HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1909-04-16, Page 6TREE SPLITS ITSELF. An You Heve to Do is to Knock It Down and It Divic?es Up. !tine camel a nureervitl to with the iii n:,euneenient that he 111.01 ue, et diet i 1;. (awing tt self -splitting wood tree. ;ay ''te Philadelphia North 'u ie Jeee. 'Vali li n fuetor of the. Malian rave :s non other than Adrian Anek, the noted ex elute of forestry, who gave to the wot•1 �lte .seal fit and the •dried apple treat. if there is any task that has cause( ]:e ligious men to l>ecome backsliders, an Impelled country boys to leave home to the job of cutting wood. To split en cangll kindling to last over Saturday ant Sunday is a job that everybody want to leave for sorne other person, and t s:aw sufficient lengths to keep the fire rising until spring is a terrific strain o aim. human system. With these thoughts in alind. Mr Anekset to work upon his self-splittin tree. It is not quite perfected. as th knots do not cleave easily, but for or aiiinary use the tree is practical, °JI that is necessary is to (lep the Gree down, As it falls it divides keel ;into stove lengths and tureen in turf split themselves into kindling sizes Jlnek says that he arrives at this eat 7af crossing the anuell-jointed bambos setilt the shellbark tree. •. seet--4-e-e-$-sat-o.4-4-o-9-4-+-+-+++ •i44+4+ ti THE ILLS OF lBesiEiYl•1OOD A 1 OF CHILDREN.. The ilia of eliil,lh >ee•.1 are many, and may prove smeller, ii 4 • not promptly attended io. In t t all homes where I;aby's ()wn Tablets are kept there is a prompt eure at hand for ,ueia 'r troubles as indigestion. Mist, + 'R diarrhoea, constipation. worntS. + .and teething trouble;. And the * mother has the guarantee of ;t + governmetll analyst that this ? s medicine contains nu opiate rrr p poisonous drug. Cdr?. R. Ham -I r mond, Cope WW1). Ont-.. says: -e• "'I have used Baby's Own Tab. 4 lets and think nothing can equal ,l. them for small . children. 1 .p %could not be without theta in + the house. for they salved my 4, little girl's life." soul by medi- * eine dealers, or by mail at 25 + vents a box front 'lire Dr. Wit.' 4 liana' Medicine Co., f ro•.•kviile, • Ont, ++•+4-+-4 4,4 a 4 4-04-4+4-4++++++4• d 4 Maine Schoolboy Traders. ' 'filth a record of swapping four watches in one day Albert Kilby, a four- teen -year-old Freeport schoolboy, claims afar cru mpionship of Maitre. Young Kil- tray can be found at any plate at any tinie. wherever a crowd has collected or le liablg to collect, trying to' trade watches, and its rarely fail:i••to loca•te'a .;;erstomer, 'Saturday the boy sold It watell for $13. He bought it back forV. and another to boot, then finding bis eustorner still open for business he gave him an alarm t'loek for the watch.. Within the last year Kilby has traded' more 'thein:' i00 A:at,;;hea.--Kenuebee J -tar nal. .71117 "CHAMPION" GAS and GASULIAI ENGii^'ES AN ENPERIENCED HOUSEWIFE knows that Sunlight Soap means a wonderful saving of time ,and labour in houso- clesrzing, Whether with hot or cold water, nothing gets the dirt off so quickly and without injury as Sunlight Soap, Sunlight Brakes the :tome 2a$ fres.~ as new. so. Indian Is a Poen` Wolves, t'liltlley lttylnr, a half-breed In(Lieu living, aL Solon Springs,, It ,mall ]clava( near Superior, is. in '(lie: wolf hunting busiucsa for the bottuty Barre is in it, end t. ttehes t11e• wolves by' ru(t)ting* them down He :tit tate hot trail of one of the timber beasts February JO• and overtook the exhausted :tunnel 00 February 22, He killed it w-itla a i1onl Out) tvhielt he enrrie, *best "inettit>rT.'. Taylor says that there i; notliiste' Te. markable , ilhou t. hunt ing wolves es ill this planner. With sllowsltoes 'a span eat) run down a Wolf, cvltone pate. is slower in snow, in from late and it half to two days, but ';Taylor was without. anow- &hoes. .All slice .-needs is enditr.aatee, pt. 'Once and tale ability. to follow the trail of the Wolf atter dark, Ile Indians usually limit in pair,, Superior C'orre- spondetlee St,'Pant l'ioiteet• Pross, Those Spring Hats. • These moa spring hats are frightful iking. ; '1'he' look tike wa,hinb, wilier insert.. .1 It must Rive sadia- iaction or you dont pair for it. SOLD ON TRIAL ae the only Gasoline Engine that you can try. tietors you buy. i know what the "Cham - (goo" will do. and I want you. to be fully tnaitelv4 with !t before you pay for IL The ;= le low. 2'ti11 baridculars tree. • Wm. Gillespie, Dept. "W'1„ $B Front St. East, Toronto KING EDWARD LIKES CROQUET. Does Net Now Play 'Golf, Though He Enjoys Watching It. The beautiful new croquet ground at 'Cannes will probably see a good deal of King Edward should he be there, says "Madame" Golf, curiously enough, does' not slut him and he now scarcely plays at all, although be is fond of watch - ink, the game. There was formerly no croquet ground at'Biarritz, but since the King tools' to going.there annually a lawn has been set apart for then adjoining the golf ?'round and no one else uses it during ertain hours of the day, 'Phe. King plays remarkably well and :adopts the complicated modern croquet, ass unlike the game which was looked upon as only suitable for curates and dld maids. He is said to be especially skilful at long shots. 'rho number of lives lost in the Aiken. Wats tornado is now estimated at forty. two. If 1 U4 Between bridge and stre ani the Lord's mercy may be found. St. Aul,ustin. ted; To eaela a haegit)g l;aiileu (cline,, With h.'IC and there a twig inserted; If ever, mace this world began, .More homely i er 1genr was inv9'ntr;rl.• The poor ir:rerato,, whether utan Or woman, n1:tgt have been d1em,'nfed, Yten erondrsr when you eets them in Show winduws aeattnred through the city, How womou wearing them may win eien'rii love or be eontsidered pretty; You ask yourself as you behold • Them' on the dnaiuniti . /tread to bed^ them. Dow lovely woman, young or cad, May ever be inrll:vett to wear them. I t t be of good (leer yet and cling t ur.ene iegly eo hope, oh, brother: The maiden will be sweet the; spring, f And .eheriniug still, somehow or other: t She never yes ha=s failed to stir The old, disturiring, heaveely passion, No matter what the milliner I)enreed to be the latest fn'rhion. --Ch.it:ago :Record -herald. DOES YOUR HEART FLUTTER, ? You know heart fluttering means you are not as well tie you should be. It's an evidence of impaired nerve and muel- cular power. To obtain cure. 'try Fer- rozone; it has a special action on the heart as seen,.iu the case of Thomas .Grover, of. Cole Harbor, N. S., who says; "If 1 exerted myself it would bring pal- pitation. To carry any heavy weight or go quickly upstairs. completely kopek-. ed ate out. NATben bad attacks earmi rib; I lived in feat of sudden death.1',: 'gone gave my heart the sVerkalaiiiie it needed, and now t am quits wetI.' pox heart or nerves it's hard to excel Tier- roeone; 50e. per box et all dealers. 'Caution. Brown—Don't you think :June a beautiful month? Jones You 'mist exeu a nee from answering that question: 1 was mar- ried. in June -and my wife is in the next room. •-, If' He Only Knew. "eBe isn't handsome. yet he seems po- pular with the girls." "They thick he looks like a )3illikeu." —Louisville Courier journal. Minard's Liniment for sale everywhere. Temperature of Arctic ..egions. The idea prev;tils that the uretic re- gions are aisifgy. .:1 the grip of 'Sing Frost. A carefati .g kept for the Meteor- ological Sbeiety air six mouths, with temperate , ,tib= m., 13 uootl,;!� Ir during •th$ ' as 77 degOttiee e thele rations taken at 8 a. and 8 p. in. shows that as far north latitude, or about 1;+.1s° aortia of Ot- 1+aetatrrXe•at- noon ata `. Wirer British Water Power. The growing industry of extracting aluminum has stimulated the search for water -power in. the British Isles, be- cause the extraction of aluminum is so expersise that ,only low-cost power can be economically employed. In this res- pect Scotland, with its mountains, is creming to the front. The water -power plant at the falls of Foyers, in Scot- land, has hitherto been the largest in (Great Britain; but now a still larger plant, at Kinlochleven, utilizing the rainfall over a tract of •55 square miles, is about to be put into operation for the production of aluminum. Its nine hydraulic, turbines, each of :3,800 brake horse -power, are the largest water- wheels in the British Isles.. I was cured 'of acute. 13ronehit.is by ,M1NARD'S LINIMENT. Bay of Islands. .T, M. CAMPB.lrll.L, I was cured of 'facial Neuralgia. by MINARD'S LINIMENT. Sliringhill, `V, S. Wel: DANIELS, T, was cured of Chronic Rheumatism by MINARD'S LINIMENT. GM. TINGLEY. Albert Co., N. 13. • HIS METHOD. "Why de you always burst into tears waren you come home from the club?" • "My wife would burst into tears if I didzt t. I3eat 'em to it, old boy. It's the only way.—Louisville Courier -Journal, Mineral's Liniment Relieves Neuralgia. Preliminary. "Mrs. McGoozle, your husband i3 at singularly gifted man, It's a wonder to --_—_ _ ane that he isn't on the lecture plat- form." "1 think he contemplates hating to that some day. In fact, he has been lec- turing ill a desultory sort of way, just for practice, for the last ten years." "Why, where, Mrs. tfcCootele?" •,rt•, !TFt�r.� kat/4t3t1«tGt :'..!`L37f�� 8 "At home. I'm tiebeandience." • • •fir .. MAKE. ;MEM WORK. .(Montreal Gazette.) The grand jury • of Carleton county, •fit -Ottawa, complains that in the local jail there are n, nrutnlxtr of able-bodied young men confined' for vagrancy and drunken- ness who look upon their confinement as anything but a punishment. The state of affairs is. propably repeated in many other prisone. The child is fat~ r to the eran.• `4Vorcdsworth. 2e af. 8 t rJT. e a degree of north latitrtde, pri' crus 511 degrees Fahren- heit. The teratperature' observations were kept from May t to October 31. A WINDSOR LADY'S APPEAL To All 18omes: will send free with full instructions, ms "`home treatment which costively ,sures Leucorrhoea, Ulceration, Displacemons, Falling of the Womb, Pain- ful or Irregular periods, Uterine and Ovar- ian Tumors or Growths, also Hot 1 lushes, Nervousness, Melancholy, Pains in the Head, Bask or Bowen, Kidney and Bladder troubles, where caused by weakness peculiar to aur Sex. You can cantina° treatment at home at a cost of only 12 cents a week. My book, "Woman'aa Own Medical Adviser," also sent free on request. Write to -dray. Address, Mrs. M. Summers, Box 11..2. Windsor, Ont. -►.4 Moving Stairs fair Waiters. , It is a strange fact that one of the greatest conveniences passible in the working mecbaniem of a hotel is being successfully introduced in foreign hotels, and although manufacturer in New Yodel is only beginning to be heard of in the 'United States. It is known as an escalator, and is a moving runway or stairs for carrying the waiters from the level of the kit- chen to upper dining rooms. Less than a year ago says Popular Mechanics, one of then: was shipped to it leading hotel in Stockholm, Sweden, and some time later another to a - hotel in Buenos Ayres, Others are being prepared for shipment to hotels in Europe, ea -a 134 Repeat it:—err S. hiloh's Cure evil always cure my coughs and colds." Safety at Sea. Some comment was excited in the arse of the Republic on account of the fact that the boat equipment was not large enough to carry all persons on board, It is doubtful whether this is the ease in any ship carrying a Targe number of passengers. The largest lifeboatshave a capacity of from forty to fifty people and if the total eompieznerit be taken at 2,400 it will be seen that from fifty to sixty of such s t eq. ns•tr'„ tion arboatises :towilw sheuchr4cii outfituiredThe of or(Igra ary boats eould lire provided. The folding boat in its latest forms seems to meet this demand to some ex- tent, but still Ieavera rnueh to be desired, and life rafts are d' ffieult to handle. The ordinal; lifelloat of to -day is praotieaily the same cis fora number of years ill the past. 'rhe means of letlntehing the life- boat, however, have:: been improved. The stet davit hail many drawbeelds. Most ritotlern shippe are geetteraIiy fitted with Bottle improveii type ,o.f. apparatus for this pllrpese, Releasing dears of various types are ,trio now on the rnar- ket.—Aineriean R tylew of 1$Eeviews. 11 S l BS.y TE BOAT CATARRH I)e'iryirLi'ul titre 1)Iseovered'1'iriat Cures Quickly, Ohl -fashioned 1'rnletlies were administered ',through the stouoteh only, but as it is impos- siblr' to swallow" any- thing into the lunge. lit- tle benefit ever eesull^d. Strong drugs, Buell as Opium, chlorodyue and eee•aine were resorted to but did more harm than good. Nowadays, when a. doctor meets a ease of catarrh finds the throat filled with mu. Kam—sore all the wary docl•ii, are prescribes (=R.a- iarrhorone beca.rlse he knows it goes direct to the disease. Uatarrhozoue mires by -antiseptic balsam, that etre e:,rrried by the air yon breathe direet to the sourer of the trouble. It .lids cclrectoeati011 • {;lea at away the phlegm carried health - laden vapors to the *one, irritated tissues. In incrminu Le you esperienr•e deeitled re- lief with 1 atarrlrozone and invariably it does Ae(,,al9155. cure every type of Catarrh, 1 ronehiti», irritable Throat turd 1Ioars•eneaa. Just think of it— a sure cure without 71o'4'1011drugs-- one that i, guaran1end and delightfully pleasant as well. Catarrh ozone otrly P0111p1:rte for two Months' use. $1: small (triol) size 25e, at alt dealf•1'rr, or N. t'. Potton 2F Co., Hartford, ('t,nu.. t', S. _l., and King- ston, Ont. CATARR1-IoZoNE A SURE CURE 4 4 His Burst of Generosity. "Your boy's injury is not as severe as I h.ad anticipated," the surgeon as- sured hien. "1 shall not have to ampu- tate his leg." "I ani glad to hear you say so," said Mr. Tyte-Phist, with emotion. "Still if it had been necessary in order to save his life, I-1 was willing to bear the ex- pense .ef it?" old Laid W tab Cuaranteecifor 20 years !F$;EE for selling 4 dozen Co- balt (Told iokinis Rens at 50. each. Those pens write a beautiful color by simply dip- ping in water. • No ink re- quired. Write to•day.s. We trust you with the pens, sell them and return the niouey and win this. bolo beauty Cold Finished Watch arta r so a lovely Tea Set Free COB�LTOO99PE p lee rOut, CAUSE FOR Ili+'.(J1Lis'1'. "Ye,, sulk," said a prominent on of the Dark and Bloody 1; runnel. "it is 7t lamentable feet that the, y"ungnll gen- eration is tubing it, broil 011 tradi- tions and inetitutioli, of lair irelove,.l Southland. Now, (hub w•a4 ('ultltel C'awkright's eldest son, es finer a boy, 1 -gad, soh, a- evuih lived; ler went nawth, and by -and -bye shut Iiimeelf in a saloon in New Yowl., when he might jest as well hut stayed heals anil.had some one elect tlo it for him." ----Pock. m `, v 'IDS '-• r e discovery. Has mors N1/4-144 •41`..41 � miuvenatiu>;.-•italizing force- than has ever before heel offered Sufferers front lack of vigor and vital weakness :which sap 111e pleasures of life should take [;.:N. One box will show wonder- ful results. Sent by wail itt plain package only ou receipt of this advertisement and one dollar. Address, The Nervine Co., Windsor. Ont. • - rLkBD ON THE PARENTS, "Your daughter and her beau were engaged a. long time, wereu't they?" "Goodness, yee! 1 had to bat' eight new sofa cushion covers before: they got married et last."—Cleveland Leader. Minard's Liniment Cures Burns, etc. Paris Doctors May Wear Badges. 1 The Paris Medical Society is consider- ing asking physicians to wear badges in the streets and public places so that they can be easily found iu case of accid. its. It is not infrequent for a pennon in need of medical aid or acting as ;nes- senger for some one who has to run for blocks before encountering a doctor`s sign, and at any time he might ur- knowingly pas a physician. —From Po- pular Mechanics. ISSUE :NO. 15, 1909 HELP WANTED. L)ot.r.r. itt.br 43Am1°laD—RSS'(t7L ila Ot- totwtne: 'wary or commission; ease sea. tre.o or returnable; freight to'apaid• ce(oklairte territory. Apply Alfred Tyler, London, Oath. mi ' AND WOMEN—TO SELL TITUS stocklna claimer; fits on any sawlog machine; a boon til housekeeieres; big pro- fit. A. .111,1120S Choshel., Port liope, oat. 4'A MS FOR SALE. le 011 SALE --Oft TO RENT -140 ACXUDS. close (1> Bothwell; good ,house and farm buildings; good roads; terms easy. Apop7iy ba Gibbous, iiamer .n Gibbous, London, Can- ada. lri Olt c,1LEh .1111>YROVI41) FARMIN Thele( Towllevhtp o1 Ataizta2', County of Welling- ton. 103 acnes, 70 cheered, brick dwelling, school. 1 k nit^die} trout land Levee mites from ;St. :rarest. 53,180 -about $1,500 stow~, bulwnce on mortgage 5%. J. A. Halsted, ,\lour(. ieoreer, Ont. $ , For Sale ,.g. °, Profit-i'dyy- roustamarordsrau in7;i msinl+lS Bulletin SlfRwil Nevi Monthly bulletit>ofRat Bargains, proi"sely illustrated, mailed free; we Pair World', i.ar sit 1'a Dealers, Untie ro y Dion r Syreeese,0]R' FOR SALE. OOLLEN MILL. FOR SALE—BBST custom and mail order business In State; age carepels retirement; don't write - union; you mean business, Wm. Lambert„ Decd City. Michigan. OTS IN PR11'0F; RUPERT, TILE GRAND Trunk Paean; terminus. will be put oa the market In May or ,lune next. Persons iuteuding to invest should write for infor- mal.ion. and advice to the Prince Rupert Real- tytr-Ceeto.u. V!nterciaiancauyerCo.,, B. LiC.ntitsd, 430 Richard s Eel GLN'PS--tnANcu olismCl:.—CRitdw 0E- ..C.k. gtutfarul; wanted eterywhere, adveretisiwg and lntrod'uting 40 Now Family Soap assort- ments. seven Cakes 411.00; box costs ioe; tal- cum powder premium; others in proportion; handrsome packages; competition beaten 40 ways: geliesal ageooy pays $50-$100 weekly. Moore Bros., manufacturers (20 yams estab- ltxhed). 298 Greenwich street, New York. LAND WANTED. WORE SELLING YOUR, SCRIP, WIRIS me quantity and lowest price you will take, subject toregraphlc aicoptamce, you to forward subject sight draft; any bank. Kea- uia,g, 3114 Main, Winnipeg. vv ANTED—SOUTH AFRICAN YEflilk- • ans' land warrants; spot cash paid. W. P. Rodgers, real estate agent, 608 ,McIntyre block• Wtaaipeg, Man. SOMETHING NEW. "Does your opera open rvitit the usual rborus of merry villagers?" "No; my opera is very remarkable. It opens with a chorus of disgruntled tax- payers."--Louisville axpayers."--Louisville Courier -Journal. • - 4 Eepeat it:—" Shiloh's Cure will a1 - ways cure my coughs and colds." Wanted Toast Butter. A young woman .in Philadelphia but reeently married was enjoying the de- lightful novelty of marketing ane morn- ing shortly after•,the tertuil:ation of the honeymoon. "I wish to get some butter, please," said, she to the dealer. `Roll butter, mum?" asked the man. "No," promptly replied his customer, %"we wish to eat it on toast. My hus- band doesn't care for rolls."—What To Eat. AWornan's Sympathy. Are you discouraged? Is your'0rdoetor's bill a heavy financial load? Is Your pain a heavy physical burden? I know* what these mean to delicate women—2 have been discouraged, too; but learned how to cure myself. I want to relieve your bur- dens. Why not end the pain and stop the doctor's ball? I can do this for you and will if you will assist me. All you need do 1s to write for a free box of the remedy which has been placed in my hands to be given away. Perhaps this one box will cure you—it has done so for others. , If so. I shall be hap y and you will be cured for 2c (the cost of a. postage stamp). Your letters held confi- dentially: Write to -day for my free treat- ment. MILS. IP. ;[i CURRAI3, Windsor, Ont. NO OCCASION. Pltilatethropist—Haven't you any sym- pathy for the unemployed, colonest Political ---1 don't know any unem- ployed, sir. Every man of my acquaint- ance Inas been working hard for the lest two or three weeks trying to land as jab in Washington. Repeat it:--r4Shiloh's Cure will always care my coughs and colds." When the Tank Went Dry. "Well, that's another horse ou me," eaid the autoinobilist as his machine stopped dead in the road nine pules front anywhere. `thereupon he began to look around for a farmer. • Minard's Liniment Cures dandruff, Appreciation. Nan -a -Poor girl! She broke down in the middle of that aria and gave It up. Yet you applauded her. .Jack ---I applauded her for realizing that she couldn't sing. ..r<l . -11111 Ia n ,Fa x;Nt1.M.°,!.J{n THE FAVORITES ':asealeeMn?'. e-T^'_.11aete nit vada, liA "Silent as the Sphinx!" T1 MOST PERFECT MATCHES YOU EVER STRUCK Always, everywhere in Canada, ask for Eddy's Matches