HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1909-04-16, Page 2the ;homed eine have Iif1i1"hdlpe of t >R VEL SAILS. tinetcar Cern if they eec pe rein the blood - 1 hire! } t ribrn bloc ku1g the road, for the -- country :round le devastated for several Quits Naples for Messina and nee.' +.eir,al. n 1A'halt' ver will Ire the mite0in0 of the Mombsa. •lltentie,u, it is feared 1hitt appalling. loss of human life tenet moue. 1t Tabriz Quite a ii e— 'lugt French hiree within r0urll or iEurope. paraan- Had tlltop(c pr,dtttle ,lottldl t>; busily preparing Think of Enol., to help 1 ratiu the inevitable deiounee- ulent, hut in Asia there is little human- - . iterian sett t.iinent,atel the initebitauts of a.pleet,April 12.•••--A fter flooding ;,vel- Tabriz lime nowhere to 104: for assist- . terda,y afternoon and evening :aNhore in antis- noes:III& are sit' ring death in iln' fare. will: the knnw'1ed�g'•ee that tlu're Naples, wllerc he was given ail entttlt4r etre he 00 e eeape, lzastio welcome by the rhatives of the xity, 'Theodore Roosevelt began the sec• e)nd stage of his journey to the least. African Protcctoratte ancg 1'galad e short- ly after midnight last night, on beard the steamer Admiral. 111 is due at In Worse Condition Than These of TORONTO POOR Mombasa. April 2L England. Mr. Roo'devedt will leatvr the Admire 1 , fora short visit to the rains of Messina.. He found on beard the steamer Signor 1r d rinche, the prefect. of Meesina, who b1 IlCmart{ lzle Statement Made By 'T order of Premier Inolitli, e:ulae np to Naples to accompany Mr. lRuo,evelt, on leis inspection of the: city. Another passenger on board the Ad- -Mint is F. C SlloS Se1os, the n •dish i 1 author and big genie hunter. Mr. Sates is .a,n uld friend of 11r. 1 Roosevelt, and d't:tt, given a Cordial mot - come. Tire well known hunter euid he -.mould he most happy to join Mr. hoose- I vett in bits game (•hooting+, in the neigh- borhoccdl of Nairobi, and Mr. Roosevelt I expressed his eatiefaction. at this pro- :1n1se of his tome:ln\ and the benefit of 1 bis.-eraprderier:cs. A. ris.EN, i p1EIt. Paris. April 1"2. -Thr Freuell plass iN displaying gree:, lettere e1 and euriositV' it Theodore inieec•telt. A majority of the Prot:Pia ec-" eepond, me sent to N;i pies to etroniele ,.heir impressions ett Mr, Rowave.;' cent. that :he fernier pres- :Ident ter the IOei;ed S'nt s is absorbed in himeeet, They ,teeerihe hie eabirn aar filled frith leis leen holed:. ai.I littered with p'`tettograpb' of himself and the members e e' tad. family. 14r, Reweevelt talked freely-, but prin- cipally emelt hineself and his %%ark. the correspondent*. >ay, and be manifested • a dispoetE n te. "preitrh." In his Vont''r- sation h. t !tt ? eti upon in. knit lterbedee• er anceei ry .Ven 1r-- eNnt Ilene(•: al':- 't tn.tnthlnan in ?'t e. ➢ i we.et. Tar/Ong •u pelities, polities,he said he had in January. ele.•te 1 o l,rt eicieney. al' )a rep. -resentenive ,1r ,.one•,y against the pow• ` --- ters of god... 'roro!tt0. A 1(11 12. • Tee tent .ria the 1)ut1ii!li d rt .. '+•e' ixunt.Tl of o11 'for English Clergyman. Toronto de prttell: Rov. 1)1•. 13d niauilli t:regore, of the etarehester and Salford \li��iuu, l:ngr'.and. turuiring hest night in Dunn Avenue 1lethodi-t Churrh 110 su- eial renditions in the great English, ieit• les, .tate-heater in leaartieula r, 'tunicae hie 1i .al ere by the' 1idioming etata- m• ut> : Phis afterllo+a 1 paid a licit with your pastor and the 1'reeident of the Methodist Cenreretwe to some 'of your simile in .leis beautiful city, tate 1 ant tree i0 (:'0Itese ll/at in all my work airnoug tele eitle irree'd tenth of net, own et -dee I have timer seen anything like Oa. eotul:iion- under which sante of .•ottr pour prussic are living." C :opt 1)a'. tlregery said the Eng - Leh diel not eu d' •1 from the rapacity of landlords gas de the poor here. Ile ex - reseal tial• oleitnen that the (sty 4*.oun- eil of Toronto 1i t A not doing it, ditty in 11lioeing the exhtenae and (reetien of tone of the Shacks he visited. WET OR DRY ? Hundred Option Fights in Ontario SERIOUS CHARGES. Alliance is already preparing for the An Exceedingly Lively Time in Montreal City Council. A Mer,tt.real elesetatelt: Ald. il. Mlitrtiu, M. P.. caused. a ecannuoti*n in :the f lty Courhoil to -day by saying Iie knew oaf :in inepee'ter of lahnee who Ilan p:ii.1 :400 for his job and Nel(a• teas ready to give $501) ramie ferr suitable promotion. When oalleti o.; for tLS routes 111 the aldermen who1w l solei tiat-nleelve'r. ,tlld. _Martin declined, saying 1. %.anted to tenemit iris .(decal :ted:visa'rs. A motion was tie WC. i rYKNle4t1ng .\ld. Martin either tr, neci,e got ' Ids l•hatrge or "resign iris. sent. lie then tali the story ..if tie, "ticq et ineen for woe 'ku.w tee way .o t.e•' ebb-re:arid' heart. 1're..u•dl for more 1'r:°...ore.ltle,tl is liarrtiweedp 1111 elcarg. *leve o tee 4 mar'.:ditto of in. eineratie)n, of :1130: ht. is depleirrat1. There woes i great eel* ctver floc' afCdlTl. s3 d ia: t'rd er.,1 Aid. Martin w-ithdrew hiS getter,.? ellerete. sulteti10tinl: n c•t m- r)laint that, an i tepeetcse hat; pail fed his jolt. widie etas' .dr.lerear to be`. ittveeti- gatt<edl. At the sortie see'.rtiro; .1 reeeintliele w11t pressed *ensuring A;1. M; rt,n for • !1. r- ing four al', to +e .nm,oe tai a'Todd r e N"Ilt, to hitt house c cnrp•erdtitnl 1(411115. but as the city 'toed i e ettife=rocl ens. toes 111e Counzil expo el' etl its tenefidete•e in file alderman, who Lad shown a hell of ;lla err only. GOING "DRY." Nineteen Coneties Have Declared for Prohibition local option eouteet14 to be held ;text January. It is exp><>etd•ll that there will lee one llttndre•li of these, litany having al- ready intimated their intention of having by -lairs submitted. These are as fnllr)wet Cities ---131.0 ford aita peterborituglt 'Towns j" lingwJ) 7d, t'obuurg, ,?'vrfi :3 ton, Brampton, inlrlingtotr, ctra ir3•; Oshawa and Britian. The townships so far heard from are es follows: :tibiozi, Brantford, Cale_ don, 1•:s..e 8nnni(.1ltle. Mono, Marl- borough, ittrlborough, Esquesiug, Erantosa, Bur - fent, 1311}1111ritn, East Zorra. { CASTR LOCKED. Br ti:;h•'k or gt Permit Iain. to Land at, `.t,.rini4at. Is Returning to Venezuela'1to Get Back Presidency.. Port tat ripeln, Telt:hee ; April 12. -.11t the urgent 1(iC1 feet of the 111.1118 1)rplartt- wont, 71111011 1t .elli.rigl' "an e:ranlilltalit:itted to the Lundell). Pontine 4)ffila, the !trit- est). (ttnertneent has derided not, to per- mit (' prienn t ai ..ro• fit ine1 l'reeitioalt of Vent'(tela.. t•ci la:iet at '1 tirl,dzi.d Cipriano t a'.1q i•, returning to the West indies from'Europe with th0 avaty- ed pinpose of reeoverlltg the (.'residl'u:•y of \'ertsfutila.. Ile left 1+'rant March 011 heard the 'wt.eanwr (411:1de1011pe. ‘Vitere 181 p111 -p0 .r5 to 100(1 10 tile West Indies, is not dr finitely kntlwn ilt d ori- t.;inl intention wile to leave the tr:uner at Larluairn, the Port •e• G:tl tc tr+, but 1lie V'er:e'zuclaal 601:0 tenant at first re - i ustd its pernossteu. ulksrapueutly this ri'1 is:t1 W11 with• drawn, and it wee intimated that (Stern) t -Mudd land. on Veneruelen sail. but at hie own peril. It was they said that (4aetrn v mild- leave the. Gutelcl• up' 01 Trinidad to await dlvdloenoe11t.. anti watch his opportunity front . the: port. it oval' also said that he ((right continue on to Polon for the same perverse. "Me Guadeloupe is clue a,. Trinidad on .April 10 anti at (111,] lel Ai.rll tai. The latest .&Ilei', from earetete intimated that Juin \'i •ate (,etirali. the present President of Venezuttle. ron'e'mnlat•9u r•e- signin,•.T, in favor of one 'e+ lit!' V le.' ••. .'re.+: ntc, of th0 Mintblie•. A ROBBER BAND Had Planned to Seize Treasure on Caspian Steamer. Baku, Russia'. April I. A band of (;eorg; an revo1utboniets failed by the narrowest- nmeglias yentt'rday eucce:ss- fuliy to carry .out a (;irefully arranged plan to :re'izethe treasure on board a steamer traiiingr on the Caspian and make their esealple therewith into the (':alterius. The steamer Casey -itch, with $000,t specie ou board, was about to •>rihtl Krasnnlodsk yester- day 1110 .1 the police appeared d:t1 i, + .kited. all the passen- $l;rst they discovered and arresee „Oen band, t?bnAlSlltla o fwd let r '41 under the leader- hip74i .e tk . • e. ah an officer til edrpl pirates to rod) the •Codd Zrr "dilldle.. after BACK TO FIRST LOVE And Wife No. 2's Enquiries Lead to Arrest For Bigamy. sluitl,' Faife tieepa±•'11: 11811(1. .1t•- eand. 11 rape labener. (1011 58, Tiling at . few mil.•s from here, liss leen arrested on the ,•hair•.:' tet bi;ralrty, Ar'•atl.l. it fl' ai'ooer•l, 11 as Tuurrit',1 :13 \'comic ago is Preernt t to (. women 11 110111 net dna,t•rted about 1•# .cars 14L0, when he went. to the Nipissingr district and soon.aft.rrwards, it 15 alleged, mete milt- ed tat. Mort h Bay in marriage iage to another '.roman, with -whom he lived et Stur- geon Falls until a couple of years-, ago. A few .months ago lie returned to Smith's Falls, and has sines been living ttit.h his firsi wife, Wirt NO. 2 began snaking enquit•ld•& and titin lecl to hie at, rest • .4reanil hest foto• ehildrnn by his fir*t ttife. Detroit. A ern 12.-- "%Ye have broken tee hack of the liquor trafffic in Michi- gan," declared S npetinteudent Cieeorge W. Morrow, of the Mieiiigan Auti saloon League at ;nidnig'tbt to -night. Definite returns a.t that tune sbowed that of the twenty-seven counties which wore on tate question of abolishing the rale or manufacture of liquor in the borders nineteen had. gone "drys," w'r'en Intel gorse "wet," and indlcatioil% were that til' remaining county. Jaeksan, had voted for prohibition by the slender margin of thirty tutee. Before to -day's etieetion eleven of the righty -three coun- ties' of the State were 'ddry." 4: A DOOMED CITY. • Thousands of Tabriz's Inhabitants Staring Death in the Face. London. Apel) )' .-.1 special to the Landon 1 iwa•e .nen '11• (51.171 pees that the l'rvoaud io lei l 1' e ;ie ferning Tabriz have :a'eeentiy .,ern rr rthi ^l'el by on Lrishnlsu tBjdi ne Amer.ta-t loth 4.1 whom are fenny drilling voletitecop. Cha' 5efteriee, of tho tow(: are i?ureeteinia• daily, and it iaa vnddnttbi.e(: il:ud at: greet 1rngeely° is eipproaeelting. If t -exit holds out theu- altotuis reuse die of etzrvetiorl, while if it fa,1Va probebio, ten traoue,dndl will be mas- Asiored7. Nocavedrannts tnay leave STABBED HIM. ,Portuguese Betrayer Assassinated By Comrade To -day. 1.id,bon.April 1_'.•. varemit Lima. zheman who betrayed his eunn•ades involved in the revolutionary uprising of Jauuar•y, 1908, whew King ('arlo:e and the Crown Prince of Portugal were esssassivated, • was murdered in this ;city to -day. The ace, was one of revenge. .Liula was hat - by hie fellow soldiers and the popula- tion. Re wsss stabbed to death. at tine en- irance of a theatre. The murderer was Arrested. hot lie rallied to give any ex- platnatien of his azide HAD WONDERFUL MACF4INEa But Moses Shtein acid His Wife Had to Abandon It. ee Toronto despatch: Moses Shtein, an Auctt'11111 new, and his ,rife, wilt wore recently ;riu 1sdl en thaxgge of vagrancy, Were arraigned in the police court yester- day Iunrnitlgw and allowed to go on giving an undertaking to leave titre city within twenty•four hours. At the time of their arrest tic0 ceelpl!8 had in their possession an (1e011S:•al 81110 -}Bile ivlaieli they oleimecl would make (omiterfeit• money an well Oak 11 c•ottld not 11t1 detiot'ted, and they tried to get; s,rate local people to lniy it. The tette Cee luta been 1)4473•0(1 to (3n r•olleethin at pollee hea_llg11erte e, New York Co is to Erect One in 11ewwfou ndlaltd. Ct..loln s, Nfld., April 113. --An area of a. thou.:mid • square miles on the oath (!oast of•Newfoundland has been purclra,ed by ;t New York concern, as at result di negotiations with the new .Morris Ministry, and it is an- t'lrunee:cl that it evil be made the centre of exiettsive paper Making operations. 1(• is llndlerstaod that the plane pro- vide for the ereetdon, at a meet of about $10,04(1,(100, of a plant with a 0apaeity of 450 tons • of paper daily. The locality includes a port which is free from ier all the yead around, and it is said that after the plant is in oprl;atiort there will be a regular eveek- br steamer service between Netvfound- leutl'and New York. a+o DEAD ON TRACK. Mysterious Baby Case at Village is} Saskatchewan. Regime, Sask,, Aprit 13 • '.1'he two•year- old baby girl of Albert 111ienke, of elslouthey, met death late on Saturday night under strange cfreumstuaeees. d1 appears that Mrs. J(i-ienke was about two blocks away from laotne, staying with a sick skater -in-law an Satuutlaay night, and her husbentl put; the two- 1eaisold baby to bed about 9 o'nleck. Ile left the and in charge of an elder sister, and went old to get a shave. About nilthiigllt - he returned to the 1'ouse with h,s w)fe and found the little girl gone. .A sea'rah was immediately iustitut.ed• ant... the whole town (urtled out to help find. the '7aber. After spine hours they neve aeross the body of the ehiid on the trael;s; the arm euit off and the bode horribl.r., mangled. A. train had evidently- struck the infant and caused instant' death.. Tt is thought the child walked out on the track in her sleep.. STANDARD OIL PROFITS. Nearly Six Hiaudeed - Million Dollars in Ten Years. St. Lopis, April' 5. S480ial. Aasistant io the United States ' Attorney -G metal .frank B. Kellogg filed his brief of 1,400 printed pagos with the clerk of the United States Circuit Court of this city to -day and eornoteeeed" ins argument, after two yearn of evidence taking, in the (;c,4Srnl(isllt.'s snii. t;o d eeolve the Stand - 01(1 011 Corporation of New .tersey for alleged violations of the Sherman sot. Ma Kellogg- told of tin' wonderful profits of the StaDna re (111 Company,. For the telt yeaa•e ending r nth 1900 the cooce1n 170(1 cermet, lu al' (ted, the comfortable sural of 4 ,119.214 t? ; upon a capitalization of $417,250,01(0 The Stand - ardl .trust anted the Standard Oil Company had paid dividends of $348.400;140 be- tween 1882 and 1006 "And yet,' exelairnee al., Kellogg, "Mr. Iloekefeller, whirs on the witness stand, roiled of tied' llazar:l- of the busi- nerds." '1'llat the defendant's profits Llai averaged about three torte a gallon for ten years was another o1• 471r. Kellogg's assert 1011F. WATE.. -OWER. Ontario and Quebec Manufacturing Centre of America. icti. Our Merchantable Timber Less Than That of States. An (ls:aw 1. t' 51011.11 air. Il. 1?. Young. superintrndent to r)onainbin 111,1710) land, at 1111• r'eallh41Vlas Committee on forests. Nvaterwaye and wafter powers. this m08(401 made the remarkable stn,e- mctl1 that till' rlaorellautnble timber of thine& was; very nntell less than that of the Coital t state •. lis aaaid the for- est. ,reit of the Dominion load been va1i- -oualy estimated at from eight hundred millicln to a hundred million acres, and pit was probable 41)17 the r0lue would be .leas then any, est110.110 whit -h had been • made. Regarding t47.. ware!• powers of 1.11e 1)orainion, he said that: apart, from Ontario information on the subject, it was ver,}' inVulnplst e. 11 weaver. he ee- t.irnated the total ]lore, power known to bo available at 25.0e2,907. of this 17,075.9:19 sins in retic lee' and 3.129,109 in Ontario. exelueivt' c.f Niagara Fells. British Columbia two ntililt n-, Alberta over one million, Northwe-t Territeri"e six hundred thousand. Manit ohm 3474: 040, Ssskatcl:ewan five iti n fired thou.. t and, Yukon 047,000. 1'init Tlrun•eiek 150,090 and Nova Seot iat .54.000. The atttho;pities. he sai.t, were toe eonserva- tivr bili: this was their purpose. 1lepre- Rentingg the water pctw•er on 11 115514 of five potinds of coal per hundred per horse power. thie- represented 551.137,- 590 51137;590 toes of .c•oa1 per allntlnl. Mr. Young said that Inedh' nr Shortt had recently deelared that the territory in Ontario and Quebec where the water power mainly lies would be the luanufaeturing centre of North America. Ile endorsed this deideration. a BRITISH SETTLERS. Busy Times These Days in Irnmie- gration at Winnipeg. Winnipeg, pian., April 12. This week is going to be a.busy one in immigration, and to -clay the rush commenced in earn- 081. A spl:caa1 teen arrived at noon, with two hundred fine looking English settlers on board, all bound for western pointe. At 5 o'clock this afternoon it special brought another batch of two hundred Britisher.:. Early to -morrow another special will arrive with another two hundred, consisting meetly of Brit- i•elt, and fourteen Hollanders, will (x,m0 on the ]'0(711 is express. O11 •dao train alr1v this morning seventy -fire British - e1:4 reached the cit t - • WENT OVER DAM. Man Named Mortimer Browned at Calnpbellford. HOLLOWS FLL A Forger Coes to Penitentiary F:o;. ,Five Yearn. A t,ampixliferd deepat.cil: An accident occurred here to -night, by which an un- married man about twenty-one years of age, named Mortimer, lost his life. He and another man named Barnett were gathering driftwood on the river, when by some means they were both thrower out: of the boat. A rope was thrown to Barnett and he 'watt saved, but Mortimer went; neer the data and yeast drowned. His body has not been recovered. .• LAKE MARINE STRIKE. First Clash at Buffai, -Crow,. Took Non -Union Men From S°tamer. Buffalo, April 12, ---'Che first eleelt be- tween union and non-union forces on the water front ocratrred to -day, when an attempt et•7S made to move a big freighter from her winter berth in the J3laekwell Canal with non-union en- gineers. When it beealrae known that the boat eves to be 11101`ed and that non- 11iti011 engineers were at work a score of men rushed ou board. A hurry call was sent to the police station and a squad of reserves WAS rushed to the Beene. When they arrived the crowd had dtisappeared. aped the non-union en- gineers were with thein. 0'a tb ONCE A CHINESE, ALWAYS ONE. New Law of Naturalization Promul- gated at Pekin. Pekin, April 12.—A new law of natu- ralization wa.s promulgated to -day. It provides that; Chinese no longer may adopt foreign citizenship, and it declares that Chinese who in the past have beeolne the subjects or citizens of other stater . still are Chinese. Many Chinese are affected by this ruling;, especially those :who have registered. themselves in Hong Bong as British subjects, as also a number of high Chinese offioials at home and abroad. Will be Tried on Express ItiChargen. ran St. 'Thomas. I'or,.sdu despit:t : Already 7111re of Ilea nears in the Kinggllton penitentiary, 1.0, w'111e11 term 1!1' 7‘ 0,3 eente0(:e d 'yeSt4't'tiayr by Magistrate Denison in t.hh sober' court, for trying to defraud as number of the local Nodal. t:hri:toplter 111•1. Hol- land will to -day be taken 10 St. T11011110 by (Thief Armstrong, of that place, to bd- • tried. there 00 another ,Marge, that of obtaining a drool, of $2,5011 in Coon'' orders from 1 he Dominion Express Com • pony, on Nov. 7 last•, by giving a forget older on Thomas et Sons Of that plea*. A.11 these orders were disposed of lo, Now York within a few days, as the' pe,Idc1' discovc•tr,l when their started their hunt icor Mullan'!. in ceon:rl'r•t.kin witt the. numerous bank forgeries. 'Holland led: the pollee e a merry ehahse, but was cape lured in Philadelpihia, by Superprrtendent Welsh. of the ('an l..ian flet ,a Live Ageney • and brought Wyk t.,. Toronto ab nit x 00119)0 co: weeks ago. '111017 wore ah'Vsn t•htlros, all toidt. laid by 'Toronto banks yesterday, and. after 11 t•o:ivietiou haul lx•en entered in.. the fired IT'dla/oils e0u.nael offered 7' plead guilty to two others. "Any two of thein;" tVaS the signifi• exult phrase used. lit eeni.elteeing lldlilalihd. Col. Denisoat said. "'Phis is nor of the most deliberate :end 1111•rfi11TS anteceded se1eines it• i:+ possible to devise to obtain money ire • properly-. It is oat's your first offence C)ne'e before yon nor 'before the court. and then you were treated leniently, be valise I thought there were 54.711e dart • proper elements in the ease. '1'1101( is nothing improper in the ease tel -day ex- tent ydntr corn action. Yon have made 1• had veep worse l:y wilful and corrupt• perjury in giving your own evide:Poe-. You will go .lad' penitentiary for five years cm cat31 chargee, the sentencae t.; 1.011 eonletz)rontly. • The prisoner's wife was in court when the sentence w11s lart:naltnlcedl. Holland. who had 77.snnze:l a gray and debona.if• appearance. with a flower in his button hole and some fb,tion reading (natter in Iris hand as he entered tire court, seemed, quite erushed at the Rn41'den csellapse cal' his ewe and the swift eentend'ing. The previous vete? referred to wma three year- ago. when he revived three months in prison for forging rhquee for $13,000 from his employers, tire 'deaf, Bedding Co. - In the present ease tine dofenee took the lino that Holland was in Cleveland. Ohio, on the date of flee forgeries mei frauds, but over a 'score of most reliable citizens testified to having conversed with hien on that dray in Toronto. her. David Newhall, of Philadelphia, whose name Holland forged in trying to ga. the hanks to cash beams dreg -Ale -, gave evidence that he had not beer: in this city except for the trial. a -0 - HIDDEN ' ONEY Believed to Belong to Murdered Peddler Green. Andover, N. 13,; April 12....'i`a,e money which the Italians coveted, and for which "Paddy" Green, the Montreal. peddler, was murdered. has been found. and again there is renewed in- terest in this tragedy of the G. T. P. camp. Countable McRae wnet to the shack where Sepepip and Arosha and three more. recently arrested, Sande Murray and the two Hatches lived, and in the early hours of Saturday morning ripped op part of the floor. He found a lard pail, and )(wired in the 'Cee which it held was a roll of bills , totalling $1,700. Searching further. he found a tobacco box. containing $1,033. ft had been re- ported that $2,600 was the sum stolen from the murdered peddler. McRae also found two watches. The money and. watelies have been pieced in the Sher- iff's care. The date of the trial of Murray and the Hatches for complicity in the murder has not been fixed. yet. BODIES FOUND IN WOOD. inquiry at Robervai, Que., Into Death • of Bernard and Lemieux. Montreal, April 12. ---til inquiry is being held at llobervai, Lake St. John district, this week to ascertain the cause of the death of two men named Bernard and Lemieux, whose bodies were found in the • woods soma time hack. This afternoon Adolphe Gressette left Montreal on the C. N. train for Roberval, aoeorpanied by Deteotice Lapointe, of the provincial de- tective bureau. Grasette was the eom- panioa of the two men, and ho was then last one to see them alive. The three went on a hunting expedi- tion into the woods, and it is thought that at the inquiry soma dight will be thrown on their movements. Gressette volunteered to go to Robervai, if .Itis ex pleases wet'e paid, and the Attorney -Gen- eral immediately aet,eeled to nth proposal. FAMILY OF SEVEN KILLED. Within Four Years Ail Have Met ' Violent Death. Quebec, April 12.—Hews was rceef sed on Saturday from Tadousae that a young pian named Joseph Terring, abed 23, had been instantly killed by falling' from the top of the mast of a schooner. This death completely extinguishes t4 fsmiTy of seven, all of whom have met . with violent deaths in the last four years.