HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1909-05-07, Page 2BOTH SULTANS
New Man Wants. Peace With All
the Powers.
.Abdul Leaves Instigators of Tragedy
to Cd's Justice.
Sent to SalQraiki 'With Eleven of
His Wives.
faauatis•al 111t,htletemdau t1'ibesinen whose
camps completely turirele it. ,
coast :\\TI\111'1: 111,1'\11\.\L1r:1),
t'tient urtlieg*, May :1• In order
to rl..tbty t l• lulbiie' to indulge. in re-
iuicio; ., there e it; h'•elt urdereel a tent -
poetry .uepteleion ui the t11 t,f �irf;r
1tnt.ii 11) 4'elurE; 1 t•nif lit, The• city trill
he iilunlimo,•tt, but iirritur1' have been
prohibited.. The entente Mo. been re-
,li'eett•,l to rerilnill i1) offivii fur r4u)e
11:Q {sen el,
.i:\il. 1'+11! 'i•l.T.\'N.
14)41.14,4. \lay :1. 1L•alil Ihtl)a flee,
rho Ioeal trp,e•.:•ntaii4,. or I!le Volum
Turk.. deelar'' I to, tin, 'hitt \\hen .\ladtil
1 1)4'' probably
iieenil,i ita4e •, -1.:)111 tgini int the (•hair;,, -
*t t (4116 in. • ft•te\.1 drpt,xiu�e' ttlnt,
.,`\ emir met, of e,•et e•rlttee is not. prob-
able,- tn11tin,ie,l haat 11111X1 Iiey. '.hut
lie prat -emit will. be iueee i•'or•ed. .1Udn1
Berlin, May 3. In an 11111 tiro wit 11 ilii raid has, hoieme r, liven 4''111)11 ori ly
the (;oustantutuple tut•e-pettelent of the pro/Beatty at pr= -mer for 'on,' .`ears, so
leoltal :lnaitoger, Me11emnlod R'.ehutt le 111 will be ::o :mem punt Memo. Ills
emoted ars stiyiine: re ( r'v. emetirtd itlegein, r:a1 be een-
isett:rd Isv tle,sone, , 1 rte dot ,In411 4
"L Eke the pees. etho-,e+ mak it in to l,att, , ..4 .441)1+?•• ! a 1 J'• prntinrea
tapread known•?dge, mid informal ion :amain tally exempt l,ee....i?,ic in Bort hem \Ihe-
V.h41 nt7.,t•10215 melt ieiii lit"111 Ieewar(i tap. :*'.t, \i 3.d, ‘1).1d1 11%,4111,1 1'ert:iteti 1114
mimes& You may hiy that 1 batt.' alwn 1
" re -mud letiettlief.1.-
lived for t he (4(411'.) 44114(114. ever elms. 1
ooul4 think. and will always lie a tow ' 1:(•E � ¢ 1' BAY.
rervant of the (•,nr:,ititutitne it 1' the
st'ate's tend the peeragea l lvat lent. ). e(� i¢ Want Canal
Ottawa Valley.People
-I and la friea(i of the preevre," otn-
tinnea3, the prirt. r. "and I ran otos hem- at Once.
that Turkey will have. r•latioet- of !Hetet
whip and love with ale hut nu'ire meet.- (>' i; spat;•la; .\ivrnl ,lta• ht111-
lany with our 4'1.1 friend and well- wisher
tired d,.1,,g4f ' tra:u. varioa- municzllal-
A despatch to the leteehiata •:t.e t:tm i hies and- )1aards at irieie sof Canada,
Abdul lia.raiel. when ,t , E 41 ion ,t+•t,(> i }lrnel} t'v 1'r4nt 1,n,tt,s along the 0t -
tion, EOM: :nava Valley 1'744111 \44.111 Bay 10 Mon-
"Sin°iae 'Om rc11i•\ra1 41' flit• 4 HI111 real, garb •rl'd it: 44'.)uwit to -day to
enot>stitutien 3 Lars nat•'r d. part '1 fern ; ('u,. pt:il. :",1' at:I amino the tleorgian
it. I Ito. the iatrii•_a:•>r- 1,,i 0:1' 4r::• nay ('auto[ mimeo,. .\t a meetirrg..nf the
g'edw io (+ail" 141."4"' ;tr4' iaat(N Plie•,+ a ret- ' ,te,c�•,ratt•. t11: 44:4 'l1) 11,11 a rel(Oltltiou
etlernin; the teteurreneee i. }ereneli I>y the : vee 141' aninuetely mmeed declaring that
fent that lI'' h.,1 has bell 01'4a1 it• tnl th,-
le Yi':d}z during 4 gee reign.
pe•npo•iti("1 ;4411,1 nec•esra1'y 444 the. es-..
"Axile won. for t;reeh r ar.:ut'1 1 1
prup(e ed areal was a pr;teticablo
xaavealxil ll:tnd in �el'rl',ll eT'{� ttil,t "ptn4)i114! tlait4-p,n•t1111014 int ertmes of the
t , Dominion. whish( the (,tovrinmeut should i 1S, Sweetheart's
athdici.tion i� /haired, sat 1141'. ant i inlulydi:.4'l.• nadertak1' to roustruet, and
Hone. til:11 to 111 eyrat of the 1')antln!1111 being
FMCS(' 4 \ k.W -I'.\1'hia ('1,1:.\ .El). ! fin:mei:11M meible to immediately conA-
ur,lee rile eeoM tee a national undertak..
Paris.. 111;1; :t.- 'I he hrrnell news- r
.(rapers in general a)4pr4tr the dei1 renit. I ing; roe :.tltc'me• lm hau(ioct uv4'r to a
anent of Sit)talr :\141141 1l:antid, and ,*x,. ; pr:rate• v lrporatinu 1.. carry out., pr(o
'mss tltct 1ao1>r Thai. the 1natrg 'i1411 vided the public• lu4 .tit wis sufficiente
will profit by the les•utt of meant er,•ttte 1 ly safeguarded. tic')o'esetltatives ()f the:
and show 114 •;( nee t elt%peeve-iron in I'ed4reted Boards 1,:f Trade aur] Muni»'
the e'ereitm of the government a.. they / elpalitie,a plrseet went' appointed to wait•
displayed. in winninga victory_ . upon Sit \\`iifrid Laurier to ntearroei
The -amort 1)E ih,• :r1.04t of Prime, 1 morning to pt•es(:rt the 1e,ultdinu gud'.
:Sabah Feltlinr, 110(11'\v elf the etil tan. he; urge the adoption of it, lainvii>l� 11Y
rusueud uit,l>nitrehel asiortieltntent here. (loverument.
ltla'n•y of hie friends in Paris ere con. The (mull would he t w nt e-(41141
vin'cecl that 11,= if. the" v0•linl of an 0414 deep, two h.undred ;inti tiftg fee
tempt. 4n 1111 part of the former Stillten ,,r the bottom and 4°(0111 ltr�\r
• of feett a i alnpronti;e, lookii1g t o his t weuty-t wo feet. •
clertunv1atiott. —.• o-+
A t,'I fliO t
11,o13.43o11, :May 3. Alvehil liel+nid's• ells• •
-estrou:s. reign., whir)1 melted with 'Bul-
garian atratitie'. (loses i11. a 1110st dt'ai-
oiatiC fashion. with ntaesaeree of )o"
enenians in Anatolie. Alis (1ii14}4p('arallee
as Sultan aptlears to cause but few re.
grets here ana abroad, but the louse
• 11,• w.1 )
\.' milt of Turkish d..t1rc dE .t't
with great atnt iety.
The Young 'fort:- timed boldly and
swiftly, but \with the eanetiot( of the
Sheik-1:1.1sirr.,. hent,' it may be in-
ferred that they have not iflaturd the
so -entre -hi r4-'1l.ittim ',u• eptibi)itiee.
Aceordine to the Meriting Pout', vote
resp0ndeet. 4(14 per cent. of the 1141(0i:4 -
tion of the 1,::y mere in favor vet' the
te0ent read mare mutiny.
A deep.„c._ to the Ex(:}tan a Tele.
His Watch,
Rib and
Paugc,at rto le, Va.,: : May 3. --The pop-
ularity tifq.,:the hug as a farewell carom
);ietw i:(xe,,,h'4 ei t,h-Arts has taken a de.
market ,ince Elwood
UtittlY e 1 r t ::i evoke his watch and a
-..�. � ' ' lilkttl1o1' 1a i21 bid -
the gate,
arae OE the best
1..lr neighborhood, and
tering''' :in the brei 44t
1°t;r•0itboltts. But it
31oeng Scott
et Mar Heart,
ttr' 4111
Fol rode§
..nnnibe1oags to the
Retaining, Walls of the Abutments.
Ground by the Ice.
Niagiara l (111ti, 4Iay 3. The re-
t t lttttg is tette .t the abut meets of the
upper st e! .: reit bride/. on 141411
side: havt, Leen damaged by tiis:
grinding of the tc•e tam - against
them. The 4(11:i tui 1hit Bide is
danlapr,ii tont, i40)lsr eraek:- 1 :111,1
broken array around the beer. of the
:melt. tin Ii14' .\m".rein side the man
i; broken And 111' damage ,. 114; ,4 emend
ixlo\y the water lit.•. :no • walls
bate 1444411 rt,eu;rthorted !t, 1)4ihst,and
g raplt Ceelmpaue says that the 1 ming,two lllindred 4411.1 fifty 1,44411) 144 to the
moat have beget eery hteive 14 Mifi,l3.ge
them. \ ille • h• 0ridee i• 71 ) x•.ak-
en4i, i4 i.1, (('me -.t1'' to repair the
breaks to ie.-v.1u 1 ertitto 'ni'ur''. , , the
\4 44:1 "i•.
Turks vefaed al: of the former S1litan's 4gln)re iticla end the ac -null 1,.i the 1ce
effects. inc t:Mulg 0 3ewele to, weft tea
his vast 1ter40nn1 fortune,
A BeIgnote aeepa.t.:lt to the Tele.
graph NAYS 111141 aecorclins; to lrew4 from
Macedonia the omn,ons> m(venteet of
the Albaniarie is Mne.reasi1: int the. dis-
trictaround Mon ester. The Alhinlene �[ j .nee -0.- t
demand the enforcement 0f the Sh1 '111!. C. Ne R. UT $ t'1..• ,i" : r.)`a
%onictarci 't e, May 3.- -Metal Ila- 141 oi•taut Changes Made in Navi-
'mid, the deposed Finnan of 1'netmg left p
the capital tart night for Sidoniki. lie ga ti'm Company.
)s aBCnnip tiled by ekveli women of Ili-
harum 7'404'11'„ \day :1. With nae. 4'x000«
He was e(rny(•V(;d quietly elder i.OVer 41(111 atilt 4111lis•!y 41141 limit of (eft arc 4011
of darkness front the imperial palette at. l foal: after the affairs of the, 4 anatfliau
Yildia to the railroad station in Tram- Lake tw twee n 1'1\igetion ('ontt:any (int'•
bout. Shortly alter this lie Was instali- in; the. eoreiug egamm, The Mummers,
ed on board the train that pulled out Measles. .1. 11. anti J"raua.. have resigned
for the west. the p1eeideney and general ntanag(s'.h)p
MISSION ARI O.\ MA.SSIC'.L•1,:ES. respeetively. aur? Canadian :Northern
4418(•14415 hate tele94 tip the reign., 4f (a-
:\s (utmu1teerl y rec(ntl . the three
i aekag4 boats of tin' (Canadian'Lake :it
Oeealt Navigation company, namely, the
I'lnmlael. 1'el?air, and Ames, i'.i(1 fly the
flag of the end] arra.' Mutual 3.itte. '1'hst
balance )1f the feet is made tap 1,.f four
intik i 81'yo 1404411.
Constaantinople, May 3,--•A tele.g ra tn.
was received here to -claw from Miss Bose
Lambert, one of the besieged American
'}roman missionaries in Eadjirn.. It sets
forth the danger etrrrounding Miss Lam-
bert: and her companions, 'rhe messenger
who first started with the message to
the telegraph office was Idiot down on
the 'way. The communication is dated
Badjim, April 24. and says:
"The rising against the Chalet."fans of
:bradjim began rime days ago. The gov-
ernment a -.ant Metope to suppress the
fighting between Mohammedans' and
(,".hristians. but the .nen were not strong
enough ttilir,nrically to restore order.
))&du- are' dead and wounded on both
"Desperadoes oe.atipied the Armenian
Moister .five dalys ago and have been
firingcm the'pec>ple without interruption
(knee. The Armenian Churches are now
nl)owieg white flags, irdncating that
there will be no further rte. -defence, yet
the. shooting and the ph!nderirlg 0011-
t:inues. Many slings have oen plundered
orad others undoubtedly will be.
" Badjim is almost entirely without:
food and atiirr<a14 in the city are dying
of 4tarvatiuu. The l'r•(t.uc'ial authori-
ties have been appealed to both 01 ally
:lad in writing 1,o 444414(1 trn.e troops to
e fr,+• wwithout(.. • lesttlt,'.
Ilad'Ji but thus m,
Christian refugees 11w the• thousand
have :nesse!!! i1) Hadjiln anti for cinema
stars the tnw'tt hero been thr•aateeed
7 °>, 11101. When he does
lti +tt+ 'On O. generous basis.
lir fsi in lett '4vith Lola, and his love
ems j+ld ,fiellee in Jade Arcady
look not e 1l'e1 iefttiree upon cooings and
lsillilth5. 4 t e t `eiruit 'ern to 43 p. m.
.! - , later. So a• couple of
or ;a few �¢;,,;.i � d So p
Mears 1c
1l ”C
clicked el'ck''toe the mantel piece told
Elwood 11 trate his: move. Lola, went
with him out; into the gloaming. and
when in the. intsonlight he grazed down
into her: limpid ;eyes and realized he
amidst not see her again until 111e next
night, his hep.rit tem) filled .with ealimes
and his sold with infinite yearning.
:Her little hand touched his shoulder
and all the pipit -up longing within him
Pound escape an the ardor with which be.
grasped. her .About the waist. The girl
,yelled and their fel. tin a SW0ou. Scott
for a dltetoi.', whose diagnosis stow-
ed a (amp,'and fraetut'e of 4144' fifth d0r-
eel 4- e rt 44 }lea.
Two Men Arrested, Field For
P''l CBS! N
O T.
Women of Twenty Countries De.
• mnonstrate ii London.
They Demand Equal Civil Rightlf
ith Mere an.
Leaders Give the Movement
Romantic Turn.
Loudon, May 3.— The fnternationee,
1'au'liasxl•leet, representing' yeome21 of twee'
ty mitintritee, handed together to demand
equa.l dell rights, is the one world even'.
of the week 111 Lontion. An immense de •
nnonstration was made last night in
Albert nail, heralded by a prOlo0S'iolt
tr, thousand woman worker's- Carrying
5110 ancient evalehtnen'e lantern and all
1lie emblems • of a huaelred trades, they
x111 rchrd.
from. Etena seeta.ne to Albers
Hall, -Ile lantern," 11a,1 no politica) sig-
nificant*. Titter were -illtrodueed only
for a picturesque effect. 'rte suff7re
gates have at hetet irrtrothee4'et romance,
realism, poetry and • laeaaty into dila
s0111ewhai'squalid arena of party polities.,
• (hut day the pew ly beatified Jeanne d'Ar',:. •
rides 14eltride her war ete('d at the heart •
of a militant proe'cssi.rn, and. the next,
Queen Elizabeth, with ruff and farthin-
gale rides ainidet Amaaenl's carrying 4111
es4'llIOht:nit bearing; the telling device,
" l f queen«<. 11113' not voters?"
.tet most powerfui and effective of loan
these appeak; to the i1n..; ination are that
van load, t,f ez-pri•eener4, matron's aw'..
maiden?. who ba.ve •i."la(tly "done time,.
in the (nr•red cans'.
'Phe Woman's lief erriat.ionsil Suffrage
1)141441 et rietly speaking. is neer,
a suffragette ergeniett ion, but no one
who wai.ches the ebb and flow of feeiir.,
0f the groat 1114(•r21a.t-I(inal i1)'-"e.mbly% cat.
doubt for at moment. that it is suffra-
gettes who are the heroines (7'1 the hour.
The Amoricaal president. Mrs. (`bagman
Gait. neither Ideve-ea; there at all nor
Boston, Mae :3,-- Charged with at- erased them at all holding ilersclf strict
tempting to extort • (110.060 fromJas 1
1r neutral, but herr,,udictn::e biesseet
tem al tot::ether.
Whitla. of Sharon, Pa., under the threat
of kidnapping his eon Willie, who was
stolen several weeks ago and only re-
turned to .Mr. Whitlaa 01) his payment of
$1.0,000, two Hien were brought to po-
lice headquarters today for an exam-
ination. They were arrested at the south
end post office and gave their names as
,John W, Wright and Erneet H. Martin.
The police claim that on April 23,
Wright and Martin wrote to Mr. Whit -
It. was a. scene of i.tun-altuoue ent•1tai,a-
11111t1 that bailed the aappean-mete of Mrs. ,.
1)espard, leader 0f the extreme wing or
the suffragettes, when fresh from hoe
prison experience. sire arose to address the..
meeting. 'Phis showed nnmtstn.?rably thee
real sentiments of ewon11414 s.i'ff.'aggsta
throughout the world.
The suffragettes are on the firing line.
and whenever they •11411(4 in ri'ecv "Vern
the rank's of Tuscany can sxaree forbeitr'
to cheer." .
]'lady Constance l:y ton is at
lademandingthat the rend them $10,000 tvnxth. lits. Pankhaarst is x
under penalty of having Williekid- by-election at. Sheffield. The
napped. Clliristabel is worked to death iFYut -a
Ilion the general tone of the letter,
the police believed that a close watch at
the south end post -office might be pro-
fitante. Two officers were stationed there
when Wright and Martin entered, and
they arrested them. The police saw that
a search of Martin's pockets resulted in
finding a red ink pad similar to the ink
ueed in the letter to Mr. Whitla.
Fake Advertisement For
For Company.
Toronto 1)eepaich —John 3). Carney,
of Buffalo. Mechanicsburg. Pa., and
several other add44444141 in the United
Mate,., 'which he has mentioned since
being put arrest hese. was
e irt•ed in the pollee toed this morning
eon -
LOCKED IN Ba'4X CAR of obtaining money under false pre-
' leuoes, tiix. months in the Central l'ri-
eon, with hard labor. was the sentence
Charles Connors. Four Days Without meted out to him. Carney i}liserteettel-
vel iisemelrts ill the local papers calling
Food or Water. for applications for the managerolllp of
Opinion of Maeisirate Daly, of Win-
nipeg. 4
\Vi: tl 310(1, :lay :3.• '1'11:' 1,4r,1's
Day Ailianen iestitnted a ploseentioit
against 11}e leader of the Winufpeg
City Band for giving concerts in the
Walk(-. T11411tre on. 44uudav, evenings,
as has betel the e'tIotonl reeeutlye To
admission x44+1 rllat•ged, but the band
always teed:np eolltetic;us, the net tiro-
c•eed4 01' which were donated to .par-
ity, sled during the short sones they
raitied •0i500- for 1)1444 alone. ''rho con-
verts, became eery prpulai.•, nod. ' as
they ware not. started until alfa(::' all
the c1111r('hee were .dl4.v iesvd, it WW1 COO -
tended that thee did not interfere i1) any,
4111(4 14it It 1'::14 .hip. .
lilag;i:'t.r;1lc I disteh4ed the 'case
x•itih ti:e de(110atioit that ho emiellel4:d
these Sitt,d;:t. e40nit'(1' ('(111101'i.s utast
i11 1
r 2
dt 7of l t.,g Ai otherwise might
(,1f•i!t.iottobl t- })t'a;1,4.
.a, toilet preparation company, and ob-
Elmira, N. '1„ May 3.•--- Locked in tained incmey from a member of the np-
a 110x oar filled ,with Barley for four plicants for the "Mitten.
/F r
times aid sig hta.- without arty (0041 4)11
water, Cltate Connors, of Aciechestel' THE
Netting;. Canada, looked like :t ghost,
waren Ile was helped from a Liotta'
w,tttne train• in the local yards this t(,
aft P11111011 ?,y >1 cotaple of pollu)r
Bm". Pence Celt Ci17t1E1 44!14 C4 BOtai1.d
Mentors , had been working i1) Cirricag u Them to Statues.
•lubot•r, n Satrdh11)
1,44t4)1it soin,,1Tfeing t()1,)eat inuC:lhiaycagonigabtout' "-
It o'clock. - be went t0 the railroad LondOu, flay 3,1
1,- 14'.1)1)• tvoiuea liuf•
yards and elimtbcel into a box. ear 111th -144 '.14(1('4'4'$'41041 ')n g;'t:ting in the
1.,atrt)aliY 111144 with bailer. 13e intende
going as far :1s Ringstotl, Ont., where,
be la'. relative., 31.e fell asleep for a
;hat's time, and when he awoke ho
found the: ear head hem: 1oe+ked and
In the n,wt.ntint(t the car was take.)
to Bnffele and started nor itx final trip
to New York. At Bath t:Ite brakeman
heard hnnln'eri.7?g. aitd shooting inside
the ear and repotted it to the vendee -
tor. Whc'n the ear door was opened
t.tte victim
of from days' hardship had
t:> 1)e lle111 a (Mt of the carr.
Belanger, His Wife and Child Ser-
musty In;lured.
- Mnutrcal, May 3, Carelessness with
dynandie reaulted in the probable kill-
ill-ing of a fatuity of tree at Villeray, near
herd. this afternoon.. A workmen em-
ploy ed in a quarry, named Uelauger, took
11. ,:tick of dynamites to his House to thaw
it on( on the family stove, when it ex-
ploded. wrecking the, house. 13elangger's
wife l•''ttle
were liebadly
that then' deaths aro
regarded '19
certain. while slight (1h.uto<i 1s held oat
for hie 1'eemei'y.
Woestenh441),4 l'.. , til,'. ,iestor and
pioneer of all women's, movements in
England. is well to the front, despite bele
70 years. itft'o. 1e:lTy, with the sna'(4 '
hair of an lncien±. began the- :Amggln
lust. fifty rears ago, and hes kept it np
ever eines,.
"Even in :1m.lta. said,
Cause progresses. (44•1,'1 1±44 the three-fol(i
obetaelo of the e enewtnt1on, the sa.locat
and the truete. Al. around the wide
world w•nntaa14 is he::amin# tOrlati011ii of
liar right to be regarded garded as an cquae
citizen in every state, anal everywhere
men and women are becoming more and
more keenly alimt to the fart that suf-
frage iso the. Foie security for ever;
right which they claim."
Wedding of Miss White„ Daughter
of €L S. Ambassador. '
Paris, May 3. --Dressed in a cost:um
of blue voile and. wearing a large black
led, Miss Muriel White, daughter of the
American Anibaseador to hfran'ee, was
married in the Maire of the hlighth Ar-
rondisteement of Paris at noon to -day tc'
Count, Hermann Sehrr-Thoss, an office'
of the Royal Prussian Cuirassiers.
This simple civil ceremony was per-
formed in person by Roger Alton. the
Mayor. Only a few of the immediate
tne)taber4 of the fasltille44 the bride
and groom were present.
onter lobby of the House of Commons
ibis att'ternr"n11 and fa tene() themselves
by eh:flee in the lobby.
The pollee, profitrug by their previous
ea}lerie.nees, were provided with metal -
fettling implements, and (luiekly several
tib(. ehain�
and expelled the four \Yemen
from the llirilrling;.
Has Made -British Magazines Read
in Canada.
Loudon, hityy 3.— In giving his att-
nual statement ill rho Hothee of Com-
mons to -day. :Mr. Sydney Buxton,
Poetntaster-General, said he was con-
tent to go down to posterity as the
man who had made two British maga-
eines read in Canada instead of one Am-
CI iz an.
Sir :Edward Sassoon hoped the Post-
mastct-General would give serious at-
tention to the scheme for a State -con-
trolled cable from England to Can-
aria. Ho believed it would involve no
taxpayer,vcltile it WAS
loss tothe
necessary iti the interests of Imperial
consolidation and national defence.
No Trace of Foot and 'Month
Disease at London.
London, Ont.. Despatch--13otni pion
Glovernmelit inspectors who are in the
city as a result of a report spread yes-
terday that foot and mouth disease had
broken out, deny absolutely that there
is any tragic of t114' disease, either in the
city or surrounding districts., .iLt first,
it was feared that quarantine might be
ordered, resulting iu loss of tbOUS11nds
of dollars to farmers -and shippers, but
tho G-overnment officials declare there is
not the slightest cause for alarm.
Half a Dozen Meri Thrown Into
the Air.
Van eouver, Afay :i,-- A •Japa neer.
halibut schooner was loading a supply
of gasoline last night, when oho caught
fire, and -immediately there was a deaf-
ening explosion. Half h, dozen men were
blown. into the air, while others took to
the water to escape the flames, and sev-
eral nearby Steamer's moved away into
the harbor. The schooner began to sank
by the stein, whish was apparently
blown out, and she Was with some diffi-
culty To damage
amounts to
about two thousand dollars. One Jap'o
jaw v.11)43 toric• aWcay, X144 he will mit se tae,