HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1909-04-23, Page 2tin T i t JSH
tonne Ministers Dismissed and Some
I/glutinots Troops Carried the Day
in Constantinople.
Futon and Progress Committee Had
Too Match to Say.
Oonst.autineple, April 19. (onstan-
iinasople is quieter this morning after the
reciting ocetrrrenees of yestei-duy-, and
Liminess is gradually being resumed. A
majority 'of the garrison, however, still
occupy positions in front of the (`•ham-
ier of ,Deputies and the liar Office,
where they await the formation of a
mew Cabinet. The night; however, was
• enc of alarm. 'l'lte troops eeie.brated the
overthrow of the Young Turks by firing
mellifluous rifle vu11' ys. This alarmed
the entire population of the city, The
people were ignorant of the cause of the
raring, and thought a fight ryas going on.
The Sultan had granted practically
till the demands of the: riotous troops,
gamely, the adoption of the Sheri laws
as the baele for new breve; the dismissal
of the (;rand Vizier. the Ministers of
War and. Marine, and Ahmed. Rise, Prr.-
tident of the C'hsmbvr, the latter to be
replaced by .stint. Kemal, provisional
leader of the Liberel Union: the re-
dnevad from (lunstaurr.t.rltle of Hussein
Vapid, the chief editor (if :Tanen, ami of
Tiahmi and .favid, deputies from Salon -
lea; the appointment of %olirab, an in-
fluential member of the liberal Union,
io be Vice -President of the Climber of
Deputies, and fleetly the removal of the
officers of the 5ulonira• battalions of
The casualties resulting from the riot-
ing of yesterday include Nozinn P.aele ,
Minister or ;teethe in the late Cabinet,
who was mistaken for Sett Pasha, Min-
ister of Marine. and. )tilled; Riza Pa lta,
Minister of %Marine•, who was wounded,
and Sadik Pasha.. who was killed. 'I')tere
were also several casualties among the
'l'he (vent: of ye.fenley (eune as a
surprise to noltedy in (:•cu! tantiaople.
An upheaval was expect ed as a result of
the recent developments and the inereae-
ing dictatorial method, of the Committee
of t?nionn and Progreve The ince.ttive
to the movement appears to have eman-
ated from the reesently formed Atc•.banr-
reedan -Teague.
Notwithstanding the ithseeee of the
oornrnissioned officers. the troops ob-
served splendid discipline. The deputies
arriving at the 'house of Parliament
were sslpted by ,them; a. feet 1 het show-
tpr'r;d. theheineihentent et tt_s not hostile to the
eonstittttion. There teas :e certain
o.mount of desultory tiring during the
day, but it ;sac mostly into the air.
When it was Imirned alert their de-
mands had been granted. the mutiniers,
beaded by a band, marched. to i ildit
Kiosk for the purpoCe of acclaiming the
Sultan. They requeked his majesty to
repair to Stamboul and wear the "green
turban" in order to feet.ify his respeet
for religion. On their way to Yildix
Kiosk the troops were cheered by the
people, with cries of "hong live the
Mohammedan religion."
fi --
Ise Europe -America Navigation
New Porn. April 19.- Supreme .111--
1.iee Hendrick approved yesterday the
certificate of incorporation of the .Eur-
ope -America Aero Navigation. Society.
The corporation is formed to promote
flights in dirigible balloons across the
Atlantic Ocean from 'Europe to Ameri-
ca and to aid. assist and encourage, fin-
ancially a.Itd Otherwise, aeronantin in-
ventors to advance the development; of
the set see of aerouaut.ics to awaken
and stimulate interest in aeam:retie
!Sports, and to propagate aerial naviga-
tion by the dissemination and publiea.
tion of literature, lectures, exhibitions
and otherwise. The horse office of the
society will be in .New fork eity, but
the society proposes to establish
branches throughout the world.
Waned Manitoba Government to
Take Care of His Cash.
Winnipeg, April 19. An old Amer.
loan farmer from DeeMoines walked in-
to the immigration offices to -day and
remarked that he wanted 1.0 buy land in
this country. but wanted to look around
before doing to. He confessed that be
knew nothing of banks or people, but
bad confidence in the integrity of the
Government. Ile therefore asked the
officiate to lake. rare of Itis old wallet
until he ltad picked his farm. He handed
it over to the eoninriseioner, who on
opening it found it eontaiiaed the sura
eef $25,000 in greenbacks. It was banked
for the old mein in the name of the
This is a good sample of the class of
Immigrants corning in from the eolith
this spring. One dry last week there
*sere thirty home -seekers teem the Staten
who reported at the immigration office,
land the smallest punt that any 'of thein
had in cash 11't5,00(). The wealth :shat
is being br oilgirl in the: spring is astoo-
Heavy Sentence on Holland Fm
Forgery at St. 1 homas.
'.Toronto despatch: Christopher A.
ilollu.ud made his this'd appearance be-
fore Magistrate Denison yesterday in
the Police Court. This time he was up
connection with a forgery ease at St.
Thontada, in which he succ ieedod in ob-
taining $2,50f1,' 11e adruitted Itis guilt,
and t+as sentenced to serve five and r.
half years in the penitentiary, the eon-
teneie to run concurrently with that
imposed upon hint a few weeks ago,
when lie was sent down for five year.
His latest eeutenee iueana that he will
have an itdditional six months to
The Dominion Express Company
were the complainants, and the infer•
merino wits sworn to by W. 1I. Welch,
Superintendent of the i1auadiaa lleoe
tine Bureau.
Everyone Needs a Tonic in the
Spring to Build Up the Mood.
If you want new health an,l etrengtlt
in the spring you mist 1ui)d -up your
blond with atonic.. rut'dieine. After the
Jong indoor `Ai -inter months are past
enoet people feel depressed and easily
tired. This mean- that the blood is
impure and watery. 'That is what causes
pimples and un:iglitly eruptions. To
this sane condition is due attacks of
rheumatism, the sltarp stabbing pains
of neuralgia. pour appetite. frequent
hsadawhes and a desire to avoid exer-
tion. These troubles cttn all he banish-
ed by the use of 1)r, Williams' Pink'
Pills. Every doee of this medicine
makes new, rich blood v Luer 3L•ivis °et
impurities, stimulates eery organ,
strengthens every nerve and tieriny a
feeling of new• health and energy to
weak, aired out, ailing sten and women.
Mrs. Frank .Murphy. ('Iark's Harbor, N.
say., '_A year ago I was completely
riot down and nay work toxemic a burden
to me, 1 felt tired all the time, and
could drag myself about. 1 was advised
to try 1)r. Williams' Wink Pills and af-
ter taking three or four boxes was
again in the beet of health. 1 think Dr.
.Williams' Pink Pill; will prove a friend
in need to ell who are week and ail-
Sold by all ruedieine dealers or by
mail at 50 cents a box or six been fur
$2.50 from the 1h•.. Williams' Medicine
Co,, Brockville, tint.
Prof. Cross Appointed to a New
England College.
Boston .Leis., April 19.- pr,rfrx.,�r
George Cruse, e, of )cluster Uuiver-
eity, Toronto, was unaniruouely chosen
to till the chair of Christian theology
in the Notion '1'heolct ieal Institu-
tion nt the meeting or the hoard of
Prix teee of that Meth:ot er held this
afternoon. As it had already been
fairly well ,teo'ired that Prof. Gross
would consider the invitation favorably t
it is expected lie will begin hi- duties
next •`;eptember. Ile will in-treet ilte
middle and senior cl iesee in theology.
Prof. Cross hae s•tnclletl in both this
country :ted (;erm:ley and "leas won
a1-tnlend0 di.lin01lon in both eount.ries,
l.le w•as< born Of English parentage at
Northumberland, Un1„ in 1802. lle
is married anti ha- two young clangh-
te15. .At the hietitration lie succeeds
the 110v, 1)r. \Fond-. ivhn retired last
year, 'flue year lir. iT. C. Sheldon, of
Boston t'1t)etr.it;t•, has been cnuritieting
the ecnire0,
Has Fallen Off Sixty Per Cent. Since
Hard Times Arrived.
Pittsburg. April 19. - .These the bi-
monthly di1 orre eniu t opened 111 Pitts-
burg to -day it was di+t'ovcred Chet di-
vorces have felleu oft in Pitt -horn about
60 per rent. in the lee! fifteen month-,
The bt.tehiese depr is iou is eh en as the
cause by idle attorney.,
Ther were loony tumorous inei-
clentf, re 0(1[111. t u•d5y. Airs. Adds
Swartz aske a divoree bet'ause ale.
says her hn.b,uid nns).ts on praying at
, 4 rt. m. William D. Walker, who got
married) or. t'hri-hits„ Day, says his
wife 1)04011rne intoxicated on New S'ear's
Day and made love to another pian. M1-,
Virginia. Cu,1er ',aye her hnebei el playa
the mouth organ while she has to chop
o r d
Wife May Draw His Pay for a Year,
Rules McKeesport's Mayor.
New Volk, April 19. ;\ dispatch to
The Tribune from McKeesport, Pa.,
says: Harry 5. Arthur, kite eesoe t'a
thirty--year_-ole Mayor, who, also sir••s
as Police Magistrate. ruled to day :hat
any 0)50 found drunk and brought le-
fore ]vivo must sign papers permitt=ng
his wife to draw .rix eatery for one
year from date. A six mouths' sentence
ir: the wvorkhouee will bei the alternative,
1f a "drank" has eo wife his neat
of kin will draw hie wages, it being the
inteetiou of the new Maya to shame, if
1 possible, the drunken uteri of Melte-a-
elte- r -part into sr,bii0iv.
EXPERT i "E..TS ,...
The members of the Ontario` Agri-
cultural and Experimental Hetien are
pleased: to state that for 1909 tlitiy are
prepared to distribute into every
township of Ontario material of high
(Iualilee for experuuertts with fodder
creel, roots, grains. graese`. ,,glovers
and fertilizers, as'followa-e:
No. Experiments. Plote.
I -Three varieties of oats 3
Ile -Three varieties of six -rowed
2b -Two -Varieties of two -rowed
3 -Two varieties of hullese bar-
ley ... 2
4 -Two varieties of spring wheat 2
5 -Two varieties of -buckwheat, 2
6 -Two varieties of field peas..
7 -Enamor and spelt . - •
8 -Two varieties of soy, soja, or-
Japaneee beans' ... •
9 -Three varieties of husking
corn.... . ...
10 -Three varieties of mangels
11 -Two varieties of sugar beets
for feeding purposes .. 2
12 -Three varieties of Swedish
turnips .. ... ' .. , • 3
16 -Two varieties of fall turnips. 2
14 -Two varieties of carrots ... .. 2
15 -Three varieties of fodder or
silage corn .... 3
'16 -Three varieties of 'millet , . - , - - 8
17 -Two varieties of sorghum , ... 2
18 -Grass peas and tt't: v^rieties
of vetches
19 -Rape, kale and fiele .iibage, 3
20 -Three varieties or , ver - 3
21 -Testing two varieties n' alfalfa
t l r Berne? - , , . .
22 -Four varieties of grosses , . , , 4
23 -Three varieties of Reid beans 3
24 -Three varieties of sweet corn 3
26 -•-Fertilizers with Swedieh tur-
nip 6
2i --Sowing mangels on the level,
and in drills ... . , , .. 2
28a -Two varieties, of early pot-
28b -Two varieties of medium rip-
ening potatoes . . , ... 2
28c -Two varieties of late potatoes 2
29 -Three grain mixtures for grain.
production - ... -. .-- ., 3
- .1'1 -tee mixtures ofgrasses and
clover, for hay . , ... 3
Each plot is to be 2 rods long by 1
rod wide, except No. 28, which is to
be one rod square.
Any person in Ontario ntay choose
any ONE of the expedite its for 1909
end apply for the stab , "::a material
will be • furrtr�lt l b- the order in
which 11,e ap; It s,;: a^'a see +red
while t1 i'. $tt
well for sae
second elieri"
not be granted. All •: oil
furnished entirely' fee
it, 1,d i ix ?+tgtit
veil'f• be
to to
each applicant, and i:lti t , will,
of course, become the pxtopeitf et the
person who conducts the exp r iznt,
C. A. Z ,1TYi'Z,
Ontario &nricultural College,
Temperance Workers May Open
Coffee Houses in Toronto.
Toronto, April 19.- With the feeling
that a. )f( -eat responsilwility rested upon
theta to ?uppit something to take the
place of the bar -rooms in the forty
hotels to be Out off at the end of
the Montle, and also to compete with
the hays which will continue in bush
nesse representative tenpera:nce workers
gathered last night in the Euclid Avenue
Methodist. Church. Although t)te meet-
ing was only intended for those living in
the west. enol, there trete quite a number
present from other parte of the eity.
Following addresses by Rev. A. L. Geg-
gie, Ret. W. 11 )Jiueke, Dr. Wiekett and
Mr. J. (1. -McCarthy,and- a discussion,
it was decided to establish coffee houses
or some such places in the- city.
The class of institution a'nd the ate.
rangetnents for tarrying opt' the plans
were left with committees, who will re-
port. at another meeting, .,
An Unusual Scene Witnessed in
Streets of Buffalo.
Pffatlo, .April l9. -..Sheriff Henry Serge
yesterday 'destroyed $1,500 worth of con-
traband liquors recently deseovered by
an excise agent in a William street
speak-easy.. 'Five hundred gallons of
wine, five barrels of beer, and numerous
bottles of whiskey, gin and other liquors
were emptied into the gutter of one of
the principal business streets, while a
wondering crowd looked ou. ']'his is the
first scene of the kind fro this county, as
it was the first sei.xure tend destruction
ander a, recent aniendrnent to the state
exeise haw,
They Were Taken by a•Wcrrwc:.. Trap-
per in Delaware. '
Georgetown, Del,, April 10.• --Dela-
ware's only woman trapper has closed •
a profitable senses, htt'eiittg trapped
and skinned, unaided, about 230 musk-
rate, and elearecl eonsiderably .over $100
for her work.
Airs, .Torres lives dot a marsh faun
at Cave Nook, and, although having,a
large fa.rnily, manages the faun 'attl
does trapping every winter after the
farm work is done.
Gilbert Lee, From lYlisnneaflolis,
Snnffocattd in His Car.
Eeteven, Seek., April 19. --bast night
as the immigration train in charge
of Conductor Foote arrived at Pinto
siding smoke was noticed coming out
of one of the ears. The train was stop-
ed at once, and it was''£ound that the
car, which was occupied by Gilbert Lee,
an immigrant from Blooming Prairie,
Minn„ billed for Bawlf, Alberta, with
ordinary settlers' effects was on fire,
13y hard work it was extinguished by
water from the locomotive, but not un-
til Mr. Lee and two head of cattle and
his poultry had been suffocated.
Coroner Davies has decided that an
inquest is unnecessary, as Lee had ew_--
deutly gone to sleep with his lantern
burning, which exploded. None of the
animals wero saved except his dog.
t W+r C
Toronto Mali the Victim of Brutal
Toronto despatch; Lying uneonsei-
ous on the siciewaik on Jarvis street,
near Du<dtess, with his head a mass of
bruises; .James Dillon. aged 35 years,
was found by P. c.'. Morris last night.
He Was hurried in the pollee ambulance
'to St. Michael's .hospital. where at an
early hour this morning he was report-
ed to be in a dying condition.
Investigation by the police remitted
in the arrest late Last aright of two
men who are note .being held in the
Court street police'. station on charges
of aggravated assault, which in the
event of Dillon dying will be ehanged to
Manslaughter. The main are Harry
Snider, aged 40 years, of 113 .Jarvis
street, and Harold Evans, egad 27, of
1513 Markham street, these being the
addresses they gave when arrested.
According to the pollee. Dillon's ter-
rible Injuries are the result of a
drunken row at 113 Jarvis street last
Dillon and the two prisoners, it is
said, were in the house in eompany
with two women schen a quarrel broke
out. Snider and Evans, it is alleged,
attacked Dillon, and. knocking Irina
down, kicked and beat hits about the
heath aria body. He was then thrown
downstairs, carried out, and left cm the
sidewalk, where the constable found
The two women who were said to
have been 111 the house when Millon
was assaulted were taken into custody
as material witnesses. They are Bessie
1♦rnyley and Mrs. Era Snider, were. of
gone: of the prisoners.
Philadelphia Woman Hid Her Monsey
in Her Pompadour.
tl'aendan, N..1., April 19. •-Accor ling to
a story she to;d Reorder Stackhouse
today, Margaret Citron. of Philsiielphia,
has been banking her surplus cash in
the 'rat" wb'eh she uses to increase the
size of her pompadour. Louis Bishop was
the defendant on charges of asonult and
highway robbery. The c:nmpiainant said
that he had learned the hiding place of
her money and had knocked her down,
disarranging heir coiffure and taking $60
therefrom, beside one of a pair of pearl
earrings. This last was fonnd in Bishop's
eel), after the Recorder had held him
without bail for 0•onrt.
Drunken Indian Attempts to Walk
Across High Bridge.
Cornwall, Ont deepttteh: A St.
Regis Inciiten, Abraham Peters, who
heel • been employed oat the canal re-
pairs here, eet on r spree, with some
other Indians yesterday, and in et -
tempting to cross the 0, es le. Y. bridge
some time during the night evidently
fell off and struck. on his back at the
river's edge, 55 feet below. Death must
have been instantaneous. Peters was
23 years of age. Coroner Hamilton is
satisfied that death was due to acci-
dent, and, therefore, will hold no . in-
a . -
Western Physicians Want Uniform
Law and Uniform Examinations.
Winnipeg, April 19. -Physicians and
surgeons of western Canada are about
to hold a conference here in the near
future 1.0 discnss the question of a uni-
fonn law for the profession in the west
with a uniform examining board of
higher qualifications.. Delegates have
been appointed from Manitoba and
Alberta, and no doubt Saskatchewan
will he represented, although their have
no college of physicians at present. The
doctors will work along the lines sug-
gested) in the memorable Roddiek bill,
tallith, was killed in the Federal
It is understood. that Ontario physi-
cians, who were partly responsible for
the death of that measure, are now will-
ing to so -operate with the western mem-
bers of the profession along the same
Much Damage Done by Rochesterr..
Three Churches, Business Block
and 40 Houses Burned,
Heavy Downpour of Rain Helped
to Put Fire Out,
Rochester. N. Y., .April 19,--:Reviri!.d
estimates of the damage caused by yen••
terday's spectacular fires place the lova
at between $4()0,000 and $500,000. Three
ch -orches, an entire business block and
forty houses were destroyed, hundreds
were made homeless and scores wero
thrown nut of employment by the care•
flag -ration, the most serious 'Awe the
fire of 1004 in the retail dry goods die:.
'1'1ta seorem of fires, some stceide.zfx;,
and some incendiary, with when Robes -
ter has been afflicted, have resulted n
an increase of 25 per cent in fire insur-
•tnc'e rates by the State Board of Fire
Underwriters. '1'be ('ommon Council o?
the eity has increased the amount. of
the reward. offered for the apprehension
of incendiaries from $1,(11)0 to $2,000, at-
though it was practically decided 13114.1)
yesterday's fire was not due to tire,
torch of the firebug.
Throughout the night streams of wai•
er were played lin the r ioudlering mime
by the firemen, who were relieved at in-
tervals by volunteer organizations.
The heavy downpour of rain which in
gan early in the evening and eontinued
most of the night gave assurante c°
lessening danger from flying embers, het,
caused much damage to household at
festa, which had been hastily thrown oat
of the house's in the path of the flames
by the panic-stricken necnpattts.
'.Those whore homes had not Leen ;at •
terially damaged by the fire wero t,t.r,y
at work carrying their effex'ts hack tat
r.heir dwellings.
Found P'la-ing With a Snake Caile4
Round Her Arm.
'New York, April 19. ---After a terra;
hunt, process servers located Mrs, • i,, s
elyn Nesbitt Thaw at :t house on We+
33rd street last evening, and served pa.,
Pers in supplementary proceedings, :r
the suit of Afros Eliza Hartung, a mtt-
liner, who got judgment against Ws.
Thaw last September for 8253. Mrs.
Thaw was found playing with a snake,
which wag sailed around her ief1 arm-
When told of the proceedings, she Haid:
"1'li be there, but the whole thing is u
farce. 1 don't, owe the money;'
He Was Last Seen Floating Oyez
the North Sea.
London, April. 19.- -eriou» fenei
are felt here for the safety of
French aeronaut named Bellamy, 'was
went up in a balloon from the Crysta'.
Palace yesterday. His balloon zeta
last seen twenty-four hours ago paws•
ing over the Tele of Sheppey, at the
mouth of the Thames. The airshif
was then flying low, but 13ellamy threw
out some of his ballast and disappearee
in the clouds over the North Sea.
Ottawa Man Had to Pay a Five Dob
tar Fine.
Ottawa, April 19.--Beeanee a utas•
named. St. George furnished his 10-year-
<iltl son Emil with a cigarette he wee
this morning in the police court aseessem
$3. The fattier pleaded ignorance of the
law, Young Emil was noticed on Date
ltousie street by apoliceman, and he
diminutive size prompted the officer tic
enquire as to how long the lad had beer
smoking and where he secured his to
bate°. The boy inneeentiy owned
that his father had bought the eigaretts-
for him. The fine was pail.
Work at Port Hood, N.S,, Collieri-e;
Was Resumed Yesterday.
Halifax, April 19. -The ]'ort klwxl
coat miners' strike is settled and the mer
resumed work to'd314'. About 350 urea
quit world sevenee arfitNe ago and sinew
then the mines bare been idle.
satisfactory solution of tee trouble was
remelted, and there was general rejoioipt
when work was started ep again to -day
The 'eteamer John Irwin, which hoe
been laid up here since the strike, left
to -day to load coal f� Halifax.
Killed by Workmen in a 5t. Peter*
burg Factory,
5t. Peterebnrg, April 10. --;tax J'ohn-
stou, the foreman of a big English Note
tory in St. Petersburg, was murdered
yesterday by men in lnas employ. :I.'lta
tivorkneen were dissatisfied 4rith the
Baster gratuities given their by John
stun. They pinned hint to fhb ground.
'with a heavy bobbin and beat him to
death 'with repos,