HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1909-04-23, Page 61•,...-.1•..,1•.41 BE Nti':l'7iFi+4i''1• U' dL`Dtt1NG, (Chum:). Life.) The lteartlese wave- of seandelou3 itz- witt•enee eluotret lit the lamentable Kin - rade murder, has happily quieted down. At this reason of church's sorrows it rrvalls the rubble which cried out eme- lt-Only ani unpjle iugty for blood. Stranger c<eincideneei than those of a girl'& lonely presence in the house with the murderer sled the victim, and having a stage life La seeking tin independent living, then hav- itt a disappointed lover have occurred. It every person's actions were called into question, with the cruel notes of suspicion and interrogation, would many fare more creditably? .Chink back, Canadian, to a murder committed at 1Qapanee eighteen years since. It, too, o seats a mystery and also there was the eager scent for. a sacrifice, with wild and repeated accusations against persons near at hand. It was vile. Years later, the nnurderer was detected in Kingston pent- tentiary, whither he had been sent for a later crime. The lesson was valuable, but was apparently lost. 4,+ AILING WEAK AND NERVOUS To -day the common complaint with weak men and women is lack of kid- ney vitality. Isere you have the cause of your i11 -health. Wouldn't it be wise to use a tilae- te.eted remedy like Dr. Hamilton's Pilla —they cure that "ailing" feeling in one night. Next morning you feel like new—bright, fresh, and happy. Appe- tite improves. dull, sallow color grows ruddy and clear, proving that great good is being done .by this scientific medicine. Drs H milton's P Us A. Sure Cure No Appetite—Bad Color—General Debility. "I was run down,.' writes Mr. Albert 3i Dixon, of Fairhaven 2. O. "My color was duU, and appetite was peer, and I awastantly suffered from rheumatism. "I found it hard to sleep and felt won out and tired all the time. Dr. Hamilton's Pills made an instant change. I grew strong, my blood was restored, rheumatism vanished. To -day 1 am vigorous, cheery and healthy- in every respect. Take Dr. Hamilton's Pills 'when you're well, when you're sick., when- ever you think a purifying tonic will do you good. Sold everywhere in yel- low boxes, 25e each, or five for $1.00. Insist on having only Dr. lianiltou's Pills of Mandrake. and Butternut. Rough Handling for log Thief. I A young girl of fifteen, Mlle. 'Yvonne Meyer, living in the Rue Pe- trelle, was taking for a walk her dog, ee h.icli .she• held by a leather strap, tfte '"'o#lzhr day, when a man who had treen following her suddeny cut the strap ante A knife and picking up the animal Dash- ed off. Eyewitnesses of the scene pursued the thief, whom they had almost overtaken when he threw the dog under the wheals of a passing autobus in the Rue Roene- chouart. The animal was instantly kill- ed, and while Mlle,. Meyer, who bad fainted from emotion at seeing her pet's fete, was treated at a local pharmacy the thief :.as captured and roughly han- dled by the crowd. Ho was handed ever le the police, but refused to reveal late itientity.—Frons Le Figaro. -. ....1•001111.00 THE "CHAMPION 99 BAS and OASODUNE ERMINES R must give oatitz- fMcdlaorn or you don't pay for it. SOLD O11; TRIAL ' yt tee only Gasoline negate that you eau try 'store you buy. I know what the "Chain - vino" will do. and I want you to be fully settened with It before you pay for It. The rodeo is low. 5'ttil particulars free. in. Gillespie, Dept. "fin" breast St. East, Toronto Not a Hero to His WPl if '. Jack the Giant Killer doffed itis seven - league boots. Yes," he said, "my wife always makes ire wipe 'thea. off when I conic in the house." Tilos we learn dept even magic doesn't help a. fellow out in doiac,tie Mae -New York Sun. Minard's Liniment for sale everywhere. a.o Reminded Him. Little Soy (meddling with his father's docu- uteuts)--Papa, this letter from Mr. Mento- { burn has a postscript, "B. T. L." What does that--- Absene. Minded Statesman —Give me that letter son: rilestil), borne tt1. icor Catarrh of the Throat of .,,1f wo Years' Standing. was afflicted for two years with catarrh of the throat. At first it was very slight, but every cold 1 took made it worse. "I followed your directions andin a very short time 1 began to improve. 1 took one bottle and am now taking my second. 1 can safely say that my throat and head are cleared from ca. tarrh at the present time, but ! still continue to take my usual dose for a spring tonic, and 1 find there is noth- ing better." --Mrs. W. Pray, 260 Twelfth St., Brooklyn, N. Y. ..20041.0-MIVIIMIMOMI•abileo• 1.111•111M.011.101300 WISDOM FOR SMOKERS. How to Select a Pipe—When It Should and Should Not be Used. Mr. Smoker, a word with you. In selecting a pipe, there are three big considerations, but prettiness is not one of them. Sec that there are an patehed- up holes in the brier, be careful the. pipe is not too hearty, and make sure the bore allows it to draw well. A pipeful of good tobacco should last thirty minutes. Poor tobacco buries -fest. Tile proper place to hold the pipe Or cigar is straight in front. nut at the side of the mouth. Don't smoke out of doors in freely weather or in a high wind. In the form- er ease the lips get cracked, and it pre- vents proper breathing; and in the lat- ter calks it is uncomfortable for you and every one else about you, say's the l'hi1- adeljshia, Inquirer. Without mental or bodily labor to counteract it, much smoking is injurious. Outdoor exercise is indispensable. If you're t:loseiy confined indoors you shouldn't et:mkt,. Tobacco tends to diminish the sugar of the blood; therefore teat ,plenty of ripe fruit. Unpopular as the dictum may be, it is unrtiise to siuoke immediately after meals. ,cooking, by interfering with the supply of o• ygen, impedes digeationo Point of Difference, "Yes," saki the bride of three short months, "I had made up my mind to remain in the spinster class, then John appeared upon the scene and I accepted him leecause he was so unlike other men." "Oh, of course, he's different," rejoined the envie-as htdy friend. "Ise proposed." ----Chicago N'rwe. A MOTHER'S CHIEF CARE IS HER BABY'S WELFARE. Every mother is ausious that her lit- tle one shall be healthy, good natured acid bright, Every mother can keep her children in this condition if she will give them an oeeasional dose of .Baby's Own Tablets. '.These '.Tablets will eure all stomach arei bowel troubles, destroy worms, and make teething easy. Mrs. T. Covert Massie, Toronto, Ont., says; `:I have used Belle's Own Tablets for my little boy since the was three months old, and find that they agree with hive splen- didly." Sohl by all medicine dealers or by mai, at ?.i cents a box from the Dr. 11i!Iianee Medicine Co., Brookville, Ont. 4 , How High a Tiger Can Jump. Por the benefit of the prospective big game -hunters e cur respondeut finally disposes of the theory that a tiger is unable to jump to any height .Yom all fours. He records that he took refuge in a tree from a particular tier. The beast, however,umped up to elm, "like an indict rubber ball, a good seven feet," and it was only "by letting gp, with my right and ramming both barrels down his mouth that I did not have a very bad time of it." The moral evidently is that when avoiding a tiger it is necessary to find a tree with its lowest branch at least six- teen feet from the ground.—India .h'ield.- BETTER THANSPANKING. Spanking docs not cure chiidren of, bed-wetting. There is a constitutional cause for this trouble. Mrs. M. Sum- mers, Box W. 8, Windsor, Ont., will send free to any mother her successful home treatment, with full instrutions. Send no money, but write her to -day if your children trouble you in this way. Don't blame the child, the ehaneee are it can't help it. This treatment also cures adults and aged people troubled with urine dif- fieulties by day or night. d.M b► His Wall ' ttg Papers. "My sister '11 be down in a minute," 1 said little Carence, who was entertain - 1 ing the young man in the parlor. " l[ heard her tellin" maw a little while ago that site was gonf to give you your writ- ten pm -minion to perambulate to -night. What do you reckon she meant by that?" "I think I know, Clarence," said the young man, reaching for his hat. "Yon may tell her, if you please, that I have decided not to wait for it." impossible Story Beginning. (With apologies to the New York Mail.) "The bank president, signing his name in clear, legible charaeters----" Different Strata. The irresistible high handshake charmed to sleet the immovable low handshake. Whereupon they gave each other the cold shake and pass on. Speeking of Yttcomen. A Inpruurterit. to the late Queen Vie - toile is to be et'aete aptMee, 'Mere were 20 per edit. less marriages in New ' :ork eit r in 1908 than in 1907. By a vote of 31 to t, the ,Oregon Leg- islature iias refased to abolish the whip- ping post for wife -beaters.. German women ;are taking np boxing, and there ere as readier of schools where the art of self-defense is taught. The fellows toe ilio Oeologivai Soeiety of London have. .rejected by fifty votes, to forty a proposal to admit women members. The labor latvs'in Trazlee for the pro- tection of women and children only ex- tend at present to those employed in in- dustrial as distinct from commercial es- tablishments. The )3tlga,riin Parliament has voted to tax bachelors. The proceeds of the new tax will be devoted to the purpose of education. Oyer 27,00 bachelors are effected by the 'tax. The Woman's Medical School at Shanghai reeentlp awarded diplomas to six graduates.. This school was rounded three years ago. rile principal is a Chinese woman, who received an advanc- ed education in Canton and Honk Kong, and there are 3t1 students. Cure, Neur Igic Agolpy No affliction is so painful. so bard to bear, as Neuralgia. it xnay strike any organ—one nerve, or perhaps, a whole set of nerves may be afflicted. Physi- cians who have had large experience. with this malady say local applications aro best. .A. well -tried treatnieut consists of rub- bing the afflicted parts thoroughly with Nerviline. The rubbing should be con- tinued until the skin shows a warm, healthy glow. This itt triably relieves the pain. Protection ati. abut relapse is e ringNo-Nerviline best secu villa Porous Plaster over the weak spot. No. greater healer than a Nerviline Plaster is known ---it draws out congestion, ab- sorbs deleterious secretions through re- laxed pores, acts as a suro preventive against muscular aches, rheumatism, sciatica, stiffness, lumbago and neur- algia. Remember. this. Nerviline treatment has for nearly fifty years been curing chronic cases—it will cureyou, too— give it the chanee. 2,rie bottles of Ner- viline and Nerviline Porous` Plasters 25e each. Sold at ail dealers. Instantly Cures THECas `j rC 1t,t0C.I;,, Kipling lass y a ,i vivid picture of the uttergtosli' ,!filsttarlryalism aroused by the jlatssiaaitl ul I`ar,A Nevertheless we continue in this• Christian land to encourage the youths to strut about with mock soldier garb and mimic guns while their elders talk jingo and paper colonels map out imaginary invasions. If it could be made a part of the "Monroe' Doctrine" that any Haan; on this continent who talked of war should be put in a. straight- jacket, America would give to the world a lesson on the supreme folly of this last legacy of our naked ancestors. Pale, weak and nervous people need a tonic that will build theta up and make them well and etrong. Celery King is the tonic that. will do those things.. Large package 25 cents, at deal- cis ors or by mail. S. O. Wells & Co., Toronto. re hin No Fun, Dorothy's father is a militia colonel, and on a recent occasion she saw hien, in brave array, at the head of his regi- ment. "How do you like your fatherin his uniform?" the colonel asked his small daughter that night.' "You look handsomer than anybody else," said Dorothy, loyally, "and you held your head up as high! But I think they were mean not to let you have a drum to play oni"--Youth's Companion. 4s Minard's Liriment,Relteves Neuralgia. A BIG PROGRAMME. Great Britain will spend on the navy this year the sum of X5,142,700, as against ,232,310.d00- last year—a net increase of £2,825,200. The programrne for the coming year, as laid down by Mr. McRenua, the first lord of the ad- mirality, includes the . following: 4 Dreadnoughts; 0 protected cruisers; 20 destroyers. Besides these, a number of submarine boats will be built, for which a sum of half a million is allowed. Minard's Liniment Cares Dandruff, !Mountaineering, Stella—flow can a man get into so eiety? 13elia—'Tare a wife And an auto that y,re both good clinibere. Many a man boasts that Ws *rite made him wiled she doesn't seam to be particularly . proud .1 the job. itt .w. I) DON'T BE AFRAID that Sunlight Soap will spoil your clothes. There are no inpurious chemicals in Sun- light Soap to bite holes in even the most delicate fabric. $5,000 are offered to any- one finding adulteration In Sunlight Soap. Glc a«; 0ala, 4th55S,4V, t r e, ..,..1•o.®._.., Since Father Got in Politics. Since father got in politics, It doesn't seem the same; lie never takes me on his knee, He never plays a gauge, .He sleeps late in the mornings, Ho comes home late at night; Since father got in politics, Things somehow don't seem right. Since father's got in politica. He's got no elms to stay At home to talk with ma and me; Jle eats and runs away. cervi sometimes, when. he's gone to bed, The door bell rings, and then Ho has to get right up and dregs, And go down town again. Since father's got inpolitics, Ma worries all the while; And .often now I see her ery, But seldom see her smile. And father's erosser than he was, But what makes mother else, Is; when he leaves the hauee without Just kissing her good-bye. Since father's got in polities, Folks talk of him a lot; Thep praise him for the splendid wags And virtues that he's got. And you can bet, It pleases us To hear them ,'heer his name; But eine hes got in. politic':; Things don't just seem the same. Sometimes run takes me on her Itneo. And wipes her eyes and tells That it 1s right that pe should serve The city where he dwells. She says the city needs gouts mea Like pa, but then 1 know Down 1n her heart she wtahes ite Was the pa of long ago. Since father got in politics He doesn't know, I guess, The way ma masse: every day His loving tenderness. I miss it, too, but I'm a boy, An& I oan stand It, though It's rather tough to have to see Your mother fretting so. When I grow up to be a man, (To -day I'm only six); And have a wile as good as ma I'll keep from polities. I won't make her cit and fret Nor sigh for me at all; Her love will be the prize I want, Our home, mq elty hall. e• A Woman's Sympathy Are you discouraged? Is youredoetor's bill a heavy financial load? Is your pain a heavy physical burden? I know what these mean to delicate women—I have been discouraged. too; but learned how to cure m_yyeelf. I want to relieve your bur- dens. Why not end the pain and stop the doctor's bill? I cart do this for you and will if you will assist me. An you need do is to write for a free box of the remedy which has been placed in my hands to be given away. Perhaps this one box will cure you—it has done so for others. , If so, I shall be happy and you will be cured for 2c (the cost of a postage stamp). Your letters held eontl- dentiaily. Write to -day for Inv free treat- ment. MRS. F. F CURRAH, Windsor, Ont. As Much as He Could Be. There is a well-known club roan in Washington, a. man of such conservatism that he is rarely known to answer a plain "yes" or "no" to the most trivial question. On ono occasion, says Ilarper's Dlag- azilte, two women of his acquaintance were discusaaing this peculiarity of the club plan, when ;one of then] announced that she was willing to wager that she could make the conservative individual say "no" flatly. The wager being accept- ed, she addressed the club man thus: "Let me see, Mr. Robinson --you are a widower, are you not?" "As much of a widower. madam," he answered, with at. polite bow, "as it is possible for a man to be who was never married." c. ort 11 new discovery, 'Has more rejuvenating, ^'italiziug force than has ever before been offered Sufferers from lack of vigor and vital weakness which sap the pleesttres of life should take C'. N. One bol: will show wonder- ful results. Fent by mail in plain package only on receipt of this advertisement and one dollar, Address, The Nervine Co., Windsor, Ont. 96• A la Mode. "Yes, Herbert," murmured the lovely maiden, "I will marry you—I don't care whether you are rich or poor!" "My peerless girl!" fervently exclaim- ed Herbert, folding her to his heart. '1 see you have looked the up in Brad - (street's!" ISSUE NO. 16, 1909 HELP WANTED. F w ANV.I.SS1IRS WA;N.txn—BIOST &sauL v IS case; best tea; beet term.% Alfred Tyler, I acdco. Ont. vvANTED—AGENTS—MALE AND ra- mble; make htg money selling our od- fiee and household epeeialtes; entirely new; everyone waute them; write quick. Agencies, Ltd., 595 St. Paul street, Montreal. AGENTS WANTED IN EVERY BANKING town to eon the "5 In 1" Systean of Correspoudenee without envelopes which elilm.- teato the use, expense attd trouble od en- velopee and addressing them. Ileac), exten- sively for letters, notions, invoices. stake- ments, acknowledgments, assessments, ole. Ask your banker about it. They all use it. Bank clerks especially in spare moments will fins selling ""5 in 1" a pleasant and profit- able recreation. Send for samples, The "5 !a 1" Lotter -Envelope Co., Ltd., Toronto. FARMS FOR SALE. 9: Or SALE—Olt TO RENT -140 ACRES. close to Bothwell; good house and fatrat buildtng'e; good Toads; terms easy. Apply 50, G'hbbons, Harper & Gibbons, London, Oen- adat. FS e Pr1-PayO- ,ng Farms in 14 States. Strout's weestwaeleweeres New Monthly Bulletin of Real ' Bargains, profusely illustrated, mailed fres; we pay your R. R. fare. E. A. STROUT CO., Book C I. , Werid'°Lareeat Fars, Dealcog U„iveaaierfnee., Syracs,r,lgir FOR SALE. W OOLL'EN MILL FOR SALE—BEST custom and mail order business la State; age campeis retirement; don't write - unless you mean business. Wm. Lambert, Reed City. MVIichigan. LOTS IN PRINCE RUPERT, THE GRAND Trunk Pacific terminus, will be put 0n the market in May or Juae .nest. Persnua intending to invest should write for infor- mation and advice to the Prince Rupert Real- ty-Comanercial Co., Limited„ 630 Richard street. Vancouver, B. C. 4 GENT•8—BRANCH OFFICE --CREW OR- l;anlzeue wanted everywhere, advertising and introducing 50 New Family Soap assort- ments, seven cakes $1.00; box costs 10e; tal- cum powder pmemtuat; otbens la proportion; handsome packages; competition. beaten 40 ways; general agency pays $50-$100 weekly. Moore Bros., manufacturers (20 years estab- llehed). 288 Greenwich street. New York. LAND WANTED. PEFORE SELLING YOUR SCRIP, WIRE me quantity mud lowest price you will take. subject telegraphic acceptance. you to forward subject eight draft; any beak.. Kon- ning, 354 Main, Winnipeg. W ANTED—SOUTH AFRICAN YETI11R- ens' land warrants; apot Dash paid. W. P. Rodgers, real estate agent, 608 leSelohyro block, Winnipeg. Man. The Wail of a Waitress. (By Ethel lli, Iietly.) IIS had the nerve to bring her here to eat; I seen them corrin' half -way down the street, An' I was ready for them, you can bet. I ain't a-showin' the white feather yet; She's got any- beau, but I don't say I'm beat, I waited till they'd settled in their seat. "Fiuo day," I says to him, real soft and. sweet. "Fine day," he says, °Pf you like your weather 'wet," He had the nerve! Don't say co'word, 1 fixed that couple neat! Iio acted like he's crazy with the Treat; He didn't have no notion what he et. - He can't come to ,jolly up leis vet. She didn't come this ;say with williri' feet— He had the n arse. --September Smart Set. To whom it may concern: This is to certify that I have used MINARD'S LINIMENT myself as well as prescribed it in my practice where a liniment was required, and have never failed to get the desired effect. C. A.KING,M.D. HE'S HERE. (Guelph Mercury.) The punctual robin will soo nsouaui His vernal note so gay, And every hillside will be found In blossoming array; The wind will lightly drift along Among the wakening trees, But ere we join the welcoming song We'll pauae awhile and sneeze. bot Minard's Liniment Cures Burns, etc. -•o Very Ladylike. "I wonder wily they eall that a lady bug?" queried Harry. "Because it's got good manners, and behaves itself, and doesn't go shouting around like a boy, I guess," said Polly. THE FAVORITE "Silent as the S tam!" • ME MLOST rErtrt T <R IBES YOU EVER STRUCK Sys, et;sryw$ei'e in Com, askfir' EdeTy'g ?ItE'ies 19-3 a ter( 'Wh tui'; in oho Inc. eve hay pa, Wei the sou eiti lar; 1813.' "It aloi1 ant bat lion the lois mit tfll she tee the -Yeti Jet Jen nisi '1114 Leel of iia Int the to fin pr to± 3t 7te du 431 '1 Q:4 PV air VC It 31 1 a