HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1909-04-23, Page 44 The Zl rich Herald DQIIIIINtD )liD CD The Lias COODGIIIEDSIDMISID43D NS incorporated 1555 si +aPi'Q'a 4, - $3,500 000 v EST FIIS,;a) „ $3,5 y 0,000 65 Branches in Canada, snd Agents and Correspondents in al. the Principal Cities in the World. A GENERAL- BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. SAVINGS *ANK DEPARTMENT � rr at all 'Branches. Interest allowed at highest current rate. Zurich H. ARNOLD, WIEinager D(��4lDdDi>©� "lam aD et r:^ Ne CID CD ErtraD4 n - ,LEGAL. CARDS. tl. J. D. 000E1E, BARRISTER ANI) 3O- lieitor, Notary Public, Ilensalr , Oates ic. alt Zurich (Zeller's offiee) every Mon- day. PROUDFOOT, RAYS & BLAIP, BAR- risters Solicitors, Notaries Public, etc., Goderich, Canada. Proudfoot. K.C. R. G. Hays. G. F. Blair. BUSINESS CARDS. B. S. iifiLU,EPS, AUCTsON,EE.ar'., Exeter. Sales conducted in all parts. Satis- faction guaranteed or no pay. Terms reasonable. Orders left a;t this office will be promptly attended to. ANDREW F. HESS, FIRE IN,St 1tAN- co agent, representing the London, Economical, `Cat('ili - , ltilonL.rch, Stend- ard, Wellington and a,ruar:.iiaa. Every- thing in fire insurance. H. C DOAN, V. S., AS HAVE PUR- chased back my business from E. W. Stoskopf, 1 am in ai position to attend to all business as formerly. Calls at Rau's Hotel 4 MIN 1.N , ?. k" PU33LI9I[ED BY E. ZELLER. FRIDAY APR. 23rd. 1909 he Was giving her, when suddenly he stew the rapture strike her face ; an illunintttion . that flooded her being with. sunlight and , sent little quivers oi° delight through her beautiful eyes, Following the glance of tiros© eyes' he stLW his brother coming up the path to the house.. Finding the telegram on John's study table on his return home, had followedhim. Dr Drout- lv knew that moment that the niis tress of his heart would be his sister some day. eml asked God to bless thein both lied help him to put the dream away' forever. A montl>nlater,. when Maurice came to tell hila be had won Helen's heart, (To be eentinti.ed) Ethel M. Williams, Pres., Supt. see Tho old fashioned way of dosing a weak stomach, cr stimulating the heart and kidneys is all wrong. Dr Shoop first pointed out this error This is why. his prescription --Dr. Shoop's Bestorative-is directed en- tirely to the cause of these ailments the weak inside or controlling ner- ves. It isn't so difftcult, says Dr Shoop to strengthen a weak stom- ach, heart or kidneys, if one goes at it correctly l:noh inside organ has its controlling or inside nerve. When these nerves fail then those organs must surely falter. These vital truths are lauding druggists everywhere to dispense and reoom mend•Dr Shoop's Restorative. Test it a few daays and see !Improvement will promptly anti surely follow. Sold by 3 J Berner. W. C.T.U. THE CRY OF TIE TWO-THI' DS "You need not be alarmed," he said, nI think you are in no.present danger." "And you sir, you are a physician?" John assented and several ladies nodded at each other as if to say, "I thought as much," and the hotel clerk went immedia- tely to consult the register. The old gentleman knew that bis bene- factor could not be remunerated for his services, but he invited him very cordially to call on hila at his home. "My daughter will want to thank you personally for your kindness," he said. "Do you live far frern here?" asked the Dr. "A- bout a mile" My dear sir, you must not walk that distance, allow ane the privilege of driving you home" so it came about that John met Helen. Mr. Farnham was delighted with his new acquaintance and in- sisted on his removing :from the hotel to his beautiful, old fashioned country house. We live here where we are not rtimbling hither and thither, ho said, it is quiet and pretty, we have spent several suun- mers here and expeet to pass many mere ; onr -winters ere tenni' y %spent abroad. It will be a great , mod ara4. C:arit tru: tettr: tall off Burrs DR. J+. A. SELLERY, DENTIST, GRA- duete of- the Royal College of Dental Surgeons Toronto, also honor gradu- ate sof Department of Dentistry, 'To- ronto university. Painless extraction of teeth. Plate work a speciality. At Dominion House, Zurich, every lion - day. 7-20 E. 7ELLEI6. CONVEYANCER AND Notary Public. Deeds, Mortgages, Wills and other Legal Documents care fully and promptly prepared. Otfice— Zeiler block, Zurich, Out. MUSIC BAN?~v.: LFI'OSITS The Canadian tanking system has stood the test of nearly forty years of changing commercial con- ditions. Despite some defects it has proved to.be well adapted gen- erally to the needs of a new coun- try. The, most striking fact in con- nection with it is the confidence re- posed in the system by the nla ssess of the people The average man's savings are deposited in the vaults IF YOU USE Royal Household Ave Roses. or other Brands of Flour from Rannie's Flour and Feed Store. The best in Groceries at close Prices. All kinds of Feed on hand. • 5. RAN' I E, of the thirtv.nine chartered banks. 'these deposits' steadily mount upward. Nothing checks the pro• gressive aceumnlation. The end of every quarter finds the aggregate deposits to be in excess of the total at the conclasian of the preceding quarter. Fors fa. .few months during the reoeii,t y ante depression the ;vitbdria cr-a t, :i7 l rsn<ls to •meet int it,trl take aidvan t - I S S V. MAASS, Prepares Pupils for the Toronto Con- servatory of Music and other Centres. Adslress 1.41.11111711A1C PAnsoic tc,E. Zurich. FOR SAL -E. 'Pleasure to have you as our guest. Dr Droutly, if you will favor us. And the doctor seeing he would be really welcome accepted the invite 'tion. Helen Furnbatn was then a girl of seventeen and John well is 11 d his heart to her the tirat hour of their meeting, he was 50 normall gond land, with -good ban': barn, i Inane '1ut. e, all in food repair. The fa IU i wanc i a ed 1'c >aty of good water a: i r' '., i l,(. u .:old fw. $;;C00,00, Apply to E. It.11ar, Zarin'. nigh S not naturally susceptible to female charms, no woman had ever inter- ested him seriously. Now the pro- foundest depths of his -being seem• ed moved to do homage to tbis fragile bit of 'Pudding womanhood. He lingered in the country a little longer than he intended, he accept- ed Mr. Farnham's invitation going t bank and fortirbetween Wentworth land the city oecassionally all sum finer. He saw much of the maiden and all be saw confirmed his first impression, but be said nothing to her of what he felt, she was too _ young, neither did he men 'r LODGE MEETINGS 1 itt home to Manrice, who spent the season at a fashionable resort. The tion he 4-1 Court Zurich No. 1240 . .';• . meet, every 1`<t 1111(1 3rd Thorley of each noon nh at a o'clock p. in the A. 0. U. W hall. I ..1. 11 isnx ria, C. 1I. .� a O. TT. , r I. so: , Lodge A.O. • f o S� n. 393 meets the 2nd and 4th Friday of every month, at 8 o'clock, in their hull. Verner Block. halm. \Vxrwrn, 2 I. W. SHORT -HORN BULL Mr. John '-Tey Jr.. has recently purchased Colonel Grant, from 1! . J Graham of Elipl:en, which he will keep for the. improvement of stock, on Isis farm, Goshen Line. next year an urgent Letter of in- vitation from Mr. Farnham was so secouded by the doctor's desires that he visited Wentworth again. At the end of the week, Maurice ran up to -see where the oid'fellow had hidden himself" he was 'Warm- ly welcomed, for his brother's sake and nothing would do but he also must share their hospitality. Per- haps John felt the nearest approach to jealousy that had ever moved his heart when he saw that Maurice seethed equally enamoured as him- self with this beautiful girl. "What an exquisite bit of womanhood" John why didn't yon tell me about her? (as if he could) "A whole year tco ; why I couldn't have kept a secret from you that long, you'•re• not getting selfish, are you, old fellow. and keeping this choice morsel for yourself? that isn't like you, Maurice returned to the city in a few days, hut not to stay ; he soon carne again. After John's vacation was over his brother was at Wentworth, far oftener than himself. Nevertheless John asked Helen to marry bi,n, sorrowfully, tearfully but decidedly. She liked him very Hauch, he was very dear to her, she felt he was far above her and hoped. that he would forget her. The doctor went away half suspecting that this woman he so tenderly loved had already yielded her heart to his brother.. He was sure ot itnot many weeks later. .He was summonded one day by tele- gram to Wentworth and found Mr. Farnham suffering frtittl one of.the attacks be,Intd , .been so, sueee-,ftitl-1 in averting' '"Phe syau} tome ere always alarming; the pain terti 1e ; Dr Droutly had grobl ht,litin.„Inoxe. relief than aey,;phyte' Mita 'rhe''tali' vet nie't. brows Helen, .l iti..;faimr' *'l.t caged se ,tc tel -in a^a 'banks.' t ),...its were on the upgrade i. r e more, and now they appao::iniaate $700.000,000, thus exceeding the preview.; high water mark. It -i$ this ytt'ady, almost Permanent character ot these lig• gregate deposi is and their persi - tent growth than, has enabled the hanks to' use the maximum per. celitage inanci , couices inf meet Neter Furniture Ing the financial, commercial and _ = ZURICH Highest price in Cash paid for Butter and Eggs RR LO Just arrived. Will give closest prices for quick sale P. C. KALBFLE!SCU, Zurich �1 s hwood If you a or Organ—we handle The Bell. When in need of a Sewing Machine—we han— dle the New Williams and Raymond. No agent's commission. to pay....that goes to you. want Piano industrial needs n 1 f the c�ounfiry s This permanent character of: the Arriving Every Day , s 's savings, no doubt, has people s ., 1,• been contributed largely by the Our Stodk is the largest we ever carried and, fact that over a lana term of rears the depositors of Canadian ban's • our prices the Very Lowest. have been wholly immune from losses. The consciousness of� they Stockg of Bay Carriages double liability of shereholdsrs stands between the depositu*s and 1 Go -Carts .and Folding Beds the lose of their money is in ;re,Bat, the very latest will arrive abouttreasure responsible for the coned: enco placed in those in;stitutions'by the general public.. Any consider- able lessening of this confidence would result in the withdrawal of funds and in a corresponding re- duction of the ability of the banks to meet the country's financial re- quirements. For this reason the proposed abolition of the double PEMU BE Colonel Cram, 7 509 t roan, calved Marcia 28th 190e, teed liy IS J t,rttham, Kippen Out., sired by Sir Walter. 60450; Proud Duke, 31030; Sultan of Riverside, 22094; Bravery, '10519; Prince Albert, 3600, Sir Roger, 39.10; Liberator, 148; (36893) General Grant, 6138; Briton, 376: Napoleon, 862; Prince Albert, 943; Refor- mer (imp) 212; Warden (1563) Rockingham (5C,0) Sir Harry (1444) Colonel (152) Col- ling's son of Hubbaok (319). Dam, Sally 07847; Maple Leaf, Sarepta Valley, Goseh- en Queen, Dora„ Nancy, Sousie, Sally, Deeny, Venus, Strawberry, Lily (imp) 302, Beauty. Rheumatic• poisons are quickly and surely driven out of the blood ''•r.,�A with Dr Shoop's Rheumatic; Reme- dy. -liquid or tablet form Dr Shoop's booklet on Rheltnmatism plainly and interestingly tells just liow: this is. clone. •. Tell- some •si f£ere ' of this L____ book, or batter still. write Dr lbhoep,`1tecine, Wis. for that book • and ,free test: samples.. Send no tYT•ainsre, ;last 'loin with Dr Shoop liabilities of shareholders shots receive no consideration. If :an in crease in the capital stock "of' the banks in proportion to their assets and liabilities is thought necessary some other means of bringing about such a development shonld be soug ht than the elminatiol, )f this prim. ary safeguard of the depositors. Born HATTER—At tiro Goshen Lino Stanley, on the 17th inst.. to 14ir. and Mrs. Harry Hayter, au son. d Th t C id To cheek early, rotde'or Grippe with "Provender means sure defeat for Pneumonia.. To stop a cold ,with Preventics is safer thauto let it run and be obliged to cure it afterwards. To bo sure, Pre- ventics will cure even a deeply seated cold, but taken early—ata the sneeze.stage; they break, or Tlead off these early colds. That's surely better. hat s why they Ott called Preventics. Prevoatiesaee little Candy Cold Cures. 'No gtiin- ine. nophysic,, nothing sickening. Nice for the ehildren—and thoroughly safe too. If you feel ,otreventieif s, Promptness en ou ache niay also sl ive half yothink ur usual sickness, .,1nd dont forget your child, if there is !even:411mm nightor day. Ilerein prob 'lig lies Preventice greatest; of ieieney. • Sold in tit the pocket, also.iii 250 boxes of 48 ventics., Insist on Tour druggists giving you 0 ur Undert. kh ig Stock April 1st. Our stock is now one of the;largest we have ever carried. Ow ing to the big Casket factory being burnt out in London, was have clubled our stock, so we are prepared to meet all orders. When in need of the above give us a call. Our business has (lui>led in the last eight year?. T E i . ya l .,,A0 Furniture and Undertaking DASD VY OOD sen. -e---m..sea===asswetemnereamennaanaesres==etneres=reseeceeestemm Every Farmer Should Have a Good Telephone A telephone, in a farmer's hone, not only enables him to keep constantly posted as to market prices, but saves hint need less trips to town. If a telegram or other important message comes, it can be delivered without loss of time. It will, at a moment's notice, summon a doctor and may be the means of saving your wife or your child's life. A telephone is useful in a hundred different ways and ''should have a place in every home—town and country. The Cost is only $12. a year We are making. preperations..for.•Spring Work and those,desirini connections should complete their contracts before the 1st of April. .rattles its town or near present lines can be con- nected on short notice. E. ZELLER, Zurich