HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1909-04-08, Page 1T Vol, IX. The Official Organ of Zurich „ and Hay Township. THURSDAY IV1 RDH,N G, APR• 8, 5909. No. 38• 6 LOCAL NEWS. Sweat pads at 25 cents each, at Hartleib's.. Miss Phoebe Riekbeil visited Exeter friends last week. Mr. Samuel Faust has purchased a building lot from Miss Lydia Faust. Mrs. Shoemaker of Parkhill is visiting her mother, Mrs. Fred Demuth. Misses Olive and Alvada Weseloh of London arrived home on Satur- day for a short visit. Mrs. Paulin and two sons of Goderioh are visiting at the home of Mr.. and Mrs. S. Rannie. There will be service in the Evangelical church on Good Friday at 10 o'clock a. m. The . brick smokestack at the grist mill has been started this week. H. Weber is doing the work with a number of assistants. Mr. Hamor Well of Seaforth is home for a visit with his parents. See our team harness with col- lars at $25.00, at Hartleib's. Another evangelistic service will be held in the Baptist church on Sunday at 2 30 p. m. The Zurich syndicate stallion will be at John Hey Jr's farm, Goshen Line, until May 1st. Edison phonographs and records for sale by 13.. Well, at Hartleib's store, Zurich. The smoke stack on the Zurich Flax Co's mill blew down on Wed nesday noon, during the big wind storm. Mrs. (Rev.) A 11 Gischier and Master Lewis, left on Friday morn- ing to spend Easter with Mrs. Gischler's parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Weber, of Berlin. Mr. Arthur Hoffineyer, Mrs. Campau, and Miss Teresa Mittel- holtz of Detroit, and Mrs. Steven- son of Grey Tp., visited with Mr. and Mrs. A. Mittelholtz, on Wed- nesday. We pay 40 cents per bushel for good big potatoes. Small stuff must all be picked. out. C. Hart- leib, Zurich. Miss Alinira Stogdill, of the Goshen Line, has 'taken a turn for the worse the past week, and a nurse (Miss Hagan) has been en- gaged. The members of the Ladies Aid of the Evangelical church served a dainty lunch in honor of Miss Sproule. missionary of New Ontario in the Evangelical parsonage, on Tuesday evening. A meeting is to be held in the town hall on. Tuesday evening next at 8 o'clock to arrange for the planting: of trees at the Fair grounds. This should have been started several years ago and a full attendance of citizens. and farmers is requested. Dont forget the date Tuesday April 13th. One by one the old settlers are being carried away, Mrs. Christian Bechler was laid to rest in the Amish cemetery on Sunday, after having attained the age of nearly eighty. The deceased had been a resident of this section for many years and was well liked by old and young. She leaves her aged partner in life, now over 82 years old, and four boys, Menno John and Joel living in this vicinity s.nd Christian of Michigan, besides a large circle of personal friends and acquaintances. Mr. J. Preeter has a new clover seed cleaner which takes rib grass and other weed seeds out of clover. Anyone desiring to use this mill can make arrangements with Mr. Preeter. Phongraph conceiai' every after- noon next week, atHartleib's, Baseball meeting 'this, Friday, afternoon at Ran's betel, All coma. Full stock of. all 'kinds of wire and fencing at lowest prices, at Hartleib's Mr. H. T. D. Cooke, barrister. Hensall was a :,busin@As visitor town, on Monday A quantity of goodred clover seed for sale. Apply to David Schnell, Zurich P. 0 Stephen council report and report for Sop S S No 1 Stapley, had to be held over for next issue. See our solid oak rockers, cobble seat, regular $3.00 for $2,00, at H artleib's. The market .for dufCh-sets is de. moralized this spring; and some growers will suffer ponsiderable loss. ;. Mr. W. H. Kerr of the Brussels Post has purchased. the Clinton New Era from Mr. R, .`Holmes, ex - M. P. of West Huron. A meeting of the Zarich Bowling Clnb will be held in the Town Hall on Friday evening April 16th at 8 o'clock. All interested are request- ed to attend. The Ladies Aid met in the Evan- gelical church on Tuesday after noon for their regular meeting. Two new members united with the society. Miss Lydia Faust gave an excellent address. The society received 7 new members since Mar. Their motto is Onwardand Upward Mr. Dan Henhefer of the 14th Con. is again in the clutches of the law for having threatened to make "sausage" out of one of his neigh- bors. Dan's bark is worse than his bite however and the people are ad- vised to keep buying their "wurst" from the butcher for the present. Mrs. Christina Gabel widow of the late John Koch formerly of the Babylon Line, Hay, died at the home of her daughter Miss Kate Koch. Zurich, on Monday morning, ,having reached the age of 81 years, 11 months and 26 days The old lady was quite smart up to a short time ago, old age being the cause of death. The children are Mrs. Hartung, Mrs. B. Weseloh, and Kate all living here. George of Dashwood, and Justus of Michigan besides a number of grand. child ren. The funeral took place on Wednes- day, to the Lutheran cemetery, and was largely attended. of in Easter service will be appropria- tely observed in the. Evangelical church next Sunday morning and. evening, You are most heartily invited to attend. Dr. Oven's Surgeon, Oculist, Specialist will be at Royal Hotel, Hensall, on Friday, Apr. 23rd . Hours 5 to 10 p. m . Glasses pro- perly fitted, Catarrh, deafness, fail- ing eyesight and throat troubles treated. A very instructive and; interest- ing program was enjoyed' by the members of the W. 0. T, U. at the home of Mrs. J. A. Williams Tuesday afternoon. MiSs Sproule W 0 T U missionary and Mrs E. P. Paulin a county officer,were pre sent and addressed th meeting. Tea was served. ler all 0.1td an op-" portunity given to meet Miss Sproul In the evening a public •meeting was held at the church at which both Miss Sproule and Mrs Paulin gave addressee, the latter on sug gestions for W CTU work, Miss Sproule on her "62 days trip throu gh the Lumber Camps " The meeting was enjoyed by all. At the close the Ladies Aid kindly enter- tained the WC TU and their guests to light refreshments at the parsonage. rimiwaywhiwwwwimi LL PAPER FO" P"WG I have put in a big stock of Wall Paper for Spring. I invite one and all to come and see my beautiful stock. Prices reasonable. A.11 Farm Produce taken in Exchange for Goods, De S. FAUST ZURICH LiWkWAWAPIMMWMAWAVVMVIRMANA • c��'a�'o��oc�-'o�occ�ocgy0000�oocQ • %. O.O.0 0.4. -sea e G> O•lJ'0•4.4 0.0•O.O.O•!7 O �• all THE UP:TO:DATE SHOE STO ',,E oP Complete lines in Fall and Winter Goods at prices which will save you money. p d We are sole agents for, the famous Wil- �D liams staple shoes, rade specially for farm wear qd Complete range Williams . patent leggings, , the'best`on earth. King's Stub—proof and Kant 1a Kraek Rubbers. V,17 Repairs while you wait. Headquarters for the best that is made in Boots and Shoes. • Qe _ m °� gp E, A N — ZURICH dui. Q00 THE SN® ori We take butter and. eggs in exchange. QQ� dog�'ago� 4.0 0cq� O �c fl' 00 3E38+011f 3 3cK 38 #3£380:0 380t8E3f3:E#s4iC3$0343 E3 30343t3113`3110:E.03 f3 3F34311:313 3C# 38023 3 3QEi M 3013,8C3* OE:380.70 3 =Fi 0 0 5 0:406 a£; ?.7 3 AZA=K100450:0‹:;: 3CaiEsi A:3184= A @3 : 204... M-Jtt=z5 3C343 OC4SCABICS3143a9CA panDisplayrin . Millinery O giE cordially invite you to visit our formal opening dis- play of Spring Millinery, which takes place on Thursday, Friday and Saturday, April lst, 2nd. & 3rd, and following days. We have spared no pains to make this a notable showing of correct Millinery for Spring 1909. Miss Colvin, who has had charge of this depart- ment for the past two seasons, is with us again, and the ladies of Zurich and vicinity may be sure that their wants in this lino will receive the best attention. You aro heartily welcome to visit our Show Rooms whenever and as often as you please. cryds ress o' Latest Wall Papers Do not hiss seeing. our large stock of new Wall papers, Borders, etc. Bigger and better than ever. ARI prices. Linoleums, Oilcloths, Etc. We have a large stock of linoleums, in very prettry patterns, also oil cloths, window shades, rollers, etc, Sprin ress 00 s ME take special pleasure in naming our Store the Dress Goods Store of Zurich, and this season the name is more appropriate than ever, as our stock of Dress Goods is bigr. end better than ever before, Neither effort nor money has been spared in procuring the best and la- test fabrics manufactured, and our large and well -assorted stock is ready for your inspection whether you buy or not. Our stock of Spring Dress Goods consists of the following lines, iu all 8 the popular shades and colors : WOOL POPLIN WOOL RIPP DUCHESS VENETIAN ROYAL COSTUME CLOTII RICHESS COSTUME CLOTH 8 SHADOW STRIPE STRIPE CORD POPLIN WOOL SANTOY WORSTED SUITINGS WOOL MELROSE 8 WOOL TRICOTINE BOTANY PANAMA SATIN CLOTII CHIFFON PANAMA DUCHESS SATIN . From 50c. to $1.50 a yard sell SHE .. Hardware Victor Flour Sifters Granite Dippers, reg 26 ots for 3 qt granite sauce pans 6 qt granite sauce pans pant and skirt hangers 2 foot wood rules Bargains . .10 Iron block planes .15 100 ft clothes line wire • • • • .15 50 ft clothes line wire .25 Large 7 inch scissors ......... • . ..... .10 'Pocket scissors • . ... . ,10 Suap l:laa.nd Cleaner ,i• 1 1°. senamemememesmealaamatownernamommeamettmeromwrimommannsomewrommomentmommemrussermetimimammom Get our Prices on Wincing, Roofing, Eavetroughing, Etc. All Work Guaranteed J. PREETER, Zurich • 20 .15 .20 .15 2 6 1 1 1 1 1