HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1909-04-16, Page 89
Any Time
has been tested in the crucible of ex-
perience, with the fire of public opinion
and has not been found wanting. The
success,of our graduates has not been
excelled.Not the largest, but the
highest grade modern Business School
in Western Ontario.
Individual instruction. No vacation.
Mail Courses. Enter any day.
Write for particulars.
Gxo. Sror roN. Principal.
ow Go
Dress Goods Talk
Everybody is wondering what the new and
fashionable shades are for Spring.
Black, Navy, Brown, Green,
Cobalt Smoke
We are showing allhese fashionable color-
ings, in stripe and plain goods. You can be
assured that our Dress Goods Department is
stocked with the very newest.
Buttons for Trimmings
W base all the shades and sizes; ask to see
that new st3 le of button ; something new
Just out 1
Prints & Wash Goods
The patterns and colorings have never been
as pretty as shown this Season. Stripes are
in the lead. We can show" you almost a
pattern in wash goods that you could think o .
Striped Linens for Summer Suitings
April ist, 2nd and 3rd
Ladies' Coats
We have a nice range of Spring Coats, Long
coats are going to be fashionable. Call and
see the new styles in coats,
House Furnishings
Wall -Paper A splendid display, at a price
that you cannot afford to hiss.
Carpet Squares, Carpets, Japanese Mattings,
Shall Rugs &c.
Lace Curtains, a large stock, from 50c a
pair up to $5.00
Window shades, in plain and combination.
Curtain Poles. Something that is always wan-
an -ted. ; ee ours at 2 poles complete for 25o
Corer your kitchen and dining -room with
Linoloum and save lots of hard work.
Men's Ready=to=Wear Clothing
We. handle the Broadway Brand, which is
particularly noted for style and workman-
ship. We carry a stock that will surprise
you. We are showing some very smart
sty'le's for young men.
An occasional sucker is being
brought to. town by enthusiastic
Mrs. (Rev.) Alf Geiger, is visit-
ing her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S.
Rennie. .
The Board of license commission-
ers for South Huron will meet at
Brucefield, bn Friday 23rd inst.
Mr, J. T: Todd.. of Imperial Bank
Ingersoll, oalled'on Miss McDou-
gall, one day last week.
Good price for Wheat,–.H. Cook
Sons & Co. of Hensel', will pay
$1.13 per bushel for wheat for the
following week.
According to the assessment roll
returned recently the population of
Hay has increased by 27 over the
figures of 1908. The population of
Zurich at present is 545.
An exchange says—"The mean-
est man on earth, (not even ex
cepting the man who uses a wart
on the back of his neck to save
the price of a collar button) is the
man vvho" tries to injure the pres-
tige of .a newspaper by insinuating
that "nobody reads the measly
sheet" and then noses around town
until he finds a copy and greedily
devours its contents."
Notice To The Public
In future any person or persons
who will be caught fishing or hunt-
ing on lot No. 13, L, R. E. Hagg
without a permit, will be prosecut-
ed to the full extent of the law.
D. Smith & Sons.
St. Joseph Iltar. 17th, 1909 83-tf
11 Grares
A iv 1,, attended baseball meet-
ing Waa, r, bald. last Friday afternoon
and t. -clpb organized for 1900.•
Pxosp_R titre bright for a fast
team this Anton and an effort will
tie lxrtrd.e' t ^' the Huron 'County
agnc. ' ,+, is:�} r P '.o desirocts
t . owing offic-
ers wi4ro i s ed:' Hon. Pres.. Dr.
B .A.'''Erita a'r.11; Zion. Vibe -Pres.,
Dr. J. "rfi`Son; Pres., C. Fritz;
Vioe-Pres Gordon ; lst Vice -
Tres., J. Pe Rau; Captain,' T, L.
Wurlu ;nager, Harvey Weber ;
Seo•Treas ' Andrew F. Hess ; Um-
pire, George Hess; Official Scorer,
W. G. Begs. Field Committee, M.
R. Ronnie, Hurley Weber, H. H.
Little, Mascot, Lee Roffman.
The following is the result of the
!wirer examinations, held April 2
and 5, in S. S. No 6, Hay. The
names are in order of merit.
Jr IV to Sr IV Adeline Buechler
497, Laurette. Decker 452, Flossie
fHowalcl 439, Cornelius Foster 414.
Sr III to Jr IV Fred Regier 592,
Lizzie Eisenbach 570, Adlebert
Stnith 604, Beatrice Rennie 602,
Cora Haugh 465, Koletta Foster
464, Herbert Hey 415,
Jr III to Sr III Jacob Gingerich
464, Robert Eisenbach 432, Eddie
Hey 415.
Sr II to Jr- III Herbert Witmer
418, Herly Howard 362.
Jr II to Sr II Philip Eisenbach
348, Isidore • Smith 344, Louise Re-
gier 321,
Pt II to Jr II Theola Smith, Clay-
ton Wildfong.
Highest marks for good conduct
during the term were obtained by
Miss Iioletta Foster,
Sparks, Teacher.
Call and see if you want
Snaps. Largest Stock
in the County to select
Now is the time
to buy yo:;r
Winter Shoes
We have the best Winter Footwear that
can be bought. You can always rely on get-
ting the best when you buy here.
Men's and .Boys' Socks
Felt Moods Wo ein's Leggings Etc.
Prices will be Satisfactory
P. B1-4�_�
ER, Zurich
as a guest of the London Daily Advertiser, tin, lest
metropolitan paper printed in Western Ontario.
A11 the news from all our latest market quotations and all
general and local news worth printing.
SPECIAL OFFER. Send $2.00 for the London Daily Ad-
vertiser for 14 months and 400 votes for your choice of
candidates in the European Trip Contest.
Canada seems to have reached a
point of development where there
is substantial appreciation of Cana-
dian magazine effort. The Horne
Journal annonnees an increase on
Juno 1st from twenty eight to
forty-four pages, with a number of
new departments. Miss Jean Gra-
ham, at present on the staff of the
Canadian Courier and a staff writer
also of thi3 Canadian Magazine, tak-
es the editorial management on
April 1st and is associating with
her a number of the best known
Canadian writers. The Homo 3
Journal, when.the proposed eba.ng-
es have been initegurated, will bo
one of the best of its class on the
continent. The April number just
issued is bright and attractive as
usnal and has in addition to its
very inter'eetip» fiction and house.
hold departments it number of spe-
cial Blister features well worth
while. ' The price is to be advanced
with the June.Y'tunlller, but in the
meaittitne stibse. iptions .aro be&ng
talrt'U at the old figure.
Clubbing rates.
"We have made arrangements
to offer the following low clubbing
rates with THE H3iRnnn
Daily Globe . . $ 4.25
„ Mail & Empire 4.25
Weekly Globe . 1.60
Mail & Empire 1.60
Berliner Journal (German) 2.50
Family Herald & Star 1.75
Daily Advertiser 2.75
Weekly Advertiser 1.50
Weekly Sun 7,75
I' rmer's Advocate 2.25
lowing is the report of Zurich,
markets corrected up to Thursday.
5 to 55
24 00
45 46
1 05 1 06
7.00 8.00
..., 6 6
. 5.00 5.75
. 45 45
Burley ..... .
Dried. tipples
Clover seed
Butter .... 17 17
Eggs . 16 36
Hogs livoweiget �� " 7,05
Cook's Best Flour....,.. 2.75
Wheat .... 1 13, 13
Oras ...... ........ 44 45
I3itrioy...... ...... ...... 50 50
Isoau ..
tlrla; livo',t eight. . , ... 7.1'3
Coughs that are tight, or distres-
sing tickling coughs, get quick and
certain help from Dr Shoop's Cough:
Remedy. On this account Drug-
gists everywhere are favoring Dr
Shoop's Cough Remedy. The tender -
leaves of a harmless lung -healing
mountainous shrub give to Dr
Shoop's Cough Remedy its curative
properties. Those leaves have the
power to calm the most distressing
cough, and to soothe, and heal the
most sensitive bronchial membrane
Test it once yourself, and see 1 Sold.
by J J Memel!,
60 YE.ARS°
ITr?0&�n 1;'dl�ltt3;"„
COPvtlGHT5 &c.
Anyone rending a sketch and (1eacription away
quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an
invention is probably patentable. Comnunlca.
none strictly confidential. HANDBOOK on Potato
sant tree. Oldest noney orfsecuring Valenta.
Patents taken through. unn & Co. receive
epceaal notice, without charge, in the
4A elentRIC htotricem.,
1� hondso ncly illustrated weekly. Largest cir-
culation O1 any sciontitlo Journal. Terms for
Canada Way , a year, postage prepaid. sold >:y
aalllnewoc1cnl errs.�p �$ s�� g+y
BdUF 1� G [ ti 0,36 BPeetlway, C� ewYli N �i
Branch Moo. 45 S' St., Washington, .13.O,
'n"''M giimmediate rack' itOlit
rs rxs� 1l ua'''�9 C:l.`''6Hi
i �u,pr � SS 1111 4,w