HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1909-05-07, Page 4Incorporated 1855 CAPITAL - - - $3,500,000 REST FL D - - $3,500,000 I Has 65 Branches in Canada, snd Agents and Correspondents in al. the Principal Cities in the World. t9� A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. SAV9 'Y GS BANK DEPARTMENT at all Branches. Interest allowed at highest current rate Zurich Srauchn -- - CDMIEDODMISIDGD 4 ca cv C9 II. ARNOLD, lifaupzer a GD Qpss.ID tale LEGAL CARDS. F3. J. D. COOKE, BARRISTER AND SO - 'leiter, Notary Public, L.Iensall, Ontario. At Zurieh (Zeller's office) every Mon- day. PROUDFOOT, BAYS & BLAIR, BAR- risters, Solicitors. Notaries Public, etc., Goderich, 'Canada. W. Proudfoot. R. 0. Hays. G. F. Blair.. BUSINESS CARDS. B. S. PHILLIPS, AUCTAONEER, Exeter. Sales conducted in all parts. Satis- faction guaranteed or no pay. Terms reasonable. Orders left at this ofKee will bo promptly attended to. ANDREW F. RESS, FIRE IIvSURAN- es agent, representing the London, Economical, Waterloo. Monarch, Stand- ard, Wellington and Guardian. Every- thing in fire insurance. DR. F. A. SELLERY, DENTIST, GRA- duate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons', Toronto, also honor gradu- ate of Repartment of Dentistry, To- ronto University. Painless extraction of teeth. Plate work a speciality. At Dominion House, Zurich, every'Mon- day. E. ZELLER, CONVEYANCER AND Notary Public. Deeda, Mortgages, Wills and other Legal Documents are fully and promptly prepared. Otiice— Zel1er block Zurich, .Ont. MUSIC I 5 5 V. MAASS, Prepares Pupils for the Toronto Con- servatory of Music and other Centres. Address : L'oxyn n3.N PARSONAGE, Zurich. FOR SALE. 50 acres, all good land, with good bank barn, frame house, all in good repair. The farm is svell drained, plenty of good water and will bo sold for $3000.00. .Apply to E. Zeller, Zurich. HELP WANTED Wanted at once—A goon, capable general servant. References re- quired. Apply to Mrs. Holt, care of Judge Holt. Goderich. LODGE MEETINGS CCCourt ich No. 1'240 0 (..) • meets everyZur]st a.nci 3rd; Thursday of each month at 8 o'clock p. m. in the A. 0. U. W. Hall. .5, J. NIEaxrr C. R. g �e IT Ric3Lodge l L k D 39, No. 398, meets the `*2nd and 4th Friday of every month, at 8 o'clock, iu their Hall, Merner Block. FRES. WITwssa, vl. W. a, tfot e It you have a fesv hundred or a few thousand dollar., that is idle, y0L1 can pat it to work earning you good inter- est by placing a Morey to Loan Ad. in agar Classified Want Columns. People with gift -edge col- lateral! ol-l aterall often %requires ready cash and will pay good In- terest for Inefut your money to work. D.nNp$ S 1 hf ■ b M0.b.0 0110 TEE i M PUBLISITED BY E. ZELLER. FRIl? .4 Y MAY 7th. 1909 W. C. T. U. THE CRY OF THE TWO-THIRDS A little girl, a fair, wee winsome maiden had been born to the house of Droutly, Dorothea Adelaide Droutly they called her, for the two women whom John and Mauri- ce loved best,.their mothers. They called her familiarly by John's mother's name, "Dorothea," be- cause Maurice willed it so to please his brother. Well for baby's moth- er that sbn did not know how the man she adored spent the first night of his fatherhood. The gent- leman who hung for a moment above her so tenderly, so passion. ately, the next day had little like- ness to the one Dr John put to bed some limas before. Maurice was very mnoh ashamed when his mem- ory slowly brought back to him the folly of that night, and he has- tened to apologize to his brother for his condition. "I -was too dis- tracted John, to be fully responsib- le for what 1 was about. A man must do something at such a time, anything in fact that will helphin:i' to forget. 1 could not read, or sleep.. or work, thore was nothing I oval; do but drink, and I give Tad, word that I did not suspect deeply I was inibibing. In. am inclined to thank t not the quantity I dr anxiety I felt that ga'via, some -peculiar power ov- John was not easily deceivea,-n er did he allow his brother t•'y You are yielding steadily, day'bjr day; more and more to this fearful habit Maurice" he said earnestly. "Before long you will find yourself a slave, 1 have noticed with sorrow of late when diming with you that whore once a single glass sufficed you, now you drain two or three in succession and often more. If you do not get the best of this habit it is sure to get the best of you. It would be better for Helen to die than live the wife of a dishonored man ; better your babe had never been born than that it should live to blush for its father." "Come, Jack, that's ridiculous. It seems to me you're rather hard on a fellow. Helen has never been ashamed of me yet and.never will be, I dont drink more than other gentleman of your class, "Ain I a gentleman of your class?" the younger man laughed, you could not expect me to be as straight-faced as yourself on such matters, Jack" I }would be far from sorry if you were, was the earnest reply, "Nonsense, you make too much of a little thing, nobody expects you to drink, no- body asks you to get along well without stimulants—though I am far from thinking a glass now and again when you carne in wet, would do you no harm," or good either, said his brother, "chats a matter of opinion," was the smiling reply, "'But here ani I Jack, just the op- posite to yourself. Everybody ex- pects ane to take a glass and I should be considered a fool if I didn't, for me to give up drinking would be absurd and look as if I were afraid to trust myself, as if the habit was getting° the best of ane, while the fact is I haven't been drunk a dozen times in my life," "that's a dozen times too often, Maurice if yon are bound not to atop drinking altogether promise me now, for Helen's sake, if not my own, that you will never again drink more than one glass at one time" '-t caw, do it," "yes, you can I'd do more than that for you" really, Jack, you must not press hie, I hate to refuse you anything, but, this is a anattet on which 1 am very sensitive, I am jealous of my liberty here, and will do as I please Helen tried to interfere once, but she soon saw it would not do, I drive hard and generally drive the wrong way. "Did Ho1en try t drive your" quavered the doctor. stopped in :o minutes ih "Wellno that is hardly her way, strro with Dr. cx> s , Croup, Bernedy. One but sloe got some queer notions -in - test will surely prove. to her head and tried first to talk No vomiting no chs• WISP, A alts* a+lasewitifurvar--see, Druggists, and then to -look me out of my. liberty, X: invariably drank 'the more whel.i she did" "then my God forgive ;fou and pity her," said John solemnly as he turned on his heel and went out, "there, if that isn't just: like Jack" muttered Maurice, one moment von hang to him for your very life, certain he'll go under,huxaelf before he'll let you go ; the next he is offff and leav- es von to the devil with some such epeeoh as that to stick to you like a burr, but he needn't think I'm either to be talked or scared into any tetotalism, I've been foolish, that's a fact, and I'm sorry for it I mean to turn over a new leaf, but I'll do it 'myself, nobody shall make me" by which remark you will see at once .that Maurice Droutly had somewhere in his nature a remar k - able resemblance to a mule. It would seen' that the baby was a great attraction to her uncle, after her arrival he was a constant visit. or at his brother's house, morning, noon and night, at any hour he might happen in, and the habit grew upon ,him as the wee lady herself took on months and attrac- tiveness. Inrdeed the whole house- hold became the slave of nRaby Clovertop" as her papa dubbed lier Devoted. iianrrse and father and mother were most unmistakably to this child, he veriest slave after all was Ales:. nnole John. It was something- beautiful to see him, his grave handsome face lighted with pleasure ae he walked the nursery floor,, the.: wee bundle in his arms, singing a tender lullaby or tossing her to the ceiling, laughing aloud at'her delighted cooing. <To .be continued) Ethel M. Williams, Pros.. Supt. A DAIRYFARM'S COMPETITION A, committee compoceri of leading farmers and dairymen representing the dairy cattle breeders' associa- tions;and: the dairymen's associa- tions of Ontario, have completed arrangements for the holding this year, Of a dairy farms competition thavpntglx Ontario. Tho prizes will co jst of so gold and silver medals a . Diplom s, as well as a large of special prizes, the de- whiirh have not yet been d. revs; \e will 1 e ; divided in. sett .4es as follows r—from freta Kingston to �. onto; western Ontar- �a� sola ;a line run this each silver ed this'year in w g y o ear;, '010 The +r hat wild;'bs judged twice ; once csl'bcut Sly 1 and again some time during December, thus giving the judges un, opportunity to see the farms under winter and summer conditions.' Nextyear, the farms in eastern Ontario and'all farms in western Ontario which win prizes in the competition this year, will be al- lowed to compete in special com- petitions to decide the best'farm in eastern Ontario and the best farm in western Ontario. Two years from now, it is proposed to hold a final competition. in which the leading farms for both eastern and western Ontario will compete to decide the best farm in the Provin- ce, Exceptionally fine prizes will be offered in this final competition. All branches of farm work will be included in the competition. In all 1000 points will be offered These points have been subdivided as fol- lows ;—House and surroundings 150 ; farm buildings 150 ; live stock 200 ; crops 200, farm management 1550, farm machinery 75, permanent improvements 75. Several prizes will be offered to the farms that score the highest points on the house and surroundings ; on poul- try ; on orchards and other similar departments. Competitions of this kind were held in Ontario some 25 years ono, and. created great interest. The gold medal farmer in the Province at that time was Mr, Simpson Ron. nie, the well known Partners' In- stitute smiler, who now lives in Toronto. The Committee which has charge of. the competiticn is composed of Messrs. H. Glendinning of Manilla, G. A. Gillespie of Peterboro, re- presenting the eastern Ont Dairy- men's Ass'n; D. A. Dempsey of Stratford, and S. R, Wallace of 13argessvilie, representing the Western Ont Dairynten's Ass'n ; W W. Ballantyne of Stratford, D Dun- can of Don, G. McKenzie of Thorn- hill, R. F. Hicks" of Newtonbrook, G, Gooderham. of York Mills, Simla son Rennie and W. G. Ellis of To- ronto and H. B. Cowan, of Peter- boro, the Secretary. Full particulars about the com- petition may be obtained from the Secretary, Already a number of leading farmers in Ontario have indicated their intention to take part in the competition 'which pro- mises to create a great interest and be productive of much goon. Most of the world does and most of the world uses TIIE SHERWIN-WILLIAMS PA/NT- It's made to paint buildings with, inside and outside. It's made ready for the brush. It's made for home use and for practical painters too. It's pure lead, pure zinc and pure linseed oil, mixed by specially made machinery operated by experts. It's rade for you. SOLD BY jf OfIN ' ' "' Zurich No Trsle IN r KING IF YOU USE Royal Household Five Roses or other Brands of Flour from Rannie's Flour and Feed Store. The best in Groceries at close Prices. All kinds of Feed on hand. S. RANNIE, = = ZURICH Highest price in Cash paid for Butter and Eggs A CAR LOJ4D hz! Hastings Brand C. S INfiI.ES Just arrived. Will give closest prices for quick sale F. C. KALBFLE ISCH, Zurich tr Every Farmer Should Flave a Good Telephone A telephone, in a''farmer's home, not only enables him, to keep constantly posted as to market prices, but saves him need- less trips to town. if a telegram or other important message comes, it can be delivered without loss of time. It will, at a moment's notice, summon a doctor and may be the means of saving your wife or your child's life. A telephone is useful in a hundred different ways and .houlcl have a place in every home—town and country. The Cost is only $l2. a year We are making preparations for Spring work and those desiring connections should complete their contracts Move the 1st of April. Parties in town or near present lines can be con- nected on short notice. nuarearatturiirat 1_>,, Vwr E. ZELLER, Zurich Notice To The Public In future any person or persons who will be caught fishing or hunt. ing on lot No. 13, L. R. E. Hay, without a permit, will be prosecut- ed to the full extent of the law. D. Smith & Sons. St. Joseph Mar, 1.7th, 1901) 33-tf PI L get Slmpa$e0eOdt, Send The Herald to your absent relatives or friends. They'll appreciate your kindness. • For a burn or scald apply Cham- berlain's Salve. It will allay the pain almost instantly and quicklykl Yeal the injured pars. Poi sale by J J Merner.