The Herald, 1909-03-26, Page 6STOMACH INIBWL EST1O n Pe -r a -ria Strikes at the Boot of the Trouble. M R. S. J. M618$EY. Mr. S. J. Massey; formerly a resident of. Toronto, asci a well-known busines man. writer from 247 City street, Mont real, Quebec. "I wish to testify to the good results 1 have derived from the use of Pe - rune. "Having been troubled for several years with catarrh of the head. I de - tided to give Peruna a fair trial and I ran truly say I have received great bene- fit from its nse. It evidently strikes at the very root of the trouble and good results arc soon noticeable. "I have also found Peruna a very valuable remedy for stomach trouble and indigestion. "I have no hesitancy whatever in re - cc,nrnentiilrg Penins as a reiiable catarrh remedy." i it aro � of indigestion, There ar several kinds i 1 The trouble may be due to sluggish- ness of the liver, derangement of tl;e bowels. enlargement rt the paturreas, or it may be due to the stomach itself. In nearly all cases of stomach indigee- lion catarrh of the stomach is the cause. The only permancnt• relief is to remove the catarrh. Peruna has become well ;