The Herald, 1909-05-07, Page 1•
The Official Organ of Zurich: 'and Hay Township.
Vol. 1X.
No. 42.
A good range of wall papers at
D. S. Faust.
Mr. Allan Baler of the Goshen
Line Stanley, left for the Canadian
West, on Thnrsday.
Mrs. Diehl of Brucefield, Mrs. P.
Sullivan and Miss Annie Zimmer-
man are visiting with Mr and Mrs.
H. Zimmerman.
Miss McLean and Mr. Gordon
Small of Strathroy visited the for-
mer's sister Miss McLean, milliner,
over Sunday.
Mr. Philip Hauch, who has been
quite ill for the past few months is
able to be out again and made his
first trip down town, on Tuesday.
Rev. Valentine Gerber, wife and
daughter, of Minnesota, were visit-
ing relatives and friends in this
section, over Sunday, and left for
their home on Tuesday. Mr. Ger-
ber held three services in the A-
mish church, Bronson Line, during
his stay.
Teacher's Institute—The West
Huron Teacher's Association hold
their annual Institute in Exeter,
May 20th. and 2Ist. -They have a
good program and expect a su.ccess-
ful meeting, Mr. T. F. Wright of
Toronto is to be present and give
three addresses. Two copies of the
• announcement are being sent to all
school principals, one of them for
4. trustee board, who are especiallV
.inaZited to be present. In fact alr
.i0erested in education will be
heartily -welcome.
Atter an illness extending over
Several months Mrs, Peter Bender
Ailed peacefully, on Monday after -
'mon, at the age. of 47 years, 8
nionths and 14 days. The deceased
well liked for her many excel -
utilities and. made a host of
lig her residence in
e laves to mourn her
er husband one daughter
rs. Herb. Axt, and one Son Master
Walter, besides a. number of step.
children. Her remains were laid
to rest in the Bronson Line ceme-
tery on Wednesday afternoon. The
late Mrs Bender was a member of
the Chosen Friends, of the W. C. T.
U. and Ladies .Aid of the Evangoli.
cal church, in whose circles she
will be much missed. THE EfErtaan
extends sincere sympathy to the
The newest in hats at D. S. Faust.
3.weeks-old heifer calf for sale.
Apply to J. H. Sohuettler. Zurich,
If you want a fine dross shirt,
call at D. S. Faust.
Mr. Andreas Schmid of Elkton,
Mich., arrived here on Friday even-
ing and expeets to remain for the
A tickling or dry cough can be
quickly loosened with Dr Shoop's
Cough Remedy. No opium, no
chloroform, nothing unsafe or
harsh. Sold bY J J Merner.
Miss Pearl McCormick and Mast-
er John, attended the -funeral of
their uncle Mr. Donald Stewart. on
Monday. He died in Detroit on
Friday. and was buried in 'Mount
Golden Drop white oats for seed;
at Rannie's seed store Zurich. This
is a new variety first out last year
sold at $3 00 a bushel. Farmers
should avail themselves in getting
some as the quantity is limited..
Come and see.
An exchange says that it knows
of men who would not polish their
boots on Sunday, but would as
cheerfully blacken their neighbor's
character on that day as on any
other The longer we live the more
vve are oonvinced that there is
nothing so good in this world as
consistency and nothing that is
harder to achieve.
Mr. Jerry Corriveau formerly of
Zurich, but who has been living
at Dashwood for some time past
has been appointed postmaster at
Drysdale in place of Mr. Leo Ge-
linas, who resigned, as he intends
leaving for the West. Mr. Corri-
veau intends putting in a stock of
/merchandise and has rented the
building which was formerly .Bris-
son's hotel.
• One of- the finest celebrations
ever known in the history of Park-
hill, will take place there on Victo-
ria Day-, May 24th. There will be
games and sports of all kinds and
the Parkhill Driving Park Associa-
tion have arranged a series of rac-
es. Some of the best horses in
Canada and. the United States will
go there. The Eel, the world's
fastest race horse, time 2.04 will
also go on that date in an exhibi-
tion mile. Leave your corn planting
until the next day and go with the
For a fancy pair of socks, call at
I). S. Faust.
Miss Clark of Steplien4iS visiting
at the home of her uriole, My, W.
0. Calif as .
Mr. Charles Welker has shipped
his household effects to Milverton,
where he has purchased :a, 1iyary
Dr. Oven's Surgeon; Oculist,
Specialist will be at Royal Hotel,
Hensall, on Friday,' May 2ist.,
Hours 9 a m to 9 p an. Glasses pro-
perly fitted, Catarrh, deafness,,fail-
ing eyesight and throat tronbles
treated. • "
Messrs. L. and. Ed. Moro have
each a position for thfa,summer
with two farmers on the, Parr Line
south of Hillsgreen. Lon with
Mr. A. Love and Ed. with Thos.
Consitt. 'We 'wish them both sue
cess with Lemployers.
On Sunday this section Orparleia.
cod the worst snow storm of...the
winter, although the snowlicl.
rbmain long on the groul.a Tkie
weather has been very backwarA
so far and farmers have hardiv414y.
seeding done.
Mr. Henry Rupp received 'word'
that" his brother John died. On April
12th, at Acheson, Kansas, havin'Ai
reached the age of about p. years.
He was a Jeweler by trade anti. was
the owner of a Jewelery" establiiba•
ment in that city. He Wasjoltarn in
New Hamburg in 1856 a, e.e9,a0
married about ten years ag ttiSS
Ella, Norman who surviyds
Miss Elmira Stogclill
Mr. and Mrs. W. Stog1ellP14r,
Goshen Line, Stanle
Thursday morning aite
of five weeks. SIic
months and 17 dayirek
general favorite
her. The funera Wit
Saturday at 4'j,1461.
Cemetery. (•,1"
tended t
press peel ,
will find it mit.- • 0
Headquarters For
The est of Everything
In Drygoods for Spring
' r
Let nal call your attention to my New Dress Goods
and New Striped Linens for Suitings.
• The Newest and Most Up-to-date Choice in Hats for
old and young.
I have a Full Line of Snits at Reasonable Prices.
2 yards and 4 yards wide. Nice Patterns.
All Farm Prod -ace taken in
Exchange for Goods.
0. S. F LIST
Op:haters for the best that is made in Boots anct Shoes.
f `r
account you willanotN*1
one by acting as tlaoug' ''.' ..r' r- I 1'
tercets rested. in your'44
t,.....„ 0 q,
day of pomposity is •.^ 1,,, •:. Pa
hope never to return. prepe'll, e
than ever before are' int1. 11.,,:-nt
and able to juclge,those reit ')int
they come in contact. This naea,ns
that they are able to judge you '„incl
place a true rather than a false': es-
timate on your abilities.
onaplete lines in Fall and Winter Goods
es which .will save you money.
are sole agents for the fanious
siioee.,,imade specially or Complete range 'Williams patentf:;e'g'g'ing,
t '
he best on earth. King's Stub -proof and Kant
Krack Rubbers.
Repairs while you wait.
We take butter and eggs in exchange.
• "\'`VVN'lai.'€'1Fi''I:Li''.21;"....,,,,--IF:t.l..5715');:2:3:.•,T;71,73'
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And we are better prepared than ever before to fill the wants of •'our Customers. Every department is filled with i
i . y . i Goods bought in the best markets, and bought at prices that will compete with any. A visit to our Store
will convince youOur attention to buyers we try to Make as satisfactoras possible
a.... leS•3.1•1•
4 1
Belts, Frillings, Hose and
Ready=to=wear Suits Linoleums, Floor ,Oils and Millinery
Just a word about our Ready-to-wear suits. Our
stock comprises a largo range of the latest cloths and
styles, and our increased sales in this department
prove that we are selling at right prices. A nickle
or gun metal watch given with every youth's salt
purchased. Also a full line of latest in bats, shirts,
ties, etc., all new goods. We aiso carry a wide
range of Tweeds, Worsteds, Cheviots, etc., in suit
lengths, and can have a suit made to order for you at
short notice. See our lines before you bny.
Silk elastic Belts in all newest shades, Frillings
in black, white and blue, Ladies Fancy Hose in tan,
oxblood, and many other shades, ' Long Lisle Gloves
in tan, black and white.. All sizes. We advise
buying these now as the demand for these goods will
be large.
If you need Mar Coverings of any kind conic
in and see our range. We have passed into stock a
number of new patterns and now -haven; .wied range
to choose from. See our Tapestry carpets and Flaor
Rugs, Jap mattings etc.
House-cleaning season is now on. and we have
made special arrangements for easy choosing of new
Lace Curtains. Our curtains range in price from
25 cts 10 $3.00.
We desire to call the attention of, the ladies to
our line of whitewear. Everything inwaists, skirts
etc. Our stock is, very complete and we invite
inspection of these goods.
Our millinery trade has grown in leaps and.
bounds. Our show room is filled with the latest
and loveliest creations in Dame Fashion's style. You
will have to see them to appreciate them. You
are cordially invited. to visit our millinery depart-
ment as often aB yon please.
Granite water pails'! 50 cents and 75 .cents
Granite dippers 15 cents
Granite wash bowl 15 cents
Granite soap dishes 15 cents
Curtain poles 10 cents
Sweat Pads 25 cents
2 kegs of carpet tacks 5 cents
Large Hand Saws 35 cents
Harness Snaps 2 for 5 cents
25 lb scales CO ecets
Hand Cleaner 10 cents
Stove I'ipe Varnish 10, 1 and 20 cents
Victor Flour Sift's 10 cents.
asmemarakarzeran* am.
- See us about your Roofing and Eavetroughing. I
1 Full .Stock of Sherwin=Williams Paints. Crtain=stretchers, Screen Doors and I
Windows. Highest grade coil wire and barb wire.
iSM2100913000.1031P.M. 41.2•11a1E111..1.......1114.1.112VPMM i
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