HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1909-04-16, Page 44 «�l DamoDODGENIE'Om aDe 4OODEENDG S aDc aDa; Ge The : rich Herald. The LSONS Ini'orpob aced 1855 CAPITAL .A. - - - $S,500 000 REST FI nnD - - $3,500,000 Has 65 Branches in Canada, snd Agents and Correspondents in alp the Principal Cities in the World. a A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. a v ea SAVINGS BANK DEPA TI ENT Nti Ca Ca at all Branches. Interest allowed 1 > a t highest current rate. is Zurich Branch rDEZ-SIDODOWIDGERISZIMDGEZEKISOD LEGAL CARDS. R. J. 1). COOIKE, BARRISTER AND SO - Li ei tel.., O-Lieiter, Notary Public, Hensel. Ontario. At Zurich (Zeller's office) every Mon- day. PROUDFOOT, HAYS & BLAIR, BAR- ristors, Solicitors, Notaries Public, etc., Gotlerich, Canada. W. Proudfoot, K. C. 13. 0. Hays. G. F. Blair. BUSINESS CARDS. EL S. litHILLIPSF AUCTIONEER, Exeter. Sales conducted in all parts. Satis- faction guaranteed or no pay. Terms reasonable. Orders left at this office -will be promptly attended to. ANDREW F. HESS, FIRE INSURAN- • ce agent, representing the London, Economical, Waterloo. Monarch, Stand- ard, Wellington awl. Guardian. Every- thing in fire insurance. H. C DOAI'T, V. S., AS I HAVE PUN. chased back my business from E. W. Sboskopf, I am in a position to attend to all business as formerly. Calls at Rau's Hotel. . ARNOLD, Manager 03DGEM aiD®tdDe dIZ TB HEIM .. OR. F: A. SELLERYg DENTIST, GRA- 3uate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons', Toronto, also honor gradu- ate of Department of Dentistry, To- ronto University. Painless extraetion of teeth. Plate work a speciality. At Dominion House, Zurieb, every Mon- day. ,-26 PUBLISHED BY E. ZELLEtL. FRIDAY APR. 16th. 1909 W. C. T. U. THE CRY OF THE TWO-THIRDS worth for a fortnight, be found it indeed a pretty, sheltered, quiet work and settled clown to absolute leisure. There were a few boarders at the shabby hotel, but he did not mind thein and they took little notice of lin. He was to be dis-. tui bed however. One day an elder- ly gentleman. while passing the house fell in a sort of faint, every- body was excited, and it was then that the doctor in the plain John J :Droutly of the hotel register show- ed itself,he quietest everybody. commanded them all, was instantly obeyed by everybody and soon had the man restored and sitting up. (To be continued) Ethel M. Williams, Pres„ Supt. Read the pain formula on the box of Pink Pain Tablets. Then ask your Doctor if there is a better one. Pain meane congestion. blood pres- sure somewhere Dr Sboop's Pink Pain Tablets check head pains, wo manly pains, pain anywhere. Try one, and see! 20 for 250 Sold by J J Merner. "You are very kind little sister" was the smiling reply but I must not put your patience too much to the strain, we dootors are unoer• tain fellows. So they had to give him up, reluctantly indeed but finally when they saw he was decid- ed in his choice. "You will be bet- ter alone Maurice" he said to his brother what do you want an old fogy like me frowning in your folly" I'll promise to stand. all the frowning Jack. dome old fellow, for my sake if not for your own, Maurice put an arm lovingly around his brother as he spoke. Don't make it hard for me to say no, my boy, was the reply. So it was settled, he dropped in upon them often at forst Iengthing the time between his.evisits as the months went by ai other interests made them less csriselons of his ab. Bence. He was aletfeys tender and thoughtful, the rarest flowers and earliest fruit spoke continually of his forethought and; affection. He seemed to grudge.. then only one thing, his own society and hie brother guessing the reason, sighed .cy,nnr Yantr" e,ncl. then fez 0 .a.: Notary Public, De e ds, Mortgages, a. Wills and other Legal Documents care a. fully and promptly prepared. Office—vi Zeller block, Zurich, Ont. A MUSIC a t'. 1'�'ll I S S V. MAASS, Prepares s, 1 Pupils for the Toronto Con- n servatory of Music and other s Centres. o Address: s LU'?HEIL1:1 PAliSrlNAW.1. Znrich. 1 E FOR SALE. ( 50 acres, all goad land, -e i1Tt good bank t barn, frame house, ail in tend repair. The farm is well drained, plenty of good water l and will be sold fur .4:;';00.00. `:i ,ply to , E. Zeller, Zurich. 1 LODGE MEETINGS Court Zurich No. MO C. • meets every 1st ,and 3rd Thursday of each month at S o'clock p. in, in the A. O. T. ',N. Hall. .1, .T, \1;:resert, C. R. . pt OA ® 1T ,1T 1. 393il Lodge . t J . V' Y' o No. 393, meets the 2nd and 4th Friday of every month, tit 8 o'clock, in their hall. Monier Block. Faun. WrrwFa, M. W. SHORT -HORN BULL lrir, John i1a.y Jr., hes recently purchased Colonel Grant, from F. .T Graham of Nippon, which he ....:1, i..,,,,, e,,,. 1.1 -in irnr,rnvamani; of lout him :in his own h ^ i' nee STEPHEN COUNCIL The council of the Township of Stephen convened in the Town Hail, Crediton, on Monday. the 5th day of April 1900 at 3 p. at. All members were present. The minu- tes of the previous meeting were read and adopted. The plans and specifications of F W. Farnoomb, Township Engineer, for the construction of abutments for the .bridge across the Sauble River at Crediton, were submitted tb the oqunoil board and the clerk was instructed to advertise for Tenders for the construction there- of. Tenders to be received up to 12 o'clock noon, on Monday, the 3rd day of May next. - The' following Pathmasters. Fenceviewers and Poundkeepers were appointed : Pathmasters—W Huxtable, W Buker, TOliver, J Walker, Wm Rowtclite, 0 Hill, H Wilson, N Baker; 70 Richards, 3 Pressoator; fI Sanders, W' White, R Heanian, E Swexitzer, 1+ "` Sinis, 1"., Stahl, J Wein, er:P Martene, E Carrell W k'inkboiuer, J IC ,'let';, 4I 1'dartene, J Ford, P hi ,. e' ;oys, 3 Wilhelm, L T as , D O'Connell. Jos 1-:..xxiFat) TDietrioh, 0 ild, S Morri- A V711rl, J tiger, >+ h, Dav odgens, N d, ; , Mollura, vwr Webb, E Gill ,Tr, '(xb Austin Hayter, H ileon, J f3reneer, Ed eillrr, .T Merreevrar, Esl nuke, T Whiteside, 0 H Wiiso:.'B' Green, 5 Stanlalca Jr, W E Sant -lent, ent, L Rader, A Brtrl�, S Baker, k, Tttiller, .1 Rhode, 0 Wainer. F eneeviewers—D McCurdy, I Hill, 14 Best, P .McIfienzie, 0 Maohinney E Ring, t; H Wilson, Cx Down and A Hayter. Pomidkeepers--W L'affatt, H Shap - ton. W B Geiser, B Ceanninghani, J Snell, Dav Tl ieb E(0. G I. ite Se No Troubl I AM lid work. ,»r. John Just ins not a man. needing m chBlrK; drnired. respected, beloved. fed len of his calling had won hi:freer' ppres:iation or truer affection from hose they served. Be was not his wn, his life was one long day of elf.alanegation. He was a very atural than, there was nothing trained about him. he took no redit for his life of service and acrifice indeed he did not realize it Sas such. He did not think of timself, every day his hands. Heart and brain wee busy for his fellows strong roan, men called hiin self- enitred, but it was -a mistaken erm Re was God centred, he IF YOU USE Royal Household. Five Roses or other Brands of Flour from Rannie's Flour and Feed Store. The best in Groceries at close Prices. All kinds of Feed on hand. ..1.1111.11410.11. 5. RA1 \NOE,.,. c ZURICH Highest price in Cash paid for Butter and Eggs Po u Dotia �'F"r, 1 per, Patio Gill, w iIa11, R as consciously his Lord's and not hickey, G Webb, 3 Edwards. '7' .1 r Jr, RLOThD J-lastings Brand SIIIN6LES Just arrived. Will give closest prices for quick sale F. C. KALBFLE ISCI, Zurich Laswood .FU R If you want a Piano or Organ—we handle The Bell. When in need of a Sewing Machine—we han— dle the New Williams and Raymond. No agent's commission to pay....that goes to you. New Furniture Arriving Every Day Our Stock is the largest we ever carried and our prices the Very Lowest. its own. Ho owed allegiance to Ami, 0 Finkbeiner; P Bakei, Jesus Christ; belonged utterly to Brenner, F Preeter, 5 Stanla.ke Jt', �� StockofBaby. Carriages bis Creator and through. 'Elim to W Zimmer, A Mosser ant1. Cries .fI those made in that Creator's imago and for His glory. They were only hal£ brothers .John and Maurine Droutly but few own brothers axe a.s devteted to each other as they were, they had one father and two mothers. In those mothers perhaps lay the root differences from which sprang; their many divergencies of character. They were both honor- able, well-bred, refined, Maurice was perhaps the handsomer of the stock, on his farm, Goshen Line, PEDIGREE Colonel Grant, 775014, rn•tn, calved March 28th 19ti$, bred by F J Graham, Nippon Ont., .:roti by Sir Walter. 60450; Proud Duke, 31139; Sutton of Riverside, 22094; Bravery, i'.U519; Prince Albert, 3669, Sir Roger, 3910; Liberator, 146; (86893) General Grant, O;, ; Briton, 370; Napoleon, 802; Prince Albert, 943; Refor- mer (imp) 212; Warden (1563)Roekingbam (560) Sir Harry (1444) Colonel (152) Col- ling's son of Hubback (310). 1)am, Sally .5'7847; Maple Leaf, Sarepta Valley, Gosch- on Queen, Bora. Nancy, Sousie, Sally, Molly, Venus, Strawberry, Lily (imp) 302, Beauty. Wilson. The following orders were )l,ts'=e'u: Minn World, register for births, marriages iages and death, 53.50 ; Tilgip Co exp of same 33cts ; Young Bros uu for nails, 53.56 ; 0 Prouty, gratuity, $25 00; P Baker, drawing the on 1sT Boundary, 55.00: Philip Baker statute labor (Wilson's) $2.Ou J Hodgins rep oul $8.00 ; J Flynn rep Mud Creek Bridge 51.00 ; Jos Haiet wood $10.50; A ilodgins Co gas $3.45; 5 Brown, sundriett, tvvo, feeding the eye like a heartti• 53,(15 ; 0 Christie lumber 57.05 ; W ful picture, Tie had fine businoas Lewis ao on Sanitary Inspector B abilities, affability of manner, in of Health, 514.80 ; Dr P J McCue, short all the sweet graciousness ac of Medical Health Officor $13 50. and fascination that made his The eounoil adjourned to meet mother the most charming of wo- again iii the Town. Hall, Crediton, men, years later when Mrs Droutly on ilionday, May 3rd, 1000 at 10 a• died though Maurice was then en, Henry Eilber, Tp. Clerk nearly a than grown be again pro • mised to watch over and care for Following is the report of S. 5 5 him in every possible way and to N•o 1, Stanley. for March. The stand between him and every evil. names are in order of merit, Her only son was this woman's Sr IV Maggie Badour, John Ran. idol Land her implicit confidence in Jr IV Emily a.do Mirean, Maggie Mir• her stop son was shown by the ab eau, Tillie Btidour, Bortine Mireau, solutness of her content which she .Toseph Rata. had thus pledged him. John had III Nellie Ducliarme, JerryMir- eats kept his pledge, the self-denial eati, (iertie Ran. which was the strongest element II Annie Badour, Albertine of his nharacter was never more can. Petor nucharine. Madeline marked than in the treatment of uiireau, Mario Dttcharme, Verde this Ms only brother. As Ben Ran. Pt II Beatrice Ram Caroline Bad - our, Sidena Mireau, Sr pt i Delor Dttoharnie, Marie Mireau. 1 ' ,l'r pt I Lawrence Ducharme. Star pupils for the month.—Mag- gie Badour, John. Rau, Emily Mir- eats, Maggie Mireau, Tillie Badour, l3ertine Mireau, Joseph Rau, Nellie Ducharnie, Jerry Mireau, Annie Parlour, Albertine Mireau; Peter Dilohartxse, Madeline Mireau, Beat - ride Rail, Caroline Badour, Delor Dutlharnie. A. M. Montague,. Teacher. Rheumatic poison:; are quickly- and uicklyInd surely, driven out of the blood with Dr Shoop's Rheumatic, Reme- dyaliquid or tablet forma Dr Shoop's booklet on Rheumatism plainly and interestingly tells just how this is done. Tell some sufferer of this book, or better still, write Dr .rahoop, Racine, Wis. for the book And free test samples. Send no 'money. o Just join with Dr Shoop erer a easynt Go -Carts and Folding Beds the very latest will arrive about April 1st. Our Undertaking Stock Our stock is now one of the:lar est we have ever carried. Ow lug to the big Caket factory being burnt out in London, we havcdubled our stock, so we are prepared to meet all orders. When iu need of the above give ns a call. Oar business has dubie.l in the last eight years. id biataldit teller hOM PETER MO. I SAAC Furniture and Undertaking DASUWOOD Hiltz had surmised John had loved Helen Farnham. He met her first in her country home at Wentworth. and he introduced her to Maurice. That was in the early years of his growing popularity, when as a young physician he wast meeting with ra,ru success and tri demand on every* hand. Old Dr. Schofield with whom he had studied and who was his ardent admirer prophesied. for hind a place'of honor in his pro- fession, urged himto take a, vaca- tion that .surnitner. "Ton are young and utast not stand too constant ,a strain, takothe advice of an old friend anti este for yourael£ when You can.I Will bare for voter patents ff,�*so,j 1w1. D• want to Rtent� _:Hand give 5ome� s �_ 7 n� . a� +t+e vat'Ytxl� 3 iC �llllllle�i, Every Farmer Should Have a Good Telephone A telephone, in a farmer's borne, not only enables him to keep constantly posted as to market, prices, but saves him need- less trips to town. If a telegram or other important message conies, it can be delivered without loss of time. It will, at a moment's notice, summon a doctor and may be the means of saving your wife or your child's life. A telephone is useful in a hundred different ways and should have a place in every horse --town and country. The Cost is only $112. a year We are making preparations for Spring work and those desiring connections shotildm* complete their contracts befoi;c the 1st of April. Parties in towti or near present lines can be eon - nested on short.notice. E.. ZELLER, Zurich