HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1909-04-16, Page 7MI••••••0
The Conversion of Sauk -Acts 9:
Commentary,- L Saul pereeetttieg the
tihturch. (va len). 1. And---"lint."-e-R. V.
Ilhe "but" marks the eontrafet between
tL4 aniasionary zest of Philip, and the
permuting zeal . of Seal. saw-- The
glaBle ltS mentioned in the etory' c Ste-
phen, His name in Hebrew was Sattl;
las Roman Imam W013 Pain. Inft-Inp to
this Moment his blind, mfeheeuting loge
against the elisci•ples of the Lord. bunted
iS fiertely as ever. Itreathitig out
threateninoso Persisted in perseeuting
the diseiplts with ineretasing violenee, ;U
If he could not breathe Without uttering
threatenings against them or woal.d. if
able, have slain thein with the breath of
hie lips.--Seott. Uuto the high priest
--Ho devised plan' for fully eatermin-
ating the religion of J:qq1,161. and was
.ready to carry tletent into execution to
the utmost of his ability. 2. Dationerts
--This is the oldest, eh y in the world,
taunted one huadeed and forty utiles
northeast of Jerusalem. In Patine time
J. eentained About forty Jewish syna-
gogues, and between 41,,000 and 50.000
newts. At pfesent it is under Tor -kith
:rale and has a pepulation of about 150,-
000, ehiefly Mohammedans.
11. :nod arrested ittol etinvleted tvo. 3-
3. nutlilenly---- About noon t'hap. 22;
6); at midday (Oleo. 20: 131. when the
ISM was whining se there tould be no
deception. Light - It was "above the
Inightness of the sun" (ehap. tan 13). It
wan "in the inidet of this glory" that
Christ was seen by Kau] 1. Cor. 15: tin
amunt, for read himself utteret: them
ita elap. 26: 14, Kiefic against, the pricks
-Or gooks; as stubborn oian did., thus
wounding : themeelyee the 'more deeply.
'Paul was kieking against the goads (1)
by refusing the leingdom of God; (2)
by misting the Holy Spirit; (3) by
striving againet the new zinpulees that
verubeing awakened in bit sold; (4)
by opposing the goodness of God; (5) by
destroying niod?s people."
6. Trembling, ete.--A true description
of a sinner who sees the wiCkedness of
his heart. What wilt thou, etc. -Corn
,vineed that ho bad persecuted Christ,
, and that his religious views and clime -
ter were wrong, he submits himself to..
the will of Him who had aaresled him in
his blind careec, with the consent that
110 would be Obedient to all his diree-
tions. Anse- Until now he had cau-
tioned prostrate on the ground. Go -
into Damascus, to bo inatrueted by on'
whom he was on his way to neetheY•
7. Hearing a. voice -In chap. 22, 9 we
are told that those with Paul "beard
uot the voice." "What is meant is &leer-
ly that they did not hear the words
words-imuld attaeh no meaning to
the tounno."--Plumptre. We say that
a 'tenon is not heard, or that we do not,
hear him, when, though we bear his
voice. he speaks se low or indistirualy
that we do not underetand lawn -Hoek -
eta. a Saw no mon.-"Saw nothing.' ---
11. V. The dazzling brightness of the
light had made him totally bIind. They
led Irim-God can quickly humble His
enemies It -believer Ile ems, fit to do so.
9. Neither did eat, oto.---Ifitt anguieh
waa, so oreret• that he had no desire for
food. rit was, without doubt, a time
of great. 'mental eonfliet, of deep peni-
tence>. In (fathoms and alone the strug-
gle went on. "Could he give up ell his
ambitious hopes? 'lrend he leave rank,
wealth, honor, friends? Could be enter
t•ha teervitat of one so despieed, and. suf-
fer reproavh, :Ina anger, :13141 death?
And an for what? Gradually the eon.
filet taased,and light dawned into his
tto that be inehuted himself among those tit. ano• ersito of Saul (vs. 10-19).
who had beheld the Lora after Ms resur- 10. Anambra, We know nothingof thio
reetion. 4. Fell it, the earthe-The alone uoto teta•o, tette!: we find in this le.sson
anil ill ellen. en, 12. He was a devout
mon, itt gotta report among the Jeao
was la 4lorninuilivation with the brethren
at Jerneedem, apd was 1 rusted by them.
lu a vision -Saul W11.4 prepared for the
visit, by to vieion, anti by a vision Anan-
ias is toin to go fo him.
11. Straight -Main thoroughfare of
Damascus: so-called front its running in
a direct line from the eastern to the
them. as done agamot Com. western gate. It was a 'Tule long, a hun-
nom, 5. Who art thou -Jesus knew dred feet wide, and divided by Corin -
Soul before Saul knew Jesus. lord- thian columns into three avenues. --Les
Used to denote respect for some un -
;mown, auguat pereon, I am .14U5314'
takes the name l'ilikh \was the tancta
et dewielt hate.- Inorlbut. Thy m11161 y
iia againet me and toy religion. He whom
-you persecute is the Lord of life and
glory, not simply ploy. fugitive dishiples.
It is hard, eta- -1,his (lease and the
first part of 17. 0 MT omitted front the
3111Vilied Version, but they belong to the
oompany fell to the earth (map. _6: 14).
130=1 a voiee-ln the Hebrew tongue.
The voice was loar and distinet to Saul,
but to those with him it was onla
-mysterious sound (see on v. 7). Why
perseoutest thou ma- Canst thou give
any good reason for it? Must I afresh
be crucified by thee? 'rhos, wbo per-
mute the saints perseeute Ohriet hint -
self, and he tan's what is done agaiust
Look Well to IfOur Kidrioya-ketap
Thorn Ilioalthn and Thus AVOW
fncursiont Diabetes and
lot's Disease;
If you would avoid )3right's disease
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delay about their action, which is swift
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euro attends their use.
Read the following syMptoms-they
tell if your kidneys are mat or welt -
whether or, no .you require a medicine
such as Dr. Ilannitou'e
Does it smell bad?
is it red, bloody"
Painful and too frequent?
Does it drip?
Discolor the linen?
After standing 24 hours, if the
urine is cloudy, highly color..
ed, stringy, contains sediment
like hriokdust, than
win. Ho prayeth-"Breathnig out no.
longer "threatenings and slaughter,"
but struggling desires after life and
light in the pereeeuted. One. 13. Haved
heard, ette.-This hesitancy on the part;
of Ananias to„visit Saul does not prove
that he was either fearful or inclined
to disobedience. Ile was merely exercia-
ing due care. he desired to ba sure about
the matter. Thy Sainte -The Christian
We know of no other medicine which has been so suc-
cessful in relieving the suffering of 1,vomen, or secured so
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and. irregular periods and midammatron of the uterus, lt suf-
fered like a, martyr and tbsouniat often of death. 11 consulted
two doctors who could do nothrog for me. I went to a bospit-411,
and the best doctors said 1 must submit to an operation, because
I hal a tremor. I went 'frank Weenie much discouraged. One of -
ray cousins advised ate to take your Compound, as it had cured
her. I did so and soma eommeng-ed to feel better, and my appe.-.
ute came back with the first bottle. Now 1 feel no pain and am
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Chattel, Valleyfield,113eileriarter Quebec.
Women who are suffering from those distressing ills
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To proteet your statent against the
further inroads of kidney etimplaint rely
on Dr. Hamilton's Pili'. They give in-
stant relief to the bardeOlie, those drag-
ging sensations, desire•ato urinate too
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improve, sleep will be restful. NO medi-
eine on earth will do eoit more lasting
good. Price 25e. per box, or five boxes
for $1, at all dealers,
injury to himseil.O.'When we sin against
rhr;2e1t1761usaw., ecyia!9, against Christ" (1
H. Words of the sienete "Who art
thou, Lord?" (v. 5)... This Napa- the bo -
ginning of Sattl's conversion, •for no Man
calk say that ;testis is Lord, but -by the
HAY Spirit (1 (or. 32:3). "What wilt
thou have •nu. to •do?" ;to 01. This was
the right order; . we must.. know "who"
be is before wn earn know "1rbat" we
are to do; muse be • one with (Atrial,
through his salvation thriore we cart to
One with hint in service, Then he gives
the work (Eph. 4:12. a Thetis. 2117) ;-
Ids power aceorepliehee it (11e1,.
21; Phil, 2:12); to hint we twecona for
our fa Hided nees ten. 14:191:from
him we may receive the approving,
"Well done" (Matt. 25.21).
Straint eonvereion and eonsecration
were almost stmulteneous. Ilis surren•
• der it CO hnrneditoly tested. -but be was
"not disobedient unto the heavenly
vieion" (Acts 20:10). ThEs perseeator of
men Infante a. prieoner ef nod. Ile who
had :meant to ride to thoneeents as a
leader to commond (v. n, was "lett" "as
a child to obey" (V. S1. Tie who u
going in. pride to perstsene, mitered lit
humility to eeffote not itt destroy tht
ChristianE., but to Le• one of them,
was three days \Miltd tight, and
1teither (111eat tt a. drink" tet. 91. Viv-
idly .c0010 before him li l,s oppoeition
to cvd, rep:4.114m of t foist. his ;arse -
onion Of the boty tows; lie saw the
awfulneeo ef hie elle Saul pa -sed three
days in darkuese n. .11...11S lay three day' -
the grave,. There in 111,- derkre•es be
surrendered pride of kr) hirt es "of
Israel;" (a) anetfetry "of )lernal-oho.-
(11) ontionelity as -an lit•loawn
3;5): 14) position as "a Pharisee" (Avis
converts were probably called "saints,"
that is, nholy persona," soon after the
death of Christ. 15. ao-Tlain briefex-
pressive word of the Lord (1) demands
implicit obedience, (2) puts the doubts
of a weak faith to shame., f.3), eontains
promise of the Lord's at and blessing.
-Starke, A chosen vessel -One whom
in -view of his fitness a5. a man, nesua
had chosen for a great mission. To bear
My name, etc. -Paid was the great apos-
tle to the Gentiles vett also chaps. 25.
23.; 26; 1-32: 27: 24). 16. He mast stiffer
-Compare Panne own words in chap.
20: 23 (see also Amp. 14: 19; 2 Car. 11.
23-28). 17. Anemias went -"How beauti-
fully ehildlike is the obedient* at An-
anias to the heavenly \tient) I" %other
Saul -Knowing that the L1..had elaos-
en Saul to a sacred °finite -felines felt a
great respect. for hito oe. -anatomist
in his salvation. Apperaen e tto thee -
This would eueourege :nein, faith; it
was a confirmation 'fr.' il'il, .,-glity of
what he had seen on the rind no Dames
CUP. Hath sent, mt. • 'v. k) aho ea -
courage Saul •to Itti
counted hira •'
et some
Spirit (R,'• a esse:111,
A family Necessi
ntosst'nease --.----
„; ,...tiappuspe
a remedy capable of affordint
inamediate, relief to the hundred,
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back -use Pc.)ISon's Nerviline,
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"Not If fa Cost Ten Dollars
A bottle. would 1 br• w1thout. Polson'
NCTV111X4E.," wrote; „a A,. Itu-th. 11farnm
iiving near Trenton. toit. ";Ntorvilino
'the b,st 13)10501)01d nintent I know. Wi
it for staraavb irouble,‘, ludigestion,
heada,ehe, and mourner notnraaittt. 1t.n0w
of nAhing: better to tako in hat Trate:"
o. break 00 a en:d) or to rub on .fia'
ruemrtatinn or neurhlgia." Illvery'faruW"
,7110-)-ati Iwo)) a few botttet, ol erervitire
• ?aerate pod lave vomiter dottor bilis.
fe4 a protr4etion and sateguati
.iar.tnst the paia); and aehos of ',he entItA
0101 •-nre: r13o,u1Y.,at',..un, • neurafr,lv.,
tvotb.*thE, eo!. 2. 471,,1!••1 for to fano hot
1.0 1:: to 14 :tete ple• lit. iter Canaditto
oteere. dressed weight; rt ft igeratur beef
it (ported at 10 to 10 1-4e per ib.
V, mot April :;•1..t.8 3-4 bid, .hey
aloot 5•8 144. May $1.111 1-1 sellers.
trot. - pH( to On-. hid, May -13 3
NW en )11K o1 0All MARK El'.
no e 11.0 w steady I fair re 1 ininter
11 011.711'r :;.4*1 i ,e111rifitg.11. 1.0 test.
, • 3 . 1 ,• II .
TORONTO MARKETS. The general teittleney: of
t oe,n• is 1 owa nett euietaesa.
N1.11.11tinn. 71,1 ,tti4'. oar( e the 001121ill':,,'
'plot 11..ecipts 0.1 .);.1 1(1)) wpre oonte ail is (Tertin,o; nut
brnail, with pr-ov, tz. .o oth•e•-• there is lea little doing
No wheat le offeran. roe' b. Atorth bons aeo tn' ino trade is not to any coo
to $1.14l. lt,trfot tune. va 1, tan, ; no:. to -intent. Inee good' travellers are
too aoneao ti. eri 1' (Ion t)il, to:- • h sorting lima, awl they retool
changtei, tret httela teniug at 31 i.I ort•speets etestnreging. 1 1t41'4v. are intln•
eionois that- impt••••fred (talent in Atone
• Bat in ilmited motley. 1% i1;, -10e5 wa?„ bit;cing. (lot too roar-
t•itangNi. nal( 11 1.o.eu lotto, s- -‚ la:hem:ors are busy.
112 to ala 0 1. -et tor he. 1. entoo eon 41114.4 tote"
ot 4112 to 141 2..i 4•-•,11. • rase ienola 0 geed eteatly tune all alma,
iheased b. . 1'111 I S14.4.1 1 ; h'
$11.50 all al sato 1,, nes:, teolee. • ponorr: Iota, Ittt ot„4,,en,
, traao „fee 1.. in 17".N.1. 010 OW leo:ft.:inn
Velteat. fan, 1,11-1.4 . 1 ot; a 1 , to, to tontore has impe,le4 .41 1
.1)1).., goes... 'eaten ., t ti 1 01.1 114M41
(1(a1 II 4.1 - re; .111 trtule luta
114tile3. WI it 6.2 oper:t 41 0111. N't .11 the 1,0,1 11444,:.
n 73 :11,1 he general thudea-y is Towards Tin
1I5 provemettf in ell ling
05 tetiere report tbinge still a little quiet.
13 Oil LIIIi nio doubt they. will ,'/Itiln1t4 so 'mail'
pi 00 etti Eater. In dry goods the .,4 13,'.:
ln for summer litteierss ie goon, and •tift•
9 so 1 Ito y.1-xare Inttle tante+. tt Itett,:T nematti
11 '2I leer s.tustnntble 'duet... 'Trade in ti" sm..
It It tier i tittiet. 14;I1 o3It't 1014'
ti 92! aro feirla- s:14.if
ti ; The fabolesan inole hem
(1 reents a gi4t,t1 1,1'uttie t•t smoil orders
it 24 toti.gg forward: 1)t•y i- '1 Mei) SPY
41 410 •- 1ft,Oirr.',.q2 1,1 nItIV., 13tf,q1„.
11:11 14 goo Vaster trade ,oseina
:,-'0t'.t. Ar, 114 -.Ftht
In 1114 011 1114.1'4.:1,,ilur ten-
aen-y. t .4 :,-t'. toot ",etet- le1.1 firm.
;, ..11,11.4 It its IWO V'Y
. rk! •
id V, !It iv.... ordt•ra
teto •••• ;at, .... torn:. •1".:•• 1,011e:ore arti
;aeon 1 ;ones are T1i4.1.1Y•
1', I 441 114..4 0,rt.atld tarn's,
. i;'•11.,btenzs w1:1 I- 1.
T.e1u-ormeelit 111
• leo •• ;a; ei tool, dor •
on. t poet '4 -t'1, te• st,•••, !or leeso••-e
hr -11e'-, ar• ooesiataso
1.40014111 gent -.01 ba,ineas
191 100. uttustini:y 1,r's1.. that., is 44.
lent -neva' t • • e ends imprere
ottawaa Sprit/g litto noun.
helpedthe dt-rtiontl 'for st-a,tottaltht 4111(44.
14. tel ail, a:thong:It "lie sorting beanie,*
is yet light.
,res -4 1194, R.1.e5; • • • 1)
, , Packet ... 0 at
Rodeo Ivey. bushel.....11433
t see a'•••4.- .. • :.' . 12 ter
Do. no. .. .. S let
great blessings toS '''''n
gift of the lbolY STinee. '''' en crootoorneg IS.,,t.r...ai..v,..)1kI:,,,,,:lit .... .... : : 12„ u:114
his sight, was a etriknoe e .hnort of the I, tnt'e;:n.',,,,;:tn.ot.. 0.1.0,., .... . ,..1.,
'spiritual light which '1 toe, ..e,'...;ired. A)".•,Vt..' itt"ti.i'itte h . ,-' .. . 0 is
18. As it had been t••••te '-"Iltere is a Erne. two oaf : : : , .. 11 on
difference of opinion ,. •to 'adlether lit- onno.,
eral scales fell from his ..‘en. There iti no nyvii. ;i1. .. , , . ... . t) 1 3
question, however, but ;eel, the restor- nort„..... • 1,. . , . .. ... it .22
ration of his sight was •eupermitural. toony. eto d.'„ : ,, ...„ as 19
"The nature of the injury wealstutot de- 1,,..:...0,4, 'mg .. „ „ , 1) so
t•ennine, but it is certain that the le- ( rui„B„. I ag . ,. ... ... 1 Int
eovery was instantaneous and cool -;:t bore" ,. ... . :; :4 •
pieta --Iirekett. Arose....13aptind -1 Ittat. )im:el:an ere ... .. n ol
From this we bee that he was homed- 1),'e r,,retp,„;•,•,•...
iately baptized, before he had. received 1),,.. toet.••t„ tote -e . a nh
IV, nett? preaching the gospel (ee. 20- Mifiit't-oal,l'iTritu:' %:: r. 1 . e '.1:. . • 1 :"" ::;:'
meat, or feed.
10). lifter Soul's conversion he remain- Vara prime. no oaf. .. )0 •"
ed a shorts time in Damascus, preaehlug Lamle. p -t' eon ... ... . 4.; 1"
the gospel with great power (vs. 19-22)
Iie then went to Arabia where he linnet
have remained between two and three,
years (Gal. 1. 17. 19). This .trabinn visit
must be placed between verses' 22 sail
1 on
111 44
7 tfl
141 )441
11 .44!
LIVE 'nit Is I.
Too raiiv.oys ri)oolv.1 1.:.,,et).:s. e• Coo.
ilsiek tit the (-it y mark:: 0, teit:e :n• ear
low's. colisisting of 1123 ratty,. 1.1.7 1 ',wt....,
23. 37) i4),-,ep, 201 RON-es :Ili: 214.'.''.
PlfITICAL APPIACATIONS. There were very few pito", 1. b.f., 0;
The, Savior and: the Sinner. butebert and export eat ;le.
... Trade. like it WA`, MI Z.1.01.e.y. ‘4.1.›.
I. Words of the .Savior. 'Saul, Sett! • ,
slow. with ;t light th•livetv 01 eattle. hut
(v. 4). :Testis spoke first. .1Ie always ,
panty 10 supple the ,1001:4 :I 1.
does (Rom. 3:111. Sinful man dare not Prices were mato kt )it. to-tea:weed in
first approach a holy God (Gen..3:3,9), aii etteseo „i jive to.tok.
A lost sheep cannot find the • shepherd Expertert, Ther„ ot,t. 4,-w p4ott,i
(Luke )15:4-64. warnisling nmairell patent :goers on adv. e:, 1 prt•to 'v0.-
cannol turn horde to his father's house tit, samo 00 00 oionaat for the sane;
till drawn there by the Memory of his guiltily'. There was. one lot VI four el,-
father's love (Luke 15;17-20. -When God port elver; sold a t et. o4,k i here watt
says, "Seek ;v0 my face," man shouldI ene toad at the .71thetimt „it m„ata.., 1)12/.
answer from bis heart 'Thy faee, Lord,
1r 11 ( 11la t 111 lit ,••,1•1 111 iittt `2;)
tr. • . pr t i . , •
Will I seek" (Ps14. 27:9). "Why proso• to
cutest thou me?" "Wbat wrong host Butchers Tnel,. 1,! hint -hers' cattle
thou suffered that thou doest these
\vasloe. the boo tin the market
things?" "Why pereeenteet thou me?" moon, ot *5 ; „ sonm
e; medium, *4.75
11%1 S t
"You thought you -were persecuting a 331 enomm„,), 34 1„ s4,:10; ,,,,„, 3..0 10
company of weak people on earthoSure- 34.30; mi 1„„ „win: ,„,,, „ori „1 1;1.75;
ly if you bad known you would not
have perseeuted the risen Oudot. I felt Milkers 811)1tipringers. '1114,14'111 mill
tt myiaitlIrdisspsrienroverofraismit.t, /It rt•,at rsy0 ais,,eiticlirtaigi
here In glory. snore than I felt the sharp
the be
as a rle.Theretom thing is tothing 1,4
tvounds, iit my hands and feet, on be r...,1,41 arta that is foto 0,,, worn". no,
t. not as gPra
ood as 1141101. eo ranged front
"I am Jesus" jr* 51' rS;01' I arn the $30 to *50 00(11. 'rite bulk of the loot
judge whom thou perseentest who hath
power not only to emitt• thee to the tows wonld average around 340 tereta
Ito saye, Veal Calves--1(eeeipts were fairly li
earth but to sink thee to hell."
end, but" few of ;hone /plant e ure emu -
".1 am ;Rams whom thou pereeeutest, iii. prie,„, ore (4)1,1101 0 1414 1,1 17 131.1'
tile gracious, tender-hearted, forgiving ea'nr.
Savior; the symiTtibizing, unehanging Sheep and Lambe- - Intpert ewes.
Friend. I will receive you, heal you, re- to 35 par owe_ an b a fee. light lattehers
store you, rejoice over o,'010 Not, "You
are 'wicked. obstinate. ungensronal" He ornate, vein fmt. i47 to a7.75: emunion
olteep quoted at 85.25 to nano; yearling
speaks in a parable: be uses the simile lambs, tea to no por ewt.: epring lambs.
of ,the 'wilful ox kieking ogainst the 331.0 39 00,,b.
goad, winch drove the sharp thong deep- oneaoontetoipie op.ot, pein,e m„,o„orvo.
is bard for my people to bear thy cruel' watereat. and $(1,901. 0. 1). '03" 4It (.01111.•
Mr. Rarrie (netted selet•te :1:1',1 5, ft'J 810
04' into the Rego Re does not say, "1.1
ties." ile does not declare, "It is hard try points.
for 131and 1 will peer out Stay wrath ST-(lATZ "MARKET.
111". thee." No. Tenderly
;leg" flev."' St. tavvrenve suoars. ere 411144404.1 41f4 fol.
"It is hard for thew, thou :art hurting
thy soul; thou art losing' 'joy mid eon- I MS C onel0ted.-$14.8(1 pie- cwt., in 9,,-.,-
tobf°Iszorarrol;tostowitilli!"; 1110a1;d1t,Illorselhetehlei
"Whom thou peiTetuief•t," "Invery
stroke given to the 'weakest:11i(40er of Wines are tie ltPR.
Cilirist's body reaches the. living Head, BRITISH •(A, MARKVITS.
111 1 ver w on • to his little come is an Inealoe cables for eat; n, Ifre eteaely.
!No Wonder They Der:pair-Sea Curet
Has Now Been Ectincl,
It is a '.111 age chime ;them eventna.
Atter oittling toonet ter tetsinons,
the stotnat-0 sinearnity. itrt
; gleasy salves for yeaes. litany 0 -4,Tut
:sufferer gives 1311 in demlak. lie
'What is ibe nsc, may be taunt/it
llut my 43490 11 13011:14,45.'"
t rig 1 I 1111. 17,mit,dy
)list. a FA ile oil of wilttergre.ttit ip.opertit
volliiitom4k4 ;.).s in 3).11.1). l'resterip Hon i
will wash away that 11.4411. 111 1-444.1.
iNIP; 44Ike 4.19141.7' 1144' ti -4'
3 he 1nsta1:1. D. 1). 1). is 11144.4i4444.
11441141 1)1191 14.114.-4 1114111 \11,. 1.1..1. 14111 •
1011. 11441.4IN.4, 4.14'41-1
"ShiO4' 1 11-;.P.. 0 i.V+1 0141
1 am fean.ty yoei, old, 1
11:1V44 sIlfrm,1 494141 1.1,41411;V it; my liantla,
have spent mousy in all kinds of Itiedi-
i vine:, old /laments. bat 1 find mehieg.
'tout) to D. D. 1). 1 1144.94' 11,4.41 sive
bottles and t today ley halals ere Itert,•el ••
ly beaten. 1 tnonn never he NI 1/114q41 it it!
itouse•. otel 1•43 V1 4
41, to my nnicy 141)4I neigh botv•
win, suffer !ten. 414is .40 'All torture.
I tneema."
, Niro. theo• o ',no 11, 1,0111
; r vying with neeme, M1%1111111: 1441 er..
Pril'011 14.41 1111S sill-
fcror not to sit baek and say, "I have
1 tric41 cveryIbittg; 1 ben, ie no 0101 for
me." Tell him te write for free sttuipie
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