HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1909-04-08, Page 8The Zurich hierald lurich's S Most Pi, i ��Stott Our Large Sprin stock now Complete • Dress Goods Talk Everybody is wondering what the new and fashionable shades are for Spring. Black, Navy, Brown, Green, Cobalt Smoke We are showing all these fashionable color- ings, in stripe and plain goods. You can be • XII. assured that our Dress Goods Department is stocked with the very newest. Buttonsfor Trimmings We have all the shades and sizes; ask to see that new stSle of button; something new ! Just out ! Prints & Wash Goods The, patterns and colorings have never been as pretty as shown ' this Season. Stripes are in the lead. We can show you almost any pattern in wash goods that you could think of. Striped Linens for Summer Suitings Vim- .n Millinery pening April ist, 2nd and 3rd Ladies' Coats We have a nice range of Spring Coats, Long coats are going to be fashionable. z Call and see the new styles in coats, House Furnishings' Wall -Paper A splendid display, at a price that you cannot afford to miss. Carpet Squares, Carpets, Japanese Mattings, Small Rugs &c. Lace Curtains, a large (stock, from 50c a pair up to $5:00 "--s- - Window shades, in plain and combination. Curtain Poles. Something that is always wan- ted. See ours at 2 poles complete for 25c Linoleums Co Ter your kitchen and dining -room with Linoleum and save lots of hard work. ' y- = Men's Dead -to-wear CIOthing We handle the Broadway Brand, which is particularly noted for style and workman- ship. We carry a stock that will surprise you. We are showing some very smart styles for young men. MEP Enter Any Time CLINTON BUSINESS COLLEGE lias been tested in,tlte crucible of ex- perience, with the fine of public opinion and has not been 'found wanting. The success of our gr fates has not been excelled. Not tl," largest, but the highest grade mod(etu Business School in Western Ontario, Individual: instruction. No vacation. Mail Courses. iter any day. Write fotrtioulars. Gro. SPO TTO Principal. See our singleliarness at $10.00, at Hartleib's. Mr. Milne Rai lie, who spenttlle past . few months at college in Toronto arrived. ome on Tuesday evening, See our line of baby carriages nobbiest and ob.eapest ever on sale in Zurich, 15 styles to choose from, at Bartleib's. The 45th session of annual con- ference of the Evangelical associa- tion, will convene in the Evange lical church of Now Hamburg next week. Bishop W. Horn D. D of Cleveland Ohio, will preside. An advertisement should always be before the public in some shape. if it disappears it is soon forgotten and those that remain have the superiority and advantage of the absence.- The only good excuse for the discontinuance of an advertise- ment is that of retiring from busi- ness. The pastor of the Evangelical church, who attended the mission ary congress in Toronto last week, gave a synopsis of said congress in connection with his last Sunday morning service. He expects to give a full report some Sunday evening in: the near future. N R CARD OF THANKS CAR LO,D Furniture Arrived 111 6r des All Prices Call and see if you want Snaps. Largest Stock in the County to select from. We, the members of the family of the late John Deiohert, Sr., de- sire to extend our sincere thanks to .all those who so kindly lent their assistance during our recent sad bereavement. Signed on behalf of the family. Mrs. John Deiohert. Mr. Simon Alitteiholtz, an old and respected resident of Stephen Tp. died on 'Saturday, having at tained the age of 77 years, 5 months and 5 days. He was born in Boston in 1831; aia,;a,?.n''the year. 1854.^ was married in Waterloo • Ontario, to Mary.Durr,•who survives, besides the following children : Mrs. Thos. Stevenson of Grey Tp.. Peter, of Dakota; Mrs. John Foster, Zurich, Simon and Bernard of Saskatche- wan, Mrs. W. Hartman of Stephen Andrew of Zurich, John of Hensall Mrs, L. Debus, of Hay, and Miss Teresa of. Detroit. also 47 grand children and 14 great grand child- ren. The funeral took place to Mount' Carmel Cemetery, on Wed- nesday, being conducted by Father Foster and was very largely attend ed. The sons and daughters were much ashamed of the plobian fath- er and Casey wits always kept in the rear of the house when they hnd a party or a reception. One day Casey 'died and there was a great to do about it. Tule children had a finecoffin with plenty of flowers and Casey was laid in state in the parlor. ;That evening an old Irish woman, who had known Casey- when he was a laborer, came and asked to see the face of her dead friend. They conducted her to the parlor, She walked up to the coffin, took a long look and said; "Faith, Casey, an' they've let ye into th' parlor at last." C. I4ARTLEIB, zu2icn HURON'S LARCEST COMBINATION STORE Zurich's Leading SJ4OE STORE . Now is the time to buy your Winter Shoes We have, the best Winter Footwear that can be bought. You can always rely on get- ting the best when you buy here. Men's and Boys' Socks Felt Goods" Women's Leggings Etc. Prices will be Satisfactory PI BENDER, Zurich TAKE A FREE TRIP TO EUROPE IIAY STATISTICS The following figures of this municipality have been taken from the assessment roll returned by assessor H. Lipphardt : Number of acres, 52,486, acres cleared 43,457, acres woodland 2,147, acres slash 354, acres swamp 6525, value of land $1,537,240, value of buildings, $850,555. total tastable real property $2,344,420, value of property ex- empt $42,375, business assessment $24,875, taxable income $1.750, total assessment $2,414,420 Population 3167, number of male persons be- tween 21 and 60, 700. COWS AS ORNAMENTS s as a guest of the London Daily Advertiser, the hest. metropolitan paper printed in Western Ot tario. All the news from all our latest market quotations and all general and local news worth printing. PECIAL OFFER. Send $2.00 for the London Daily Ad— vertiser for 14 months and 400 votes for your choice of candidates in the European Trip Contest. Clubbing rates. nrWe have made arrangements to offer the following low clubbing rates with THE HIVRALD Daily Globe . $ 4.25 „ Mail & Empire 4.25 Weekly Globe . 1.60 „ Mttil & Empire 1.60 Berliner Journal (Germane 2.50 • 1.75 2.75 1.50 7.75 2.25 The Reneall Observer of last week says t --"Our Council have not`yet started on the business of the year so far as the streets are concerned, Let every effort pos- sible be made to improve and beau- tify our villege, even though the cows be prevented from running at large." Our, little village back here in the woods has put restraint on the bovines for years past, and unless our Eastern neighbor does likewise, it Will be put in the Exe- tor class, where e kind cf in and out arrangement is in force. Tidy etlerig flea rosentri'r P' .ns; f.re an lelpcst;ible CClnlliit,ition. Family Herald & Star Daily Advertiser Weekly Advertiser Weekly Sun Farmer's Advocate MARKET REPORT.—The fol- lowing is the report of Zurich, markets corrected up to Thursday. 50 to 50 80 23.00 24 00 45 45 1 03 1 01 7,00 8.00 6 6 5.00 5.75 40 40 17 17 .. 16 16 7.05 Barley ... Peas Bran Shorts Oats Wheat Hay Driest apples Clover seed Potatoes Butter Eggs Hogs liveweiget 13ENSALL MARKETS Cook's Best Flour 2.75 Wheat Oats ..,.. Barley Peas Hogs litTovaelgilt 1 06 06 44 45 50 50 t,4 85 ,7 05 Coughs that are tight, of distres- sing tickling coughs, get quick and certain help from Dr Shoop's Cough,. Remedy. On this account Drug- gists everywhere are favoring Dr Shoop's Cough Remedy. The tender leaves of a harmless lung -healing mountainous shrub give to Dr Shoop's Cough Remedy its curative properties. Those leaves have the power to oalni the most distressing cough, and to soothe. and heal the tvost sensitive bronchial membrane Test it once yourself, and see l Sold. by J J Merner. e 60 YEARS° EXPERIENCE TRADE MARKS ' DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &C. Anyone sending a skoteh and description may quickly ascertain our opinion free whether qn invention fa probably Patentable. Coronnuttea- time strictly co iildentlal. HANDBOOK oh Patent% sent free. Meat !money for scouring! ateuts. Patents taken through Munn & Co. reeaivc eperial notice, without charge, lathe - idatlfie tier Call. A handsomely illustrated weekly Largest cir— culation of any se1ontitlo journal !rerra Sdr Canada, $3,25 a year, postage prepaid. Said by all neWsdealers. M NN &,Co�aaasroadrrar, New Yak ilranah Odieo. 625 3' 5t.. Washington, D. C. • get inmate renes goons FA �,L LT �ameDr. Shop's Pelagic Ointment