HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1909-04-23, Page 8OW Dress Goods Talk i 0 lite Everybody is Wondering what the new and fashionable shades are for Spring. Black, Navy, Brown, Green, Cobalt Smoke We are showing all these fashionable color- ings, in stripe and elssnGo oddss Department You can � e s assured that our stocked with the very newest. Buttons for Trimmings We have all the shades and sizes; ask to see that new style of button; something new ! Just out ! Prints & Wash Goods The patterns and colorings have never been as pretty as shown this Season. Stripes are in the lead. We can show you almost any pattern in wash goods that you could think of. Striped Linens for Summer Suithigs Ay �9 0 ery az April ist, 2nd and 3rd Ladies' Coats We have a nice range of Spring Coats, Long coats are going to be fashionable. Call and see the new styles in coats, 01.1s>rnlshing� Wall -Paper A splendid display, at a price that you cannot afford to lniss. Carpet Squares, Carpets, Japanese Matings, Small Rugs. &%c. Lace Curtains, a large stock, from 50o a pair up to $5,00 Window shades, in. plain and combination. Curtain Poles, Something that is always wan- ted. See ours at 2 poles complete for 25c Linoleurns• Coyour kitchen and dining -xoom. with Linoleum and save lots of hard work. �" Men's e..eady=to=Wei $ We handle the Broadway Brand, which is pa. -I noted for stle and workman- .s111p. We carry a stock that will surprise you, We are showing some very smart Styles for young men. gricultural vngs and Loan � a'CIdAT> OP's'=L7Iu. . LON DON OtTA.I IO Money advanced on. good Farm Mortgages, Prompt attention given to a1tplieaticns for loans, E. ZELLER, Zurich Enter A n y Time CLINTON I3TJSI1\rESS COLLEGE. has been tested in the er iblopinion with the fire of public and has not' been found• wanting. The success of our graduates has not been excelled. Not, the largest bot the highest grade modern Business School in Western Ontario. Individual instruction, No vacation. Mail Courses. Enter any day. Write for particulars. GEO. SroTTor,, Principal. LO e, yQ?mi Erre Arrived All ra e 11 Call and see if you want Snaps. Largest Stock in the County to select from. License Detectives Belleau and Flight tried a scheme which work- ed successfully Saturday night at Toronto. The former, dis- guised arranged himself, e fully as a bashful member of the fair sex andpurchased a flask of whiskey at a house en Shuter street a well known resort of doubtful characters, everything worked smoothly until Belleau turned to leave with his flask, when he trip- ped on the stairs and away down the stairs went his hat and wig, which was seen by the woman who had :served hint, and the language she used when she saw how she had been stung was simply awful. The 45th Annual session of the Canada conference of the Evangeli- cal Association convened in New Hamburg, during last week. Bis- hop W. horn D D. of Cleveland Ohio, was chairman of the session. The cont'ereike was addressed by Rev S J. U bre*G, A. M , treas., of the North ' e Ari? Jolleg e of Nap• erviilA�l iii,Flalnhhuber l.kof New.Yo,`Pkbf. S. L. '(Tlnbaoh,:D.. D Naperville; x11, and Rev. T. C. il�leellcl of Reading Pay . >vho gave an inspiring address in the interest of the missionary cause. Lay dele- gates were one of the new features of the session, Mr. D. S. Faust re• Presenting the Emmanuel Evange- lical church, Zurich. Probably one of the inept important steps of wkwena Vices ,e.� PHONE !3 H k4 RTLE,E• � � «� HURON'S LARCEST COMBINATION STORE Zurich's Leading SHOE STORE'.. Now is the time to buy your Winter Shoes gess was the ratification of ex- tending the time limit from 4 to 5 years, Eo that henceforth it is pos- sible for n minister of the Ee ange- lical church to remain 5 years on his appointed field of labor. The grand stun of over $2300 was rais- ed for the missionary cause on Sun- day afternoon. The conference for 1010 will betheld in Zion Evangeli- cal church,' Berlin, Ont: The fo--- lowing are the appointments. this year. . East District -S. R. Knechtel: P E. $erliu, 17r.,D• Damm, New, Ham- burg, W. J. aeger ; Lingelbaoh's Circuit, PM, 'Grubb ; North East - hope, H.. Dierlarnm ; Tavistock, E Burn ; Sebringville, J G Litt ; Ful- larton, E Eby ; Milverton, F Meyer ; Aldboro, W M Hippel ; Hamilton, D H. Wing ; Toronto, W E. Buse; Campden, W 0 Hello ; Rainham, A Clemens and Ed Damm; Morriston, 3 0. Morlock; 131enheim, B. S. His - cocks ; klespe1er, A. H. P1Yley. North District ---A Y Haist, P, E. Waterloo, M L Wing ; St Jacobs, b G i aatz ; Elmira, .7 G Burn ; Lis- towell,T H Grenzenbaoh; Wallace, 11 13. Leibold ; Normanby, A W Sauer; Mildmay, L `4ittich eWalk- erten, (x F Braun; Port Elgin, E D Becker Iianover, W J Zimmerman Chesley, H L Merner ; Elmwood, H 3 Holtzman ; Parry Sound, D H Brandt ; Stratford, S M Hauch ; Zurich; A D Gischler ; Dashwood, L K Etat ; Orediton, E 11 Bean ; Maitland, E F Haist. North West District --L H Wag- ner, l?,. E. Supt. of missions of the Evangelical Association in the Canadian. North West. Winnipeg and 8elltirk, 3 3 Bechtel ; Neudorf .1 V lCovar ; Melville, 3 S Burn ; Regina, a l± Braun ; Rosthern, L. Anracher ; l�isldln g, to be supplied ; Saskatoon, to be supplied ; David- son, to' be supplied ; A!Lidctle. W 3 putties ; Swift Current, to be sop - plied ; Medicine Ila(, J ti Dann7r and W Wilhelm ; Didsburr tJ S Fink- beinl r and.l'r1ayton, D Rieder ; Warner, ltt J Conner. started in 20 minutes We have the best Winter Footwear can be bought. You can always 'rely on ting the best when you buy here. Men's and Boys' Socks Felt Goods Women's, Leggings Etc. Prices will be Satisfactory that get - BEA t��E urich TAKE A FREE TRIP T`*• EUROPE 3 as a guest of the London Daily Advertiser, the l,' t metropolitan paper printed in )V` ern Ontario. All the news from all our late` market quotations and all general and local. news worth prie ling. SPECIAL OFFER. Sencl $2.00 for the London Daily Ad— • -srer'tiser for 14 months and 400 votes for your choice of candidates in the European Trip Contest. Clubbing rtes. We have made arrangements to offer the following low clubbing rates with TELE Mill/ALD : 4.25 Daily Globe „ Mail & Empire 4.25 Weekly Globe . 1.60 Mail & Empire 1.60 Berliner Journal (German) 2.50 Family Herald & Star75 25 1,50 1.75 2.25 Troup Romody. e.uro with Dr, Shoops no test will surely prod e. No vomiting,no dn1- tress, A sato anti pieasing syrup--GOe, auggists. Daily Advertiser Weekly Advertiser Weekly Sun farmer's Advocate MARKET REPORT.—The fol- lowing is the report of Zurich, Markets corrected up to Thursday. Barley .... 53 to 55 Peas mr, Bran Shorts Oats Wheat ....,.. 23.00 .. 25 00 43 45 .1 10 1 12 Coughs that are tight, or distres- sing tickling coughs, get quick and. certain help from Dr Shoop's Cough Remedy, On this account Drug- gists everywhere are favoring Dr Shoop's Cough Remedy. The tender leaves of a harmless lung -healing mountainous shrub give to Dr Shoop's Cough Remedy its curative properties. Those leaves have the Trower to calm the most distressing cough, and to soothe. and heal the most sensitive bronchial membrane 'Test it once yourself, and see ! Sold. by J J Merner. Hay... 7.00 8,00 Driea apples 6 6 Clover seed Potatoes Butter Eggs Hots liveweiget 5.00 , 5.75 '45 45 17 17 17 1.7 7.05 HENS ALL MARKETS Cook's Best Flour.. Wheat - Oats Farley ... Peas— Hogs eas .Hogs liveweight 2.75 1 13 13 44 45 50 - 50 •W1 85 7.05 .60 VEARg' EXPERIENCE ;a 3.01! ia; f'1a d nsairr @i16Anrs� DzstaN5 COPYRIGHTS &C Anyone sending n ,petal and description mar qulektq taacertain our opinion free w abther Tan Inv option 15 prohnbly patentahi5 Co natunicr.• =. Sons strictly conadontlal. HANp s6KonPatbnt5 sent (roe. Oldest n •ouey TorF wearing patents. k'ntents talion tnronrla :Kann 8e Co. receive special notice, without charge, in the A bandsomoly illustrated weakly. Largest Gtr- solation of any so:antafe Journal. 'terms for Canada, ;1.75 a year, postage prepaid. sold by ,II noesdealsrs o ANN & Cep,a0i'Ssc Kigflay, NeW Yoe•' 'ranch orae. rf5 5` St.. Washington, D. 0. rim Em ,et Iona* utter Firoa C' id .4,11.00,V Br. Shc+oV;l 014tl3 ens.