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The Herald, 1909-04-08, Page 4
% D Ci®@ C{Qt >S1D 7K1OCiDRlrrr ®a )13DC CID( in The MOLSONS BANK.es ca ® Incorporated 1855 CAPITAL .. .. $3,500,000 ©• ZEST Flr43L a $3,500,000ts J Has 65 Branches in Canada, snd Agents and Correspondents in ah the Principal Cities in the World. a a ` A GENEdaAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED, sa SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT 1 is at all Eranches. Interest allowed at highest current rate. v 1 Zurich Branch - . H. ARNOLD, Manager 1 laC�MEIDCDIi CDC'JNIIEDCD®el**DC diDEIMMI CflCi621E9cDOIRCD©!5 LEGAL CARDS. t3. D. COOKE, BARRISTER AND SO- liciter,NotaryPnblie, ICensali3Ontaiio. At Zrrieh (Zeller's office) every Mon- day. PROUDFOOT, HAYS & BLAIR, BAR- risters, Solicitors, Notaries Public, etc., Goderiob, Canada. W. Proudfoot. K.C. R. 0. Hays. G. F. Blair. BUSINESS CARDS. S. PHILLIPS, AUCTIONEER, Exeter. Sales conducted in all parts. Satis- faction guaranteed or no pay. Terms reasonable. Orders left at this office will be promptly attended to. ANDREW F. HESS, FIRE INSURAN ce agent, representing the London, Economical, Waterloo, Monarch, Stand- ard, Wellington and Guardian. Every- thing in fire insurance. H. C DOAN, V. S., AS I HAVE PUR- chased back my business from E. W. Stoskopf, I am in a position to attend to all business as formerly. Calls at Ran's Hotel. DR. F. A. SELLERY, DENTIST, GRA- tuate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons,, Toronto, also honor gradu- ate of Department of Dentistry, To- ronto University. Painless extraction of teeth. Plate work a speciality. At Dominion House, Zurieb, every Ion - day. 7-26 E. ZELLER, CONY EI: ANCEP AND Notary Public. Deeds , :Mortgages, Wills and other Legal Documents care fully and promptly prepared. Office,- -Zeller ilice--Zeller block, Zurich, Ont. MUSIC I{ I S 5 V. MAASS, Prepares d A Pupils for the Toronto Con- servatory of Music and other Centres. Address : L•OTrn RAN PA12soNAGn, Zurich. FOR SALE. House and five acres of land for sale— Near Zurich. Good frame house frame barn, and good well, nicely situated for retired fnrmer. Apply to C. Hechler Zurich or E. Zeller. 50 acres, all good land, with good bank barn, frame house, ail in food repair. The farm is well drained, plenty of good water and will be sold for $3000.00. Apply to E. Zeller, Zurich. LODGE MEETINGS THE EIR .LGA I a Pccus LED BY E. ZELLE t.. Co��.Court Zurich No. 1240 ``UV &�. meets every 1st and 3rd Thursday of each month at 8 o'clock p. m. in the A, 0. U. W. Hall. J. J. YIER:IER, C,'. R. e• U'�% Rickbeil Lodge • v v • No. 893, meets the 2nd and 4th Friday of every month, et 8 o'clock, in their Hall, Merner Block. Faun. W'rmWrn, M. W. THURSDAY APR, 8th, 1909 W. C. T. U. THE CRY OF THE TWO-THIRDS We will invite Dr. John, Mr. and Mrs. Weswicks and other guests including Mr. and Mrs. Myers and the girls. "Ah !" remarked ber husband. raising his eye brows. "Yes" of course, she went on we must have Dana Fessenden, I want him to like Kato very much indeed and this will give him a chance. "If this is a match making affair I shall have to wash my hands of the whole business, broke in the gent- leman humorously. "Oh, Maurice behave!" I'rn interested in Kate, and have been studying her of late. She is a superior girl in spite of her pride ; she will lose mach of that when she finds her niche in society, it is largely due to her po- verty anyway." "Wise, little wo man; poverty strikes me as an ex- cellent thing to be proud of." Cer- tainly it is nothing to be ashamed of if honestly come by Maurice. And few would trouble themselves to acquire it dishonestly, I'm think- ing, said Maurice slyly. yet many reach it through dishonesty, you. know, answered Helen. °Right,. my dear" applauded Mr. Drnntiy: But let me know how a few weeiig as our guest at Wentwox th is to die' pose of the Merles, big and little, for the summer?" "Stupid boy. listen ! after the few weeks are end. eel I will carry Kate off with me to Sar•atogit and Mrs. Myers and the girls will. oblige Die by kindly look- ing after the house until my re- turn I can manage it I am sure and leave them feeling that the more freely they use everything and invite whom they please to keep thein from being lonely dur- ing my absence the less I shall he indebted to them for the kindness. "0 wisdom, thou art woman ! But tell me dear, how they are to get money to prepare for this outing "You must compass that, Maurice, make something for Mr. Myers to do and pay him well for it, There must he lots of opportunities to work him in." "Little schemer ! I wonder where I can beg, borrow or steal manuscript enough for him to copy. I suppose I shall not dare to allow my part in the program to fail since you have set your heart on your ;'access." I shall succeed, and she did. At firstXate was rath er shy and slow in returning the affection, of these two conspirators for Maurice was completely won over to Helen's • side and abetted ber every effort to overrule the girls pride—but she could not long resist. . The friendship offered her was so genuine, the opera, the pia ture gallery. the dinner party were so often shared with her, that she grew to quite expect participation in all their places and pleasures, and was soon running in and out of their home as freely as any one could wish. Helen never reached the same freedom in the old stone house. She tried, but failed., Mrs. Myers was wary about letting any- one in the mysteries of her house hold, it nil parts of this mansion re. mined unexplored territory to the little lady. nevertheless there exis- ted very friendly relations between the two families. the younger mem- bers becoming Mr. and Mrs. Dreut• ly sworn friends, thev bad more cause for gratitude than they guns- sed for Maurice, infected with his wife's interest in theca all, hunted up work for Mr. Myers and made sure he was well paid for his ser- vices. All of Helen's plans came he remem Auction sale of farm stock and imple- ments on Lot 20 S. B. Stanley, i4 miles north of Zurich, on Tuesday April lath commencing at 1 o'clock sharp. E. Tao; - senberry Anet. Allan ;ler, prep. Auction 'sale of farm :1tnck and imple- ments, en Lot 13, Con. s, Township of Hay, en Thursday, April :'th c imiu,:ncing E. ,E at 1 o'clock sharp- , esenborry much. (leo. Witmer, lnop, SHORT -HORN BULL Mr. John Hey Jr., has recently purchased Colonel Grant, from F. J. Graham of Kippen, which he will keep for the improvement of stock, on his farm, Goshen Line. PEDIGREE Could anything. have worked bet- ter? The little lady hugged Maurice ecstatiatiy after telling him the news and he declared his part the most satisfactory. Kate, happy and elated, name from her long summering with Dana Fessenden's fate in her hands, the party spent a few blissful weeks at `Wentworth with flying visits from Maurine and John, 'then reluctantly turned their faces oityward, Why must every thing good end? cried Lelia dole- fully to Helen as they strolled about the garden the last afternoon of their stay. If there wasn't a wedding in prospect, with a shy Iaugh, I shonld be tempted to com mit suicide or—marry a farmer. Then the giddy girl blushed furi ously. Dr. rotLtly had not made his brother's home his own as Maurice anal -his wife had hoped he would wheat they began life to- gether, He;was an old bachelor, he laughingly declared in answer to Helen entreaties. It was better for him to stay in his own house, where be distrubed no one but Mrs, Murray, his house keeper, who quite understood and could put up with him, "Which is tautly saying that do not understand and could' no put up with you" said Helen, I do not believe I should be . disturbed by your ways. Tryime and see, we want you very mach. ((To be continued) Ethel M. Williams, Press„ Supt. Colonel Gromit, 75094, roan, calved March 28th 1908, bred by F J Graham, Kippen One, sired by Sir Wolter, 60450; Proud Duke, 31939; Sultan of Etiverside, 22094; Bravery, 20519; Prince ,Albert, 3669, Sir Roger, 3910;Liberator, 148: i36893) General Grant, 658; Briton, 376: Napoleon, 862; .Prince Albert, 94.e; Refer. mer (imp) 21'2; Warden (15(13) Rockingham {560) Sir Harry (1444) Colonel (152) Col. ling's son of Hubback (319). Dam. Sally 67847; Maple Leaf, Saropta Valley, Govch- en Queen, Dora, Nancy, Sonsie, Sally, Molly, Venus, Strawberry, Lily. (imp) ,302, Beauty. Mr. L. H. Farnham, a prominent druggist of Spirit Lake, Iowa says : "Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets are certainly the best thing on the market for constipation." Give these tablets a trial. You are certain to find them agreeable and pleasing in effect. Price, 25 cents. Samples free. For sale by J J Merner. The following is the report for S. S. No 6, Hay, for the month. of Mar The names are in order of merit. Jr IV Laurette Decher, Adeline Baeohler, Cornelius Foster and Flossie Howald, even. Sr III Fred Regier, Lizzie Eisen- bach, Adlebert Smith, Koletta Fos- ter, Beatrice Rennie and Cora Haugh, (even). Jr III Eddie Hey and Jacob Gin- gerioh, even. Robert Eisenbach, Christopher J3aechler- Sr II Garfield Staubus, Hurley Howald, Herbert Witmer. Jr II Isidore Smith, Philip Eisen - leach, Louisa Regier; Pearl Witmer. P.t_II Thecla Smith. Clayton S Vildfong. Sr Pt I Willie Winner. r . Feta Regier, Theodore Smith, R1aineti an Howald. 11i . Sparks, Teacher. The old fashioned way of dosing a weak stomach, or stimulating the heart and kidneys is all wrong. br Shoop first pointed out this error. This is why his proscription—Dr Sheep's Bestorative-is directed en- tirely to the cause of these ailments the weak inside or controlling ner- ves. It isn't so difficult, says Dr Shoop to strengthen u, weak stom- ach, heart or kidneys, if one goes at it correctly, Each inside organ has its controlling or inside nerve. When these nerves fail then those organs must surely falter. These vital truths are leading druggists everywhere to dispense and recom- mend Dr Shoop's Restorative. Test it a few days and see !Improvement will promptly and surely follow. Sold by J J Merner. March report of S. 5, No 1, Hay. Names in order of merit. Sr IV. Eddie Brisson, Maximo Denomy, John Denomy, Hector Laporte., Jr IV Maxiiniilian Denomy, Va- lerie Laporte and Wilfred Laporte, (equal) Edward Corri wean. .Jr III Eugene, Lillie Denomy, Anna Corriveau, Loretta Laporte, EdwardLaporte, Armand Denomy, Evangeline Laporte and Richard. Laporte, (equal), Simon Bedard. Fabian Corriveau, Angeline Bedard Paul Bedard. SrII Filbert Denomy, Leo De- nomy, Adolphe Sopha, Eddie De - floury, Rachel Bedard. Pt II:I}tnd Jr II Lawrence DenomyBeatrice•Denomy, Charlie Bedard. Star pupils in (1) Sv I Marcel La- porte, 'lrheodore Laporte, Adella Denomy; Larina Denomy, .Albini -Bedard. ; (2) Jr 1 Napoleon Denomy, Lacy Denoureo Adelia Denomy, Leopold Denomy. m to maturity, never in t - beranee of either Lelia or Daphne Myers—Kate's two younger sisters had sue.lt a delightful year had both. Mrs. ll1yers felt flattered, loft in charge of the big house with abounding plenty all about her. She played the hostess with becom- ing prodigality. and Helen, on ber ret nn from. the Lakes thanked her so rateful1y of taking the burden from her, shoulders, that the lady offered to superintend the hoi.se• held for the rest Of the season. Send The Herald No Trouble IN BAKING IF YOU USE Royal Household Five Roses or other Brands of Flour from Rannie's Flour and Feed Store. The best in Groceries at close Prices. All kinds of Feed on hand. S. RANNOE, M = ' • ZURICH Highest price in Cash paid for Butter and Eggs Hastings Brand Just arrived. Will give closest prices for quick s , le F. C. KAL BFL E ISCH, Zurich If you want a Piano or Organ—We handle The Bell. When in need of a Sewing Machine—we han– dle the New Williams • and Raymond. No agent's;, commission to pay....that goes to you. New Fur. y iture Arriving Every Day Our Stock is the largest we ever carried and our prices the Very Lowest. Big Stock of Baby Carriages Go -Carts and Folding Beds the very latest will arrive about April 1st, Our Undertaking Stock Our stock is now one of theblargest we have ever carried. Ow my to the big Casket factory being burnt out in London, we havedubled our stock, so we are prepared to meet all orders. When in need of the above give ns a call. Oar business has dubled in the last eight years. to your absent relatives or friends. They'll appreciate your kindness. Read the , pain formula on the box of Pink Pain Tablets. Then ask your Doctor if there is a better one. Pain means congestion. blood pres- sure somewhere. Dr Shoop's Pink Pain Tablets cheek head pains, wo- manly pains, pain anywhere. Try- one, and see 1 `20 for 250, Sold by 3 J Merner. PETE'* MOm ISAAC Furniture and Undertaking DASI1WOOD Every F;.! rmer Should Have a Good Telephone A telephone, in a farmer's home, not only enables Min to keep constantly posted as to market prices, but saves him need- less trips to town. If a telegram or other important message comes., it can be delivered without loss of time. • It will, at a moment's notice, sat -ninon a doctor and may be the means of saving your wife or your child's life.• A telephone is useful in a hundred different 'ways and • should have a place in every home --town and country. 'The Cost is only $12. a year We are making preparations for Spring work and those desiring connections should complete -their contracts be£oro the lst of April. Parties in town or near present lines can be eon - netted on short notice.