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The Herald, 1909-04-23, Page 1
The Official Organ of .,sic] and Hay Township. Vol, 1X. ILOCAL NEWS. 7� �16 mo See our line of baby carriages and go-carts, J. Praetor. Mrs. Schluchter of Michigan is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Rupp. D. S. Faust has a fine ranee of hats in his millinery department. Give him a call. Mr, Jacob Gingerich wishes to announce that his chopping mill at Blake, will bo run once a week, every Friday. Our picture and picture framing department is now complete. Call and see our stock. Charges moder ate, at Hartleib's. Mr. F. Hess Sr., was in Goderich on Wednesday, in connection with the suit of Hay Township vs 0. Bissonette and Napoleon Cantin. Mr. Daniel Surerus Sr., of the .Bronson Line, is•very low at pre• sent, and as he is 88 years old, his recovery is doubtful. Mr. Geo. Blackwell spent a few days near Brussels with his brother in-law Mr. Frank Lattimore, who is very poorly. Miss Josephine Howald and brother Herbert, left on Tuesday for Crystal City, Manitoba, where they expect to make their home for the summer. Mr. Frank E. Denomy has sold his farm near St. Joseph, to parties interested in the future greatness of that place. There were 32i, acres and the price paid $2300.00. Dutch setts are being eagerly disposed of at 3 cents per ib, at present, and the prospects are that a good many pounds will have to be thrown away in this section. FRIDAY MORNING. APR. 23, 1909. N o. 40. A fine line of carpets just arriv- ed, at D. S Faust. Miss Ida Sipple is visiting friends in Detroit, this week.. For an easy wringer mop. Call' on C. Fritz, Zurich. We have a quantity of seed corn on cobs for sale, at 25 cents per doz, at Hartleib's. The pupils of Miss Elizabeth Rennie gave their first recital at home, on Monday evening. M. and Mrs. Jacob Kellerman and family, visited with Mr. and Mrs. 0. Fritz, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Molsaac of Crediton, visited the latter'.s par- ents Mr. and Mrs. J. Ort, on Sun- day. Dr. Oven's Surgeon, Oculist, Specialist will he at Royal Hotel, Hensall, on Friday, Apr. 23rd. Hours 5 to 10 p. ni . Glasses pro- perly fitted, Catarrh, deafness, fail- ing eyesight 'and throat troubles died on Sunday after a short illness, treated. Missionary meeting; - Tbes service in the .Baptist church next Sunday afternoon at 2,30.. arm take the form of a missionary meeting. Mr. Tasker, a. missionary, just returned from India, and Egypt, the land of the ancient Pharaohs, will address the meeting Do not miss this op- portunity of hearing of the gospel's workings in other lands. All are welcome. No colleetion. For an up -to date dress shirt. Call at D. S Fiitxst. Mr. Poterfield, gave a taffy party to his friends, Friday evening. 'For something nice in a real fine shoe, for spring. . C.. Fritz, Zurich Messrs. P. Lam nit and C. Fritz were to .Ailsa, Craig on Saturday, to look at a beav'y horse. The 13 year old boy of Mr. John Schilbe of the 14th Con. shot a wild goose last week, ,. Just received another shipment of grey granitewaro at bargain prices, J. Preei;er. There will be'service in the Ev• angelical church next Sunday morning and evening. Mr. Ed. Morenz of Detroit, is visiting relatives and friends here at present. I?. S. Faust has a line range of linoleums, 4 and 2 yards wide. Come and see ttehl before you buy'. Miss Pearl Wurtz and Miss Mabel McKinley left '=on Wednesday tor Alma College, " St.„ Thomas, to re- sume their studies. Miss Verna Jacobe and Miss Bell Kyle spent their Easter holidays at the home of Addie and Vietta Green. The many friends of Rev. A. D. Gischier and family, will be pleas. ed to hear that they will remain in town another year, or possibly two years, as a change has been made in the rules of the Evangelical con- ference,' whereby ministers may remain five years at one place. The home of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Klopp, 14th Con., was the scene of a large gathering on Friday even- ing, in honor of the newly married couple. There were about a hund- red guests, and all enjoyed them- selves. The evening was spent in dancing and other amusements, and a nice lunch was served at 12 o'clock. Surveyors are busy, running a line through the township for an electric railway. The line has been staked out through Beaver Meadow and is heading for Slab - town . labtown. Our busy little town will have to stand aside and watch its neighbor's grow. We are not look- ing for an earthly railway anyway, as our ultimate hopes are centered in aerial navigation. Mrs. Henry Schafer of Kippen 8 1 8 8 1 1 1 8 g W ren The deceased lady was sve known in town, being a 'sisi;er Of Cas date John Deidhert, who diel a few weeks ago. The late Mrs. Louis Kraft of Dashwood was n sister, and another sister, Mrs, Abel Wal - per, is living in Berlin. The re- mains were interred in the Lu,.lae- ran cemetery on Tuesday after- noon. The relatives have the sin- cere sympathy of all in their afflic- tion. A meeting of the Gun Club will be held at the Commercial this (Friday) evening ;At 8 o'clock. All interested are reclnested to attend. The "W. C. T, :I7.' will meet in the Evangelical chureh for its regular meeting Wednes,ay afternoon, April 28th. Rev 74. E. Geiger of Pembroke will deliver an address. All are invited, For the next 30 slays we will give a nickel lusted, alisrm clock, valuer ture at $2.00, with every $10.00 furni- 3. ' Our prices on ant ed as low as any at Hartleib's• furniture gdar, and a better vi Mr. Auigt tt and respeetedi,^+ died snddenl;*. on Monday, at and 7 days. on Weduesd Line ceixi Bo o: bens good Sense lawn bras be '" ged and a club honse ;will be baits on the grounds. The foliciwing oflliers were elected Preis., Dr. B. A (Campbell. Vice - Pres., Peter Lamont, Sec-Treas , Andrew Hees, Exeeutive committee Dr. B. A. Campbell, P. Lamont, A. Heideman. ooader. an old itt of Dashwood. heart failure, e of 72 years eras was held bit to Goshen eot i.ng for lull for as`lo and a. ad. for. The I have put in a big stock of Wall Paper for Spring. y invite one and all to come and see my beautiful stock. Prices reasonable. All Farm Produce take. in Exchange for Goods. D. 5. FAUST ZURICH VIWWWWMARAWMINWMFAINAMMYA THE U P:TO: DATE HOE Headquarters for the best that is trade in Boots and Shoes. • Complete lines in Fall and Winter Goods at prices which will save you lnoney. We are sole agent, for the famous Wil- liams staple shoes,'nlade specially for farm wear Complete range Williams patent leggings, the best on earth. King's Stub proof and Kant Krack Rubbers. Repairs while you wait. • We take butter and eggs in exchange. V 04 O. 4iD THE, SHOEMAN - ZURICH �V�p.,�.p..�Ocic.�•�J../�'•.!^••Oa.-t-V.� ��•�c�-'uccp''�u`"o/% -x-r i 3'tr2x3E' #3F 'E3 SX"XaM3£3I3i3 ':3=r` 3a£sr: i ? `af. Sas { a iIik•efv are, owls y of spring Milli nin 4 . E cordially invite you to visit our formal opening dis- play of Spring Millinery, which takes place .on Thursday, Friday and Saturday, April 1st, 2nd & 3rc1, and following days. Wo have spared no pains to make this a notable showing of correct Millinery for Spring 1900. Miss Colvin, who has had charge of this depart- ment for the past two seasons, is with us again, and the ladies of Zurich and vicinity may be sure that their wants in this line will receive the best attention. You are heartily Welcome to visit our Show Rooms whenever and as often as you please. Latest Wall Papers Do not miss seeing our large stock of new Wall papers, Borders, etc. Bigger and better than ever. All prices. Linoleums, Oilcloths, Etc. We have a large stock of linoleums, in very prettry patterns, also oil cloths, window shades, rollers, etc. 0 E take special pleasure in naming our Store the Dress Goods Store of Zurich, and this season the name is more appropriate than ever, as our stock of Dress Goods is bigger and better than ever before, Neither effort nor money has been spared in procuring the best and la- test fabrics manufactured, and our large and well -assorted stock is ready for your inspection whether you buy or not. Our stock of Spring Dress Goods consists of the following lines, in all the popular shades and colors : • WOOL POPLIN WOOL MPP DUCHESS VENETIAN ROYAL COSTUME CLOT11 RICIIESS COSTUME CLOTII SHADOW STRIPE °STRIPE CORD POPLIN SVOOL SANTOY WORSTED SUITING` WOOL :MELROSE WOOL TIUCOTINE 130'I'ANY PANAMA SATIN CLOTH CHIFFON PANAMA DUCHESS SATIN q'+bti... .,....orshv.s Uardw.. re ar aa.hlis Victor Flour Sifters Granite Dippers, reg S5 et; far 3 qt granite sauce pans. . 6 qt granite sauce pans Pant and skirt hangers 2 foot wood rules 3 • From 5Oc. to $1.50 a yard �. •. �. ,, ass i'x.Tet Paints trAmmenumnftwitsvanamesA .10 Iron block planes .. ,, ..... . .15 100 ft clothes line wire.... .15 50 ft clothes line wire ... , - .25 Large 7 inch scissors .. • . • • • •• .10 Pocket scissors .. • • . • . • •. .10 Snap Hand Cleaner Get our Prices onFencing-, Roofing, Eavetr©ughing,'tc. Ali Work -Guaranteed 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 J. PREETER, ER, `^N 1 3i 3 3 4 £ 3 3p 3 3 e 13a i 5 3 .v�o1 cxx,z negmo i31.o5o cx