HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1909-04-16, Page 1The Official Organ. of Zurich"' and: Hay Township.
Vol. l X.
Warden Lamont was in Goderich
on Wednesday on business.
Mrs. J. W MoWatters is visiting
friends at Berlin, this week
Mr. and Mrs. Sam E. Faust re-
turned on Tuesday from their
honeymoon trip to Detroit
The electric railway engineers
are running a line about two miles
south of Zurich, towards Exeter
The first Monday in May has
been decided on for tree planting
at the Fair grounds.
Mr. J. J. Merner and family have
moved to the dwelling recently
vacated by Mr. C. Grob.
Mr. W. C. Callfas has purchased
a hackney stallion. He is a tine
specimen of his class.
Mr Jacob Weido is getting
ready to erect a nice brick dwelling,
-west of the Evangelical church.
Rev. A. D. Giselaler left on
Tuesday morning, to attend the
Conference at New Hamburg.
The two Humphrey boys, Fred
and Briscoe left on Wednesday for
the West. We wish them success.
Mr. P. Lamont returned from
the West. the latter part of last
week, after an absence of nearly
two months.
Mr. Robert Green and sister, Miss
Gladley Green, were the guests of
Mr. Herbert and Miss Josephine
Howald over Sunday.
Owing to the disagreeable weath-
er Mr. Allan Ester's sale has been
postponed until today (Friday) at
1 o'clock sharp.
Who is going to be our magi-
strate? There is evidently no great
stampede for the position although
we think an appointment should be
made at once.
Dr. Oven's Surgeon, Oculist,
Specialist will be at Royal Hotel,
Hensel], on Friday, Apr. 23rd.
Hours 5 to 10 p. rn: Glasses pro-
perly fitted, Catarrh, deafness, fail-
ing eyesight and throat troubles
The Young People's Alliance will
take charge cf the Sunday evening
service, comnrencing at the regular
hour 7 o'clock. A program consist-
ing of exercises by the Juniors,
chorus by the Seniors, special re-
citations, solos. and addresses will
be rendered. Come one, come all
and encourage the young people.
Mr. Gordon t3ma1] of Strathroy,
visited here over Sunday
Whip found several weeks agb.
Owner call at this office
Mr. J. Veitch spent Easter at his
home in Aylmer.
Mr. W. Thiel has disposed of his
driver to C. Hartleib, for $160.00.
Miss Laura Siemon of London
spent the holidays with her parents,
at the 14th Con
Farmers wanting good clean elov
er seed can secure same at J. Pree
ter, Zurich.
Miss Belle McDougall of Huron -
dale. visited her sister, Miss Mo -
Dougall over the holidays.
Messrs Roy Geiger and .Alvin
Surerus of the Seaforth Coll. Inst ,
visited their parents, over the holi-
Rain and snow on Tuesday has
made the roads very muddy and
will put seeding back a week or
two later. •
Mr. Henry Bossenberry of Grand
Bend. has rented Miller's hotel. at
Thedford, and will take possession
before the 1st of May.
Messrs. Victor Appel and Maurice
Ran, who are attending the Chat-
ham Business College, were home
over Easter.
Mr. Louis Jeffrey has purchased
the kitchen adjoining Mrs. Mc-
Cortaick's shop and will move the
same to his house near the tannery.
Mr. P. Hauch, who has been
quite ill for the past few months,
shows very little change. It is
hoped the spring weather may
benefit him.
There will be no preaching ser-
vice on Sunday morning in the
Evangelical church, but Sunday
school at 9.30 and prayer meeting
at 10.30.
The meetings held in the Baptist
church the last two Sunday after-
noons. have been quite largely
attended. Mr. Nelson spoke on
both occasions. Last Sunday the
theme was, "The lower of God
manifested in the gospel. demon-
strating its superiority over the
Mosaic law." The evangelist nrg-
en upon his hearers the need, even
more pressing in these days of
religious indifference and spiritual
inactivity, of proving for themsel-
ves the power of the gospel opera-
ting in them unto salvation. Meet -
Ines are announced for each Sunday
afternoon at 2.3o o'clock. for the
APR, 16, 1909.
No. 39.
A Jersey heifer oaif for Bale,
Apply to h &Lamle, Zurich.
Mr. -J. J, Merner wag in Luclknaw
this week.,
Ladies' yubber found by David
Schnell Owner call at this office.
Mr. Harrold A.ppel, of Seaforth,.
spent the.holidays at his home
here •. •
Miss Pearl Wurtz of St Thomas
Ladies' College is visiting with her
Miss Ethel .Itellermaxi of Dash-
wood visited at .tlie home of Mr.
and Mrs. C. Fritz, on. Sunday.
Mr Rellinger of Berlin . visited
his brother-in-law Mr: W. Beaver,
14th Con., the past week,
C. Hartleib is short two or three
hundred bushels of potatoes and is
paying 45 cents per bushel, for
next week.
Lutheran Chureh The evening
service in St. Peter's Lutheran
church will be conducted in Eng-
lish. A hearty invitation is .ex-
tended to all.
Dr Caw of Parkhill was in town
on Sunday in consultation with Dr.
Campbell, as to the illness of. Mrs.
P. Bender, who is quite low- at
present. •
Mrs. (Rev) A. D. Gisehier and
Master Lewis, returned on Monday
after having spent a view joyous
Easter with their _fi`iids in the
Twin City.
We are giving a nickel or gun
metal open faced. watph 'with every
youth's snit sold after next Mon-
day. These are good• time pieces
and guaranteed for a y +ikita; J. Free.
A large number of
last week's storm, k
ported to the seoretai
ron Weather Insurtn
farmer should carry
this Company.
There etrei
St. Mary's'
Co. may
porta int
which is going to
when completed
south side of the
expense, it looks as i
petting to connect w
other of their southern es.
business men of Zurich, Ba
and Goderich should make a+
ruined effort to have the li 'e ex
tended through this section of the
1 have put in a big stock of Wall
Paper for Spring. X invite one and
all to come and see my beautiful
stock. Prices reasonable.
All Farm Produce taken in
Exchange for Goods.
`HO.OoQ•G4.0O•d•�•O00%��oc��ac�•��� 4.
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�' � 4•'O••G9'O.O.O U•G��•U•`Gi•'ty'G1',�.J•C.•''.J•G/• J•��•G'•�.1
Headquarters for the boot that is made in Boots and Shoes.
Complete lines in Fall and Winter Goods
at prices which will save you money.
e are sole agents for the famous Wil-
liams staple shoes, made specially for farm wear
Willi s patent leggings..
land Kant
Krack Rubbers.
Repairs while you wait.
We take butter and eggs ill exchange.
3=18013C3* i.iK0 `a et°3i3+ #? 3E38C3£ . 7+x"3: ' 38arq iOiZ •'+r'w •i:
ralld is lay of Spring
MiIlinery Oni
E cordially invite you to visit our formal opening dis-
play of Spring Millinery, which takes place on
Thursday, Friday and Saturday, April lst, 2nd & 3rd,
and following days. "
We have spared no pains to make this a notable showing of correct
Millinery for Spring 1000. Miss Colvin, who has had charge of this depart-
ment for the past two seasons, is with us again, and the ladies of Zurich
and vicinity may be sure that their wants in this line will receive the beat
attention. You aro heartily welcome to visit our Show Rooms whenever
and as often as you please.
Latest Wall Papers
Do not miss seeing our large stock of new Wall papers,
Borders, etc. Bigger and better than ever. AR prices.
Linoleu ms, Oilcloths, s, Etc.
We have a large stock of linoleulns, in very prettry
patterns, also oil cloths, window shades, rollers, etc.
NVIE take special pleasure in naming our Store the Dress
W Goods Store of Zurich, and this season the name is
more appropriate than ever, as our stock of Dress
Goods is bigger and better than ever before, Neither effort
nor money has been spared in procuring the 1)(':-t and la-
test fabrics manu•Eactured, and our large and well -assorted
l assorted
stock is ready for your inspection whether you buy or not.
Our stock of Spring Dress Goods consist' .,f the following in all
the popular shades and colors :
• SANTOY 'C ORS'i'nD iTIN(: ' \V0 )I. )il Lli();SE
0. hardware
Victor Flour Sifters
Granite Dippers, reg 25 cts for
3 qt granite sauce pans
(3 qt granite sauce pans
pant and skirt hangers
z foot Wood rules
.... . .10
Bargains . .
• q
. L
From 5Oc to $L50
ca IP a
Iron block pianos...,........
100 ft clothes lino wire
50 ft clothes line wire.... , . ...... ..
Large 7 inch scissors. ........
Pocket scissors ,:....,...•.,,•••••.,
Snap Thula mazer ...,.:.•.......••. .,
Get our Prices on Pencing,
Roofing, Eavetroughing, Etc.
All Work Guaranteed
J PR ETE , Zurich
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