HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1909-03-26, Page 44 DOW7fii'?TAW OD a The d The rich Herald.. I! 'oy porated 1855 CZPITAL - REST E= G; a; ! I71 r w $39500 000 $3,500,000 Has 65 Branches in Canada, snd Agents and Correspondents in all. the Principal Cities in the World, es A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED, 1 S WINGS BNK DE ARTMENT E szscrusassxonnaccurancrucar ce at all 'Branches. Interest allowed at highest current rate. Zurich Branch tu+zt��z QDQISSEDGD H. ARNOLD, QD Manager, - 04.4% LEGAL CARDS. Vit. J. D. COOTIE, BARRISTER AND SO - licher, Notary Public, l{ensail; Ontario. At ZTsrfeh (Ze11er's office) every Mon- day. PROUDFOOT, HAYS & BLAIR, BAR- risters, Solicitors, Notaries Public, eta., Godhrich, Canada. W. Proudfoot. K.C. R. G. Hays. G. F. Blair. BUSINESS CARDS. Ela S. P LLOPS, AUCT10NEER, Exeter. Sales conducted in all parts. Satis- faction guaranteed or no pay. Terms reasonable. Orders left at this oDDiee will be promptly attended to. ANDREW F. HESS, FIRE INSURAN- co agent, representing the London, Economical, Waterloo, Monareb, Stand- ard, Wellington and Guardian. Erery- thingiu fire insurance. H. 0 DOAN, V. S., AS I HAVE PDR - chased back my business from E. W. Stoskopf, I am in a position to attend to all business us formerly. Calls at Rau's Hotel. DR. F.' A. SELLERY, DENTIST, GRA- duate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Toronto, also honor gradu- ate of Department of Dentistry, To- ronto :University. Painless extraction of teeth. Plate work a speciality. At Dominion House, Zurich, every Mon- day. t -23 E. ZELLER. CONVI:IAtiC`.EIL AND Notary Public. Deeds , Mftrt.gazes, Wills and other Legal Doeun.ents are fully and promptly prepared. Zeller block, Zurich, Out. MUSIC miss V. :M EA.s? ISS, Prepares ' Pupils for the Toronto ('n. Ge1`vatory Of ilitlacie anis other Centres. Address : Te:".cin n^:\ Peeeexeen. 7errich. FOR SALE. li=,ti,e an+I irwY tree.' of. 1 o for sal+• - r tsr' iariea. (. aiki il'.ti11e 1 t.onee Irtn t ! ]];tart, and ,,C4-;41 wti 1. Ili,cl; 11.utx1 11 1' ei ti":e'utCl. .�,,,11': tr,, .. 1.9 •,rl ,•; ratticit et E. !.tiler., T.0 -t a, ,.'1 i i lass `, w, itTr gOral li,tula Earn. frame iaCl 1 ,ell ut tVI,04t tepuir. The farm is heli <_llaiat.rl, l.' r t I,f ,i,tltt Witt. •t' and will l.e sops Aj,pl;.' to E. Zile , Zurich. LODGE MEET! P.I GS i ('ourt, lurieh No. 111.111:; .atria. + vtrr Ixt and (Ira T11r;rr4lay of each mon! b ni +s o'clock p. ni. in the .i, 0, V. Ir. 'Hall. J, ,', '1::,~~,s1:I:, C. 11 41f' Tr ''y, j ltiel.:l,eil Ledge lee tS . , ♦ .s XII. 303, meet, PUBLISBED BY E. ZELLER. FRIDAY MAR, ?0th, 18o9 W. C. T. U. THE CRY OF THE TWO-THIRDS How the blue eyes thanked him ! how proud and glad she was as she said. Insight have known you would say just the right thing, but we will not give him up ; we will find some other way to reach him. Per- haps if you signed a pledge first and then asked him to plsce his name beside yours --Perhaps if `1 left my wife and home and took my abode with him, broke in Mr. Droutly playfully, yet with some impatience in his tone. Her words recalled that dark earnest face and the question ! what about yourself Maurice?' How easily he could have led him had he willed to go with hint as his wife had proposed. But Helen must not suspect that, he must get the whole matter out of her mind. Women were queer mortals anyhow ; they did not un- derstand the dealings of roan with ratan. To there self-sacrifice seemed. easy, natural "Ah ! he exclaimed, delighted to find a new channed into which to direct her thoughts "there is Dana F essenden ! what a stylish turnout that is of his. mark how easy those grays keep step. He has someone with him. ICute Myers, well, well 1 I've more than hell suspected it for .a while past. How wili my little wife like that! l f 1 mistake not that young men is a faverit.e of yours, Helen. Itirs, atcldlea:s Myers will 11e lifted to the seventh heaven if Kate catches Ft':-,senden, -The little lady Beside thea speaker ridged a slightly dis- tnrl•f'l fee('. He noticed it. "You do not likemy tone dear," he said, but you have no idea, how ;tonin .lamas strive to inveigle rich sons- in-law. My knowledge is founded on e: pririenee, I having been her first choirs tor her oldest d.t.ughter" A feet znr base, llowvevee repulsive it ]1111}* sound. from my lips, Mrs. Mw ere is poor and proud with a i,tm l -,r name to .St4.port on nothing and three Iiingliters to marry off profitably. what do you think of her Kate':" •';alae. i• veryitantl:tutno and very neughty. I do not feel thnt l Ikrl.:v 11 'r' at aul y.' , i incudal think 1tc:r r11othher's rrlin(:uviring woutd poorly' fit herr proud spirit." "She is used to it, ;she does not see with :'.atii eyes, my love. Her beau. (aid l,antc•nr are her only pos. St S'Siow, the last inheritance left to her from her mare." '•Are they pcor, Maurice`:" they have ;Ann driven from extremity to ex• trc+tnity. parted with almost every thing of value except the old, stone house in which they live and an. other small property that brings an ineignifioant rental, which is in some way entailed or it would have linen eaten up long since. I imagine they finds it herd to provide a beef. the :.'ra-i aarrs1 4th i'1.1.'.:iv of every month, steak for dinner." "Poor things 1" rat 8 o'clock, in tllai' 11ttll. Nicrner I>lor•lr. f They rip not ask your pits, dear, 1 as own ftes r'` and blood. Mrs, Lor rilliar'd way, a mother to her step ON daughter a they were dear to each other, but her son was the counterpe t`of her own soul and be kept his ever open to her scrutiny strong and manly. Dana impressed everybody with here integrity. Ho had a fr aiand way of standing by his prineiples and a way too of valuing people according to his people merit Mr. Droutly rallied his wife not a little on , her preference for this stranger, declaring that the young man's; titre, temperanoe'tenets lay at the roo 'of her partiality ; and indeed this had. much to do with her first interest in `-Mr. Fessenden. ,(To be continued) Ethel M. �Pilliams, Press.. Supt. Nothing in the way of a Cough is' quite so annoying as a tickling, teasing, -wheezing, bronchia -Cough The quickest relief Domes perhaps from, a presoription•lnown to drug- gists everywheae as Dr Shoop's Cough Remedy. And besides, it is so thoroughly harmless that mothers give it: with perfect safety even to the youngest babes. The tender leaves of a simple mountain shrub, give to Dr Shoop's Cough Remedy its remarkable curative effect. A few days' test will tell. t3old by JJ' Merger. OANADIAN NEWS David Brooks, a three-year-old boy of Brockville, was found dead in an old well. John Corway, fireman, of Am- herstburg, was found dead on the shore of the river, and a Coroner is investigating. Enormous fields of ice and ice- bergs are reported in the Atlantic by the officers of the steamer Evangeline, just arrived at Halifax. The Coroner's jury in the Wind - son Station acoiddnt at Montreal exonerated the railway and its employees from the charge of care- lessness. The. town of Welland will sue the gags company for fifteen thou- sands dollars to pay for the Metho- dist church which was burned, and for which the town was compelled to pay. The Dominion Steel and Coal Companies appel:r to have arranged an their- differences, except the pin ; r i this right of the Coal * ":' tliepute any item in I -the, ' ,l orrlpany's 'claim for dam- Iage.. ' J.ztt' t'ottl Oon't.pany is pre- pared t6 hand over two and a half ! .zillion dollar's on that head alone. HENSSAL.L. Exeter boys ,ri tied our hockev team. with a. sdore of (i.li, in a snatch played here, :pan. Tuesday everting. A .meeting. of the local W. C. T. '1 . Was bell at the home of Mrs. J, {�. Stoneman, on. Friday. Dr, Seliery attended the funeral of a friend at Kincardine, on Tues- day last. Mr. Leo Oharleswvorth has moved his furniture to Brussels, where he intends to engage in the hard- ware business. A. Coxworth left list week with a ear of settler's effects, for l askat. ehewan. • 11. .T, D. Cooke 'attendee the funeral oe the late E L. Dickenson, at Goderich on Wednesday last. • The Clinton Poultry Ass'n. have secured the vacant store at the rear of Morrish & Crooks, where they will held aanexhibit onThurs- day, April lst, the da to of the Show. .AMMO M TN t ElICi1icEd.( k'1•r:s,. t a..'ails, M. ' '. fear Mra . Myers would' resent it, see i,; verde vale. )dyers had quite A'lwt•ifrn : ee of . -r. ', .•141 1'Ga 8 t0rt,lllt, when he inarried ]lel`. Ile held furniture, rt l'r' rr'.t l"(i.!e, tried 1:•I!-tirte:'^s in the hope of in - April 2rd, at 1 r.'( . i• E. ; rt' ..rt �, crear4.1 Lie; wveulth, but unhappily Am:no:,E'er. Gr::,. 1::'1,-r•.,}, i'rr'j:. is lint tit.111 ose men without faculty one ' •t ything he touched fatile(l. ie gensnl man, has a fine eau-- cation. du- cat r, t. turd 1 have heard evinoed some talent for atithorship in his youtle Among all the ya nl.; men wit)), enamel Helen became acquaint, n,*t ee lean -refit t se ea t raters e a in "sler .now home, none had 1111- .a t 1: t i ;on. Ia'. 1t;r ;, b l i ILeol3iilij f a w e s air t : u:+11)r'eseec:. her so favorably as Dana seet1 111 1 1 ihI„3i , k !srltt.lr _t �;'l�iftd Jf'E'.S�'L'.- ..Alt. the sio called brothel. of. a'1,10,3 t, e e 1 r.1 t 11'010 rain centers, r;erty<) ;ir flims f_31r11tful.r;elitly, ter>1t: r F ly,It i, c ' .at1i I1 -„'schen, J wt •»: to halve a to ar't 'i-ea.m11315'rlo.ta with 1 , t u. 1 rile (.11180, s: yo:f r 1 ; . ,dl ;,. re,tic VI t u (t'8 breed CC a ; i,, .i lr:r, llrt`aal r l surely i8 torta•ity rcrStop rr, rind tate tablets tin111.:,' distribute but t.ut.atura,l blond 11.,re,urt. Bruise your fin,rer, encs oo rn't it net red, and swell, and pain your 01 even:3 it dr • 1t's eon. gestic», blood 11rt•scur c. 5 01.11 find it %rher0 Dant 3s�-•always. its simply Common Benst,. We sell -at 25 cents, and cheerfully recommend Dr. Stoop's Illeadache Tablets D. S. MRNER, her near neighbor, Mrs. Weswiok. '.!'his Indy, y,wung attractive, ac- eori:13'_shed and very Tittle older than Helen's self was soon her fast friend, she had one little son— Keith--a child of two summers, with wlaorn Mrs. Droutly was soon a favorite, a beautiful boy, tho idol of his another's heart. Mr, ressenaen's mother early indowed had married Mrs. Weswiok's father when his daughter—Theresa L oril- liard---was a girt of fourteen, her son somewhat younger. As there were no children by this second marriage, it is little wonder that the brotlaerless girl and sisterless boy became to each other the sl'vm Atz Old-fhshioncd, Nome -Made Mix- ture which Cures Kidney and Liyer Troubles. ' A prominent local druggist states that since the Celebrated prescription of a 'distnguis1ir d specialist has be- come 11ince or lc •s ]:gown it is inter- fering with the sale of secret medi- cines, especially the patent or ad- vertityrd kidney pills. The preseriil- rin t telt t Pt first appt'eted in a lead - 'ng heal ibjournal, is reproduced here, Just exactly as originally written:^ -- Fluid Ext./act Cascara.. ;i oz. Carriana iana Compound i oz. 311up Sarsaparilla ........ ; , 6 oz. Directions: One teaspoonful after each meal' and at bedtime. Any' good druggist can dispense this, or, .liven better, a person can buy the - items separately and mix than at llot#ic by shaking theta well together in a bottle, It is stated that the ingredients being vegetable, are harmless and simple. It has a gentle and natural action, and gradually tones up the eliminative tissues, leaving the kidneys in a perfectly healthy (orttiatloA. A inerela'at k4.11 kpowyettaleys fu public alts i� carred hair . w xessripe No Trouble IF YOU USE Royal Household Five Roses or other Brands of Flour from Rannie's Flour and Feed Store. The best in Groceries at' close Prices. All kinds of Feed on hand. 5. RA S V N OE, ZURICH paid price in Cash pa�for Butter and Eggs 14 Just arrived. 111 give closest prices for quick sale F. C KALBFLE ISCJ-I, Zurich ASSISTANCE IN UNDER- DRAINAGE Demonstration of Methods of Sur- veying for Drainage. Underdrainage will pay for itself in from. one to three years. Perhaps no example in. Ontario detnonstret es this more conclusively than the drainage of 'tbo Rittenhouse fart.' at ,Tordon Harbour, in the Niagara peninsula. Originally it was very wet, so much so indeed that often the crops were scarcely worth cut- e ting. In 10013 Mr. M. F. aitten- t :louse of Chicago gave it to the Government for tan horticultural experiment farm. In 1007 it was nrulerdratincil, the lines of tile being laid about four and a half rods apart. In inane places the subsoil was very, very heavy, so that the digging was hard and the cost high about `3v" an acre. In 1908 on the part that was formerly' the wettest it grew G:i lmshols of out: to the acre, thereby practically paying for the drainage in one season ; for the year prorious the oats on the sable land were not worth cutting. The Rittenhouse farm was sur- veyed and the drainage system for it planned by the Department of li'hysics tit the Ontario Agricultur- al College. Any farmer in Ontario who is contemplating underdrain. age may an application have his farm. surveyed, the drains planned, and the grafts determined. A fin. itched map containing; this infortna. tion and also the size of tile advis- able is sent to the owner as soon as completed. The only outlay con- nected with the survey is the tra- velling expe.nses of ono magi from Guelph to the farm, consisting of railway fare, meals and catrta;e. of instruments. The railway fare is only one cent a mile each way for this work. At the conclusion of each survey a drainage demonstration is hold in the fioid, and simple practical methods of surveying a (rads, de- termining its grade and securing a true bottom are demonstrated, and the benefits of drainage discussed. Anyone desiring a survey and pian should apply to Prof. W.. E. Day, Depart�:nent of Physics, O. A 0., Guelph. A large number of applications are already in for this season. When you want a pleasant physic give Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets a trial. They are mild and gentle in their action and always produce a pleasant cathartic effect. Call at .7 ,7 Merner's store for a free sample. Sen d 11—h-e-fierald to your absent relatives or friends, They'll appreciate your ktedness, iii EE EXCURSIONS TO Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta Special Trainslcave Toronto 2.00 p.m. on APRIL 6, 20 MAY 4,16 JUNE 1, 16, 20 JULY 13, 27 AIX. 10, 24 SEPT. 7, 21 Second class ticket. from Ontario stations to principal Northwest points at LOW ROUND-TR1P RATES Wionipea and return $32.00; Edmonton and return $42.50. and to other points in proportion. Tickets good to return within 60 days from Qoina date. TOURIST SLEEPING CARS on all excursions. Comfortable bertha, fully equipped with bedding, can ba secured at moderate rates through local agent. Early application must be mad* ASPS FOR HOMESEEP(ERS' PAMPHLET coataiaintt rata and full information. Apply'to nearest C.P.R. Agent or toR. i.. Thompson, Dist. Pau. Aat., Toronto. ONLY DIRECT UNE NO CHANGE OF CARS W.J. A failing tiny nerve—no larger than the {iciest silken thread--tale- es from the heart its impulse, its lower, its regularity, The stomach also has has its hidden, or. inside nerve. It VMS Dr Shoop who first • told us it was Wrong to drtig at weak or failing stomach, heart or kidneys. Elis prescriptions -Dr Shoop's Bostorative--is directed straight for, the cause of these ail- lrents—these weak and faltering inside nerves. This, no doubt'clear- ly explains why the. Restorative has of late grown so rapidly in popularity. .Druggists say that those who test the Restorative even for da few days soon become fully convinced of its wonderful merit. Anyway, • don't drug the organ. Treating the cause of sickness is the only seeable and sticeeasf ail way. Sold by J' ,T M:rner, OAB,LING, Agent, EXETER 60 1f EAf6 `, ''.tt• EXPERIENCE s %rep TRADE 3111A1's s DCSIGN COFWRIGHTSS &C. Anyone sending a.ketch god description may quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an invention laprobably patentable. Commutator'. tlonsstrtotlySconttdont(al. HANDBOOK oltLatentg sent tree. OMeat agency. for teeming to ttente. Pntente taken through Munn &'co. receive 8pccittt stott50, without ohnrao, intim erk ai , A handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest a'lr- cualllatnewsuton ofealergany. seientlno iournul. !Terme for Canada, 63.75 a year„ pedaloprepaid. sold by MUN.N &Co 26iiaroadway, New York, Branch !neo. 628 F Ste Wa*btngton, D. C. PILESget Immediate relief t'rontlli /”! Dr. Shoop's Magic Ointment*, 4