real or alleged, are inserted for pay
in certain Toronto newspapers out-
side the advertising columns and
not marked advertisement. The
effect of all this disguised adyer-
tising is to delude people into the
notion that they are reading the
impartial opinion of an honest
newspaper, when they may be
reading the interested advice of
possibly dishonest advertisers.
What these people really are read-
ing in the disguise of news, is
cleverly concocted matter, design-
ed to wheedle the public out of its
money for the benefit of promoters,
who buy a newspaper just as a bur-
glar who would buy a "jimmy" to
assist him in separating the people
from their money.
Pt I a John Moyer, Sara
Ada Meyers.
Pt,I b Laura, Desch, Ha
Moyer, Julia May Davidson.
No on roll 55. Average
month 40. G. S. Howard
Mrs. Weismiller and Miss M
Drysdale of Hensall, were call
at the home of R. Allan on '1'1
In your issue of last week there
appears a communication signed
Ratepayer, which seems somewhat
garbled. Ratepayer says it is re-
ported that the Police Trustees of
Zurich are not qualified and have
no power to act, now this is not so
the Police Trustees are fully quali-
fied to act according to law. There
is another misstatement, Ratepayer
sags the party who ,was • notified to
remove an obstruction from the
:street in front of his shop, did not
bakeany notice of it'. • This is not
true, he wrote a letter in answer to
the notice pleading for • time until
he would have' his building finish-
ed when he would ' clear the road.
As Ratepayer was depositing some
more sand on the street the Police
Trustees decided to give him a litt-
le longer time. These aro the facts.
Should Ratepayer feel inclined to
take steps to have the Trustees un-
seated we will meet him half -way.
Friday of last week the South
Huron License Commissioners, con-
sisting of Peter Douglas (Chairman)
of Blake ; W. H. Delbridge, of Us -
borne, and J. Canning, of Tucker -
smith and John Torrance, of Clin-
ton, met at Brucefield to deal with
'the question of granting hotel
licenses for the incoming year. The
following were granted :
Bayfield—Alex Robinson, Com-
mercial Hotel ; Mrs. E. Elliott, Al-
bion Hotel.
Exeter—W. J. Atoheson, Central
Hotel ; John Morley, Metropolitan
LIotel ; R W Dinney, Mansion Hou-
se. 2 months to sell out his stock.
Hay Township—R R Johnston,
Dominion House. Zurich ; J P Ran,
Commercial House, Zurich ; Mrs vi
Nicholson, Blake Hotel.
Tuckersniith Township—Bruce
Bossenberry, Dixon House, Brous
field; Geo Strong, Strong's Hotel,
Stephen Township—Wm Moffat,
Dufferin House, Centralia ; August
Hill, Central Hotel, Crediton ; H 0
Clark, Royal Hotel, . Crediton ; B
Cunningham, IChiva Hotel, Khiva ;
J Ziler, Ontario House, Mt Carmel ;
E Brenner, Shipka Hotel, Shipka ;
Mrs W Fritz, Brenner House, Grand
Bend ; Wm Zimmer, Commercial
Hotel, Dashwood.
If your stomach, Heart or kidneys
are sneak, try at least, a few doses
only of Dr Shoop's Restorative, In
five or ten days only, the result
will surprise you. A few cents will
cover the cost. And here is why
help comes so quickly. Dr Shoop
doesn't drug the stomach, nor
stimulate the heart or kidneys. Dr
Shoop's Restorative goes directly
to the weak and failing nerves.
Each organ has its own controlling
nerve. When these nerves fail, the
depending organs must of necessi-
ty falter. This plain, yet vital
truth, clearly tells why Dr Shoop's
Restorative is so universally sue.
cessful. Its success is leading drug-
gists everywhere to give it univer-
sal preference. A test will surely
toll. Sold by J J Merner.
Cuts, Bruises, Burns, Scalds, Chap
Hands, Cold Sores, Chilblains, Bo
Ulcers, Pimples, Running Sores, Poisoi
Wounds, Sores, Ringworm, Strain, S
len Knees, inflamed and all diseased,
jured and irritated conditions of the sk
Mr. Matthias Wurm of Zurich Ont, sa
"I was bothered for some time with a r
ning sore on my jaw, nobody knows h
painful it was. I doctored for some ti
till I tried a sample of Joseph Smit
Salve, and the result was so pleasing t
I secured a good supply. Joseph Smit
Salve eased the pain for the first time.
am cured. I am thankful indeed for
cure and gladly give you permission
publish my case."
Mrs. Andrew Thiel of Zurich, says:
"For six months I suffered acutely frc
sore breasts and doctored all that time.
tried a sample of Joseph Smith's Salve.
was different to everything else I h
tried and it cured me. I am grateful
the cure, as I have never been tronbl
with it since."
A now rural telephone line is to
be erected this snmmer'from New
Hamburg to Philipsburg, Doering's
Corner and into North Easthope
towards Ratzburg and Amulree.
This will without a doubt be a
great boon to the farming commn•
nity of that district, as telephone
connection is ane of the greatest
conveniences the farmer has, and
many who nowhave•a telephone iu
the home.would not be without it
at any cost. Mr. J. P. Ernst, of
New Hamburg who last year
bought the Bell Line from this
town to Baden and who also erect-
ed a line into South Wilmot, is the
promoter and proprietor of the
new line and is to be congratulated
upon his enterprising spirit in giv-
ing this community snob. excellent
telephone service, When this new
line is completed, 3'1r. Ernst will
have nearly seventy five miles of
telephone lines leading out in diff-
erent directions from New Ham-
burg. We believe that all the far-
mers along the new route will take
advantage •of the great convenience
of having a. telephone instrument
in their homes, which has almost
become a necessity in ;this age of
advancement.—New Hamburg Ind.
I have found a tried and tested cure for Men.
matlsin l Not a remedy that will straighten the
distorted limbs of chronic cripples, nor turn bony
growths back to flesh again. That is impossible.
But I can now surely kill the pains and pangs of
this deplorable disease.
In Germany—with a Chemist in the City of
Darmstadt—I found the last ingredient with
which Dr. Shoop's Rheumatic Remedy was made
a perfected, dependable Prescription. Without
that last ingredient, I successfully treated many,
many cases of Rheumatism; butnow, at last, itimi-
formly cures all curable cases of this heretofore
much dreaded disease. Those sand -like granular
wastes, found inRhoumatic Blood, seem to dissolve
and pass away !wider the actiorto t this remedy as
freely as dons sugar when added to pure water.
And then, when dissolved, these poisonous wastes
freely pass from the system, and the cause of
Rheumatism is gone forever. There is now no
real need—no actual excuse to suffer longer with.
out help. We sell, and in confidence recommend)
Dr. Shoop's
Rheumatic Remedy
- le L IVIERNER. �.....m
Price 50 cents per box, 3 boxes for $1.
Obtained from W. H. BENDER Zurich, 0
Dear Sir :—My attention has been
called to an article in last week's
issue of your paper which reflects
somewhat on myself and for that
reason I ask the privilege of mak-
ing a making a correction. You
have evidently been misinformed.
The charge of alleged threat pre•
ferred against Daniel Henheffer
was not dismissed at Goderioh on
account of the complainant not ap-
pearing and your accusation that
the charged appeared to have not
been made in good faith is a false
assumption. It is true the com-
plainant did not appear, but how
could ho when he knew nothing
about the trial until it was over.
Tho crown attor'ney's letter was
received on the afternoon of the
trial, but the crown attorney says
in a later letter that he strongly
urged on behalf of the complainant
that the case be adjourned so that
he could get to Goderich, This was
not done and the reason given is
that owing to some technicality
the Judge said it would be useless
to bring any evidence before, him.
The accused wtis committed by a
competent J P. and complainant
would have been on hand had he
been notified before the trial. So
I cannot understand wnere the bad
faith comes in. Complainant.
The following is the report of
U. S. S. No. 'J, Stanley, for the
month of April.
V Gordon Manson, Flossie Cap -
ling, Mary Douglas.
Sr IV Isabel Manson,voaAlbert
Jr IV Mary J. Meyers, Amos
Gascho, Peter Gingerich.
Sr III Emma Bechler, Annie
l3rennerman, Odwill Nicholson.
Jr III Jacob Moyer, Emanuel
Sr II Lorne Manson, ..John A.
Meyers, Rachel Gascho. .
Jr 11 Nancy Brenne'rnran;'Alberta
Finlay, Aaron Oesch.
Pt II Ada Kennel, Edgar Finlay,
Pearl Moyer,
for a Reliable Local Salesma
representing Canada's Olde
and Greatest Nurseries i
Zurich and adjoining countr
Yon will find there is a goo
demand for, Nursery Stock o
account of the high prices tha
growers have realized on thei
fruit this season. Our salesme
are turning in big business t
us this year. Be one of the
and earn good wages throug
the winter months. Territor
reserved. Pay Weekly. Fre
sample outfit, etc. Wri
Stone '& Wellington,
Foothill Nurseries. 850 acres.
This remedy can always be depended upon and
is pleasant to take. It contains no opium or
other harmful drug and may be given as coati -
dentl' to a baby as to an l3.
Price 25 cents, large size Sia cents.
9E849, E
Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta
Special Trainsieave Toronto 2.00 p.m. on
APRIL 6, 20 ttAY 4, 10 ,LUNE 1,15, 2t
JULY 13, 27 AUG. 10, 24 SEPT. 7, 21
Second class tickets from Ontario stations to principa
Northwest point at
Winnipeg and return $32.00; Edmonton and return
$42.50 and to other points in proportion. Ticket
good to return within 60 days from going date.
on all excursions. 'Comfortable berths, fully equipps,
with bedding, can be secured
da at
moderate rates througl
Early application must bo made
containing rata and full informations,
Apply tonearest•C.P.R. Agent or toR.L.1116betpnm
Diet. Pus. Ass., Toronto.